AZ Restaurants: Open Carry, Concealed Carry; My Kingdom for a Gun?

"Any time you have loaded weapons ready to fire, you increase the chance that someone will get shot. That can lead to accidents or shootings in the heat of the moment. Any argument can quickly...

Open Carry Advocate Released on $100k Bail For Attempted Murder

You may recall that Open Carry advocate Jesus Gonzalez was charged with murder, after gunning down one Danny John. The judge has released Mr. Gonzalez on $100,000 bail, on condition that he not possess...

Texas Contemplates Legalizing Open Carry

The Lone Star State does not make it difficult for law-abiding citizens to carry a handgun---as long as the permit holder passes background checks and training requirements. But neither the state's concealed carry permit...

1000 ft. School Exclusion Zones vs. The Second Amendment

The above image is from a Connecticut group campaigning against the relocation of a power plant. It gives you a pretty good idea how difficult it is for someone on the ground to figure...

Open Carry Still Not OK in OK

0 reports that Oklahoma concealed carry permit holders---and anybody else with a gun---still have to keep their piece under wraps. Earlier this week, Governor Brad Henry's vetoed House Bill 3354 , which would have brought the joys of...

UPDATE: Dismissed Open Carry Complainant Charged With Murder

We recently reported that a judge dismissed a lawsuit by one Jesus Gonzalez against three police officers and two municipalities. Jesus Gonzales was pissed because he'd been arrested for openly carrying a firearm into retail stores....

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Releases Dodgy Poll on Starbucks Open Carry Policy

Whenever I'm confronted (confronted I tell you) by a poll from an advocacy group, I pay attention to the man behind the curtain. Only in this case---The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence's survey...

Federal Judge: Open Carry Inherently Disruptive

No reasonable person would dispute that walking into a retail store openly carrying a firearm is highly disruptive conduct which is virtually certain to create a disturbance. This is so because when employees and...

58% of Americans OK With Concealed Carry; 41 % Cool With Open Carry

Rasmussen Reports. You decide. "A new national telephone survey finds that 41% of Adults are at least somewhat concerned about their safety in the presence of those who have 'concealed carry' gun permits. Fifty-eight...

Starbucks CEO: “Only Unloaded Guns at Starbucks”

So, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz screwed the pooch at the shareholder's meeting re: the whole gun control thing. Maybe. After a sensible statement about the logistical issues surrounding the idea of asking employees to...

Has The Open Carry Campaign Found a Champion in Kurt Kirby?

The so-called Open Carry movement---whose adherents openly wear their weapons to assert their right to own and carry guns---is a cause in search of a champion or two. Or three. Or more. You know;...

Should Gun Control Advocates Have A Concealed Handgun License?

Let's say you're a pro-mass transit environmentalist; you considered automobiles the devil in-car-nate. Chances are you'd have both a theoretic and emperical understanding of how cars work; what they can and can not do....