Texas Judge Rules Pot User Still Has 2A Rights
In the ongoing battle over cannabis use and gun ownership, a Texas district judge recently ruled that smoking marijuana does not automatically negate a person’s Second Amendment-protected right to keep and bear...
5th Circuit: No Gun Rights For Accused Abusers
In a ruling handed down on the last day of 2024, a federal appeals court ruled that the statute banning gun ownership by accused domestic abusers is not unconstitutional under the Second...
Another City Learns The Hard Way About Preemption
It seems like every time I look at the news, I see another city, whether in Pennsylvania, Tennessee or somewhere else, having to take a big loss in the courtroom to accept...
Court Rules Those Convicted Of Nonviolent Misdemeanors Retain 2A Rights
A Pennsylvania man who pled guilty to food stamp fraud back in 1995 got a great Christmas present two days early.
Bryan Range had been denied his right to...
San Antonio Shooting Highlights Texas Property Defense Laws
A San Antonio homeowner, Johnathon Vasquez, 32, faces charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after allegedly shooting a woman on his property Saturday morning. The case, reported by Fox San Antonio,...
Fate Of Illinois FOID Card Rests With Appeals Court
A three-judge panel of the 4th District Appellate Court is deciding the fate of Illinois’ requirement that gun buyers qualify for and acquire a Firearms Owners Identification (FOID) card before purchasing a...
Another Magazine Ban, Another FPC Lawsuit
In case you haven’t noticed, the Firearms Policy Coalition is currently litigating more Second Amendment-related lawsuits than just about all of the other gun-rights groups combined. That’s because the organization’s overall strategy...
Gun Control Laws Fall as Courts Chart an Uncertain Path to the Future
More than two years after the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed and expanded its interpretation of the Second Amendment, state and federal courts across the country have struck down multiple restrictive gun laws,...
While Some Clamor for More Gun Laws, Judges Aren’t Enforcing Existing Laws
The battle against gun control activists who proclaim ad nauseum that more Second Amendment restrictions on law-abiding Americans is the only answer to combatting crime never ceases. This is despite the fact,...
We Can’t Stop Crime, So We’ll Go After Glock: New Jersey, Minnesota AGs Sue...
In a controversial move, the attorneys general of New Jersey and Minnesota filed lawsuits on December 12 against Glock, accusing the gun manufacturer of knowingly producing pistols that can be easily modified...
FPC Weighs In On Mag Ban Case Before Washington Supreme Court
With the Washington State Supreme Court preparing to consider the constitutionality of a state law banning firearms magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC)...
SAF Wades Into Montana Gun-Free School Zone Case
The SAF has filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals supporting the defendant in a Montana case challenging the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act. The case is...