Guns We Love: Mossberg Patriot Predator 7mm PRC

When Mossberg rolled out the Patriot Predator rifle in 7mm PRC in 2023, it was not only one of the hottest new cartridges to be making waves in the hunting world, it...

Gun Review – Cimarron 1887 Terminator

I get lots of press releases and new product announcements. My eyes often glaze over when company XYZ writes a 500-word press release for a holster that now accommodates one more gun. Call me...

Guns We Love – Astra Constable

The Walther PP and PPK have reached legendary status. When people say Walther, most people will picture a PP variant. In reality, there was nothing superbly revolutionary about the PP series. These were high-quality...

Gun Review: Springfield Armory’s SA16-A2—The M16A2 All Over Again?

The M16 was as iconic a military weapon as there ever was. When introduced in its original version in 1965, it was a game-changer. We went from the M14’s 30-caliber round to a much...
walther ppk/s left side

The Walther PPK/S: Back in .32 ACP

The Walther PPK is a legendary design that paved the way for a half-century of handgun development. Like the real life and fictional heroes and villains that carried it, the PPK has become something...

Gun Review: Colt’s Series 70 Competition Pistol

There is a great deal of storied history surrounding the 1911. Much of this history is backed up by military records not to mention Congressional investigations having to do with awarding the Medal of...
SAR 9mm Subcompact Gen 2

Gun Review: SAR9 Subcompact Gen 2

There's a handful of major manufacturers that we're all familiar with, making variations of the same handguns they've been making for a while. They're big because they're a known quality. Every now and then...

Obscure Object of Desire: The S&W I Frame Terrier

I’ve always liked snub nosed revolvers. There’s a certain mystique to them that goes back to old private eye and detective shows. Plus, they’re still a pretty compact carry gun, and remain popular even...

Obscure Object of Desire – S&W 432 PD

Smith & Wesson and various .32 caliber revolvers date back to 1865 and the advent of rimfire cartridges. In 1878, the company created the .32 S&W, a centerfire micro-sized .32 caliber round. Guns like...
colt python vs. smith & wesson 686+

Colt Python vs. Smith & Wesson 686+

The Colt Python and the Smith & Wesson 686 are two mid-sized .357 Magnum revolvers that have competed with one another off and on for decades. While I have long been a...

Gun Review: The New Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro Comp OSP

Making a pistol wider, longer, taller and heavier is usually not a great idea, especially in an EDC gun. But that is exactly what Springfield Armory did to the original Hellcat to...

Light, Lively, and Deadly: Benelli’s Super Black Eagle 3 in 28 Gauge Is the...

I was dumping wind-driven mallards with enough consistency to quietly praise both my ability to visualize the crazy amount of lead required and the snappy 12-gauge Franchi I was swinging. But for every bird I...