Screen cap by Boch via Twitter.

Once upon a time, Philadelphia was better known for its brotherly love than for feral crime.  However, with Soros-funded prosecutor Larry Krasner putting criminals’ interests first and the people’s somewhere further down the list, along with so-called “bail reform,” crime has soared. In fact, even before the end of the first two full weeks of 2022, Philly has already seen 100 carjackings.

In only three of those (attempted) carjackings have card-carrying good guys pulled guns and thwarted the thugs. One of those 100 victims was US Congresswoman…who’s still a big fan of gun control.

We covered the Philly Lyft driver who ended the career of a shotgun-wielding scumbag who carjacked him just a couple of days into the new year. In another case, a grandfather with a carry permit shot an 18-year-old aspiring rocket scientist. From WPVI . . .

A driver pulled out a gun and fired after coming face-to-face with an armed teenage carjacking suspect in the Fairmount section of Philadelphia.

In an exclusive interview with Action News, the driver described how he made the split-second decision when the 18-year-old male suspect pointed a gun at him.

“I saw the gun and I thought he was going to shoot me and take the car, so I retaliated as fast as I could. And just to see another day, I had to shoot the guy,” the victim said.

“I was shaken up at first and the police calmed me down a lot and they made me feel real comfortable.”

The police made him feel “real comfortable.” As it should be. He didn’t hold up a sign saying, “Please carjack me and maybe kill me just to steal my ride.”

Here’s some video from WPVI.

Another case involved a 60-year-old man with a carry permit who got into a very close-quarters gun battle with a pair of armed aspiring particle physicists. Close enough as in he had gunshot residue on his face once the smoke cleared. From Fox29 . . .

A teenage suspect was badly injured in a shootout when police say he and another suspect attempted to carjack a driver in Mount Airy who was legally armed with his own weapon. 

Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small told reporters that a 60-year-old man was getting out of his car on the 6500 block of Cherokee Street just after 8 p.m. when he was approached by two young carjackers. 

One of the suspects demanded the man’s key and pointed a gun at his face, according to police. The man then pulled out his own gun and a shootout occurred that included nearly 17 gunshots being fired.

Once carjackers start meeting more armed resistance and take the room temperature challenge more frequently, the carjackings will decrease. Because the city’s criminal justice system seems unable or unwilling to do much at all.

The average person in Philly can’t control how long Larry Krasner remains in office. In the mean time, though, he or she can get a carry permit and a gun (and maybe some training in how to use it effectively) to protect themselves and their family.


  1. A hunert jacks in 2 weeks?!? R they going for the title with Chiraq??? Mind boggling😖😦

    • Hahahaha, me too.

      I used to go Christmas shopping at the outlets and watch the Eagles at Veterans Stadium in bitter cold weather. Helped Woody Peoples change a flat tire he got once.

      I miss the hot “brown bag” pretzels sold on street corners the most though……….pass the spicy mustard. 🤤

      • The hot pretzels are a treat, but when you can find a good knish, the heavens open, angelic choirs sing, and God asks if he can have a bite.

        • Oh yes, knishes.
          Now I’m thinking about the hot pastrami on rye from Epstein’s Deli in NY.
          Again, with spicy mustard.

        • Thanks. Looks like a good recipe.
          I saved the link icon to my phone home screen.

          It will definitely be made for one of my pool/cookout gathering once it warms up.

          I make a hybrid Red, Hot and Blue/German style potato/egg salad for these get togethers. Some guests add mustard to it. Should go well

  2. Criminals are like dogs. Dogs need to be trained to not get on the furniture when you are using it, and that idea works for teaching the criminals to not get in your car when you are using it. Shooting the car jacker is a great teaching tool and the rest of them eventually start getting the hint also.

  3. You want to make America safe again ? Forget the virus shot, go to the lead shot.
    Quicker & no booster required.
    One & done. 🔫

  4. Once carjackers start meeting more armed resistance and [die] more frequently, the carjackings will decrease.

    I have that thought.

    I also have another thought–that will push serious carjackers to adopt a new standard operating procedure: preemptively shoot drivers without any warning or request for keys.

    I honestly have no idea how this will go.

    • Will probably (hopefully) only have a small number of those inclined to carjacking go the preemptive murder route and see an overall reduction but still high number of carjacking. Just my wild ass guess it’s been a while since I have been around Philly in any meaningful way.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      “I also have another thought–that will push serious carjackers to adopt a new standard operating procedure: preemptively shoot drivers without any warning or request for keys.”

      That eats up time the carjacker doesn’t have. If he shoots first, he has to spend the time and effort to drag the corpse out of the car, and then there’s the mess hard to explain.

      I dunno. I’ll likely just get out, because drawing on an already drawn weapon doesn’t seem very wise.

      But then I’ll have the temptation to shoot his ass as he’s getting in my car. And the mess he likely leaves me inside my own vehicle. And would a prosecutor charge me if I shot him getting in my vehicle?

      Questions I hope to never need an answer to… 🙁

      • yeah, well, most of the jackin’s i know of involve loss of personal effects as well. so accomplices rifle your pockets… crappy scenario.
        legal or not, transferring from holster to seat carrier makes for faster access.

  5. Well according to the smartest people in the room. Libertarians Liberals and the Left, you’re not supposed to fight back to keep your property. Even if your car is the only way you have to get to work to pay your bills. They say your private property, your only source of transportation, is not worth killing over.

    But the same Three L’s are very comfortable with the government killing to protect government vehicles.
    The laws should be changed to allow law-abiding private citizens to kill, anyone who steals their private property.

    From 2018

    “Panama City Looter Shot And Killed While Trying to Steal a Police Car”

  6. I had a weather layover in Philly recently. Asked the hotel concierge where I could get something to eat.

    “Sir, you shouldn’t go outside”, I was told.

    Sage advice.

    • Sieg Heil walley1…Even though the fuhrer agrees with you the party must verify your ancestry for you to be sworn in as a brown shirt. Please be advised…For you not to be categorized as a person of color your ancestry must be pure. If not you will be sent to a camp where you will make bricks for the furher’s many construction projects. The fuhrer apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause…Sieg Heil comrade wally1.

  7. avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

    There was ‘Sponsored Content’ earlier from Franklin Armory, a binary trigger for a Glock handgun.

    Am I the only on who thinks a binary trigger on a handgun may not be a very smart thing to have? At least with a rifle, the muzzle doesn’t sweep around nearly as fast…

    • Personally I’ve always found a binary trigger to be a silly idea at best and damned dangerous at worst.

      But hey, whatever floats your boat.

    • My response was more like “Shut up and take my money!”

      The switch disarms the release round if you change your mind. Not sure I would carry it with the binary trigger but it sure sounds fun for the range.

  8. Based on historical precedent and the current general *enforcement* attitude of DAs and cops, I’d expect social unrest to continue at a low boil for the foreseeable future with a significantly heightened risk of a major boil-over.

    I wouldn’t expect it to be solely confined to the cities either.

    I kinda wonder if this pace can be kept up though. While I know the article states that 100 carjackings occurred in less than two weeks, if you call it 14 days, that’s 7.14/day, over 2600 a year.

    2600 carjackings a year in a single city would be pretty impressive, for Phili that would be up about 11.6x since 2019 (where the yearly total was 225 apparently). I mean, damn, carjackers be puttin’ in work at that rate, stealing so much you’d think they worked for the IRS.

  9. I was expecting someone to drive off in his policemobile as he was talking.
    Car jackings can be avoided if you let them just borrow the car.
    Dial 911 and tell them that you’ve loaned the car to Tupperware and Puff Dragon.
    After a few robberies you’ll find it parked in an alley.
    The bullet holes add character.

  10. I half expected someone to drive off in his policemobile as he was talking.
    Adding car jacking deterrents to your vehicle helps prevent theft and are relatively cheap.
    I myself installed a 5gallon plastic bucket seat and a vice grips steering wheel. You may have to get the bucket balanced just right as your foot gets wet from the leaking heater coil causing your foot to slip off of the gas and brake pedals from which I’ve removed the rubber non slip pads .
    The rusted out floorboard , leaking exhaust and the pump me faster brakes were evidently put on there by the previous owner as I did not add these enhancements nor are they listed as a factory option.
    I feel pretty safe in my car now.

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  12. My old 1967 Chevy truck has an anti-theft device straight from the factory. It’s called three on the tree. Most people over 50 years of age can figure it out. Younger people not so much. They would take at least 10 minutes trying to figure out why it has three pedals. I leave my truck unlocked and it’s always there when I come back. I imagine a car jacker would pull me out and I could run away while they are dumbfounded on how to put it in gear. A few minutes later I could return to find the truck in the same place when they abandoned it.,

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