David Chipman ATF

By Andy Massimilian

ATF director nominee David Chipman got off easy at his confirmation hearings. Gun-hating democrats (i.e. 99% of the party’s officialdom) made the hearing ludicrously short leaving room for only a cursory examination of the impact this dedicated civilian disarmament advocate would have on gun owners and the gun industry.

Though Second Amendment defenders on the Senate Judiciary committee at times made Chipman look foolish, they failed to expose the danger he presents to our liberties.

Here are seven questions that would expose Chipman as an authoritarian gun control fanatic that he is, someone who will go out of his way to curtail your Second Amendment rights. Our Second Amendment allies in the Senate need to ask them, and demand that Chipman provide answers before holding a vote to confirm him.

1) If a ban and mandatory registration of currently owned “assault weapons” becomes law as you wish, will you send SWAT teams to Americans’ homes to forcibly confiscate unregistered firearms and imprison gun owners who refuse to comply? If not, how else would you enforce such a law?

2) Was enforcing the National Firearms Act’s registration requirement for machine guns worth the loss of life at Waco? If it wasn’t worth it, why do you support expanding that same requirement to regulate the most popular rifles in America with the possibility of similar outcomes?

3) Name three gun laws or proposed laws that you think are unconstitutional.

4) You’ve stated that if confirmed you will continue to “go after the bad guys” as you say you did when you worked at ATF. Do you consider people who are not prohibited from owning guns, but wish to build their own firearms to maintain their privacy and avoid government surveillance to be “bad guys?” You refused to answer Senator Kennedy’s question on what firearms you own saying that is “a very private question.” Can you see any inconsistency in your position?

5) How will confirming a gun control zealot — one who was paid to advocate for gun bans that would impact innocent Americans who have not committed crimes — give people faith that the justice system is not corrupt and that their government’s law enforcement leaders impartially, dispassionately, and objectively enforce the law? Would you have supported former President Trump naming a gun industry lobbyist to head the ATF?

6) ATF has a history of proposing changes to its regulations for political reasons. Examples include Striker shotguns, arm braces, silencer wipes, the definition of receivers, M855 ammunition, M-14 receivers, and bump stocks. Do you think it’s fair that ATF changes long-standing policies that create felony level jeopardy for innocent citizens who acquired property legally before these changes? What new regulatory changes will you try to implement as ATF director if confirmed?

7) Does the Second Amendment guarantee a right to keep and bear arms for self-defense? If so, is the “sporting purposes” test in the 1968 GCA unconstitutional?

What You Can Do…Especially Residents of WV, PA, MT, ME and AK

An ATF acting under David Chipman’s direction will be a partisan, de facto subsidiary of the gun control industry. Call your senators NOW and tell them to oppose David Chipman’s nomination as ATF director: 202-224-3121.

Also, cut and paste this article and ask Senators Manchin, Tester, Cotton, Cruz, and Hawley to get answers to the above questions before Chipman’s nomination is voted on. Here’s the links and phone numbers to do so.

Joe Manchin 202-224-3954 https://www.manchin.senate.gov/contact-joe/email-joe
Jon Tester 202-224-2644 https://www.tester.senate.gov/contact/
Tom Cotton 202-224-2353 https://www.cotton.senate.gov/contact/contact-tom
Ted Cruz 202-224-5922 https://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=form&id=16
Josh Hawley 202-224-6154 https://www.hawley.senate.gov/contact-senator-hawley



  1. “If a ban and mandatory registration of currently owned ‘assault weapons’ becomes law as you wish, will you send SWAT teams to Americans’ homes to forcibly confiscate unregistered firearms and imprison gun owners who refuse to comply?”

    that’s not what they’ll do. what they’ll do is freeze your savings and checking account, freeze all your other financial assets, cancel your credit cards, cancel your driver’s license, cancel any other licenses you have, cancel your internet and phone and cell phone services, and then sit back and wait. plan accordingly.

    • Unfortunately, that’s likely correct. That’s what state and local governments did over the past year to punish small businesses who defied COVID restrictions and forced closures as they struggled to simply survive.

      • “That’s what state and local governments did over the past year to punish small businesses who defied COVID restrictions”

        makes sense but somehow I missed that it was actually happening.

        • “makes sense but somehow I missed that it was actually happening.”

          When they cut off your phone and internet, makes it more difficult to inform the world…

        • Likley you were too busy playing with yourself. Wake up prog, get out of moms basement and find a clue.

    • Not Chipman’s style. The lesson he learned from Waco is to “shock-and-awe”. Do a few highly publicized media events displaying the might and power of ATF on their first few raids to scare the rest into compliance.

      • ATF came out of Waco looking like real buttholes…so much so it put the validity of further existence of the agency in question…do they want to risk that again?….

      • “The government provides nothing I ‘need’.”

        and a fish says, “what’s water?” when the government goes away, you’ll know it.

    • “We don’t need him to answer any questions in order to know …”

      … what he intends, sure. but the questions would illuminate WHY he is acting this way. and once the why is understood then the necessary responses and the way forward become clear.

  2. “Does the Second Amendment guarantee a right to keep and bear arms for self-defense?”

    he’d say yes it does and that he fully supports that right. what he won’t mention is that rights are for him and his owners, and that none of that applies to the rest of us. so he’ll go after all the “guns” with gusto, but he’ll make sure he and his have all that they want and use them all they want. and he will have no sense of hypocrisy or double standards at all, because for him there isn’t any.

  3. “Do you think it’s fair that ATF changes long-standing policies that create felony level jeopardy for innocent citizens who acquired property legally before these changes?”

    he doesn’t see them as innocent citizens. he sees them as free-range cattle, resources for the benefit of him and his, who need to be corralled and put to work for him and his.

  4. “How will confirming a gun control zealot — one who was paid to advocate for gun bans that would impact innocent Americans who have not committed crimes — give people faith that the justice system is not corrupt and that their government’s law enforcement leaders impartially, dispassionately, and objectively enforce the law?”

    he doesn’t care what “the people” think. they’re just cattle. he cares what The People think.

  5. Biden appointing this guy is like sending Trashcan Man out to collect drums of gasoline “for safekeeping” the Democrats are going to set this country on fire and burn it to the ground. Just like Chipmans buddies set fire to Waco!

    • “the Democrats are going to set this country on fire and burn it to the ground”

      the democrats’ owners. and they think they’ll be outside the burn area. because they are.

  6. “Just like Chipmans buddies set fire to Waco!”

    remember when the symbionese liberation army was tear gassed and the cannisters started a fire and killed them all live on tv? the reporters on the scene were saying “everyone knows tear gas cannisters can start fires”. later on there was some other tear gas and fire incident that killed a bunch of people and the reporters were saying, “nobody knew tear gas cannisters could start fires”. then when waco was tear gassed and burned down all the studio talking heads were saying “they set the fires themselves!”.

    • Didn’t they use an old form of tear gas at Waco that was known in confined spaces to produce carbon monoxide and cyanide gases?

  7. A simple solution to the wrist brace stocks is eliminate the short barrel rifle (SBR) law. It was originally aimed at pistols with shoulder stocks and most of those are now allowed……

    Be sure to ask him if he favors registration of all firearms.

    • I think we all know the answer to that. Of course he does! Anything Giffords/Kelley is for he is for.

    • The original 1934 NFA was also going to ban handguns and the SBR /SBS rules were to stop people making concealable firearms by shortening long arms. But the handgun ban didn’t happen and the SBS/SBR rules were left in even though the need was no longer required.

      • in 1934 gangsters were viewed as the terrorists of their time…their weaponry often left local police outgunned and was not in common use by the general populace…but the handgun ban was viewed as a step too far

  8. It’s Long past time for asking questions and demanding answers that will Never be Addressed. Chipman and his type of bureaucrat are the biggest threat to the Freedoms and Liberties Enumerated within the Bill of Rights. They are no longer the problem…The problem lies at the feet of “We the People” who have and continue to allow those Rights to denied and/or delayed by a Bureaucracy that answers to No One. Both Republicans and Democrats have long worked in the forming of these Quagmires of Unknown Acolytes controlled by unknown Elites all for the purpose of imposing Rules, Edicts and Regulations upon the Citizenry. That they know would never pass Muster under the scrutiny of “We the People”. As long as Regulation without Representation is allowed to continue no amount of Pissing and Moaning on the Interweb or any other forum will Stop the Practice. A War was fought 246 years ago over Taxation and Regulation without Representation. By a people’s that recognized that they had no Freedom or Future as long as they were under the Control of a Regime that cared not for their desires or aspirations. They also understood the price that would need to be payed in order to attain the Freedoms and Liberties they desired. Now “We the People” once again look into the darkness of Tyrannical Control. Not from a Regime or King, but from a Bureaucracy created by those we entrusted to Protect and Defend the very Freedoms and Liberties won all those years ago by Our Founding Patriots. Freedoms and Liberties gifted unto “We the People” with the charge that they be Preserved and Protected that the Freest Nation in the history of humanity Shall Not Perish from the Face of the Earth. So Yes the Problem is Us and the solution is up to “We the People”. Complacent Cowardice for continued life albeit under the Boot of Tyranny or Courageous Sacrifice as payment on the duty to Pass On the Freedoms and Liberties held so dearly by those who have done so in the past. Keep Your Powder Dry.

    • We fought a war 246 years ago, and when I go to the store I still have to pay taxes on tea.

      • Tea is not taxable. If its brewed and served to you, you can be taxed for the preparation of it but tea in a grocery store on the shelf is a non taxable item.

  9. If, you write your Senators in Illinois it falls on deaf ears. Here is Tammy Duckworths replay to my concerns about Chipman. She is still going to vote for Chipman.

    Dear Neighbor,

    Thank you for contacting me about the nomination of David Chipman to be the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). As a strong supporter of David Chipman’s nomination to lead this critical law enforcement agency, I appreciate you taking the time to make me aware of your concerns on this important matter.

    ATF is a Federal law enforcement agency within the U.S. Department of Justice charged with promoting and protecting public safety from violent criminals, criminal organizations, the illegal use and trafficking of firearms and illegal use of explosives. Confirming a permanent ATF Director is critical in help the ATF improve its effectiveness and efficiency in carrying out its mission. Since 2015, the ATF has lacked a permanent agency head and the agency has struggled for years to enforce our Nation’s Federal firearms laws as a result of inadequate funding and burdensome congressional restrictions that appear intended to hinder ATF law enforcement officers from enforcing the law. Blame extends beyond Congress, as other investigations have found that even when ATF inspections uncover violations of Federal and State law, including serious violations, ATF far too frequently fails to punish law-breakers or simply settles for a written warning.

    As your Senator, I am committed to reviewing every nomination fairly and thoroughly. As an awarded and highly-regarded retired Federal law enforcement officer, Mr. Chipman appears to possess the experience and expertise necessary to lead the ATF. Furthermore, as a former Special Agent in Charge of ATF’s Firearms Programs, the nominee is well-versed in the agencies operations and prepared to both restore morale at ATF, while pushing his former colleagues to improve performance to better protect the public from gun violence, crack down on criminal enterprises, while protecting and preserving the right of law-abiding citizens to legally purchase firearms. Accordingly, I support the Senate taking up and confirming David Chipman to be ATF Director at the earliest date possible.

    Thank you again for contacting me on this important issue. If you would like more information on my work in the Senate, please visit my website at http://www.duckworth.senate.gov. You can access my voting record and see what I am doing to address today’s most important issues. I hope that you will continue to share your views and opinions with me and let me know whenever I may be of assistance to you.

    Tammy Duckworth
    United States Senator

      • “did not address my concerns”

        if a cow moos at you, do you take it seriously? or do you just talk nicely to it as you herd it into the corral?

      • “I am also deeply proud that Israel and Massachusetts are natural economic allies … As a United States Senator, I will work to ensure Israel’s security and success.”

        Senator Elizabeth Warren

        “Stuart (Meissner) has been a strong and vocal supporter of Israel for decades. He is intensely concerned about the security and safety of Israel, and will seek to protect those concerns as a United States Senator.”

        Stuart Meissner

        “Speaking from firsthand experience, Israel’s security is absolutely a priority to me … My wife also works in Israel with the Israeli military … In Congress, I took every opportunity to vote to support Israel with robust military and economic aid — a record that I will proudly continue in the Senate.”

        Admiral Joe Sestak

    • Tammy is a flaming prog. And futher proof, as if was needed, why broads don’t belong in the US Army.

    • stock reply…you get the same thing from Casey in PA, but at least he chooses to reply…Toomey seems to have disappeared into the ether…Senate has put a hold on this for the time being

  10. “Mr. Chipman appears to possess the experience and expertise necessary to lead the ATF”

    he does. his biggest qualification is he is willing to go along with “crime” being redefined to mean “anything that gets in our way” and “terrorism” being redefined to “any white male citizen” and “law enforcement” being redefined to “suppressing anything we don’t like”.

  11. Asking these questions is a wasted effort. Politicians lie and tell you what you want to hear. And when elected, they carry out their own agenda.
    Chipman is the perfect boy to carry out Bidens disarmament scheme. Its highly likely he will be confirmed, so you should be spending your time preparing for a response when the balloon goes up. Its either surrender or resist.

    • Wolf Totem:
      If the lions want war
      We gon’ fight until the battle ends.
      If the tigers come running
      We gon’ fight them to the bloddy end.
      When the elephants come
      They gon’ bow to my brethren.
      Lock ’em in a cage
      Parade them to the loins den.

      We all been lost, we all been called.
      Everyone rise to a brethren code.
      We got your back, we all been low.
      Let’s all rise to the brethren code.

      • maybe…but he wants to keep his job…dumping the filibuster sets the dems up for a really bad time after 2022…payback’s a bitch!…..

  12. I believe I can speak for Chip.
    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    4. Is two part question. Yes.- No.
    5. No
    6. Two part question. Yes.- Anything above .22caliber
    7. No

  13. I would hope that TTAG doesn’t think Tom Cotton is the senator from Alaska (AK). He is from Arkansas (AR) I am surprised at how many people don’t know the correct postal abbreviation for these two states and mix them up.




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