The immediate aftermath in Portland after Antifa members were shot after a confrontation with a homeowner. Screen capture by Boch. Via Twitter.

Imagine the irony when the very same violent Antifa militants who spent the last two years promoting “Defund the Police” now blame those same police for not protecting them when their intended victims fight back.

Antifa in Portland apparently tried their bully tactics on the Gypsy Jokers motorcycle club over the weekend and things turned — surprise! — violent. In the end, with one dead and five more wounded (video), police try to put together just what happened.

Meanwhile Antifa is blaming the police, not themselves for the violence. At the same time, Antifa’s leaders are telling their members and people in general not to talk to the cops, and to pull down social media posts that contain photos and video of what happened…or else.

That sounds like witness intimidation, doesn’t it?

If police really were to blame for what happened, why isn’t Antifa falling all over itself to provide the evidence? After all, these violent extremists love to record their exploits.

The Post Millenial has the details . . .

A mass shooting late Saturday night has left one dead and five injured after Portland-area Antifa held a gathering in solidarity with Amir Locke, a 22-year-old black man who was shot by police in Minneapolis earlier this month.

A woman was pronounced deceased at the scene, and two men and three women were taken to nearby hospitals, according to the New York Times. Two suspects are reportedly in custody in response to the shooting, according to KPTV.

The shooting occurred at around 8 pm near Normandale Park.

Tweets from Antifa members and groups told far-left comrades that were present not to talk to police investigating the shooting, to delete evidence posted on social media, and to keep posts including photos, videos, and first-hand accounts related to the incident to a minimum “so that you don’t receive a knock.”

Antifa “journalist” Melissa Lewis, who was a co-plaintiff in a failed frivolous “Antifa troll” lawsuit filed in federal court against The Post Millennial‘s editor-at-large Andy Ngo, said that “[o]ne of us got a chunk of the shooter.”

Andy Ngo had this . . .


Antifa hijacked a Portland Police news conference the next morning and in an incoherent rant, blamed cops for the dead woman and the others who were wounded. The woman breathlessly claimed that white supremacist cops are sending Gypsy Joker motorcycle club members to snatch Antifa members.

“They are sending Gypsy Jokers to kidnap us. They are sanctioning this violence against us. We are dying. We are trying to peacefully protest and they are killing us. And I want to know if any of you care. I want to know if Ted Wheeler cares.”

Local TV station KGW had this:

Editor’s note: Portland police were slated to give a press conference on this shooting on Sunday, Feb. 20 but it was cut short by irate citizens. It was rescheduled via Zoom at 3 p.m. 

Six people were shot, one fatally, in a mass shooting incident in Northeast Portland Saturday night. Portland police said on Sunday the incident began as a confrontation between an armed homeowner and armed protesters.

According to a press release from the Portland Police Bureau (PPB), police were dispatched after 8 p.m. to the intersection of Northeast 55th Avenue and Northeast Hassalo Street in the Rose City Park neighborhood, next to Normandale Park. Dispatch records showed 23 police units and four fire and medical units at the scene by 9 p.m.
One female victim was found dead when officers arrived, PPB said. The identity of the victim and cause of death will be determined by the Oregon State Medical Examiner, police said.

Five additional people were hit by gunfire. 

The more details come out, the more it looks like Antifa may have targeted the wrong people and some just desserts were served up, nice and cold.

Stay tuned.



  1. Antifa is the leftist arm of the ongoing cold civil war taking place in the US right now. I’ll not shed any tears when they’re shot.

    • to Kyle, moron extraordinaire

      quote—————Antifa is the leftist arm of the ongoing cold civil war taking place in the US right now. I’ll not shed any tears when they’re shot.


      Antifa are heroes! And when I say heroes, I mean like, blocking the street, vandalizing cars, and intimidating drivers, particularly elderly ones, while advocating for social change rather than taking responsibility for one’s life and improving themselves and their situation, which I support. More important than all that, is 1,500,000 children are accidentally killing themselves, per day, with firearms because you didn’t lock up your guns inside your locked up home. It would probably be ideal, if you locked up your guns in a locked container, within a locked container, inside another locked container, inside a safe, locked in a bedroom, then locked in your home. No – you don’t need to get to your guns in a hurry, that’s right-wing BS.

      The other day, I was beating off to a response to some outraged TTAGGER, who I got really angry, then I got an erection, then one thing led to another, bruising + blue balls later, and here we are, back again for more.

      So let’s go brainless right wing barbarians! Gun nut freaks. Let’s get me excited… again.

      • 1,500,000 children are accidentally killing themselves per day with firearms…
        You really are a dumbass!
        Beat away!

        • Sadly, it seems y’all are the dumbasses, responding to a fake account chattering about erections and masturbation.

          It is if all you people are in a circle jerk, stroking one another.

        • No, MinorIQ, the only circle jerk around here is the daily one you, dacian the stupid, and the nameless, brainless troll conduct. Yes, I recognized that the “fake dacian” was a fake account, but even a nitwit like you should be able to recognize that the level of deranged idiocy is the same. Your gang of Leftist/fascists have become too insane to even parody.

          And, by the way, what EXACTLY is incorrect about the clip he posted, @$$wipe????

        • If there is anyone qualified to call out a circle jerk, as in I really understand the ups and downs of a nice rotary annulated tug, it’s me.

          So when I say ya’ll are choking ya neighbors chicken, Miner49er knows what he is talking about!

          How do you think me and my Marxist buddies spend our Saturday nights?

        • Minor MINER49ER talk about yourself in the 3rd person much? Sounds like you just might be having an identity crisis. Get help!

        • Proof? the time period used by the Bloomberg campaign, show there was an average of 1,499 gun deaths per year among children between the ages of 0 and 17.

        • Sorry Ms Martin, anything put out by the Bloomberg Campaign is suspect at best and most likely a lie. We call this PROPAGANDA.
          There is NO accurate computation that Bloomberg alleges. Nice try.
          We do not have a “gun problem”. We do have a People Problem! When will you Leftists figure that out?

      • Well hell dacian, what is it , Monday is truth day?
        Sorry to hear about your balls, I thought they had been removed at birth.

        • That’s just his cover story. Pretty sure they were never there to begin with. That’s why his mom keeps him locked in the basement; shame and embarrassment.

        • Now you’re talking about another man’s testicles, this is just hilarious.

          You know, most true males are thinking about women, not other men’s swinging testicles.

          But whatever floats your boat, as long as you don’t harm any children I guess it’s OK.

        • Don’t worry, MinorIQ, no one here is going to talk about YOUR (non-existent) testicles. Your secrets are safe with dacian the stupid and the nameless, brainless troll.

        • Me Homophobic? How could I be when I used to swing that way?

          Today I love my chicks. I keep them in a roost out back.

          My chickens are all I need, so I never need to think about other men’s balls.

          Miner49er is all better now.

      • I could have been dacian’s daddy, but that mangy dog beat me over the fence, and I wanted nothing to do with his mama when the dog was finished.

      • Hey, dacian the stupid,

        If Antifa are such heroes, why wasn’t YOUR sorry @$$ out there with them????? You purport to be such a tough guy, you should have been there are the front, amirite???

        But you’re neither Antifa, NOR a “tough guy”, you’re just a parlor pink. You’re an uneducated, ignorant, stupid, witless, fool. Go somewhere else and peddle your bile, you pathetic piece of trash.

      • A million and a half per day? Do the math you retard. That would be more than the entire population of the country in less than a year.

        • Jay bird, the problem isn’t his sexual orientation, it’s the rage and violence he expresses, caused by his self loathing. He needs to see a therapist in order to integrate his love for other men so that he will not be filled with such anger and rage.

        • I myself, Miner49er, turn to my chickens when I am “feeling the rage” from my vacuous all-defiling malodorous calamity of my birth.

          Yup, proudly living the chicken life.

      • Pencil Neck, you better change the battery in your calculator. 1,500,000 children accidentally killed per day with unsecured firearms. That works to somewhere north of 500,000,000 children annually. I thought there were only 300,000,000 citizens in the United States.

        • Anyway, ANTIFA angered an outlaw motorcycle cycle gang instead of scaring some shopkeepers. And got bitch slapped for their trouble. I wish I could express my dismay.

        • Good Lord, do you truly think that’s big D and his poor math?

          You guys are truly in a circle jerk, and you seem to be receiving some sort of psychological thrill from replying to one another discussing another man’s sexual organs.

          Really, you guys need to log off of your gay porn sites and see a therapist.

        • Miner MINER49ER Here is some food for thought. You Leftists claim that a good guy with a gun can’t stop your buddies.
          Today I’m going to share several real life examples where good guys armed with pistols stopped bad guys armed with rifles and talk about some of the realities of pistol vs. rifle fighting.

          May 3, 2015 Curtis Culwell Center in Garland TX. 59 year old officer Greg Stevens began taking rifle fire from 2 attackers at a distance of 15 yards who were both wearing body armor and a hundred round drum of ammo. Officer Culwell drew his .45 Glock 41 and began shooting and advancing, taking both shooters out of the fight without being shot himself. He hit with more than half of the shots he fired.
          1984, Jerusalem. 3 men armed with automatic rifles and grenades start shooting a crowd. An insurance salesman and an Army reserve officer engage them with their concealed pistols taking out 1. A merchant takes out the 2nd with his pistol. The 3rd is thrown off his gameplan, stops shooting and police take him into custody.
          Feb 12, 2007, Salt Lake City, UT. Less than 4 miles from where I lived at the time. A murderer armed with a shotgun and revolver started shooting people in the parking lot at Trolly Square Mall, entered the mall, and continued shooting. An off-duty officer was having dinner with his wife at a brewpub and engaged the shooter from the 2nd floor behind a see-through railing with a Kimber 1911 subcompact. The shooter shot back, but the incoming rounds fixed his position and he was no longer pursuing victims. A good friend of mine and another officer distracted the shooter and exchanged fire with him to distract him and other officers were able to flank and kill the shooter.
          1993, Cape Town South Africa. 4 terrorists armed with full-auto AK-47s and grenades entered a church, killing 11 and injuring 47. A member of the church drew his 5 shot snub nosed .38 special and wounded one terrorist. This was enough to cause all 4 terrorists armed with full-auto rifles to flee.
          December 11, 2012, Clackamass Town Center Mall, Oregon. A murderer, armed with a rifle and 145 rounds shot 17 times, killing 3 before being confronted by a guard armed with a pistol. The guard was worried about hitting innocent people and didn’t fire, but the mere sight of a gun was enough to cause the better armed murderer to run, hide, and shoot himself.
          December 9, 2007, Arvada, Colorado. A murderer armed with a rifle and pistol killed 2 people at the Youth With a Mission training center and then drove to the New Life church where he killed 2 more before a member of the church volunteer security team, Jeanne Assam, shot and killed him.
          August 27th, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT. A man armed with a scoped semi-auto rifle with a bipod and 1,000 rounds of ammo attempts to get to an upper floor of a hotel. He’s asked to leave. SLC Officer Downes verbally confronts the man, who responded by firing several rounds at Downes, hitting him once in the calf. Downes fired 3 rounds from his duty pistol from 75 feet away, one striking the attacker in the head, stopping the threat.
          December 1, 2014, Austin TX. An extremist shooter who appeared to be looking to commit death by cop armed with an AK-47, pistol, and .22 rifle shot over 100 rounds at buildings in downtown Austin in the middle of the night. Then he began shooting at Sgt. Adam Johnson with the Capital Police mounted patrol. He was firing full magazines from the AK and reloading. Sgt. Johnson, while holding the reins of 2 skittish horses in one hand, fired a single shot at the shooter from 314 feet away, hitting and killing him. As an interesting twist, the bullet nicked the shooter’s car, ricocheted and tumbled 5 feet before striking and killing the shooter.
          December 29th, 2019, White Settlement, Texas. A man enters a church and shoots a parishioner and armed volunteer security with a shotgun before being shot in the head by 71 year old church security volunteer, Jack Wilson.
          Let’s get real. Very few people want to be in a gunfight. Even special operations works hard to avoid “gunfights.” They’ll set up ambushes at the time and place of their choosing where they can use speed, surprise, and violence of action, sniping, indirect fire, grenades, charges, and flash bangs to minimize the chances of a true toe-to-toe fight.

          A “fight” implies that the playing field is level and that effective fire is going in both directions.

          If you do get into a gunfight, you want intel, armor, overwatch, long guns, an assortment of grenades, and a trained team that can shoot, move, and communicate.

          You don’t want to get into a gunfight alone, armed with a pistol. Ever. Against ANY gun.

          That being said, I believe that you should train for that worst case scenario.

        • Walt, thanks for the laundry list of Extremists you provided, hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.

          I decided to check out one of them, and I agree it was good that the police officer was able to fire one shot from 314 feet to kill the right wing, bigoted racist armed extremist.

          It appears the middle-aged white man was upset with those of Mexican descent, as well as the government.

          “Austin shooter was “homegrown American extremist,” police say
          DECEMBER 1, 2014 / 6:39 PM / AP
          AUSTIN, Texas — A Texas man who shot up downtown Austin buildings and tried to the burn the Mexican Consulate Friday before he was gunned down by police harbored extremist right-wing views and appeared to be planning a broader attack against churches and government facilities, law enforcement officials said Monday.

          Larry McQuilliams had multiple weapons, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, a water supply and a map of 34 downtown buildings that likely were potential targets in his pre-dawn rampage the day after Thanksgiving, Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo said.

          McQuilliams, 49, started his attack on the consulate building and a federal courthouse. He was killed by a single shot to the chest from a police officer as he shot at police headquarters, Acevedo said. McQuilliams fired about 200 rounds, but no one else was killed or injured.

          “The one mistake he made was he came to the Austin police station and we were able to take him out pretty quickly,” Acevedo said, describing McQuilliams, a convicted felon, as a “homegrown, American extremist” and “terrorist.”

          Yep, it’s your typical right wing bigoted racist, one of those felons you folks all think should be capable of purchasing whatever weapons he wants.

        • Minor MINER49ER Out of all those instances I cited, you pick out one of a “right wing extremist”. Sure does show your prejudice, as your being a radical Left Wing Extremist. Psst! CBS is not a credible source. They like you are LEFT WINGERS.

        • The real dacian the nazi’s comments are not misunderstood. This ain’t him.

          Somehow his avatar was hi-jacked. It’s beyond my computer fu skills to do it.

        • Yep. They also took over a lil’ d comment on another post. I wasn’t here early enough to tell if the comment was edited or original.

        • Might just be his bipolar schizophrenia on display. Gotta be tough never seeing the light of day. So to speak.

      • Dackie Boy,m try beating on the other end, no not your feet, but the fuzzy end up top. Dou;d perhaps actually accomplish something beneficial to humanity.

      • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Your ANTIFA thugs are something I scrap from, the bottom of my shoe after a walk in the park. They took on the wrong people, dummy.

        1,500,000 children killed every day because someone didn’t lock up their guns? You are full of donkey dust. You are what should be locked up.

        I guess you have not heard about the home invasions that take place perpetrated by your criminal friends. My gun is readily available to take care of any threat that is stupid enough to enter my home. Locked and loaded.

        You being as brave as you are, I am sure you were hiding under your bed where you could not get hurt. Let me out it another way. You are just another punk arse coward.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, apparently brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          The one with the most personal experience of living as a ‘punk ass coward’ is the one calling others a ‘dotard’.

          You do realize the only reason your ‘wife’ spreads for you is that she hopes you will stop touching her children ‘down there’, don’t you?

          A walking joke and loser are you… 😉

        • WEB III is a Dotard. Punk, I’m more of a man in my big toe than you and docian, the DUNNDERHEAD are put together. Punk arse coward backing a punk arse coward.

          But then again, I am sure this is dacian the DUNDERHEAD with another of his many nicknames.

        • nameless, brainless troll,

          Your quality of invective and insult declines precipitously. The reality is you have NOTHING to say . . . and you insist on saying it. All you demonstrate is your own futility, and your delusions of gender.

          You are too stupid to insult. Go pound salt in your @$$.

      • That must have been a helluva big crack rock you had on your pipe huh?

        BTW if you haven’t already, stick your head up your ass. It’ll muffle your insane ramblings a bit.

      • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, These people are the REAL heroes, not your ANTIFA thugs.
        Today I’m going to share several real life examples where good guys armed with pistols stopped bad guys armed with rifles and talk about some of the realities of pistol vs. rifle fighting.

        May 3, 2015 Curtis Culwell Center in Garland TX. 59 year old officer Greg Stevens began taking rifle fire from 2 attackers at a distance of 15 yards who were both wearing body armor and a hundred round drum of ammo. Officer Culwell drew his .45 Glock 41 and began shooting and advancing, taking both shooters out of the fight without being shot himself. He hit with more than half of the shots he fired.
        1984, Jerusalem. 3 men armed with automatic rifles and grenades start shooting a crowd. An insurance salesman and an Army reserve officer engage them with their concealed pistols taking out 1. A merchant takes out the 2nd with his pistol. The 3rd is thrown off his gameplan, stops shooting and police take him into custody.
        Feb 12, 2007, Salt Lake City, UT. Less than 4 miles from where I lived at the time. A murderer armed with a shotgun and revolver started shooting people in the parking lot at Trolly Square Mall, entered the mall, and continued shooting. An off-duty officer was having dinner with his wife at a brewpub and engaged the shooter from the 2nd floor behind a see-through railing with a Kimber 1911 subcompact. The shooter shot back, but the incoming rounds fixed his position and he was no longer pursuing victims. A good friend of mine and another officer distracted the shooter and exchanged fire with him to distract him and other officers were able to flank and kill the shooter.
        1993, Cape Town South Africa. 4 terrorists armed with full-auto AK-47s and grenades entered a church, killing 11 and injuring 47. A member of the church drew his 5 shot snub nosed .38 special and wounded one terrorist. This was enough to cause all 4 terrorists armed with full-auto rifles to flee.
        December 11, 2012, Clackamass Town Center Mall, Oregon. A murderer, armed with a rifle and 145 rounds shot 17 times, killing 3 before being confronted by a guard armed with a pistol. The guard was worried about hitting innocent people and didn’t fire, but the mere sight of a gun was enough to cause the better armed murderer to run, hide, and shoot himself.
        December 9, 2007, Arvada, Colorado. A murderer armed with a rifle and pistol killed 2 people at the Youth With a Mission training center and then drove to the New Life church where he killed 2 more before a member of the church volunteer security team, Jeanne Assam, shot and killed him.
        August 27th, 2010, Salt Lake City, UT. A man armed with a scoped semi-auto rifle with a bipod and 1,000 rounds of ammo attempts to get to an upper floor of a hotel. He’s asked to leave. SLC Officer Downes verbally confronts the man, who responded by firing several rounds at Downes, hitting him once in the calf. Downes fired 3 rounds from his duty pistol from 75 feet away, one striking the attacker in the head, stopping the threat.
        December 1, 2014, Austin TX. An extremist shooter who appeared to be looking to commit death by cop armed with an AK-47, pistol, and .22 rifle shot over 100 rounds at buildings in downtown Austin in the middle of the night. Then he began shooting at Sgt. Adam Johnson with the Capital Police mounted patrol. He was firing full magazines from the AK and reloading. Sgt. Johnson, while holding the reins of 2 skittish horses in one hand, fired a single shot at the shooter from 314 feet away, hitting and killing him. As an interesting twist, the bullet nicked the shooter’s car, ricocheted and tumbled 5 feet before striking and killing the shooter.
        December 29th, 2019, White Settlement, Texas. A man enters a church and shoots a parishioner and armed volunteer security with a shotgun before being shot in the head by 71 year old church security volunteer, Jack Wilson.
        Let’s get real. Very few people want to be in a gunfight. Even special operations works hard to avoid “gunfights.” They’ll set up ambushes at the time and place of their choosing where they can use speed, surprise, and violence of action, sniping, indirect fire, grenades, charges, and flash bangs to minimize the chances of a true toe-to-toe fight.

        A “fight” implies that the playing field is level and that effective fire is going in both directions.

        If you do get into a gunfight, you want intel, armor, overwatch, long guns, an assortment of grenades, and a trained team that can shoot, move, and communicate.

        You don’t want to get into a gunfight alone, armed with a pistol. Ever. Against ANY gun.

        That being said, I believe that you should train for that worst case scenario .

      • TO ALL OF T TAG THIS IS A FAKE DACIAN. Of course if you scroll down and read some of his other comments he is quite obviously already revealed that.

        • Hey, dacian the stupid,

          Sucks to be you, dunnit????

          Fake dacian’s ramblings are no more retarded or insane than are yours, so you’ll forgive us for not immediately noting the difference. Although it is worth noting that, while his ramblings are insane, the fake dacian at least isn’t a deluded, demented, Leftist/fascist.

          Go visit the cable, and then pound salt. You are too stupid to insult.

      • When you make wildly, blatantly false statements like “ 1,500,000 children are accidentally killing themselves, per day, with firearms”, how can you expect anyone to listen to a word you say? If that figure were true, there wouldn’t be any children left in the world in a month.

    • We need to get the Gypsy Jokers some more practice with firearms. They left too many Antifa members in perfect condition.

      • Or upgrade them to .45acp. I mean, what self respecting MC uses 9mm, as they obviously must have?

  2. I woulda paid money to watch Soros’ pajama ninjas goin after a group that isn’t scared to give back! One down, a lot more to go!!

  3. As Usual this is nothing more than distorted T Tag far right propaganda. Here is what really happened and it appears that a far right nut case attacked peaceful people protesting a police killing.

    As Ms. Beck and the group were working, with one woman riding in the back of a truck because she walked slower and with the aid of a cane, a man approached a small group of women, screaming that they were “violent terrorists” and repeatedly calling them a misogynist vulgarity. The man said they were the people responsible for violence in the city, Beck recounted, adding that he said: “If I see you come past my house, I’ll shoot you.”

      • You mean Panti-Fa scum. These panti waists are going to learn some hard lessons when they f**ck around with a motorcycle gang.

        • You might have noticed that the panty waist Antifa thugs only pull this kind of crap in liberal DIm run cities and states. They know better than to do this in states like Texas. The cowboys and Texas Biker gang would hand these C.S. thugs their asses.

        • Getting froggy with any biker club, particularly those with 1% diamonds on their vests, is a sure way to get your ass handed to you, and possibly dead. They don’t f*** around.

        • Motorcycle gang? You mean the Gypsy Wankers?

          Looks like your motorcycle gang hero will go to prison for murder, if he recovers.

        • Minor MINER49ER looks like you will be unable to serve on that jury. You have already determined the man guilty. Typical Leftist Socialist position. “Guilty until proven innocent”? Just like Kyle Rittenhouse.
          I have a RED HOT NEWS FLASH for you. There is this thing we call SELF DENFENSE!

    • darcydodo…you and your damage repair propaganda belong with the nytimes on the bottom of a birdcage.

    • Sure glad we can depend on the mental midget to let us know what really happened.

      His day job must be down at the docks, working as a master baiter.

    • I have a list of stuff I want you people to do that I was going to vote on. If I can get enough votes, I can force you to do stuff on my list. #Democracy!

      1) Safe storage laws, in your own home. Because what you do in your home is my business.
      2) More background checks. Every gun ever manufactured today already goes through a background check, but that is not good enough. I need background checks (and lists) of who you are privately selling your guns to.
      3) Capitalism sucks. And I’m a commie pinko. I sympathize with the impoverished, and if the impoverished can’t be rich, the rich can be impoverished. And i’m all for that. Thus i’m going to frame every conversation mentioning “corporations” as much grubbing corrupt tax hoarding entities, whose money belongs by default to the government, and giving money back to them is actually subsidizing.


      You tell me, what #4 should be – write in your responses below!

      • dacian the stupid, you couldn’t get enough votes to vote yourself off the island – because NONE of the commenters on this site, with the possible exceptions of the nameless, brainless troll, and MinorIQ, give a flying f*** about you, your idiot opinions, your brainwashed Leftist propaganda, or your lack of knowledge of the touch of a woman. Your only “sexual” activity is your daily circle jerk with MinorIQ and the nameless, brainless troll.

        You are too stupid to insult. Go pound salt in your @$$.

        • Southern Cross,

          Totally true, but . . . how can we tell??? ALL “dacian” posts are deranged, deluded, ignorant rants. The only “tell” I can find is that the “real” dacian is the most demented Leftist/fascist of the “dacian” clan.

      • You can’t force me to do jack shit, although you could strongly incentivize me to hunt you down if you got enough votes, but so far I doubt you could earn your own vote, much less anyone else’s.

        • I think the world has had more than enough of being told how and what to think and being led around by the nose with a feed bucket in their face and blinders on. Anyone who can’t figure the hell out what they are reading deserves everything that happens to them.

    • Did they try their usual method of surrounding one person and did their “Raise the fist” chant?

      A downunder chapter tried this at a gun show. They didn’t know the old guys they targeted were actually Korean War and Vietnam War veterans. The police had to escort them, the antifa group, away for their own safety.

      But antifa’s department of information, enlightenment, and propaganda will portray these as heroic victories.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, any criminal shot and killed by the police got his just and due. Tough bazookies!

      Funny how you always pick the far left media to try to spread your propaganda.

      Try reading something that has the truth in it for a change of pace.

  4. “They are sending Gypsy Jokers to kidnap us. They are sanctioning this violence against us. We are dying. We are trying to peacefully protest and they are killing us. And I want to know if any of you care.”

    Well, Ms. “peacefully protest” AntiFa, you mess with the bull and sometimes you get gored…fatally!

    In answer to your rhetorical (?) question…I don’t F’ng care about you domestic terrorists (AntiFa) receiving your long-overdue comeuppance…not even a little tiny bit.

  5. Violence like this scale is NOT JUSTIFIED no matter what. The provokative views of ANTIFA [We in the UK called them ANARCHISTS] regarding the Police may be delusional and foolish but they ARE entitled to the same freedom of speech as everybody else within the law. No matter whatever their views on policing they arfe still entitled to Police Proection and Action the same as everybody else. The Members of the MOTOR CYCLE GANG who carried out this killing, and the attempted killing of at least four others are GUILTY of MURDER and ATTEMPTED MURDER, no more and no less GUILTY and should be pursued and tried through the courts.

    We have this idiots in the UK but, unlike the USA. we ignore them for the idiots they really are -we do not shoot them Exreemmists of any kind have a great deal of difficulty in getting any kind of traction in the UK [and most of Europe] and mostly become figures ofridicule. There’s NOTHING like laughing at them to disarm them. That’s what killed ther KKK

    • They’re hard to ignore when they’re setting things on fire, forming lynch parties, and shooting people. Antifa in the US are different; they have politicians at levels backing them in they know it.

      Oh, and don’t extend your principles to include them, they will take advantage of it.

    • Lol. There’s nothing peaceful about what antifa does. They are by and large violent criminal bullies who have enjoyed the tacit approval of certain Democrat prosecutors and politicians.

      • They’ve also seriously injured many law enforcement officers with that tacit approval of those democrat prosecutors and politicians. Anytime one of these bastards is taken out that’s a good thing.

      • Heck, they enjoy the approval of the FBI. “They’re just an idea” …that has local chapters and leaders who communicate their attacks (and apparently obstruction of justice) with each other through social media platforms.

    • Evidently you know little of the M/C world…………You threaten or attack a member and that member/s will defend themselves to the fullest. And then some.
      FWIW…Protesting and rioting/attacking/intimidating others are two different things.
      In the USA one has the Right to keep and bear arms, mainly for the reason of SELF DEFENSE.
      Remember when Gage tried to tell Colonial Americans we could have guns?
      In both cases here, someone messed with someone they should not have messed with.

      • Remember when Gage tried to tell Colonial Americans we could NOT have guns
        In both cases here, someone messed with someone they should not have messed with.

        Fixed my typo.

        • Country boy; it’s Albert Hall, from the UK. He thinks he is Gage, or wishes he was. They have street corner drop boxes for people to surrender their knives into with Grover from Sesame Street on them saying “only losers carry!”. True story.

    • nope…not going to listen to a brit talk shit about how to do anything when you have WHOLE GIANT sections of the country overrun with Muslims and are ‘no go’ areas for anyone else

      Bye the way thanks for dressing all your troops in red with those big white ‘X’s over both sides, it made aiming so easy!

      • They DO have occassional things they do that we might pay attention to. I see the London police have a new method of capturing people on scooters and motorbikes that won’t stop……..they run into them with their squad cars.

      • and normal folk with no harmful intent whatever can no onger go out and bringhome a standard kitchen knife. WHY? They are banned. Why? Because the mozzies began using them as portable weapons. Then they tried bats.. so THEY got banned.

    • Albert Hall,

      I agree that there is no justification to use deadly force (whether or not that deadly force takes the form of hands-and-feet, clubs, knives, or firearms) against someone for exercising free speech.

      The relevant question is whether or not ANTIFA violently attacked the biker gang which therefore justified the biker gang using deadly force to defend themselves. If you have compelling evidence which proves this one way or the other, please share with us.

      • “The relevant question is whether or not ANTIFA violently attacked the biker gang“

        That is the question, hopefully we’ll get an answer if the police and prosecutors conduct a professional investigation.

        A reasonable person would withhold judgment until more facts become apparent.

        • Miner MINER49ER are you fricking kidding me! Your ANTIFA thugs are famous for attacking first.

          It is funny how you “withhold judgment” when it’s your tugs that are the perps but if there is even a hint that it could be someone else, you are quick as greased lighting to make a ‘judgement’.

    • red coat a. hall…Would you rant as much if the the so called MOTOR CYCLE GANG were on bicycles? For months America watched marxist pantie fa gangs beating up individuals and whenever the tables are turned they cry like the cowards they are.

      You come on this forum from a country where you are a subject and you are quick lend our Constitutional Protections to a group of marxist morons who would burn The US Constitution if they ever got their sick hands on it.

      BTW…The kkk was the Gun Control military wing of the democRat Party. And antifa pantie-fa is also a wing of the democRat Party…Even a sheltered subject like you should know that.

    • Yes, Uncle Albert, pantiefa is entitled to freedom of speech. But, sometimes, speech has consequences. Especially when you try to intimidate genuine badazzez. The Gypsy Jokers were around before any of the antifa swine were born. We might characterize this as “millennial bullies meet boomer bikers”. There’s not much contest.

    • Hey, Albert the Subject,

      Again, BECAUSE you are a subject, not a citizen, you would not understand that these Antifa scum WERE and always ARE armed, their flyer specifically called for “direct action” (i.e., violence) and they happened, because they are stupid Leftist/fascists to decide to try their s*** on an armed citizen. They messed with the bull; they got the horns. Good lesson for THEM to learn, AND a good lesson for YOU to learn . . . but neither of you will. Until it’s too late, of course.

    • Here is some good advice. You need to take care of your own country before giving advice to anyone else. You cannot even run your own country efficiently. What makes you think we are going to listen to any advice from you.

    • In THIS cohutry,Albert, WE have the right to own and carry arms in pat to protect ourselves and loved ones faily, freidns, even strangers, from precisely the sort of wanton violence as we see here. The paytyfahs posed a credible threat, which they seemed to have the will and means of carrying out, on the rong people. Instead of standing ther and beingkilled, they deployed their personal defensive weapons and turned the tables.

      It would be tantampunt to, over there in your “paradise’ beyond the Puddle a gang of (choose your class of nasty brutal aggressor thugs) attacked some ordinarly folk who happened to have some means of turning the table,s excet the aggressors are of a “favoured class” of hooligans, and actually had upon their persons some means of turning the tables. As the aggressors persisted, more and more of them were put down like the rabid hounds they are. The bullies went looking for touble but fund it.. the rwrong end of it. Istread of doing the biting, they ended up receiving it for a change. In this country this is cause for rejoicing. I have seen firsthand up close and personal some of the destrcution Antifa have wrought in Portlend, and much more of it on the telly. A family run car dealership had NINE MILLIONI dollars damage done in one night. Something lilke thirty NEW CARS destroyed, writeoffs. Large windows broken, much more. Friends of mine own a business next door to this dearlerhip. They were spared.. that night. But they suffered singifcant loss because patrons were afraid to enter that part of the city for fear they would be next. Antifa should be declared a terrorist organisation and treated accordingly.Trouboe is, far too many deep connextions inside government and big business.

    • Albert Hall, As you are a subject of the Queen in Great Britain, you don’t get to justify the scum we have identified as ANTIFA. They took on the wrong people to mess with. While I don’t condone what they did, your ANTIFA buddies-thugs got what they asked for.

    • There’s NOTHING like laughing at them to disarm them. That’s what killed ther KKK

      A) This is the US not the UK, and conditions are different.
      B) If you laugh at Antifa here, they slash your tires, smash your windows, hit your car and make dents, and may or may not, drag you out and kick you unconscious. All of which is NOT free speech. They do this, while the police do NOTHING to stop them, because the police, and everyone in between right on up to the mayor, are intimidated and have aligned themselves with these violent Antifa thugs. Which is why when they are arrested, they are immediately released.
      C) While I agree, in an ideal place, the cops should not have bias and should do their jobs, I can still sit back and as a result of B above, laugh and enjoy the moments when violent mob of antifa pick a fight with violent mob of bikers and then get shot to death. It’s just great! What a show. The icing on the cake was this jiggly fat orca taking over the microphone, hyperventilating, and then accusing the police of killing them. That’s the greatest part! The second greatest part, is the appearance of her disabled wheelchair deformed midget, which is so stereotypical of the victimhood class, jumping in with shouting the at police that they are cowards.

    • so aren’t antifa terrorizing citizens in Britain where the people cant fight back like they do here in the states where people can fight back.

  6. Freakin AWSOME….
    Antifa sucks,
    Don’t fu_k with the Joker’s…
    They are the nastiest bikers in OREGONE,
    If Ted Wheeler had kids they would be Antifa.

    • NORDNEG,

      Wasn’t aware that Ted Wheeler was able to give birth. OH, you meant HE would be the father!! OK, where’s he gonna find the sperm donor, ’cause God knows he’s incapable. He’s as nutless as dacian the stupid, MinorIQ, and the nameless, brainless troll.

  7. Sounds like a severe case of Fuck Around…Find Out
    Gypsy Jokers 1….Antifa 0

    I knew Antifa was Stupid, but by attacking Gypsy Jokers MC members , Antifa proves they’re insane also.
    Good going GJ M/C for TCOB.
    Hey Antifa…do y’all plan on attacking OL and HA too ? ROFLMAO

    • Attacking any MC, or a group of bikers in leather, is likely to result in an ass beating, at minimum. That takes a special kind of stupid.

    • sounds like antifa are a fine reason for all the motorcycle clubs to get together to take out all that terrorism from that gang of thugs.

  8. I’ve never heard of the Gypsy Jokers before last night. But if they’re going to clean out the trash with antifa, they must not be so bad!

  9. What else would anyone expect. Pick a fight with people who can and will fight back, then whine and bitch when they get beat up or shot. I do not advocate violence nor desire the death of anyone. But I also have no problem with a violent response to a violent attack. Don’t go out and pick a fight and there will not be one. Come with violent intent and you may be surprised when your intended victims respond with like violence or even greater violence.

    • I’ve been wondering why more groups don’t fight back. Motorcycle gangs aren’t the only people in America who won’t quietly take a load of crap from idiots. I’m no fan of skinhead and neo-Nazi groups, but their response to Antifa has been pretty wimpy.

      • There are next to ZERO actual skinhead and neo-Nazi groups in the US. One nutcase who shot up a church actually whined about not being able to find the violent white supremacist groups the left claims are all over the country.

        • pretty sure there are more gayskins than any neo nazi skins. though of course there are always a handful of idiots to corrupt any working class movement, groups like antifa seem to be the majority of such idiots now of course.

    • Gotta say, pull my chain bad enough to get me to draw, turning to run is not gonna do it, no matter how fast you are. Your only hope then is my shaky hands and ancient eyes.

  10. The wealthy mostly white socialist progressive people of Portland voted for this. President Trump gave them a chance to change. They said no. They should be now be left to deal with this. Without any outside support.

    • True, but the ideology propping them and the politicians up still needs to be discredited. Otherwise this sort of thing will proliferate elsewhere. (Not unlike how one cannot flee from citizen-disarmist politics forever, as the bluing of large metros shows us.)

  11. WHO does a fat ugly broad “take over” a popo news conf. Staged.

    There is not a large enough Harley to “snatch” that broad.

  12. Wow, i haven’t done a score keeping post of these since October 2020, as far as I can tell. Funny how right before the ‘lekshun all the rioting and violence died down.

    Score Keeping

    Good Guys 11
    Commies -4.5

    Score break downs

    Good Guys
    (1 for AK commie shot in Austin, .5 for Seattle Antifa Bike Punch, 1 for Portland stabber lady, -1 for Machete comes to Dallas, 1 for multiple Antifa beaten after attacking wheelchair veteran, 2 commies dead and 1 wounded by 17 YO in Kenosha, 6 for bikers not taking any shit)

    (.5 for Black anti big tech censorship rally organizer teeth kicked out and another man sent to hospital by antifa, NFAC shot 3 of their own, Aurora protester wounded 2 other protesters and another jumped off a bridge, -2 for Playing in Traffic in Seattle, +1 for Portland driver crashed and beaten, +1 for PP member shot in Portland, +1 for Patriot Muster guy shot by Antifa/Reporter?)

  13. Let’s get social workers on scene, cut these bikers some anti-recidivism checks and provide government sponsored housing.

  14. Antifa really sucks at being truly violent. Wonder how many of the deceaseds “comrades” saw real life happen, and now decide it’s not as fun when you dont hold a monopoly on projectiles.

      • “Yep, when hot lead starts to fly, cowards get cold feet.“

        Not in this case, when the racist right wing gun nut opened fire on the women, the protesters responded and shot the shit out of him.

        Sadly the racist anti-VAXer shot five people before he was taken down, does that qualify as a mass shooting?

        • Although as a fellow furry, I Miner49er identify as a chicken, I understand completely why he did it.

          BTW my furry handle is……… Chick’em Bucker



        • Minor MINER49ER The real racists are you Leftist-Socialists. I refer you to Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger?

    • Because they think they will have the monopoly on violence. The only shooting will be done by them against their declared enemies of the state who are line up in front of the ditch.

      You can’t have a revolution without execution.

  15. Normally I don’t support motorcycle club violence, but I will make an exception in this case. Is there a “go-fund me” page where I can contribute to the legal defense of the alleged shooters?

  16. The guy in the red pickup should have stayed in his car. He wasn’t in the wrong, but it was tactically stupid.

  17. There’s so much posturing and narrative building coming from all sides, I simply do not believe anything of what any of you have to say. Not Anti-fascists, not TTAG’ers, not anyone. There is not one trustworthy voice among you.

    • So, Watch, YOU’RE the only person with the “actual truth”???

      Self-absorbed, arrogant @$$hole, much????

      Fly to DC and tell Senile Joe what to do, then . . . that brain-dead idiot needs all the help he can get. We all can get along just fine WITHOUT your “approval”.

      As Curly Red said, “Well . . . bye.”

    • “There is not one trustworthy voice among you“

      Please don’t interrupt the monkeys in their circle jerk, they become rather nasty and start throwing poop at you.

      • Miner MINER49ER Speaking of “circle jerk”, you and your ilk, dacian the DUNDERHEAD are quick with the ad hominem comments but can’t take it when it comes back to bite you in your arse.

      • Don’t worry, MinorIQ, he won’t interrupt you, dacian, and the nameless, brainless troll. We enjoy those times when you three indulge your kink; it allows us to have actual conversations, untainted by Leftist/fascist deranged idiocy. Fell free to conduct your serial onanism in peace.

      • The poop is only being flung at you and your fellow travellers in an effort to keep all the excrement in one pile.

  18. Can the Gypsy Jokers be hired to harass antifa? If so where can a donation be sent?

    Asking for a friend…..

  19. Seems the overarching message here is LEOs should NOT be spending time/resources on investigating/questioning these type of incidents. 🤔 This message is directly from the useful idiots no less. Just when you thought they couldn’t get any stupider. 😜

    Like lemmings to the sea……….

    A brief review of history shows who’s ALWAYS deemed useless first and subsequently discarded.

    • When the LEO’s find out that they’re been called by BLM or Pantifa, they should just say “OK, have a nice day” and then leave the scene. If the whiners complain, the LEO’s should tell them “We just cancelled ourselves at your request.”

  20. I am real curious on the video at this rate, either they started it, they wamt street justice or both.

    Will say that we need some obstruction of justice charges tossed at people here.

  21. The Gypsy Jokers have a history of favoring 12 gauge shotguns. A rifled choke tube works wonders to create that true scattergun effect.

  22. The Bloods and the Crips, ran Antifa out of their neighborhoods in CA. Unfortunately it’s easier for the bikers in Oregon to get guns. Then it is for the Bloods and the Crips to get guns in California. Is this because of the skin color of the “law abiding” bikers???

    • I’m sure the gangs in LA get all the guns they want. For a start, they rob trains carrying shipments of guns. Then there are the ones stolen from law-abiding gun owners, and those smuggled into the country from Mexico or through the ports.

  23. This should be considered “mutual combat”. There should be no prosecutions. Just like in Chiraq.

  24. When a gang operates in a neighborhood long enough sooner or later they’ll come up against another gang. This is what happens.

  25. What was that Clint Eastwood line….’every once in a while you come across somebody you just shouldn’t fuck with’….?

    funny how things work out

  26. Well I’m nobody’s slave I’m nobody’s master
    Time is mine morning, night and afternoon
    And you hitch-hiking woman, when you see me coming
    Jump on my back and let your hair come tumbling down.

  27. Why is truth so hard to understand?

    Laws are the root of all crime.

    Eliminate laws, eliminate crime !

    Ooooopppsss. Wrong story thread. Should have written, “Orange man bad!”

  28. Perhaps these are President Trump’s “secret police”. That the Liberals, Left, and some, but not all Libertarians complain about so much.
    These “secret police” seem to be very effective at their job.

  29. I had an up close and personal meeting with a motley bunch or antifa, BLM and radical sexual deviants of some kind. They outnumbered me by at least twelve to one. They guessed correctly that I was armed. They tried to entice me to start something with plenty of video cameras recording of course. I would not take the bait. Finally they just called 911 and reported that I was brandishing my firearm and making threats. I sat in the back of a police car for a short time and had a discussion with the police but since none of what they said was true nothing became of it. That includes nothing happened to them for making a false report to 911. These people lie and manipulate. The author, John Boch, can back up the authenticity of my story.

  30. @LarryinTX
    “I thought it was 93 million per day!?”

    That figure covers all demographics, not just children (which includes humans up to the age of 19).

  31. I knew nothing about the Gypsy Jokers until I read this. So I asked a couple of friends here locally who used to live in Portland for 20+ years about the Gypsy Jokers.

    They said, and I quote “They’re some very bad-assed bikers. Like Hell’s Angels level of badassery. Do. Not. Mess. With. Them. Why do you ask? Did someone with them ask you to work on a gun? Tell me you didn’t take such a job!?”

    “Oh, no. No problem there.” Then I said “The reason it comes up is that you’ll never guess who Pantifa picked a fight with?”

    “What? Noooo…. really?!!” They both started giggling like schoolgirls. “How long was it until Antifa was crying like little bitches and calling the police they want to defund?”

    They haven’t been in Portland in eight years, and they could write the script for how this was going to go down without getting online. I noted that I’ve been predicting that Pantifa’s chunky white female college graduate membership has been itching to get hurt or killed by pretending to be men in these ‘direct action’ pieces. Oh well. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  32. Commented to my girlfiend about this MC versus Antifa. Her and her husband (deceased) used to ride with the Outlaws. She said “Ah,,, the Jokers, no you dont want to fuck with them.”
    Then I had to sit and listen to two and a half of stories.
    I think from now on I’ll just go over to her place and only open my mouth when I’m shoveling food in it. Well as a matter of fact she did say, ” I think all you come over here for is the food.”
    Dad burn it I thought I was slicker then that, old age is creeping up on me. A pack of smokes and a kiss just ain’t working anymore.

    • “A pack of smokes and a kiss just ain’t working anymore.”

      “Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.”
      – Bennett Cerf

    • “Who wants to ride that chrome three wheeler, who wants to make that first mistake? Who wants to wear those Gypsy leathers, all the way to fire lake…”

  33. Definitely wasn’t Jokers, they were all at my house watching RIDICULOUSNESS marathons all night. Iron Order got their EBay Order of fake patches and did a little not so “policee” brutality.

  34. Well this has been a great example of fake news, Russian bots, and conspiracy key board commandos

    Info now looks like protesters protesting over police no knock warrants that killed a legal gun owner were met by a radicalized right winger who shot an unarmed women old enough to be his mom, along with three others. A good guy in the crowd stopped him with his own firearm, putting the perp in the hospital in critical condition.

  35. These ANTIFA socialist idiots need to run into more people like the Gypsy Jokers so we can get rid of them permanently. If they hate police and America so much, why don’t they move somewhere where they will have all the things they wish for (like China or Russia)? In this case, the Gypsy Jokers were the heroes.

  36. Big bad bikers? The shooter was a Furry, went by the name Polybun. He got upset by reading too much News Max and killed a crossing guard.

    “Portland police formally named Benjamin Jeffrey Smith as a suspect in the mass shooting, which killed 60-year-old June Knightly, a volunteer with a traffic crew for the protest, and critically injured at least two others. In news release Tuesday, police said Smith remained hospitalized in serious condition and that detectives were working with the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office to determine potential charges.

    Smith’s roommate Kristine Christenson told The Oregonian that Smith had appeared on Reddit under the username “Polybun.”

    There is a lesson here for you folks living inside your echo chambers.

    • “The shooter was a Furry, went by the name Polybun“

      So the Gypsy Jokers are Furries?

      Gives that leather jacket and chaps a whole new meaning… Who knew?

      • Careful there, socialist miner. You never know who might be reading these posts. Be a shame to lose you to some mutual combat inter tribal warfare because you definitely just insulted the wrong people. And I say this sincerely. Well, most of it.

        • I appreciate your concern, but I’m familiar with this particular element of the population and I’m confident I’m at no risk.

        • Why am I so familiar with this particular element of the population and why am I confident I’m at no risk.? Because a few years ago I joined them.

          I am known in the furry community by my furry handle…. Chick’em Bucker!

          Although at first I faced some discrimination, because I identified as a chicken with feathers and not as a “Furry” creature with fur.

        • Minor MINER49ER I am more than sure you have nothing to worry about with ANTIFA as you are one of them.

      • Miner, I am that particular element of society. As I said; you would be wise to just shut your mouth at a certain point. But you be you.

  37. “…I want to know if any of you care.”

    Not I.

    I do think, though, whomever the shooter was, he/she needs some accuracy training.

  38. Shooting four women, one in the head, at close range. Reports so far have him as a Gun collecting, Blue Lives Matter, Antivaxing, Anti-Semitic. Looks like might be able to ad Incel to the list. The guy is a joke, not a Gypsy Joker.

    Good thing a good guy with a rifle was able to take him out before he killed more people’s mothers.

    • Are these reports from a credible source or from some Bloomberg associated media outlet? Or are they just the never ending voices you hear in your head between feeding times? More harder still, not quite there yet troll.

      • “never ending voices you hear in your head“

        Looks like you’re the one hearing voices…

        The mass shooter was just another right wing racist with a gun and an anger management issue.

        • zon, I appreciate your concern but the university of Arkham has given me a sabbatical so that I might more fully engage in the geopolitical events of the Times.

          My graduate advisor, Dr. Lovecraft, only asked that I prepare a narrative outlining the elements and outcomes of my observations.

  39. Yep, he’s one of years, another right wing gun nut mass shooter.

    Put a gun in his hand and he’s Barney badass, shot women, one in the head killing her instantly.

    “Benjamin Jeffrey Smith had grown increasingly angry at demonstrations set in the Northeast Portland neighborhood, his brother told The Oregonian/OregonLive.

    Smith also got upset by protests occurring across the city and homeless people picking through trash in his apartment complex and living near the park, his roommate and neighbors said.

    He lately had added COVID-19 health mandates to his complaints, the roommate said.

    Smith was known to collect guns, several neighbors said Monday as a memorial of flowers and candles grew nearby for one woman killed in the shooting and other victims.

    Portland police haven’t identified Smith as the alleged shooter.

    They have said publicly only that an argument between an armed neighbor and some people at a demonstration in the park precipitated the shooting.

    A source with first-hand knowledge of the investigation confirmed that the neighbor with the gun was Smith. Neighbors began to wonder when he didn’t return home that night.

    June Knightly, 60, a volunteer with a traffic crew for the protest, was killed in the shooting. Investigators believe Smith shot four other demonstrators, according to the source. Two of them remain in critical condition, one of them paralyzed, the source said.

    Smith also was critically injured when an armed demonstrator returned fire with a rifle, according to the source.

    Smith hasn’t been charged in the shooting.

    Early Sunday, four and a half hours after the 8 p.m. shooting, Portland police investigators visited Smith’s second-story apartment near the corner of Northeast 55th Avenue and Hassalo Street.

    They asked questions to learn more about Smith, including if he had any guns and how many, according to Kristine Christenson, Smith’s roommate.

    Christenson said Smith hadn’t come home since he left their apartment sometime Saturday night.

    Christenson, who has lived with Smith for seven years, said Smith often criticized the Black Lives Matter movement, the COVID-19 mask requirement, crime in the neighborhood and homeless people living near the park by their apartment.”

    If it was a biker, it was a pussy biker, what we always called ‘scooter trash’.

    • An armed demonstrator returned fire. Something that would have been impossible if you and dacian the nazi had your way about gun control. Armed citizens do make a difference.

      • You are incorrect.

        If the armed demonstrator had attended classroom instruction on the rights and obligations of carrying a firearm in public spaces, as well as demonstrated proficiency on the live fire range, I would have no problem with them carrying a firearm while exercising their first amendment rights in public spaces such as the park across the street from the right wing mass shooter’s home.

        I’ve stated my position many times, and lying about it does not make you look smarter.

        • Lying thru obfuscation, which is your main gig, is about as low as one can go. But jump right in, socialist miner, and sign up for all those vaunted, principled and faithfully administrated gov programs you claim to idolize. I know for an undisputed fact where they lead, not only thru experience but because so many people are just like you, socialist miner; liers, obfuscators and dissemblers of the truth. You are not only dishonest, you are deceitful. Beneath contempt. No different than a pandering politician. Snake oil merchants all, you and your slimy ilk. Shame on you. Truly.

        • Regardless of your weak sauce explanation you support the side that has gun control as a main plank in its campaign agenda. So you support gun control.

  40. TTAG, Dan Zimmerman, whoever the hell is in charge of the comment section: do you seriously expect people to continue to comment when every third time they hit “post comment” it is subjected to Big Brother and sent off to the “moderation” camps?? I’ve only recently joined the comment section but I’ve read damn near every single word on this, your, website since Sandy Hook. You continuously thank your readers and extoll the comment section yet then reward those who support and participate by constant screening and oversight? One would think they are in a government facility. Hardly a good look for a site that makes it’s very living by disseminating Freedom and Liberty. That and it’s just annoying as hell. Thanks. Cheers. Sorta.

  41. TTAG or Dan Zimmerman, if you are listening; so I think I’ve figured out your moderation algorithm: it isn’t every third comment after all, it’s every fourth one. I was going to shut up about it and see what developed (I say this immediately after having yet another comment moderated) but now I’m curious, do direct threats of death qualify to be sent to the “awaiting moderation” holding cell? Check out one of the last replies by our (your) resident bag of trash troll to the opening comment. Wouldn’t that be considered a felony in the USA? Great site, Dan and great, even important content, but that guy isn’t exercising a right. He is instead abusing it. Severely. And your site is hosting it.

    • Unfuckingbelievable. fucking moderated again, on a godamned comment complaining, again, about the moderation. Two right in a row and multiple times over the last 48hrs. These are the first swear words I’ve used on this site but obviously that isn’t even part of the process. Nor, apparently, is the issuing of a direct and unmistakable threat of death by the resident troll as we can plainly see under the opening post. Unbelievable.

    • Mr. shooter, I went back and looked at the original posts and I’m not seeing the death threats you speak of.
      In order to be actionable, a death threat would need to mention a specific person by name in order to be considered a credible threat.

      And most of those original comments are from a fake account that is satirizing Dacian’s posts.

      I mean really, don’t get your panties in a wad snowflake, this is the Internet. Time to grab your pull-ups with both hands and give them a tug.

      • Although I must admit, with the supply chain issues, I have been giving my pull ups “double duty” before I swap them out.

        Now they are lasting twice as long!

        And ya’ll think I am just another dumb leftist. Hah!

      • There’s a line, wouldn’t you agree? The law certainly does. And you obviously didn’t go back and look for anything. More lies. From a deceitful liar. And as I said above; you’re already toeing a line, princess. Careful.

Comments are closed.