Three home intruders running away so fast they're just a blur on the security camera. They didn't even slow down to render aid to the wounded accomplice. Screen cap by Boch via Fox2now.
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While Shannon Watts and other prominent gun control shills try to gaslight Mr. and Mrs. America, claiming that defensive gun uses are a myth, Americans aren’t stupid. Millions of the little people have voted with their wallets and bought guns in record numbers. One of those, a St. Louis homeowner, faced down not one, not two, but five home invaders at 3:30 a.m. Tuesday morning.

When one of the thugs started shooting, the homeowner fired back and the home invaders ran for their lives.

At least one of the homeowner’s rounds found its mark in Shabria Furlow. The 23-year-old woman accompanied four males on the would-be heist. Surveillance footage from outside the home caught much of the scene.

Video also showed that Ms. Furlow’s four fellow felons didn’t stop to render aid after she was hit. In fact, they didn’t even slow down or look back. Without anyone to provide aid, she died of her wounds.

Fox2Now has the story . . .

Security video recorded a hail of gunfire outside a north St. Louis County home that left one woman dead. The woman was shot by the resident of a home police said she was trying to rob.

Police said Shabria Furlow, 23, was one of several people “attempting to commit a robbery/home invasion” at a residence located in the 300 block of Lancashire Road at about 3:20 a.m. Tuesday.

And the video . . .

If you guessed that St. Louis might have one of those soft-on-crime, Soros-funded prosecutors, you’re right. Kim Gardner has quite the reputation as a pro-criminal, anti-victim prosecutor.

And while the individual residents of St. Louis can’t control how Ms. Gardner prosecutes (or doesn’t) violent criminals, they can arm themselves just as this homeowner did. Good thing too, because facing down five armed bad guys without a gun is foolish at best.

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  1. The phrase “home invasion” wasn’t mentioned once during the so-called news video. The MSM does more to cover stuff up than to expose it.

  2. Motive? Five perps doing a home invasion at 3:30am aren’t there for the girl scout cookie stash.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      Looks like a rip crew. A targeted robbery that the dead woman probably had a hand in, as in, maybe she met the guy somewhere, ‘went out with him’, reported back to her crew if he had something they might want to steal. Then she would knock on the door, they guy would see her, and open it. Then her crew hiding around the corner would burst in and rob the place…

  3. The perps must have assumed everyone in the hood would be asleep and there would be no witnesses. Matter of time before they are arrested and given a slap on the wrist. Happens over and over with heads are full of demoCrap and zero Content of Character.

  4. The video does not indicate they entered the house. It seems like the shooting started as they approached the house.

    What really happened, here?

    • Lifesavor,

      Furthermore, the reporter in the embedded video news story indicates that the women who died from her gunshot wounds died in front of her own home. Unless she organized a rip crew to rob her next-door neighbor (which is not totally out of the question I might add), she was not part of the robbery. Either that or the news story is incorrect (which is not totally out of the question, either).

  5. I guess that Feminists / BLM should rejoice…Shabria received the same equal justice (whilst committing an equivalent crime) that a male intruder would have received.

      • “Shall we form a game out of guessing her demographic?”

        Oooooo, Ooooooo, call on me, call on me !!

        “Shall we form a game out of guessing her demographic?”

  6. Quick, class…let’s do the maff…

    Leftists (including certain sitting judges</b) who want to limit magazine capacity to only 10 rounds or less like to use the oft-touted statistic that the average encounter in which shots are fired involve only 2.3 rounds.

    So, hmm…if a homeowner is confronted in the middle of the night by five</b assailants at the same time, that homeowner is likely minimally dressed with no extra mag around the waist, and has one hand occupied holding a phone (due to widespread advice from Left and Right alike to dial 911), then that homeowner would require an expected minimum of (2.3 x 5 = 11.5, rounded up) 12 rounds to successfully protect him/herself.

    Whoopsie! The homeowner may not have 12 rounds available in the gun if he/she is obeying the text of the law in certain states such as CA. And using only five rounds for five effective head shots would go very badly in court as a zealous D.A. paints the homeowner as “shooting to kill, not to stop the threat”. Sounds like a rock-and-hard-place situation.

  7. So the reporter in the video called this a tragedy — well, a home invader shot dead isn’t what I would consider a tragedy.

    • Kelly Hoskins was the Black female reporter……not a great investigator, unbiased reporter.

      That dead woman playing stupid games, winning stupid prizes, now be one of the good ones. At least the home owner knows she won’t be back at another 3:30AM.
      A future crime reduction in action.

  8. Will surely be labeled as gun violence, when it’s just more cultural violence, and we all know what culture Shabria comes from.

    • I hate to break this to you this my friend, but the only culture that young lady has probably ever seen is in a cup of yogurt.

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

        “…the only culture that young lady has probably ever seen is in a cup of yogurt.”

        Or 6 inches below her waistline… 😉

        • panties in the microwave.
          and if there already is a yeast infection, you get a heckuva croissant!

  9. I find it bizarre that I can find this level of info when I’m clear across the country:

    Warning: There’s some strong language herein, but it’s some bracing, cold, hard truth:

    And, BTW, this isn’t just a situation of young black women. Look at how many pampered, college-indoctrinated white girls were on the BLM riot front lines. Play stupid games, and you get to win the same sorts of prizes young men win…

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      Wow. She was part of a rip crew.

      The narrator was right, once she crossed over (‘broke bad’) there’s no going back. For the rest of her life she’ll be looking over her shoulder hoping someone she set up for her ‘crew’ to rob isn’t there…

  10. The video says a woman inside the home was killed by “a hail of gunfire” from outside. The text of the news article says the woman was killed outside, and was part of the home invasion attempt.

    Trust the news? Yeesh.

  11. You people are the absolute worst.

    It is written, “to whom much is given, much will be required”. the five visitors were only seeking their fair share, and the shooter was just plain selfish. Not to mention ill-mannered.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      Just got one, and she was expendable.

      The narrator in the video Dyspeptic listed was right. That’s a job with a very short lifetime…

  12. No video? Awwww, I popped popcorn, and got a box of Kleenex. I always cry when movies have happy endings.

  13. What I took from this event:

    We’re seeing more and more of this kind of home invasion by multiple armed people (including women) involved in the break in. The days of the lone invader seem to be waning, at least in the big cities.

    I’m a believer in having enough gun to deal with this kind of thing, and a 5 round wheel gun ain’t gonna do it – not for me and not for anyone else. Sure, you may be lucky enough to only have to deal with one, or you may be unlucky enough to have to deal death to 4,5, or 6. I don’t plan for the best case. I plan for the worst case, and I believe everyone else should also.

    The hoplophobes who think we don’t have a need for an AR platform with a 30 or 40 rnd mag, or at least a high capacity handgun, need that proverbial 2×4 upside their noggin. This ain’t their granddaddy’s world anymore, if it ever was.

    • gunnygene,

      I agree wholeheartedly that the optimum home-defense firearm should have at least a 15-round capacity before having to reload.

      Having said that, many people will not have such a firearm for home defense. Note that even a common revolver which holds six cartridges is enough firearm for a homeowner to drive-out their home invaders in probably 98% of home invasions. The simple fact of the matter is that home invaders have no idea how much capacity the defender has. And even if the invaders were somehow convinced that the homeowner was limited to six shots, they are not going to roll the dice and hope that the homeowner misses with all six shots. Rather, home invaders will almost always initiate a hasty retreat once the homeowner starts shooting, as happened in this article.

      It would truly be a black swan event if home invaders retreated, noted that the homeowner stopped shooting and must be out of ammunition, and then doubled back to resume the home invasion.

      Of course my previous comments reflect the expected behavior and outcome of opportunistic home invaders looking for an easy score. If the home invaders are a retribution squad, then the homeowner needs all the ammunition capacity that he/she can get and a common revolver won’t cut the mustard.

      • “Having said that, many people will not have such a firearm for home defense. Note that even a common revolver which holds six cartridges is enough …”

        Thinking it possible to buy two reliable revolvers for under $600; NY reload, for 12 rounds.

        But in reality, two GLOCKs with 33rd magazines is probably the most sensible arrangement.

      • When invaders observe the mist produced by a .357 Mag HP at close range from one of their (former) associates, hit anywhere, most will not be concerned with how many more rounds are coming. If your revolver is a .22, that would be your problem, not capacity.

      • I’m not a big fan of “playing the odds”, when the stakes are my life. I’ve been there, and I have no intention of allowing a do-over that I might very well lose if there is a next time. Odds be damned.

    • @gunnygene

      “The days of the lone invader seem to be waning, at least in the big cities.”

      You are correct.

      In the aggregate of FBI data and states reports and separate jurisdiction level:

      3.7 million homes are broken into each year. That’s 7 homes every minute. 1.03 million of those are home invasion (either actual or attempted) entry by force into the home with a weapon (e.g. a door was broken down to enter) with intent to commit the crime using force via the weapon.

      In 2021; The victim (actually armed) home defender employed defensive gun use to stop the home invasion offenders 2.3 million times either by warning/brandishing or firing firearm. 8% of the victim defenders actually fired having no other choice because the invaders actually still entered the home despite the warning/brandishing.

      The average number of rounds fired by victim defenders in home invasion, before the offenders were stopped (either shot or ran away) 2010 – 2019 was three.

      The average number of rounds fired by victim defenders in home invasion, before the offenders were stopped (either shot or ran away) in 2020 was seven.

      The average number of rounds fired by victim defenders in home invasion, before the offenders were stopped (either shot or ran away) in 2021 was eleven.

      The average number of home invaders in 2021 was three for 75% (74.683%) of home invasions and five for 25% (25.317%) of home invasions.

      The average number of home invaders 1990 – 2019 was two.

      On average out of every three home invaders at least two are armed with a firearm or other weapon. Of those unarmed victims complying in home invasions in 2021 – 15% were shot, 37% were stabbed, 18% were beaten with some type of blunt object or physical hands on, 6% were injured by some type of chemical method (e.g. pepper spray). Of those armed (with firearm) victims resisting in home invasion in 2021 3% were injured either by being shot or stabbed or beaten.

      For overall crime in 2021 (including home invasion) 47% of the victim defenders were forced to fire having no other choice.

      In 2019 for overall crime (including home invasion) 15% of the victim defenders were forced to fire having no other choice.

      From 2019 to the end of 2021 the dynamics of overall crime in relation to victim changed. The criminals became more aggressive and did not run away as much when faced with an armed victim.

      Less than 8% of these made it into UCR stats reporting due to various states laws because there have been no convictions of the offenders. Due to conviction status over 80% of these never appear in FBI stats because the FBI does not report in stats unless there is a conviction. So its necessary to survey the reports at state and separate jurisdiction level to get the overall picture.

      Less than 5% of these are reported via media.

      • Thank you for that. It confirms my suspicions. Did you research this yourself or is there a link you could provide? I’d like to pass this along to some acquaintances.

  14. Authorities say that the homeowner was justified in killing Furlow because it was “just legitimate self-defense,” according to Christopher King, a spokesman for the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney’s office.

  15. I don’t wonder why dacian is not here claiming this is a hoax. People would be all over him like white on rice.

  16. No where in that feckless report did they give any indication the female was one of the perps. If you knew nothing else, you’d reasonably assume she was a ‘jogger’ passing through the neighborhood.

  17. former water walker

    “I’ve NEVER used a sarc tag…”

    For awhile, I used the tag, but decided that if the tag is needed, the joke wasn’t funny anyway. As a hoped for benefit, the lack of a tag would require my sarc, ridicule, mockery, satire would improve (a matter still up for debate,eh?) so that subtlety would add impact/entertainment. this latter is very hard work, and I am basically lazy, so…mixed results.

    • it’s like payoff trolling.
      when it whooshes overhead, the responses can be priceless.
      never know who you’ll trigger. or to what degree.

  18. It’s unclear what lead up to the tragedy…”

    Gunfire, duh. Also, probably some ill advised language and at least one bad decision.

    Also, is it really a tragedy?

    • The tragedy is that more of the criminals were not shot. We need to send this home defender a gift certificate for some training so next time more of the bad guys will go down.

  19. Two to the chest one to the head, this ensures the POS is dead!

  20. Contrary to the TV reporter’s statement, this wasn’t a ‘tragedy’. It was a form of ‘urban renewal’ where citizens are starting to take back the streets by their own hand. The only down side was that the homeowner didn’t kill more of them.

  21. It’s unfortunate he didn’t kill the other Home Invaders. Hopefully if these guys are caught they can all be charged with felony murder. For the death of their companion.

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