AZ Legislature Concealed Carry: One Rule for Them, Another Rule For Us

You want to bring your concealed carry weapon into the Arizona legislature? Fuhgeddaboutit. Unless you're an elected member of that august body, you are strictly prohibited from carrying a firearm onto the premises of...

Will the New York Times Lay Off The NRA? Let’s Hope Not.

Last night, in an inappropriately rally-like atmosphere, President Obama called for an end to the blame game re: the Safeway Massacre. While I reckon the Commander-in-Chief should have made his speech with quiet dignity from the...

Baum Blasts Ballistic Bullies

As we talk about a new ban on large-capacity magazines, let’s consider the history. Back during the 1994-2004 “assault weapons ban,” Congress never banned large-capacity magazines. It banned their manufacture and import. If you...

Question of the Day: Is Obama Packing Heat? Should He?

Given Senator Obama enthusiasm for gun control, President Obama's silence on the subject is a bit odd. Our man Albright ascribes Obama's reticence to political savvy: the Prez realizes that taking on the NRA (i.e. gun...

Baum Blasts Times’ Temerity

Not to pick unduly on The New York Times, but its editorial of 11 January, referring to “the visceral evidence that the groups have made the country a far more dangerous place,” is beneath the dignity...

Bloomberg Pimps Travers for ATF; King Cries for Cronies

Given the fact that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) is a profoundly corrupt Federal agency with a blatant anti-gun agenda, "strengthening" the ATF is a bad idea. Full...

Slate Slags Zamudio

I thought I'd pass along a link to William Saletan's piece on Slate which attempts to make a case against Second Amendment carry based on Joe Zamudio's admission that he nearly shot one of...

Richard Cohen: “It’s the gun that did it.”

Wooly Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen weighed in on the Tucson shooting that resulted in the death of U.S. District Judge John Roll and five others during a botched assassination attempt of Rep. Gabby...

Washington Post Editorial Gets It Wrong on Gun Control. Again.

"As a candidate for president, Sen. Barack Obama nonetheless pledged to revive the assault-weapons ban," The Washington Post reminds its readers. "These weapons serve no conceivable lawful purpose." Aside from self-defense, sport shooting and...

Giffords Shooting Triggers (Yes Triggers) Red Hot Anti-Rhetoric Rhetoric. Meanwhile, Mexican Murders Mount Monstrously

Like TTAG's William C. Montgomery, I find it odd not to say disingenuous that the political left has seized on the Safeway Massacre as an outgrowth of strident political rhetoric. Jared Lee Loughner was a loon....

NY Rep. Carolyn McCarthy and The Truth About High Capacity Magazines

In the aftermath of the Safeway Massacre, gun control advocates are making sure that they're not wasting a good crisis. That's assuming (as I don't) that Jared Lee Loughner's spree killing represents a systemic...