Hi-Points are to firearms design what Olive Garden is to Italian food. They’ll get the job done and…that’s about it. No surprise, then, that Hi-Point’s guns rarely appear on the top of anyone’s want firearms list. Our reviews have been a mixed bag where HP’s guns are concerned. The C9 pistol didn’t fare well. But the 1095 TS 10mm carbine and the Yeet Cannon G1 did better. But there are at least three good reasons (besides their lifetime warranty) to buy one.
1. You can treat it mean and not worry about a post-DGU confiscation
No one will ever mistake a Hi-Point for a safe queen. They’re not known for their graceful good looks or elegant lines. You’ll never bring your BFF out to the garage, open the safe and brag on your new Desert Digital .45. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing.
Thanks to Hi-Points’ homeliness and low cost of acquisition you’re not gonna baby their guns. Use one as a truck gun. Shoot them, carry them, drop them, scratch them, run over them with the ATV. You’ll never shed a tear.
If, heaven forbid, you ever have to use a Hi-Point as a CCW to protect yourself from a bad guy, you won’t hesitate if a cop says “drop your weapon!” And you won’t be very heartbroken when the police confiscate it as evidence.
You’ll just go down to your local gun store or upcoming gun show and buy yourself a new one. Going to a lot of trouble to get the first one back just isn’t worth the time and effort. Ladies and gentlemen, the BIC lighter of guns.
2. They’re Cheap

There are all kinds of euphemisms for the price point of a Hi-Point firearm: It’s affordable, won’t drain your wallet, has a low barrier to entry, a great value. Let’s cut the crap: Hi-Points are cheap.
A lot of people (ie: gun snobs) think that higher-end firearms from GLOCK, Smith, Ruger, SIG Sauer or Beretta will improve their speed and accuracy. The world doesn’t work that way. For most people, mastering marksmanship takes time, patience and a pile of ammunition that makes Scrooge McDuck’s vault look like a piggy bank.
A Hi-Point pistol or carbine may not have the best trigger or the largest magazine capacity (hint: they don’t), but the money saved versus, say, a GLOCK 19 directly translates into your ability to buy more ammo and range time to practice. And a lot of people who can’t afford a “better” gun can pick up a Hi-Point for home or personal defense.
I get the feeling that someone who buys a C9 as their first gun will spend much more time on the range than someone who lays down the cash for an X-Tac Elite. But maybe that’s just me.
Plus, you can “work” on your gun without worrying about ruining an expensive piece. Want to try your hand at DIY stippling? Have at it! Always wanted to Cerakote a gun? Gopher it! If you screw up, it won’t ruin your weekend.
3. Hi-Points Just Work
The best argument for a Hi-Point is that their guns just run — with the notable exception of one we tested in 2011. Which may have been a fluke. The Hi-Point carbine ran flawlessly without a single malfunction. The Hi-Point 9mm handguns consistently go bang and have well-earned reputations for reliability.
Bottom Line: If you’re light in the pocket, need a cheap gun for self defense and don’t care about anything else, you can do a lot worse (and many people have) than picking up a Hi-Point at the gun shop. How great is that?
More from The Truth About Guns:
Gun Review: Hi-Point C9 9mm Pistol [Updated 2018]
Hi-Point .45 ACP Carbine: Are Handgun Caliber Rifles the New Home Defense Shotgun?
The Best 9mm Carbines Under $500
Cheap Gun Showdown: Hi-Point C9 vs Taurus G2s
This post was originally published in 2017.
Nah, the citizen militia are supposed to supply their own weapons, but I think Congress DOES owe me some ammo and some drilling…
Of course, I’m sure everyone here saw the Demolition Ranch barrel blockage test and general mockery of Hi-Points?
I recall Matt’s major premise was that as much as he wanted to hate Hi-Point, he couldn’t write them off because the gun kept working despite all his shenanigans. That thing still fired after taking a direct hit on the slide!
Saw that one, it was amusing.
Now he has a dozen handguns that the bores were filled with solder, concrete, caulk, and other substances that didn’t make them explode.
What the hell is he gonna do with a safe full of Hi Points? give them away to Texas rednecks who are already ‘tooled-up’ in standard redneck fashion?
(And I hope seeing Nick back in these (somewhat) ‘Hallowed Halls’ doesn’t mean he’s been forced to sell his PA-28 and go back to writing work thanks to the aviation collapse thanks to the ‘Wuhan Flu’…)
His channels are so popular he can auction those guns off. The ultimate demo ranch swag.
You missed the video where he already dealt with these pistols? In true Demo Ranch tradition, he set them in a row to test how many he can shoot through with his .50 bmg.
Here’s mine:
1). If you are a criminal, when you are done with it – you can just throw it in the river, and not feel bad about it, at all.
2). If you are not a criminal and use it legitimately in a defensive gun use, when the responding officer confiscates it, you can simply say, “no worries, take your time, in fact, just keep it.”
3). Keep several, maybe even some in the garage. If by chance you misplace your hammer, just do a chamber check on the high point and start hammering away.
4). If you live in a farm, you can keep one in the horse shed, keep one in the chicken coup, in fact, keep one in every shed. Pull the mag, hang it on a nail. Keep it in the red toolbox with the rest of the tools. If it gets scratched up, who cares.
Turn them in at a buy back event. Then use the money to buy more guns.
and how hard he tried to break them. They just kept coming back like a puppy you kick to lick his boots and ask for more!
I hate to be captain obvious….but the Hi-Point is a decroded piece of crap. How about Hi-Point works on coming up to my level, instead of me climbing down to yours?
I kinda agree with that premise – It would be interesting to see Hi-Point make a stab at a mid-level gun of some sort…
Hi Point has a niche. A very successful one. It is for the non potg of limited means that needs a way to defend themselves at a good price point. If they devote resources to ‘moving up’ they may erode that niche and if they can’t compete with the ‘better’ companies they will have hurt their business.
Stay in your own lane, so to speak.
Decroded piece of crap = Napoleon Dynamite flashback
Why don’t you get out of my life and shut up!
“i caught you a delicious bass.”
Madcapp aka captain obvious here has apparently gone through transvestite surgery and now has the necessary bravery to talk down to a company that is a whole lot more successful than he/she will ever be. Do yourself a favor and shoot a HP just once, guaranteed to change your tone dumbass.
Decades ago, Hondas weren’t too great, until they suddenly were, and they started exceeding the Big Three automakers’ quality. Hi-Points are decidedly bottom-of-the-barrel for now, but remember that Palmetto State Armory was originally considered to be the Kmart of the gun world, until they reached the point where their guns/kits are now respectable.
Who knows? Maybe one day a 1st Gen “Yeet Cannon” may one day become a prized possession…
PSA still is the K-mart of the gun world. Cheap guns for cheap people from a shoddy company that uses its customers as beta testers.
Please regale us with the tales of your personal experience with PSA products, so we can hear of your actual travails.
Although I don’t have one, from what I gather Hi-Points are reliable/dependable. They’re just God-awful ugly as sin and look very ungainly. Having noted that, I’d damn sure rather have one than a slingshot when the chips were down.
How dare you, Sir.
I’ve had a .45 pistol for years.
It is by far most accurate pistol I have.
And I have several.
I also have the carbine in .45acp.
It’s soooo much fun to shoot.
Now I’m looking to put it on a bullpen stock.
And neither one broke me.
The pistol was under $200, The carbine was under $400, with a scope included.
yep it passed the torture test pretty well IMO
You can get some great, high quality guns for $500 and under these days and I shoot at least half that much in ammo through one before I consider it worthy of carry.
In the extremely unlikely case of using one for self defense to save my life, that’s hardly a concern.
Using a High Point or other cheapo gun and relying on it to save my life? Very poor judgement in my opinion.
You can get a new Hi-Point for around the same cost as a used Ruger P-95 which is a MUCH better pistol that is built like a tank, accurate, and probably will outlive the owner.
Passed on a P95 about a year ago. Wish I had picked it up in light of recent events.
Hi-Point: when you’re here, you’re family.
Enjoy our neverending warranty.
I think one of the reasons everyone should own a hi point at some point or another is they can appreciate really well made nice guns more. Like if you spent your life eating top notch organic ice cream and tried Dixie cups once.
Lol. No.
Hi Points fill a niche. They’re ugly, they’re cheap, and they work, just like the author said. Their carbines aren’t a bad little PCC, especially for a truck/trunk gun. Not the best in ergonomics, but neither is a SKS. Good cache weapons.
Like the FP-45 Liberator. A great gun to get another gun with.
Kind of like the F4F wildcat in WW2, when the better F6F Hellcat came along you didn’t scrap your Wildcat, you found somewhere else were they were useful.
4. If it works and you run out of ammo, you can throw it at the enemy and run away.😊
A yeet cannon is a great way for folks to get into a firearm for self/family defense. A fairly reliable firearm seems much more effective than traditional non-firearm home defense tools like a baseball bat or frying pan.
That said, I really think how effective a tool is depends on the user’s level of training. For example, I suspect a Karen armed with a high-point may not be as effective in defending herself as a Brazillian field worker armed with the machete she uses daily.
My .40cal carbine is the ugliest gun I’ll ever love. Just keeps working and hitting what I aim at!
1000000000x better than a Kahr arms 🤣👌🏼
+1, seriously
The polymer Kahr pistols can be hit or miss, but the steel ones are fantastic, reliable, and accurate… (Not to mention that they were designed to fire +P ammunition.)
Not sure what that’s based on. I Purchased a Kahr PM9 as a carry gun because of the generally very positive opinion I found of it online. I have never had a malfunction or other complaint, with maybe 1000 rounds through it now.
# 4 – Someone in your life might need a basic gun *now*, and your state makes you play bullshit games to get armed. And you don’t have to worry if you ever get it back…
Lost me at high end glock
Or buy a Beretta 92s for the same price. Then when you upgrade to something better you have a bit of history instead of an ugly block of plastic and pot metal.
Hey, its a bit ugly and top end heavy. Has a trigger that would give whoever decided on the trigger pull for NYC cops wood and gasp uses pot metal in non critical places. To make it even worse, its cheap, made in Ohio and has no pedigree.
It seems to sell well as the company is doing well so someone must like them. I know the carbines look interesting especially the bullpup conversion.
Scott C., Who is selling Beretta 92s for $160? That’s the street price of a Hi-Point C9.
Yes I would also like to order a crate of $160 berettas 92’s.
The cheapest I’ve seen them is in the $400’s and they are usually beat to shit.
I’m tired of gun snobs and the implication that higher priced guns are better. Those high quality, super pistols will cost more for the brand. In this day and age, most of the established gun manufacturers should be able to produce a few inexpensive models, but instead they push the notion that this model or another is offering you more and always more than their competitors models. They keep the prices up.
Not everyone can afford $500 plus for pistols. And I’m sure there are those who insist on customization that look down on those who buy off the rack as less serious users or shooters. I don’t even consider a cheap pistol or knife as disposable nor would treat them that way. But if one requires a backup or several to give to family members then cheap or affordable makes that possible. And cheap items with a little care, often work and last a long time. I see people who destroy even the most reliable and durable products.
If you can afford a real gun, buy it.
If not, buy a High Point
If you cannot afford a regular new gun, buy used/surplus one. If you can’t find 2-300 bucks in your budget, there is little chance you will get ammo and range time to train yourself to use the thing anyways.
For $200
Kel Tec PF9
Tauris G2C
Ruger EC9s
And then you can go used.
Those little SCCY pistols are surprisingly nice for being a $180 (or less) street price gun.
Roger that on the SCCY. A CPX-2 is my car gun. I’ve sent boocoo rounds downrange with nary a hiccup. It’s earned my trust. I have more invested in the Hornady Rapid Safe that I keep it stored in than the firearm itself.
For Under $300
EAA 9mm Witness P
Ruger Security 9
Walther Creed 9mm
Canik TP9
Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm
Gun owners need to do a better job embracing like minded people, even if they carry Hi points. Hi point focuses on on thing, function. They aren’t ergonomic, their triggers aren’t great, and they are large. As one goes up in price, there are more options available, the same goes for any product but you are correct that price doesn’t correlate to value.
To an extent, all carry firearms have to be considered disposable, if it is ever used, you wont get it back for a very long time, if ever. I would never carry a Wilson combat because I couldn’t imagine having a 3k pistol taken from me, there are others here who might consider that well worth it. Different strokes for different folks.
Central Virginian, I’d like to focus on a good point you made. A lot of these Hi Point purchasers are likely first time gun owners. Ok, so it’s a Hi Point. Make them feel welcome at the range. Help make that range trip a good experience for them. If we make them feel like losers because they can’t afford a better weapon, they’re likely not return to train at the range. Now you have an untrained gun owner.
Or, worse, someone who thinks that all gun owners are snobbish assholes.
Then as soon as they can afford to they move from their circumstances, divest the Hi-Point because the figure they’re “out” of bad circumstances and don’t need a gun any more, don’t replace it and vote against us from their new home in the ‘burbs because we’re all pricks.
I agree with you Frank, FWIW. A High Point pistol is a God Send for a family man on a tight budget. It don’t matter what the gun looks like if and when it saves your life IMO.
The C9 didn’t fare as better as the “YEET CANNON” in your reviews? They are literally the same gun with yeet cannon painted on the slide. If one did “better” than the other, you need to hire a better reviewer.
Apparently you don’t own 2 of the same firearm … each one has its own personality… and flaws…. so reviewing the same model could produce different results…. pretty much common sense, but i’ve noticed there’s not much of that in the world these days….
Read the C9 review, then read the comments. The author wanted to ride the “Hi-Points suck” bandwagon that was gaining momentum 9 years ago, so he wrote a giant pile of garbage to get the yuck-yucks from the snobs.
Literally one of the worst reviews on this site. The author is not missed.
I really don’t care what folks have or carry. We are all in different spots in our lives. The 2A is for everyone
I would love to try out the 1095 but like everything else, the list is long.
Yep! That and a 45Hipoint carbine. Had a 380 Hipoint pos that jammed badly. Since it’s well nigh un-possible to clean & lube good luck. I already get condescending remarks about Taurus but I’m 7 for 7 getting great performance from them…it helps to be competent😏
I have a High Point 45 carbine that I purchased a High Tower Arms complete replacement Bull Pup stock and it is now an awesome looking firearm. Now it’s not ugly anymore and it just keeps on delivering 45 ACP like there’s no tomorrow.
Makes it look like a X95 almost…I’ve shot the X95 enough to know that the ergo’s are not intuitive to my arms and upper body. Don’t misunderstand its an awesome platform just not for someone with lanky, monkey arms.
Although not actively looking right this second, if I see a 1095 I’m going to jump on it. May have to take out a loan to feed it for awhile. Wish all of societal non-sense would stop so prices would drop on ammo.
That’s like the one that was at the range a week ago. I was surprised it had a hi-point hidden inside. Seemed to run well and it looked good. The FFL fee taxes, carbine and the kit and trigger mod he said was needed means this would run right around $750. Cheap for a bullpup but I’m not real sure I need a weapon that attracts conversations like it did.
Oh yes, the #1 reason we should all thank High Point. Thanks to Charles Brown, owner of the MKS Supply, the only distributor of High Point firearms, the only way to convict a straw purchaser or gun runner is by an actual confession. Charles Brown managed to sell hundreds of guns using his personal (not business) FFL to non-FFL holder for cash and not be convicted. This included a SINGLE purchase of 87 handguns.
Any and all gun control laws are infringements on people’s right to keep and bear arms. I for one salute to him.
So you are cool selling to violent felons, or should we just keep everyone behind bars until they are safe? The fact is that Constitution rights will be taken if there is enough outrage. Don’t kid yourself on that. After all I can’t get a select fire AR without paying way more for it than it is worth.
Violent felons will gather the tools they need whether they are sold over the open market or stolen from as a result of their misdeeds. Your argument is moot.
Pray tell what laws will stop criminals from getting guns? You really think if they want an automatic weapon they are going through the proper channels let alone a regular pistol?
Let me guess; If it saves just one life! GTFO we dont need gun owners like you.
if you can be trusted to run freely in society, you can be trusted with a gun.
if you cannot be trusted with a gun, you cannot be trusted to run freely in society.
Violent felons will gather the tools they need, yes, but you don’t have to actively sell them their tools, especially weapons. Will it make you a criminal, to know that the 100 guns you are selling personally are going to criminals? As for the other statement about running free, how about people on parole?
I personally think the best way to handle the whole violent felony issue is to instead of giving someone 5 years, you give them 5 and 10, so after 5 years of time and 10 years of parole, all rights are restored.
Yea, high priced guns. My grandson bought an $1100 Kimber 1911 in 9mm and right out of the box had to fix the mag release. Its finicky about ammo and had to do some work to smooth up the action and trigger. On the other hand my Hi-point 9mm carbine has run fine right out of the box, takes any ammo I feed it, and yes I have done a trigger job and some tuning on it but that was to be expected. Have no problem ringing an 8 inch gong at 100 yards with open sights. USA made and many accessories including Redball 20 round mags. Yes I would bet my life on this gun.
I have the 9mm carbine and it functions reliably with any ammo. As for aesthetics, I used a sanding disk to smooth out the handguard, added Hex mag grip tape to the handguard, dremeled off the two inside vertical parts of the stock brace, removed the butt-pad springs, removed the iron sights, removed rhe weaver rails, installed a pic-rail, added magpul flip up sights. Now it has a more simple and cleaner look.
MCARBO makes trigger and recoil spring kits and other accessories for the Hi-Point. Also for Kel-Tec and others.
Yes, they do and, as I saw in some idiot’s post above, it doesn’t cost anywhere near $750.00. The only two upgrades that it needs, the trigger upgrade, and the recoil upgrade all together are about $150.00. If he actually paid that much then he’s not a professional gunner by any means. I love people who think that just because they spent their life savings on a $3000.00 on a pistol or carbine, that makes them a better shot. Bad news…it doesn’t. What makes them a better shot is called practice. During my entire 20+ years, in law enforcement, I carried a Taurus.357 magnum revolver and it never let me down, not one, single, time. The guys would rag on me at the range about it but shut up right quick because I was always the first one with exercise successfully completed and my weapon back in my holster. I think I might have paid $250.000 for that revolver new. The only time it failed was my fault. I dropped it off the porch on the concrete (yes it was fully loaded) and, it apparently landed on the hammer. At first glance, it looked fine. About half away through my shift, I noticed that the end of the hammer had broken off. I could no longer fire it single action, DA only. I took it out to the town dump and emptied it into an old couch someone had discarded. Even with the spur broken off, it performed flawlessly. I carried it for the rest of the shift then advised the Sgt. I would have to send my gun in to be repaired and he gave me a .357 out of the department’s reserve weapons store. I sent it in and told Taurus that I would pay to repair it as it was my fault in the first place. It was repaired and returned in just about a week. The bill said: “Balance 0.00′”. Yes, what a piece of junk. I got a model 66 Smith and Wesson which was exactly like my Taurus in every respect but, the training day was that week and the Smith shot and handled nowhere near as well as my Taurus. The balance was different, and not in a good way. I have two Hi-Point carbines, one 9mm, and one 10mm, and I can hit a fifty-cent pieced taped to a target with either one at 150 yards. And yes, I would trust them with my life any day and would put them up against anything anyone want’s to bring around. See, here’s the thing about gun snobs, they’ve all got a lot of mouth, but, when it comes time to put up or shut, they usually fall short…..or dead. Any gun that you can handle and consistently kill your target with is the gun for you. It doesn’t matter what name is on it, it doesn’t matter what it costs, nor does it matter what the idiots on these forums, who have never been in a life or death situation in their lives say, If you can deploy it quickly and hit your target with it, you get to live, let them sit home and polish their wall hangers and try to impress their friends.
Back when I was a FFL, I took a hydrodipped (in $100 bills) Hi-Point. I allowed $80 for it and shot it a few times. It ran 100%.
I thought about keeping it but couldn’t get past its weight. Which is something the author fails to mention. Since Hi-Points are straight blowback guns, the slide is heavy by necessity.
Since I had access to all kinds of better guns for little to no money, I sold it. But that doesn’t change the fact that in the time I did have it, it ran 100%.
Further – lets talk about customer service.
I have a friend who runs an indoor shooting range. He keeps Hi-Point carbines as rental guns. After roughly 100,000 rounds down each, they started to have reliability problems.
So he sent them off to HiPoint with a note asking them to give him an estimate to have them refurbished. About 10 days after shipping, he hadn’t heard back. So a bit annoyed, he called the factory.
The person on the other line apologized for not getting back to him, but told him that they had been completely overhauled at no charge and had just shipped that day.
When he got them back nearly every part other than the receiver and bolt had been changed out. They were quite literally as good as new with new fire control parts and barrels. Amazing.
Lots of C&R collectors have heard of the legendary CARLOS DE LA CAPSLOCK, the wienie monger.
He sold hot dogs at gun shows, usually stationed conveniently near the entrance, where he could spot the carry-ins and offer to buy them.
He bought every “broken” Hi-Point he could find, usually for half or less of street price. He would send them in for warranty service, and get the firearm equivalent of “just jack up the radiator cap and run a new car in underneath it”.
He turned a lot of profit on those guns.
I bought a HiPoint 9 mm about 5 years ago and I love to shoot this thing. Just what everyone says is true, they will not win beauty contests and are not “great” at anything but good at a lot of things. They run and run and eat whatever I throw in the magazine. Usually that is cheap surplus. Accurate enough for what I use it for & I usually now throw one of my optics on it as the eyes are not what they used to be. Am seriously considering getting the 10 mm as I like the 10 cartridge and have a couple of handguns in that caliber. I would think a premium round in +P would find it’s way into any home invader’s life even before they exited their vehicle.
Who cares?
Really, who cares about the value of the gun you use to defend yourself with? I don’t give a damn what it cost me or how long it took me to save up to buy it. If my life is saved and by some foolishness of the law the gun is lost to me, well the price was worth it.
Not getting killed is worth all the dollars it took to stay living. True in a defensive gun use, true in health care, whatever it takes!
This cuts both ways. You can’t defend yourself with the gun you don’t have. A gun you can’t afford, almost by definition, is one you don’t have.
Lots of people have found an early grave with the help of a “ghetto blaster”. If it works, it works. And if you need a gun then a gun in the hand is worth an infinite number of guns sitting in the shop.
Besides, isn’t a big part of the conventional wisdom that ammo capacity doesn’t matter because you probably won’t have to shoot anyway? If that’s right then it doesn’t much matter how reliable it is, the ability to flash a gat matters more than if it’s loaded or functional.
“The ability to flash a gat matter’s more than if its loaded or functional ”
That is by far the DUMBEST thing I’ve ever heard. Many graves are full of people who thought that same thing . With an attitude like that I would not want to share a range with that level of stupidity.
You’re opinion on the validity of the argument is immaterial in the face of the fact that the argument does in fact exist and is actually rather common.
And in reality there’s some level of data to back it up too. Documented cases of cops getting people to surrender by just having the slide forward on an empty gun, tens of thousands of supposed DGUs that occur yearly with no shots fired, mostly that go unreported etc.
And if you check the numbers on that, according to Brady (an org hardly dedicated to making guns look good) 114,245 people get shot in the US each year. Subtracting out suicides, accidents, LE shootings, murders etc we get that civilian DGUs, at absolute most result in~8200 criminals shot per year.
Yet, estimates on DGU prevalence range from 400,000 to 2.5 million per year. Since I can’t quickly run down a number for DGUs where a gun is fired but no one is hit, take the max criminals shot an multiply by four and the number of “shots fired” DGU’s per year is 32,800.
So, based on eatimates of DGU prevalence we find that if you have a DGU in the first place the chances you actually need to fire the gun are 1.3-8.2%.
That’s an entirely back-of-the envelope calculation, essentially a WAG, but it’s not bad based on the incompete data and it strongly suggests that statistically speaking a working gun is rarely required for a successful DGU.
Is that a bet to make with a starter pistol? That’s up to the individual.
Well Armed,
While its pretty stupid to “flash” a gun expecting someone to back down, it doesn’t change the fact that in something like 65% of all defensive gun uses, simply the presentation of the gun causes the aggressor to de-escalate.
So actually its pretty effective.
No thanks! I don’t care how poor I am. Give me a Louisville Slugger.
Okay. I’ll take the Hi-Point, and you can have the baseball bat. I’d rather defend myself from a distance if possible — and since I do like to keep a blunt-force weapon around just in case, I’ll make my own from a handy piece of hardwood for free. 🙂
Ing, I’ve seen too many Hi-Points with broken extractors. Picked up too many at crime scenes that had a failure to eject, feed or just plain work. Kinda like Tec-9s. A coworker rolled up on armed robbery in progress once. Bad guy shot at him once. Malfunctioned. Threw his weapon on the ground and ran. Can you say K-9? Louisville Slugger was just a convenient moniker. Worked a homicide once where weapon of choice was a cast iron skillet. The point of my comment was impact weapons don’t malfunction. A bat gives three feet of reach +/-. And they are damned sure deadly.
So poorly maintained tools owned by dipshit criminals that don’t understand them… is somehow indicative of the product that they failed to maintain? Is brand X car a bad brand because a some number of drunks crash it? Is it the item or the user?
This reminds me of the cops coming to a break-in at my pad years back. One, a noob cop, spent some time very derisively telling me that my 941 Jericho in .40S&W was a POS that I should replace because “.40’s always jam”. You gotta understand that he’d seen it and had the experience to know this. Just on the force for six months he’d seen it multiple times and “all those guns failed to feed”. Even a jammed Sig in .40. Always with that .40. Just a damned stupid cartridge that failed to make it into the chamber, even with a good brand of pistol. Just a shitty cartridge, clearly. I mean how else could have have amassed so much data so quickly? Obviously .40 rounds were the issue.
I was trying to figure out WTAF he was on about until a Detective, who was also retired Army, spoke up and pointed out that “all those guns” meant three guns and that they were 9mm’s so it wasn’t terribly shocking that a larger cartridge didn’t fit in the chamber. I LOLed. The FNG just walked away embarrassed.
You “worked” a homicide once, lmfao you mean you showed up 5 hours late and ruined most of the evidence at the crime scene? When cops and former cops aren’t whining because there aren’t enough boot lickers to lick their nuts, you can count on them to impress us with their incredible stories. Oh yeah, I did something every once in a while, I almost caught the bad guy once, it was so close! But I surely issued a lot of traffic citations. Thanks for your “service” lol
Thin, no. Worked as in. Arrived at the scene before rigor had set in. Located the suspect at his home and arrested him. Took witness statements. Collected evidence. Attended the autopsy. No trial. Suspect entered a plea to avoid a possible death sentence. You know, worked the homicide. You can go back to your job at the conveince store now.
My Cherokee was broken into in Tampa back in the 90’s. The thief evidently cut himself severely as there was blood all over the backseat where he was trying to remove the amplifier from the back. Hillsborough SD sent the evidence guys out to my work to lift prints (warned me that some black liquid was going to stain but I didn’t care) and to scrape up some blood. They took pictures and all kinds of stuff. (as opposed to St Pete cops who wouldn’t even come out to look when the same happened a year or 2 before. Lazy bastards). I was watching and chatting with the tech and I said this was a mess and he told me he had been at a murder scene earlier that morning. Murder weapon? Trailer ball. He said THAT was a mess.
So you beleive in the magical brand name myth for baseball bats as well.
I Purchased one because I found one used for $60 at a gun shop and it look new. I just runs and runs when you shoot it.
I primarily keep is now as an emergency gun. It nothing else it could be used for a NY reload and then a hammer.
#4 It’s not a Cobra.
Or a Jennings or any of those pot metal wonders.
Reminds me of this guy I used to work with who had an expansive gun collection.
One of the items in that collection was what I’d call a “true pot metal piece”. It was a revolver in .32 with no markings other than an tiger embossed on the right side of the frame behind the cylinder. I remarked that it was in excellent condition to which he replied that he’d never shot it because he was scared to find out what would happen if he did. He’d bought it, IIRC, in the Philippines for $3 and a pack of smokes around 1965. Providence unknown. Just some no-name shop in an alleyway. The gun didn’t even have a name. He just called it “The Tiger” because of the tiger on it.
I have never seen one before or since and I’ve scoured the internet looking for such a thing to try to figure out what it was.
It was a one off from that shop in the PI. We hear a lot about Khyber Pass copies in the gun world. But in the day the PI and Thailand had a booming local made gun industry.
Booming is probably a good word for their industry.
#5 they make the yeet cannon
It has its place. Im not likely to ever own one though. For the money, I would rather have a .22lr revolver. As a firearm, it will get treated with respect if I’m asked to look after it for awhile.
A high point c-9 weighs as much as my 40 cal baby eagle , and a j frame revolver combined. The only person I have ever known to own one (c-9) had the trigger snap in half on the second mag. He said “they repaired it and I’ve never had another problem “. To which I asked are you prepared for that trigger to break in a self defence situation? High Points are the perfect handgun for gunsmithing classes, so new Smith’s know how not to build handguns !
I had a S&W Bodyguard fail twice first with light strikes so it was not reliable. Cleaned and relubed it several times, had the armorer at the gun shop look at it and sent it to S&W per his recommendation since it was fairly new. Got it back and it seemed better but by the third time it went to the range the tip broke off the firing pin rendering it inoperable. Sent it back once again and as soon as it came back traded it off towards a Sig P238. Which went back once as it was shaving bullets. They replaced all 3 mags, and added a 4th and reshaped and polished the ramp and its been fairly reliable as long as I keep gunk out of the firing pin channel..
So by your logic should I avoid anything made by S&W or Sig?
Just buy a Hi Point and you can use it as a melee weapon when it ultimately fails. The Sig and S&W are too light to be properly deployed as melee weapons.
I got one of the Hi Point 9mm 1195 carbines several years ago dirt cheap and it’s a fun gun and reliable.
I have a friend who has one of the 4595 carbines and put it in a bullpup stock, he loves it and it’s reliable. Though I hate that thing, it has a weird recoil kick.
I keep looking in pawn shop to pick up a C9 pistol, because I’ve always wanted to try one. Though I enjoy my expensive, fancy guns, I have a soft spot for el-cheapo used and pawn shop finds and cheap retail guns. The SCCY pistols that sell for $175, or less, are surprisingly nice.
+10 for the SCCY 👍
“…I have a soft spot for el-cheapo used and pawn shop finds and cheap retail guns…”
Yep, I hit the local pawnshops about once every two weeks just to see what has shown up. Always looking for that project shotgun that might turn out to be a diamond, and you can bargain mostly. I think it’s the ‘hunt’ that I like too, never know what you’ll find.
Yeah, that’s why I like ’em, try to find a gem or something obscure. It’s how I got a Rasheed Carbine.
Though most of the pawn shops around here are under one brand now and they don’t haggle like the independent ones do.
Never have understood the hatred directed toward Hi Point. Just what is wrong with an inexpensive, well made, reliable firearms with excellent customer service and after the sales support? If you don’t like Hi Point, fine but don’t shit on it just because it’s not the “perfection” illustrated by Glock. So much “perfection” you have to mod the guns to make them “perfect”.
People not in CA: just buy one of those used Glock/M&P/320/Taurus for $200?!
People in CA: well, the Hi Point is on roster…
Eh, it’s much too bulky to consider for CC, but I have discovered a good use for the hand-me-down I got from a buddy: I keep it in my bathroom cabinet. I mean, if someone kicks in my door, I still want a decent shot at defending myself even if I’m dropping a deuce, and the Hi-Point’s acceptable reliability, brick-like profile and lack of style means it fills that niche perfectly.
The perfect shitter gun.
Yeah, you know what? I think I’ll just stick with my Walther and my 1911. I don’t think I need a hi-point. If I need a drop gun, I’ll go with a P80.
Basic econ: you get what you pay for.
Excellent, I have a couple good reasons too:
1) If you’re a felon and you get caught, let’s say armed robbery…you can hope the jury will feel bad, you’re so broke and desperate you tried to rob a business with a Hi-Point
2)If you’re not yet a criminal and you’re involved in a DGU, you can dump the Hi-Point in a lake or in the ocean as you also get rid of the body.
My son bought a hi point 22 years ago and of Course Dad {me} poo-pooed the idea! boy were my assumptions wrong, Dropped on a dirt road out of an UTV, then dropped out of his truck and run over with his back tire, still went bang every time, my Glock broke, my 1911 broke and the timing went on my .44 mag big bucks too fix, the Hi point still shoots after 25k rounds
Hipoint has NEVER made a 22. No need to to LIE…
He bought it 22 years ago, not that it is in .22 caliber. Reading comprehension is fundamental most people seem to lack it.
Geeze! I thought this was TFB. And I was reading another glowing article, by Patrick, the leprechaun.
Save up for a gun that you won’t be embarrassed to own. Maybe 50 bucks more.
Just don’t do it!
We have a C9 somewhere. I should say that my wife claims to have it hidden somewhere. Never been very reliable. I picked it up used from a friend who may have overcharged me, given the prices here.
It hasn’t been the most reliable gun I have owned. Actually, it has been the worst (G17 routinely runs better than 1k rounds without a jam or a serious cleaning). It started out stove piping every 3-4 rounds. Got better as my shooting got better, and I didn’t weak wrist as much. But, still, even after a complete cleaning and overhaul, it has never gotten through an entire magazine without jamming. Giving it to my wife works, because she isn’t going to get more than a couple shots off, regardless.
I get a kick out of people bad-mouthing Hi-Point piece, who will then turn around and extoll the virtues of an AK, Mosin-Nagant or SKS.
Nothing against hipoints. Shot several.
A little cumbersome but they are a gun…which is the critical part.
But I dont shoot them as well as i do other guns I own.
So I’m not going to carry a heavier, less effective (for me) handgun just so I dont cry losing it after a DGU.
So I will carry a Smith K frame, LCR, Glock, etc. If I lose it I have others until (or if) I get it back.
I realize I can be picky as I own more than one handgun.
If a HiPoint is all you can afford…..get a HiPoint. And then make sure you fine a holster and carry it…….does no good in your vehicle (unless it’s your spare).
#6 They have T-shirts like this:
I have a 4095. The only complaint I have is when you take the gun completely apart if you were not careful some of the trigger parts will simply just fall out and they are a pain in the ass to get back in the right way. I consider disassembling a Ruger Mkii easier. Putting everything back together is at least straightforward
Never owned one myself. Probably wouldn’t, except out of curiosity to see how functional it might be. There was a guy on YouTube a few years back that showed how to fix the magazines and such to get the most out of them( J Dalton ) If anyone out there has a C9 I’d aim you in that direction.
I like the fact that Hi Points are +P rated. While a lot more common than used to be the case for other guns at a similar price point, it’s still not universal. I’ve heard and read of folks using Hi Points as a test bed for their custom reloads.
I’d like to have one of their 10mm carbines, though I might settle for one of the .40 S&W ones since they seem to be a lot more available (and I have plenty of .40 ammo).
I picked up a 9mm for just over $100 so thought what they heck. It is ugly, heavy and I would never carry the heavy thing, but it shoots straight and fires every time. I throw in the console of my truck when I am going to be at a venue I can’t carry and have to leave it in the truck in a parking lot. If it gets stolen I am not out that much money. It is a major pain to clean, and I have cleaned once and probably have put 1000 rounds through it over he years without cleaning and it works every time.
There’s a pawn shop in my area that sells Hi-Point 10mm carbines for $300. I’m about to pull the trigger on one and about 10 magazines. The current situation makes that a sensible option for me.
“They’re ugly, they’re cheap, they work and you can treat them mean”
The same can be said of a $15 hooker, but I’ll pass on both.
But what about a $20 hooker?……..
Cheap reliable guns make the 2A possible for everyone.
That’s where I come down on this issue as well: I might like finely crafted, high-end guns, but I refuse to sneer at reliable/safe cheap guns.
Our position should be noted in completeness – ie, that we’re not in favor of cheap POS guns like the “Ring of Fire” crap from SoCal – which could blow up in your hand when you needed it. Hi-Point guns don’t blow up. They continue to work through some horrific abuse.
They’re not pretty, they’re not nicely proportioned, they’re not finely crafted, or any of those things. But they do work, and they provide people of low income the means with which to protect themselves.
I like Hi-Point’s PCP in .45. I’ve helped a couple people who received such carbines as gifts from their wives (who wanted to spend a reasonable amount of money on a gun they thought their husbands could/would use) to strip and clean them. They’re quite clever in their assembly/disassembly. They work. Their triggers are not the stuff of target guns, but they work. They’re fairly accurate, reliable with 230 grain ball ammo, and they’re handy. I told both gentlemen that they’re lucky men: they have wives who bought them something they actually liked as a gift, instead of something these men needed to pretend they liked.
My 995TS was indeed my first firearms purchase. For $250 new in 2012 it was a good deal. It is heavy and has much more recoil than it should for its weight and the pistol round. OTOH I can keep the 9 mm rounds in an 8” circle at 100 yards. Fun with a laser set at 25 yards. Shoots the cheapest Russian steel ammo like it was an AK. When AR’s and other 9mm carbines were super cheap a short time ago, there were better buys. Now with other prices higher, High Point carbines still make sense where low cost semi auto is needed e.g. urban or suburban home defense.
One and two are just generic arguments in favor of affordable guns. Three seems like a someone can’t afford $250 for a Taurus G3.
Hi there!
This is Mela and I am a professional illustrator.
I was discouraged, frankly speaking, when I found my images at your web-site. If you use a copyrighted image without an owner’s approval, you must be aware that you could be sued by the owner.
It’s illegal to use stolen images and it’s so disgusting!
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And if it is not enough, trust me I am going to report and sue you! And I will not bother myself to let you know of it in advance.
I think the Hi-Point is a nice looking gun. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Keep your arrogant opinions about it looks to yourself. Rate the gun on what it does.
Ive found my hi point 9mm heavy , not very pretty , and laughed at by most gun enthusiasts.
But ive always managed to hit center mass at 30 ft , not bulls eyes mind you but , on the target.
Jamming usually happens when I try to empty the mag as fast as i can. But i figure for self defense
The first shot is the one that counts.
I own a couple Hi Points. My 9 was my first pistol. I now have a few pistols an rifles. But I still love to shoot my hi point. Never jams, shoots straight, no saftey problems, very little recoil and I can put any ammo through it. I’m not a gang member or drug dealer , I make good money and I would buy another Also, I like the look of the gun. Pistols and rifles. The most important thing is I don’t care what other people think about me or my firearms. If I did then it would drive me nuts. Instead I focus on fighting liberals and their ignorance and fear of firearms . So don’t like my hi points. Who cares, we have a bigger problem we all share.
Michael, totally agree.
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