You probably saw the video of a private security guard who disarmed a rioter after the black-clad thief pulled an AR-15 from a trashed Seattle Police Department vehicle last month.
Rioter takes an AR-15 from a smashed up police car.
Watch how quickly this cop reacts.
pic.twitter.com/C54ywzYO0i— Benny (@bennyjohnson) May 31, 2020
Popular YouTuber Garand Thumb scored a sit-down with the ex-Marine who goes by the name Instagram name @_shooter_rughi_. SR was providing security for a news crew covering the rioting. As he describes in the interview, that was actually the second stolen police AR he confiscated from a rioter that day.
Watch the full interview here:
Flannel Daddy!!!
*Vertx enters the chat*
douche dummy
Wonderful! My local 5-O did the cowardice thing. l wish we had this guy😏
beats me why they’re worried about our guns…when the cops just keep giving them away..
We can ALL be this guy if/when the moment arises. Train and prepare.
Damn skippy
Time for the TTAG comments section to get weird.
Good on him.
“Security Guard Who Disarmed Seattle Rioter With Stolen AR-15”
So a security guard used a stolen AR-15 to disarm a rioter? Yikes!
Who writes these headlines? What are they drinking? What is their BAC? Where did they learn English? Did they learn English? Are they touch typists or do they bang the keys with bananas? Why do I even bother?
These are the kind of questions that would keep me awake at night if I didn’t drink.
It’s catchy. Gets the blood flowing.
OMG!!!!! A misplaced modifier!!!!
…. MOM!!!!!!
So you believe it said: “Interview With Security Guard Who with a stolen AR-15 Disarmed Seattle Rioter With Stolen AR-15 [VIDEO]”?
The original title was “Interview With Security Guard Who Disarmed Seattle Rioter With Stolen AR-15 [VIDEO]”.
Banging the keys with bananas is wrong? Now I gotta relearn my skill set.
I use carrots. They taste better in between words.
…and they don’t goosh between the keys…yech.
Is that code? Lol
“These are the kind of questions that would keep me awake at night if I didn’t drink.”
I hear ya brother….
THE POOR GUY just coppied what the leftist clown at ch4 put out.. the seattle news people have never been introduced to the truth , none f the so called network stations carry much seattle news it is all filler and east-coast bull manure . when tribune bought ch13, we lost all of our local some-what correct news. fox now is spelled with a U , and chan. 7 wanders by the truth once in a while before going to the communist doctrine put out by the city hall…
Rambo eat your heart out.
If you’ve ever eaten chicken tendies and then jumped into a wild comment section smash that subscribe button.
Remember, it’s not how good those chicken tendies taste, it’s how cool they make you look.
“He looked down at the weapon like he was trying to figure out what to do…” Well, he had just fired four rounds from an AR-15. He was probably trying to figure out how to clear a malfunction. Thank you! Thank you! I’ll be here all week! 😆
The Mattel Special with a butter knife for a bayonet. 🙂
Now this is a guy who has his head on straight. We could use more like him.
Seattle PD running away leaving rifles in cars to be looted… what a joke.
Yeah. Just shaking my head at that one.
Borderline criminal negligence.
Don’t disagree with you. But I did see a comment from Rughi that mentioned these cruisers were placed as fall back or rally points.
Worst case happened and the riot took away their contingency. Why they didn’t leave troops at the rally point is beyond me. They screwed the pooch.
All that being said, Seattle PD has had a retention issue for the last several years. City Council, attorney General and and mayor have taken away their arresting/enforcing power.
I first hand have seen drug deals in broad daylight on crowded streets. They don’t arrest em because they wont prosecute them. So many officers lateral transfer out of Seattle.
New officers, lack of experience, leadership, confidence…and its only getting worse
Reaching that point speaks to how ineffective they are to begin with- but upon getting there, they should have done whatever it took to regain control long enough to secure those firearms, if not the vehicles. Or is Seattle unconcerned with guns in the streets?
Former Marine. Please fix that. Ex Marines are only the ones my beloved Corps kicks out (dishonorable discharge).
Tomato tomato.
You may think they’re synonyms but they’re not. So instead of making a jackass comment because you don’t understand what marines think. Maybe just shut up and learn.
I do understand, how naive it is… And I know plenty of Marines who laugh at it too. It’s an old timer thing I guess, back when you thought wars on foreign soil provided freedom to America. Definitely not part of the GWOT mentality, and you are really only debating a sarcastic reply to semantics, so maybe chill the fuck out because it’s not a big deal. “The more you know”.
At first, comments against this guy were so biased. Calling him a cop, a trump supporter etc etc… and once they found all the info out on him after a couple days – when it was clear he liked to fuck – silence. Comment sections like “oh shit, this dude just ran up on homeboy”.
Yea. He sure did. Remember it. Plenty more where that came from.
But only the Police should have guns!
Seriously has anyone seen this in the MSM? In a world where extremely questionable things are considered brave I would think this guy qualifies as Superman. If not for him what would those punks in black have done with these rifles?
“…what would those punks in black have done with these rifles?”
Good question.
It’s something that should be directed at the Seattle PD. It makes you wonder about negligent officers who’d abandon their gear, especially select fire rifles or shotties, to potential criminals. I think a few of us witnessed the Philly incident recently when a neatly parked line of unsecured vehicles got vandalized during a riot and burned on live TV. The monkey business ceased when a SWAT van and a firetruck arrived.
Given the way Mayor Durkan and Gov. Inslee react I wouldn’t be surprised if the police weren’t compromised, as well.
My two pence.
Compromised, or just don’t give a fuck anymore… Can you blame them?
Dudes got his props coming. Man of Action
God loves the Infantry…
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