Self-Defense in a Wildlife Attack: No Gun? Use This

It wasn't with a gun, and it wasn’t against a predator of the two-legged kind, but it is one heck of a self-defense tale—or at the very least, a story of defense...

Las Vegas Homeowner Shoots And Kills Intruder

A Las Vegas resident recently shot and killed an intruder attempting to break into their home in the morning hours of Thursday, September 26th. Police say the shooting occurred while the homeowner...

A Real Gun Beats a Fake One Every Time: Victim Turns Tables on Philly...

A Philadelphia man acted in self-defense when he shot a 16-year-old who attempted to rob him using a fake gun, according to police. The incident occurred just after 11 p.m. Sunday in...

Hawaii Homeowner Arrested After Stopping Violent Neighbor, Released After Self-Defense Ruling

Only in Hawaii would prosecutors arrest an armed homeowner who stopped a violent neighbor who had just rammed several cars with a front-end loader, shot and killed three women, wounded two others,...

Armed Robbers “Find Out” Texas Style 

A pair of armed robbers learned what it meant to “find out” in the great state of Texas when they attempted to rob a 34-year-old San Antonio man in the early morning...

Pervert Popped Crawling Into Girl’s Bedroom Window in Chicago

What happens when a pervert tries to crawl through the bedroom window of a young woman in a Chicago neighborhood to do Lord knows what? Well, if mom's got a gun and...

Machete-Wielding Intruder Confronted By Texas Homeowner At Gunpoint

A machete-wielding intruder had second thoughts when he found himself staring down the business end of a Texas homeowner’s 9mm handgun. The confrontation happened around 5 p.m. on August 21. Liberty Hill...

Anatomy of a Self-Defense Trial

Even in cases of clear self-defense, lawful firearms owners can find themselves on the wrong end of the legal gun. That’s when their lives depend on a great legal defense team.

Aftermath: Even in a Defensive Shooting, It Ain’t Over Til It’s Legally Over

You’re out on the street or in a parking lot, minding your own business, maybe heading to dinner with a family member, picking something up from the store or meeting someone for...

Final Lesson: Nevada Woman Brings Knife To Gun Fight

Armed self-defense episodes aren’t always one person with a gun fighting off an attacker or aggressor with a gun. In fact, an attacker can maim or kill an innocent victim with any...
Self defense gun firearm training

More Americans Own Guns for Self-Defense

There are plenty of excellent ways to exercise Second Amendment rights, such as hunting, enjoying or competing in the shooting sports or developing a firearm collection. However, the most important aspect of...
crime scene tape police line

Illinois Man Survives Road Rage Incident Thanks To His Firearm

Gun-ban groups like Everytown for Gun Safety and cynical politicians like President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris want Americans to believe that there are no positive uses for firearms. They...