ATF Death Watch 29: Mexican Lawmaker Wants ATF Gunrunners Tried In Mexico. Or Not.
Fox News went in search of a Mexican politician who was properly outraged at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) for running guns from the U.S. into their territory. The...
ATF Death Watch 30: ATF Dir. Melson Shifts Gunwalker Blame to FBI, DEA; Reveals...
Acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson had a little chinwag with Rep. Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley. Appearing with private counsel on Independence Day, Melson dropped the dime on the FBI and DEA, implicating...
ATF Death Watch 31: Obama in the Crosshairs
They may not be mainstream as mainstream can be, but smells blood in the water re: the President's knowledge of---and possible participation in---both the ATF's Gunwalker insanity and the subsequent Department of Justice...
ATF Deathwatch 32: Gunwalker Scandal Now Includes Honduras; Agency’s Future in Doubt
"Virginia O’Brien, Special Agent in Charge at the Tampa Field Division, ran a gun-running investigation that was walking guns to Honduras using the techniques and tactics identical to Fast and Furious," reports....
ATF Death Watch 33: C-SPAN’s Smoking Gun.
Here we are thinking that there's got to be a Watergate moment – the 18½ minutes of tape, Deep Throat, the Plumbers – to connect the final dot between the ATF's Gunwalker scandal and...
ATF Death Watch 34: Guns, Lies and Videotape
"Finally, 10 decapitated bodies – three of them women – were found Saturday morning in the northern city of Torreon, Coahuila state, and the heads discovered in different parts of town" Yes, that's the end...
ATF Death Watch 35: The Reluctant Attache
Gosh, it seemed like such a good idea at the time. Last October, the ATF made a point of announcing they’d be sending William Newell, their fair-haired-boy head of the Phoenix office, to Mexico...
ATF Death Watch 36: The ATF Long Gun Registry is Illegal, Immoral and Fattening
The 1986 Firearm Owner’s Protection Act provides that “No such rule or regulation prescribed after the date of the enactment of the Firearms Owners Protection Act may require that records required to be maintained under this chapter...
ATF Death Watch 37: Collateral Damage
With the Obama Administration using Executive Orders to implement policies that are clearly outside Federal Law in order to draw attention away from the ATF Follies (Projects Gunwalker/Gunrunner/Fast n' Furious/et al), you'd think the...
ATF Death Watch 38: Why?
Recently released memos from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) seem to indicate that Operation Fast and Furious was designed to establish the groundwork for new gun control...
ATF Death Watch 39: TX Rep. Calls Fast & Furious a Conspiracy to Regulate...
Apparently, members of the TTAG Armed Intelligentsia are not alone in their suspicions that the ATFs blunderific crapfest known as Fast n' Furious was part of a plan to regulate guns. Congressman Blake Farenthold...
ATF Death Watch 40: Come On In! The Water’s Fine!
You just knew this was gonna happen. Here we've been focusing on the ATF lo these many weeks. And now the shockwaves emanating from Fast n' Furious are rippling out to other alphabetic agencies in the...