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That’s Aussie Olympic shooter Lauryn Mark showing the importance of proper form in the shooting sports. She recently posed for Zoo Magazine’s photogs along with her Beretta shotty, one of the luckiest guns in the southern hemisphere. Our friends in Oz have had more than their share of firearms-related tsuris among their Olympic hopefuls in the run-up to the London games so there’s no telling what the reaction to Mark’s photo spread will be. “Mrs Mark, 32, was born in California and while her current form has raised hopes of a medal in London, she has also turned heads for her gruelling training regime that includes pole dancing. ‘I needed to still get a workout in (after having children) … I’m able to put the video on and do a workout after the kids have gone to bed.’” It seems to be working.

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  1. I’ve always been a fan of women getting involved in shooting sports. Hot and a crack shot? I see my gut instinct has been correct all along.

    • I’d really like to perform the act of copulation with her. If you know what I’m saying.

  2. “gruelling training regime that includes pole dancing”
    Grueling for the married guys lucky enough to watch her routine. This one needs to be on Top Shot.

  3. I like women fit, toned, and slender. However, she is a bit too much skin, bones, and muscle for my taste. If the OZ Olympic rulers don’t discipline her it will be interesting considering what they’ve done to others.

  4. I’m not seeing the hotness – fake boobs (gross), protruding ribs and popping veins don’t do anything for me. For some reason, I prefer women who look like women, not men-wanabees or cosmetic surgery ads.

  5. Umm… Not hot. Sorry. Nice skin tone and hair – that’s about it. Fake boobs aren’t necessarily a problem but they need to be well done, supple and not cartoonish. Her face is not all that but it’s kind of hard to tell from this low res photo. She really does need to eat and tone down the muscle routine. Another 8 – 10 pounds and my song would change. Just sayin…

  6. A little too much visible ribcage… that means she doesn’t eat enough and she’ll pay dearly with her health later.
    A little too much muscle… that amount of muscle and as little fat says the chest has to be augmented, or it’d be [nearly] flat.

    I’ll pass… besides as hinted at I do like my women with a little meat on their bones. The face is nice, at least as far as one can tell with such a low-res image though.

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