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Dear fellow IPSC shooters and friends,

As many of you have heard already, IPSC shooting (in fact all Dynamic shooting disciplines) are about to be prohibited in the Netherlands! This new law will be voted on in a matter of weeks, and if it passes – will mean the end of our sport in Holland, and who knows – this decision may well spread quickly across the EU. As you can imagine, the NPSA (the Dutch IPSC organization) is mobilizing every possible resource to fight this unjust proposed law, but it is  a desperate battle. The odds are stacked against us. We need your help! You can help by going online and signing this petition. Please also take a moment to forward a link to this article to anyone who could generate more signatures: your shooting range, your club, your federation, your local gunsmiths. Post it online on any website you have access to. We want to show that IPSC is a serious sport, with thousands of participants worldwide. Many thanks for your participation in our fight.

Best Regards,
Saul Kirsch
General Manager
Double-Alpha Academy B.V.

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  1. Must have been too many Moslems showing up, either as participants or drawings on targets. Sensitive part of the world. Legal pot shops but no dynamic-shooting comps? There’s something sort of California about this story. But Dutch chicks….what can I say? Another action sport if one is needed. All is not lost.

  2. Can someone who speaks Dutch translate which box is for my name …etc and what the check box says? I went to the English site but it directed my back to the same petition in Dutch.

    • Please take a minute to log onto this site:

      Scroll down, where it says “Ik” – you fill in your name
      – Where it says ”wonede te” you fill in your city and country.
      – Tick the checkbox if you want to allow your name to be shown on the list.
      – Enter your email address
      – And click the yellow box “ondertekenen” to sign the petition.

  3. I personally find it disingenuous to meddle in another countries internal affairs just as I would be displeased if a special interest group goes around soliciting foreign signatures for an internal US issue.

    • “I personally find it disingenuous to meddle in another countries internal affairs just as I would be displeased if a special interest group goes around soliciting foreign signatures for an internal US issue.”…
      yes, thats the problem with the US. Very insular. Anyone who has an interest in IPSC should support it irrespective of borders. Its all well and good to go on lockdown and become a paranoid scared country, but if you shun the rest of the world, when the shit hits the fan, they will give you the finger too! Try speaking out for what you believe is right, not just in your own country, but global. The US isnt the be all and end all you know!

    • IANAL,and certainly not a Dutch lawyer, but is it perhaps a “sporting purpose” used as justification for firearm ownership in a country where one must ask permission to own firearms, or certain types of firearms?

    • Only if the wooden shoe is registered and kept at home in a locked safe. Steel toes , of course, are assault footwear……..

  4. Last year my sister had a Dutchman friend of hers stay for two weeks and it was very enlightening to hear about life over there. True to her greatness the first stop from the airport was the liquor store and the second was a gun shop. Ronald (the Dutchman) was absolutely amazed at the gun store. He simply could not fathom walking into a store that had rows and rows of guns on display. He said at home he’d have to through bank vault-like doors to even see a gun. It also blew his mind that I and my buddy both had legally concealed weapons on us.

    Being proud of our culture and always eager to share it I and my buddies loaded up the Jeeps with over a dozen different guns and tons of ammo, took him to the desert and let him shoot as much as his heart desired. He absolutely loved it and we were happy to give him the opportunity. Out of all the cool, sexy semi-autos, bolt actions and combat shotguns his favorite was a Marlin 336 in 30-30 which I brought just for him when he told me he loves guns of the old West. It was the closest I had to anything from that era and I don’t think he minded that it wasn’t a ’73 Winchester.

    It would be a shame if IPSC gets shut down over there especially if it spreads through the EU. Best of luck to all them all!

  5. Yeah no surprise there. They are part of (the only people who deserve to have a firearm is the military, and maybe not even them) EU. Or just Europe all together.

  6. Hi,

    The petition link has been posted atleast to the two main Practical shooting forums here in Finland and I already see familiar names on the petition.



  7. I worked for a Dutch company for ten years, and from my knowledge of the Dutch people, they would go along with all gun control. This is probably not a case of the government doing something unpopular. The Dutch don’t mind being ruled.

  8. I should have added something to my previous comment, which will contradict what I said about the Dutch.
    One Dutchman said this to me: “my country is a ‘place,’ while America is more than just a ‘place’ – it’s an idea.”
    It took a Dutchman to show me how to look at it that way.

  9. Is this something perhaps about ISSF disciplines being against Dynamic shooting because it’s not ‘purist’ or ‘elegant’ in their opinion? I have seen a good deal of that all over this planet! Prac or Dynamic shooting sports require a good deal of thought and mental preparation. Read Saul Kirsch’s book ‘Thinking Practical Shooting’ to see what I mean. Any idea or supposed reasoning that this is training people in a combat discipline is ridiculous. You walk down a high street with a very fragile rig on and and even more fragile firearm with a combat purpose in mind is ludicrous. It’s a bit like saying we should ban all T shirts if they’re not blue because the bad guys wear other colours. If you make sure lunatics don’t have access to guns, you have no problem. The Dutch authorities proposing this silly measure have two things to answer. They have absolute gun control but they have no effective gun control over who is fit to have guns. So, return to gun control and that sorts the problem………..And what was the problem again? Dynamic shooting is breeding criminals? Did this happen in the last two weeks or was my lie in longer than usual?
    Holland!! Don’t do this! You are making yourself look very Stupid! Your Citizens will go somewhere else and enjoy their sport. and, what is more, the world will welcome them, whereas you will lose their respect, forever. xxx

  10. À 21 year old, licensed firearm owner, shootingclub member, goes on killing spree in shopping mall with .22 AR 15 variant killing 9 people and then himself.

    Turns out that he has been mentally ill for some years and has been seeing a psychiatrist. If Police would have had acces to this knowledge for his background check this nutcase would have never ever got his license.

    In stead of giving Police the proper rights and tools to do a proper background check our government bans this category AND the weapons asociated with it.

    And so we have another nail in the coffin that leads to a “firearms” free society in Holland.

  11. À 21 year old, licensed firearm owner, shootingclub member, goes on killing spree in shopping mall with .22 AR 15 variant killing 9 people and then himself.

    Turns out that he has been mentally ill for some years and has been seeing a psychiatrist. If Police would have had acces to this knowledge for his background check this nutcase would have never ever got his license.

    In stead of giving Police the proper rights and tools to do a proper background check our government bans this category AND the weapons asociated with it.
    And so we have another nail in the coffin that leads to a “firearms” free society in Holland.

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