‘Police Reforms’ Mean More Illegal Guns on The Streets, Soaring Crime Rates

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today blasted so-called “police reforms” in various American cities for hindering law enforcement efforts to remove contraband guns from the streets, thus enabling criminals to illegally circulate firearms to convicted felons or underage thugs, contributing to a violent … Read more

Another Illegal Philadelphia Gun Control Law Struck Down Under Pennsylvania Preemption Statute

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . In another Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) legal victory, Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court ruled on appeal that Philadelphia’s ordinance requiring the reporting of “lost or stolen” firearms violates State law. The opinion in City of Philadelphia v. Armstrong can be found at FPCLaw.org. Section 6120(a) of the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act (UFA) states that, … Read more

Philly Inquirer’s Solution to ‘Gun Violence’: Basic City Services Like Opening Libraries and Fixing Street Lights

The grim statistics hardly do justice to the mounting toll of gun violence in our city: 562 lives lost last year and another roughly 1,800 people who were shot and survived. In 2021, the city reached a bleak milestone in notching a record number of homicides. Now, the question city officials should be asking themselves … Read more

VIDEO: Philly’s Mayor Becomes Gun Salesman of the Week After (Another) Lawless Weekend

Leave it to the UK’s Daily Mail to report what the American mainstream media won’t. This weekend in Philadelphia, a lawless mob literally drove donuts around a police squad car and the cops did nothing. What’s more, the same video shows a huge number of the mob hopping on the squad car and taunting the … Read more

Feud: Philly’s Democrat Mayor and Police Commissioner Want Soros DA to Do His Damn Job

  [Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle] Outlaw said police believe some of the main drivers of the spike in violence since the spring of 2020 are domestic incidents, neighborhood beefs that escalate on social media, and narcotics sales. She also said officers are taking a record number of guns off the street, and an Inquirer analysis earlier … Read more