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After a tiring day spent in TSA queues and miniscule airline seats yesterday, the cosmic balance has been restored. I spent an exhausting and awesome day shooting, learning and testing a slew of new gear from Bushnell, at a totally kick-ass shooting resort in southern Kentucky. We did so much shooting today that after an entire day at the range I was actually ready to stop shooting and eat something. That doesn’t happen often . . .

I’ve only got a few minutes (and a fairly slow wifi connection) so I can’t upload full product descriptions and demo videos of all the stuff we’ve played with, but I’ll pique your interest with a few highlights:

  • We spent a good part of the day discussing (and then testing) the difference between 1st and 2nd focal-plane reticules. Despite the high geek factor, this is actually really interesting and I think the results will surprise you.
  • Bushnell isn’t just for the bargain aisle at Wal-Mart anymore. I’ll fill in the details over the next several posts, but the concepts of no-questions-asked warranties, one-piece tubes, fully multicoated optics and true 1-8.5x variables will feature prominently.
  • I did fairly well in the first stages of our 2-gun runthroughs, and then dramatically increased my shotgun suckitude during my second heat. I’m guessing I need to channel my stress more effectively. When I find the right cable I’ll post a helmet-cam vid of me being a complete moron with a Benelli. In the meantime, here are some of the guns I started screwing up with:

To be continued tomorrow, with some true 3-gun action and some really long-range rifle shooting courtesy of Accuracy International.

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  1. Screw Bushnell. I know exactally enough about them to know not to trust their products and that for the same money they want you can get a better product from some one else. Sometimes for a lot less. And there is no fancy trip they can take me on that will prove they dont sell garbage at a high price. Its only because of idiots who dont know better that they havent gone under.

  2. Looking forward to reading more. I had always seen Bushnell as you said, a “Walmart bargain brand.” I’m interested to see if you can change my mind.

  3. I’ve had nothing but great experiences with bushnell, replaced my leopold’s long ago due to better light gathering with 4200’s, now using tactical elites and 6500’s. I haven’t used their low cost lines,

  4. I think anyone that is being impartial would be very hard-pressed to find a way to justify spending the extra money for an ATACR 7-35 when compared side by side to an XRS3.

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