Early reports say former President Donald Trump was shot in an assassination attempt during a Pennsylvania campaign rally Saturday afternoon. Multiple shots could be heard off stage, and after the first couple, Trump grabbed his neck and fell to the ground. The Secret Service protective detail immediately swarmed him to shield him from additional shots.
After a cursory check, they allowed President Trump to rise to his feet. He stood, clearly bleeding from a wound to the side of the head, possibly the ear. The detail wanted to hustle him to safety, but he stopped them and raised a defiant fist while mouthing something to the crowd.
Of course, the crowd went wild.
As always, the media has to butcher the reporting. Here’s the NY Post’s “coverage”:
Former President Trump was shot in the side of the head on stage at a rally in an apparent assassination attempt.
What sounded like gunshots rang out just about five minutes into his speech shortly after 6 p.m., sending Trump to the ground as Secret Service agents jumped in to cover him. Sources said the investigation is ongoing and they are looking into if the shots were from a BB gun.
Sure. A BB gun.
For more serious reporting, ZeroHedge had this:
Donald Trump appears to have been shot during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The former President could be seen grabbing his neck and then falling to the ground as the sound of shots rang out.
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) July 13, 2024
Trump was seen standing back up with blood on his face, and was led off stage by the Secret Service, who could be heard shouting “get down” during the incident.
Listen carefully to the communication between agents caught on the hot mic at the podium.
Absolute living legend. pic.twitter.com/1f80zvHuY8
— Asuka Groyper 🚬 (@asukagrypr) July 13, 2024
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) July 13, 2024
Notice the headline CNN about the “mostly peaceful assassination attempt.”

Most of the rest of the old guard media were reporting it as a “disturbance” or “loud noises.”
AP says would-be assassin is dead, along with one rally attendee.
BUTLER, Pa. (AP) — Donald Trump’s campaign said in a statement that the former president was “fine” after a shooting at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. A local prosecutor says the suspected gunman and at least one attendee are dead.
“President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act,” spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement. “He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility. More details will follow.”
The Secret Service said in a statement that “the former President is safe.”
Butler County district attorney Richard Goldinger said in a phone interview that the suspected gunman was dead and at least one rally attendee was killed.
Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, was showing off a chart of border crossing numbers during his last rally before the Republican National Convention opens Monday when the apparent shots began.
As the first pop rang out, Trump said, “Oh,” and grabbed his ear as two more pops could be heard and he crouched down.
Someone could be heard saying near the microphone at Trump’s lectern, “Get down, get down, get down, get down!” as agents tackled the former president. They piled atop him to shield him with their bodies, as is their training protocol, as other agents took up positions on stage to search for the threat.
Screams were heard in the crowd of several thousand people. The bangs continued as agents tended to him on stage.
Trump got to his feet moments later and could be seen reaching with his right hand toward his face. There appeared to be blood on his face.
The crowd cheered as he got back up and pumped his fist.
Here’s a video of a man who says he’s an ER physician who worked on one of the two wounded persons. It starts at 43:56 in this Rumble video.
DEI sends little gals to shield a 6’3″ POTUS.
Another failure of FJB admin. At least Hunter is safe.
Trump’s campaign has been asking for beefed up security FOR WEEKS. All denied by Biden’s DHS.
Joe Biden wanted this to happen.
Trump needs his own bodyguard. He shouldn’t trust the DHS. He’s got the money for it.
IF Biden did create some lapse in adequate SS coverage for his opponent, he’s presumptively immune for it now.
You actually believe Rachel Madcow! Please…
Is interfering with Secret Service operations an “official act” of the Presidency?
I don’t see that anywhere in Article II.
The President is immune from prosecution for official acts. This isn’t a hard concept – try to keep up.
Reported ties to Portland Black Bloc, the Seattle Antifa Collective, and others.
Watch this story get memory-holed real fast…
Word is leaking out that biden has denied extra security personnel that the secret service has asked for for trump
That would be huge. We know he denied it for RFK. It was probably Hunter or Jill making those calls.
Close up pics of Trump’s ear, early in the video :
LE inspects the shooter’s cooling corpse :
Lol, l bet security and family gonna give the man a serious ration of shit about taking time for that fistpump. Seems totally in character.
NY Post said LE said “probably grazed by ricochet”. I am still going with potshot, very close call, then sudden death for the perpetrator.
I love happy endings.
Trump 2024
“…l bet security and family gonna give the man a serious ration of shit about taking time for that fistpump. Seems totally in character.”
That pic alone flooding the internet will seal his election win… 😉
Geoff, the only way this works better for Trump is if the would be assassin were an illegal immigrant.
Anti-gun groups blaming right-wingers and shouting for more gun control and banning “assault weapons” in 3…2…1…
Trump will be OK…the assassin is very, very dead…there were injuries and one spectator causality. Keep your powder dry.
Security failed. Someone should be fired.
Did the security fail??? Did the “security” failed when President Kennedy was shot?
Are all the CIA snippers accounted for???
Yes that’s right. I went there.
No, some of the CIA snippers were off having butt sex.
Seriously, dude? You need an intervention.
You just sit back and enjoy the government distractions provided for you. Like legal butt sex and drugs.
The rest of us are looking out for the government agents, as well as the patsy. Who unknowingly does the dirty work for the deep state.
Here’s the first suggestion:
What happened to President Trump was entirely preventable and Cheatle’s department failed to do so.
Cheatle needs to resign.
Next thing you know the idiots will be trying to ban optics. Sniper rifles, dontchaknow.
former secret service agent just told cbs news that it was a sniper, ” with a high powered rifle, like a deer rifle or such “….. and so it starts
“…former secret service agent just told cbs news that it was a sniper, ” with a high powered rifle, like a deer rifle or such “”
Who couldn’t shoot worth a shit. That identifies the politics of the shooter. A conservative would hit the target.
That seals his election win… 😉
The leftist media will say that picture makes him look threatening like a tough guy tyrant and equate him to Mussolini then when another leftist cultist takes another shot they’ll say the perp is the real victim because Trump’s bully attitude pushed him/her/xer to do it.
There are no leftist bad guys and there are no right good guys. The cult will not tolerate nuance.
A good thing nobody gives a shit what you say.
I think his point got by you. Read it again from the beginning.
Lefty media is already saying that. They’re saying his raised fist, and saying “fight”, is calling for more political violence.
I’d say “you can’t make this stuff up” but as Lefty Extremism proved, you certainly can.
Geoff PR,
Furthermore, a more polished attacker would have had a rifle chambered in a serious centerfire caliber (such as .308 Winchester) and aimed for center mass.
At the expense of sounding daft, a true aficionado would have also known that a rifle bullet at such close range has ample retrained velocity to zip right through a Level III vest which any V.I.P. would have likely been wearing, which argues for aiming at center mass. Who knows, maybe this screwball was aiming for center mass and was WAY off target.
Then again the assassin may have wanted a head shot for the attendant gruesome spectacle on live video and went for it–knowing that he could very well miss such a small target.
Early reporting always gets it wrong, and I’ll predict Boch’s “Trump Shot In Head” line is going to end up being false. I’ve seen it reported as a ricochet, and for the minimal damage done (as evidenced by the two little trickles of blood), that makes a lot more sense than “Trump was shot in the head”.
I don’t think it was a rifle either. 9 shots, with a rifle, and the closest you could come is a tiny little wound on the top of the ear? No, this seems like a handgun, lousy accuracy and minimal damage.
I predict the shooter will be some leftist who was completely radicalized by the left’s constant harping on “Trump is an existential threat to the Constitution and to our Democracy”. Someone should hold them accountable for their words.
“I don’t think it was a rifle either. 9 shots, with a rifle, and the closest you could come is a tiny little wound on the top of the ear?”
Eyewitness account of the shooter crawling toward the peak of a roof carrying a rifle, according to this :
22lr rifle maybe, especially if the shooter is a broke antifia wannabe that doesn’t know much about anything firearms.
And likely not hearing about the innocent victims’ injuries.
I listened to the audio. It really sounded like a 22lr rifle. It didn’t sound like a .303 or a .30.06. The report wasn’t loud enough.
A suppress weapon??? I don’t think so.
Audio is always tricky as satellite delay, compression issues, and microphone quality are all huge error factors even before distance and direction get involved. I more started the guess being some broke antifia loser going with the cheapest 22lr AR he could get set up. Unfortunately it seems he had access to something better.
Shooter has been identified as Joseph Robinette Biden. Witnesses reported him saying “I beat him once, I’ll beat him again”. Witnesses also attributed Biden’s horrific accuracy to age-related decline.
Not FJB – He was in bed hours ago.
Cell video of apparent KIA shooter on roof of an out bld. If so, the Counter sniper team broke dick. Report were multiple shots (will be an AR or similar).
Same Middle Name……..
My money’s on a tr..a.n..ny.
Going by past stats, there’s a great chance the shooter is a commie or a Democrat.
Commies and Democrats are the same thing. And almost all tr..a.n..ni.es are Democrats.
No that is NOT what was handed down. Only official acts are immune, but nice try.
It was absolutely one of those. Probably a left over MK Ultra (or successor program) sleeper activated by Slo Joes handlers.
I blame all the talking heads that compared Trump to Hitler and every politician who called Trump an existential threat to Democracy. That kind of inflammatory language is what sets off nutcases that the left seems to attract.
“If you could go back in time, wouldn’t you k-i-l-l Hitler?”
“Trump is worse than Hitler.”
Where do you go from there? Remember how often they openly fantasized about taking him out after he won in ’16?
The lefty fan fictions involving his family were especially nasty. Lot of ways this can play out but a fuze it lit somewhere and a lot of narrative building just got tossed aside.
Did anybody else think that it sounded like a suppressed handgun?
Haven’t seen dookian or minor69er in a while.
Either of them dead on a rooftop?
As I said, my money’s on a tr..a.n..ny.
Like Lefty said, “dookian or minor69er” – I’m sure they have their pronouns in their online profiles, and they ain’t “he/him”. “Gender theory” is like unto “Leftism” – a sign of severe mental illness.
probs miners new handle – pffp ?
Warden caught them using his computer while they were supposed to be mopping the floor.
They’re back in general lockup, lost their Trustee Status.
“It takes more than [a bullet] to kill a bull moose!” -Teddy Rosevelt
Not sure why spell check didn’t catch this one.
It was an easy mistake to make, Alec Baldwin thought they had started filming ‘Rust 2’.
Ah … the leftist f.il.t.h shows up. Throwing a party, are we??
yaeh, probs a pity party they missed afterall
“Chinese man, sniper position, hundreds of yards away…”
2 dead + shooter. Per Post and/or Fox.
The pic where Trump has grabbed his ear shows a guy right behind him in a dark hat, slumped over…
“The pic where Trump has grabbed his ear shows a guy right behind him in a dark hat, slumped over…”
One of the several hit by the gunfire…
When do we start shooting back?
Dunno, but the leftish f.il.t.h always takes the first shot.
Why do you spell filth the way you do? Serious question, is it some new internet thing?
“Why do you spell filth the way you do? Serious question, is it some new internet thing?”
Nah, it’s a tactic being employed to get around keyword filtering…
They tried to whack our “Don”, they started this war, it’s time for the MAGA family to “go to the mattresses”
“I blame all the talking heads that compared Trump to Hitler and every politician who called Trump an existential threat”
Shooter had a rifle. SS blew the shooters head off ….
The fascist left will resort to mass murder to get their way. mao, stalin, hitler, all have used death and terror to get their way.
You honestly think miner49er or dacian would hesitate to load you and yours into cattle cars?
They wouldn’t. That’s why the left want us disarmed. It has nothing to do with safety. They want to take our stuff, imprison us, and ultimately, murder us. That’s the left’s M.O.
An eyewitness told the BBC on Saturday that he saw a “man on top of a roof” near President Trump’s Pennsylvania rally.
“We noticed the guy crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50 feet away from us,” the witness, whose name is Greg, said. “He had a rifle, we could clearly see him with a rifle.”
Greg alerted police to the man on the roof, according to the BBC.
“Next thing you know, I’m thinking to myself why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage?” he said. “I’m standing there pointing at him… the next thing you know, five shots ring out.”
“It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”
— Joe Biden, July 8, 2024.
… and it’s been pulled by allmajor outlets.
NOT fucking kidding….theyre litterally scrubbing as we watch. This entire thread wlii be gone before midnight…screenshots peeps. !!
“This entire thread wlii be gone before midnight… “
7:30 AM, no censorship so far…
Hey asshole, you could google “put trump in the bullseye” early on last night and get a hundred hits and video – try it your fucking self right now. Oh, and why do you suppose the Biden braintrust pulled all of their ads minutes after the shooting ? Sometimes you are too stupid for words.
Remember the huge deal they made out of Sarah Palin’s targeted list in AZ prior to Giffords assassination attempt? The MSM will be all over Biden for the bullseye comment, right? Yeah, right.
“Sometimes you are too stupid for words.”
Question: When is MajorLiar NOT “too stupid for words”????? Does he have occasional lapses into rationality, and I just miss them??
https://www.caclubindia.com/assets/thomas-crooks/ how widely reported are his leftist terrorist connections in the news again? Oh right those are just ideas.
The level of venom and denial I see from leftist on X is reaching a fever pitch. It’s kinda of shocking the coping and seething they’re getting to there.
Occasionally the Fascist lets their mask drop, exposing them…
No more Mr. Nice Guy, the Dems are responsible. Don’t give them an inch. The Dems are the new communists. Remember today when you vote.
Will Obiden renew calls to ban ARs if now being used by his antifag supporters?
Yes. What makes you think that law will be enforced upon those the D’s favor?
Will the gun grabbing leftists propose banning ownership of guns by Democrats?
Guns aren’t the problem.
Democrats with guns are the problem.
“Will the gun grabbing leftists propose banning ownership of guns by Democrats?“
The shooter was a registered Republican…
And donated to Democrats.
He just has not had time to register as a Democrat.
Thankfully, he never will. Thank you SS!
Been registered as a democrat a few times to steer the primary when I had to live in deep blue areas what is your point?
Miner, the shooter is a perfect example of your team’s use of TDS – I wonder if it was included with the chinavirus
“antidote” – the dumbass was a junior hi schooler when trump was in office.
The shooter recently changed his political orientation. Is the shooter a ho.m.osex.ual???
Void has a link to a Thomas Crooks. If that is in fact him he in no freaking Republican. Funny Butler DA says he has no criminal record. They are already white washing this.
is no
As of the last update one rally participant died, two other participants are in critical condition.
The excrement is going to hit the rotary oscillator sny minute now. Send lawyers, guns, and money.
“Dad, get me out of this.”
RIP Warren Zevon… 🙁
The people in the stands behind Donny just sat there. Didn’t hear a shot? How did none of them get struck? Amazing. Pelosi and Schumer are pissed he missed.
The shot came from stage right. There is a photo on the twitters of the bullet flying right behind Trump’s head after passing through his ear. His head was turned towards the wings at that moment. Amazing photo. Perhaps the photo of the century.
lets see, 4 or 5 secret service M4s plying the crowd…..oh, yeah, NOW would be a good time to dig for my glasses in my handbag…… NOT !!!!!!!!!
“The people in the stands behind Donny just sat there. Didn’t hear a shot? How did none of them get struck?”
Three others struck by the gunfire, one dead, 2 critically wounded.
If Trump were smart he’ll ask the dead person’s spouse to join him at the convention.
They sure love to wave the bloody shirt, we can as well.
“Use the enemy’s own tactics against them”, Saul Alinsky, ‘Rules for Radicals’…
The Democrats have added “assassinate” to their Alinsky list of “identify, marginalize, mock, and isolate”.
MAGA should take note and prepare accordingly.
Head of Secret Service is a diversity hire. Figures.
EVERYONE in the Starwars bar scene that is the Obiden admin is a DEI hire.
Note that the SS head (DEI) reports directly to that POS twit Mayorkas.
@motomike –
Dark fedora? hat between the “mean tweet” shirt and the red shirt. Can’t see his face. Looks to me like he is falling out.
I expect that the same “journalists” who were telling us that Biden is a genius are going to tell us that Trump was just getting his ear pierced.
Indicted, convicted, shot, Trump is now gangsta to the core … “Long live ‘The Don!'”
And just where were the “Fredos'” of the Secret Service, eveyewitness accounts have them ignoring rally-goers’ warnings no doubt on orders from their female DEI head.
Anyone else see that short, round, EEOC/AA/DEI “female” Secret Service agent near the limo shaking so badly that shne/shner/shim was incapable of holstering it’s weapon and “flagging” everyone in sight including SWAT members?
“Anyone else see that short, round, EEOC/AA/DEI “female” Secret Service agent near the limo shaking so badly that shne/shner/shim was incapable of holstering it’s weapon and “flagging” everyone in sight including SWAT members?”
Got the link, please?
You can train like hell, but never know for sure who cracks under stress when the lead is flying…
Yes, I saw it, total freak out, she repeatedly attempted to holster her sidearm but couldn’t find her holster which was clearly visible. Another DEI (didn’t Earn It) hire.
video link
Gateway Pundit has an article with video of the incompetent DEI/EEOC/AA hire.
Video: Witness at Trump rally claims he saw purported shooter on nearby rooftop | CNN
Stop posting links to the discredited Communist News Nitwits. Find something reliable.
Original report is from the BBC.
True, but in what universe is the BBC “more reliable” than Communist News Network????
This is right up there with the Gretchen Whitmer “assassination” plot. I’d be dollars to donuts the FBI recruited some r*tard to take a shot at Orange Man, just to poke the hornet’s next. I’d bet my house Garland and the DOJ are behind it all. Puke for brains Biden doesn’t know about it, because he’s comatose most of the time.
Yeah sure – Hanlon’s Razor
SS (as part of DHS) is at least as incompetent as the typical socialist fed agency – ATF, FBI, DOJ, etc etc etc.
And Obama’s statement is such drivel. He’s such a POS.
Been watching the TV & YouTube for hours. This summer is eerily similar to 1968. I except Big Fun in Chiraq next month. Trump is a man among men. Keep yer powder dry🙄The shooter reportedly had an AR but likely not trained to shoot hundreds of yards. Thank God…
Range was about 150 yards.
The shooter was no expert but not a novice. It was breezy.
Butler police report Mark Violets as the shooter. He’s an antifa f****t …
Totally discredited nonsense.
I measured the distance.
About 150 yards.
Everyone be careful to stay out of the Hippodrome.
Be prepared to go full Bellisaurious on them.
These comments are intentionally incomprehensible to people who are ignorant of history.
The Donkey Party is probably wishing they hired a pro right now, rather than trusting one of their psycho followers to do the job.
Democracy, eh?
The knife can cut both ways.
Is that where the knuckleheads want to.
Recently the ATF stated 700 million guns in circulation.
Closest thing to an accurate statement I have heard from them in over a decade. Still probably a low-ball but much closer than what I normally hear.
Condolences to the family of the guy in the crowd who got zapped by a miss/passthrough.
Given what the people on the bleachers near that guy said about his head injury, I’d hazard the guess we’re not looking at a .22LR here. I’ve seen what that does, at close range, when it’s a headshot. Whatever hit this guy had quite a bit more pop. Opened his head up real good. .22LR doesn’t do that at close range, never minded 100+ yards.
Given the range, I’m guessing something like a 5.56 in the hand of someone who’d spent some time with it on a 50 yard range and didn’t understand the difference in shooting at more than double or triple that distance in terms of wind. Some of the gun fire is the shooter, some of it is return fire. Oddities, so far, in the sound seem to me to be the result of an open air environment and a mic not facing the muzzle.
Really, I’m not sure what 5.56 at that range would do the cartilage of the upper ear. Pass through producing the injury photographed might be possible. Or he shot low, hit the lectern and Trump caught fragments in the ear (and according to some reports the vest he was wearing too, though I’m a touch dubious about that).
The fact that Lefty web is angry about this, because the guy “missed”… seems like this just raises the temperature in the room yet more. They really don’t understand how dangerous the social chemistry they’re playing with is.
“Given the range, I’m guessing something like a 5.56 in the hand of someone who’d spent some time with it on a 50 yard range and didn’t understand the difference in shooting at more than double or triple that distance in terms of wind.”
Interesting preliminary analysis.
Kinda what one would see if the shooter wasn’t a gun person and bought the gun with a specific mission in mind…
“Kinda what one would see if the shooter wasn’t a gun person and bought the gun with a specific mission in mind…”
That would sort of be my built-in assumption while awaiting further information, yes.
Generally, I tend to default to the explanation with the fewest moving parts unless there’s solid, positive evidence to the contrary. Mostly because this tends to be closer to correct. The amount of random shit that happens, mixed with human mistakes, is rather incredible and often overlooked.
There are things we can eliminate immediately. Like the idiots talking about how 5.56 tumbles from the muzzle or that this must have been a big bore to take a shot at this range or how it must have been a .22LR to be so quiet yet ignore the terminal outcome for the guy who caught one in the brain-box.
Looks like it just grazed his ear not a pass through. An inexperienced shooter or a fortunate turn of the head.
I’m not going to quibble minutia and get into pure sophistry when we don’t know if it hole-punched his ear or merely grazed it.
The point is, the guy who took one to the brain-box could have been hit by the bullet that hit Trump’s ear, a possibility I covered in the OP for the sake of completeness.
I rather doubt the fam of the dead guy gives a fuck which bullet killed him and if it was or was not technically a “pass through”.
Perhaps God had His finger on that trajectory.
Or told Trump to turn his head.
If your God had anything to do with it. it would have never happened. I find it laughable that your god only gets the credit for the good things and never the bad. Even though all things are through God’s hands
I understand what you’re saying. But I find it hilarious that you are so self-important you think you know how God operates.
To the atheists out there. We all have free will. Including snippers. As was intended by God.
But God can control the wind. And how hard and which direction it blows.
I was not surprised when I saw this on the news. Honestly have been expecting some idiot to take a shot at Trump for a couple years. Sounded in the videos I’ve seen as an intermediate caliber weapon. Likely in the 5.56 to 6.5 MM range. More than likely a novice shooter with limited ability and little long range skill.
Glad to see Trump was only mildly injured and offer sympathies and condolences to the friends and family of the other victim who was killed.
Also I do wish the perp had been arrested instead of eliminated. Would have liked to find out if this was a so called lone wolf type or was he/she/it recruited by some intel agent or DS players.
Again, I would not be surprised if the shooter was encouraged and recruited by someone in the bureaucracy. At least it wasn’t a more capable marksman.
I’m sure the web will dig up this guy’s life pretty quick.
He’s been involved with and been arrested at many Antifa/BLM riots around the country -Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, etc.
Yet all the legacy media can say was he was a registered Republican ie registered just to vote against Trump in closed PA republican primary.
It will be interesting to see his background, but the site you link to is pure nonsense. It is all unsourced, some of it very improbable, designed to stir up rumors and hate. It is overt propaganda. It is deliberate manipulation.
They even say they made it all up in their disclaimer
If any of that is confirmed, it shall be interesting to see how fast it is memory-holed.
It is pretty wild how fast the digging-teams can find things about people though.
Burying what’s inconvenient and highlight what moves the narrative forward.
Kinda like they did with our “sharp as a tack” POTUS for four years.
How is the MSM gonna frame this as an angry, racist, right wing, MAGA, white guy this time?
As an afterthought, wonder what Kathy Griffin is thinking about violent rhetoric and imagery today.
They are all saying that he is a “registered Republican”
But he only registered to vote against Trump in the Pennsylvania Closed Republican primary. This kid is Antifa/BLM through and through and has been to all the major riots around the country in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York etc. He’s been arrested at most of them for causing mischief and mayhem. Typical Republican, right?
I’ve been registered as a Dem more than once when I lived in a deep blue closed primary state. It was the only way to exert some leverage in an area that would always go Dem.
My parents have been doing that for 20 years.
Lots of comments here aged like fine milk. Any commentary on the fact that he was wearing a Demolition Ranch shirt?
Shirts are overpriced. But should be good for Matt/Mere’s sales of rags.
Any commentary on he’d have stuck out like a guernsey in a buffalo herd if he was wearing a Biden 2024 t-shirt to a Trump rally genius.
r/liberalgunowners is a thing you may want to peruse for a bit. There will likely be quite a few plot twists coming before the story is complete.
Recent polling, within a the past few months, turned up the following:
10% of those surveyed believed that violence was acceptable to keep Trump from office.
Of that 10%, 1/3rd stated that they were gun owners. IOW, the Left kinda has their own 3%.
It wouldn’t be shocking if such people owned/wore gun-and-gear related clothing the same as other gun owners.
It’s also possible that the choice of shirt was intentional for other reasons. One would imagine that someone out to do this kind of thing would think about most aspects of what they were doing. Exactly how they’d make choices is impossible to know because reading minds isn’t a thing but unicorn whisperer makes a valid point about this possibly being a form of social camo.
I wonder if this incident is severe enough to cause democrats to finally tone down their rhetoric.
‘Democrat’ rhetoric like this?
“Rep. Tom Emmer, the chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee, posted a video of himself shooting a rifle with the messages “exercising my Second Amendment rights” and “13 days to make history. Let’s #FirePelosi.”
Exercising one’s 2nd Amendment rights isn’t rhetoric.
Suggesting someone is equivalent to Hitler, and will eviscerate the US Consitution if elected is rhetoric.
I don’t see any incitement of violence in your example.
However the democrat rhetoric that I’m talking about has achieved the following.
1) got Steve Scalise and 3 others shot
2) almost got Bret Kavanough assasinated
3) got Donald Trump and 3 others shot and one of them killed.
Democrats need to quite playing games and tone down there rhetoric.
Aaron Danielson is on this list too, IIRC.
Ya mean like the time Joe Biden threatened to use F-16’s and nuclear weapons against American citizens who owned guns?
They’ve already proven this isn’t the case.
That guy’s actually a public servant. You should see what the Left on social media is saying about how mad they are that this guy missed. Shit, even Destiny is on that train.
And of course, there are stupid things being said on the Right too. Mike Collins being Exhibit A.
“JUL 13, 2022
Guns and Political Violence Play Central Role in MAGA Republican Campaign Ads
At least 104 MAGA Republican ads this cycle display and feature firearms or weapons, blowtorches, and even “Tommy” gun auctions, with many including threats against opponents on both the left and right.
More than half feature sniper rifles, blowtorches, or assault weapons similar to those used in the Uvalde, Texas; Highland Park, Illinois; and Buffalo, New York, shootings.
Roughly a quarter include threats of various kinds. (In this analysis, an ad was considered as making a threat if a candidate metaphorically targeted individuals, political affiliations, institutions, or agendas with their weapons and/or if they displayed a firearm while declaring their willingness to do anything to “fight” their opponents.)
At least 11 level threats against the government.
Five promote an AR-15, “Tommy” gun, or .50-caliber sniper rifle giveaway.
Four feature minors with guns.
This is a prime example of the left wing blowing things out of proportion to imply a larger issue of such ‘violence’.
It even tells you: “(In this analysis, an ad was considered as making a threat if a candidate metaphorically targeted individuals, political affiliations, institutions, or agendas with their weapons and/or if they displayed a firearm while declaring their willingness to do anything to “fight” their opponents.)”
It says these are ‘threats’, the ad’s are metaphorical speech and not ‘threat’.
Its the left-wing agenda thing of ‘if its something or speech we do not agree with or its something we don’t like then it threat and violence’.
Its a bogus made up concept that such is always ‘violence’. Even the trans (gender-identity) community is counting it as ‘trans genocide violence’ now if a person does not acknowledge their ‘pronouns’.
If we applied that same concept to the dem mayors and governors and dem congressmen and Joe Biden and acted on it they would be in jail. All of them have made references to using violent force (by use of law enforcement or military under their control) against law abiding gun owners to confiscate firearms (and a few of them have actually used such shows of violent force against law abiding gun owners).
Biden and Democrats, the left-wing, keep blaming ‘guns’ for “political violence”, its all the fault of gun-owners they claim.
For the past four years, Antifa, Hamas supporters, and other leftist have routinely engaged in political violence. They carry out arson, looting, beatings, all kinds of crimes. They make our streets look like Gaza.
And in blue jurisdictions they basically have immunity. Democrats do not prosecute them or call them out on it, in fact in their rhetoric they try to defend them.
An example: Here’s a few minutes of Democrats explicitly calling for ‘political violence’ > https://x.com/JayMaga47/status/1566121525358501888
So miner, care to comment on why the Biden campaign pulled ALL ads and communications moments after the shooting? It certainly wasn’t out of respect dumbass, it’s because they contained the same veiled rhetoric that your bitching about the right using… “it’s time to put Trump in the bullseye” – ring a bell ? Go ahead schmuck, use your superpowers of wordsalad to explain to us bitter clingers that it was a heart-shaped bullseye.
… so, no response – maybe in three or so days… your usual MO
“Join the MAGA crew. Get a RINO hunting permit. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn’t expire until we save our country”
Former Gov. Eric Greitens (R-MO)
As I recall congresswoman Maxine “kerosene” Waters said Trump supporters should not be allowed out in public. And that they should be accosted while shopping or eating in restaurants.
And you were comfortable with that. I believe the Libertarians Liberals and the Left called that “free speech.”
Yep, left-wing violence-endorsing mental midget Maxine Waters did that.
An example: Here’s a few minutes of left-wing/Democrats explicitly calling for ‘political violence’ > https://x.com/JayMaga47/status/1566121525358501888
It was your heroine, the craggy-faced then congresscritter Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), mother of illegal alien (Colin Ferguson) LIRR shooting victim “Vegetable Lasagna”, that stood on the U.S. Capitol steps the day that Joe Bribem’s so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” sunsetted who said live on-air in front of millions watching on TV ” … we need to ‘take out’ Predident (GW) Bush”. All Democrats are dangerous and potential mass shooters.
And yet it is leftists doing most of the political violence.
To leftists the rights words are violence just as much as bullets flying.
They make no distinction between somebody on the right saying “we need to take the country back” and somebody on the left sending a round into your head.
They’re irrational and mentally ill.
“we need to take the country back”
That is an example of the law abiding, using their 1st amendment civil rights to free speech.
And yes there are many who don’t support that free speech.
“They’re irrational and mentally ill.”
No, they’re not. The fact that you don’t think the way they do doesn’t make them crazy.
They are fully capable of planning and execution of strategy and tactics over time. They do it all the time and have for over 75 years.
You simply don’t understand the incentive structure built into a way of thinking that revolves purely around bare-knuckled power.
Look at the history of presidential assassinations/attempts. It’s basically all dems/commies/left wingers. It’s their thing.
shooter registered repub but donated to act blue (formerly shareblue) probably did so to vote for Nikki Haley since PA is a closed primary and try and keep Trump off ballot
also there’d a tiki tok of the shooter freaking out at some Trump supporters
Definitely registered to vote for Nutti Nikki. Probably over half of the votes she got in the primaries were from lefties who would never vote for her in a general election. They were only trying to influence the GOP primary to bump Trump off the ticket.
Yes. Democrats, including some big donors, kept her going in the primary.
The plot thickens! Deep state bs coverup proceeding. That won’t work this time. 20 year old dead puke ain’t talking🙄
When I first heard about this I thought “Miner49 finally let his mental illness obsession with Trump drive him to do it.”
shooter had aprotect trans kids sign In their bedroom window
another unhinged trannoid shooter
The epidemic of trans shooters took 4 more lives last week.
What is the s.ex.ual orie.ntati.on of the shooter???
Was he an ath.eist?
Why do I ask? Because the sexually liberated ath.eist are s0cia.list Pr0.gressi.ve in their p0l.itical 0rient.ati0n.
And the soc.ialis.ts are the most political type.
Three of the Four presidents who were assassinated were all a murdered by S.ociali.sts. But Booth , who murdered lincoln, was just your garden variety liberal racist.
Thomas Matthew Crooks (AKA ‘Thomas Crooks’), the man who tried to murder Donald Trump, donated to Joe Biden on Inauguration Day. He donated $15.00 to ‘ActBlue’ for the ‘progressive turnout project’.
Matthew B Crooks, the father of Thomas Matthew Crooks, is a mental heath professional in Pennsylvania.
Thomas Crooks registered ‘republican’ so he could vote against Trump in the Pennsylvania Closed Republican primary.
Thomas Crooks allies with Antifa & BLM. He has attended BLM ‘mostly peaceful’ (riots) in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York and has been arrested at them for his mischief and mayhem and is known for his extreme views and involvement in violent incidents. He has been arrested multiple times for charges related to causing public disturbances and assault. He has links to radical groups, including online associations with people promoting drastic actions against perceived enemies,and has been involved in activities aimed at causing disruption and unrest in different parts of the United States.
Part of his ‘resume’ includes:
Seattle Protest (2023): He was participated in a violent ANTIFA protest in Seattle, characterized by violent clashes with law enforcement and property damage.
Portland Unrest (2022): He participated in a violent riot in Portland, Oregon, where he and fellow Antifa members violently attacked and clashed with counter-protesters.
Minneapolis Demonstrations (2021): He was part of Antifa actions during demonstrations in Minneapolis, marked by violent confrontations with police and incidents of arson.
Some of his ‘membership’ associations include ‘Portland Black Bloc’, ‘Seattle Antifa Collective’, ‘New York City Antifa’, ‘Los Angeles Antifa Network’, ‘Los Angeles Antifa Network’.
He is a violent left wing. One among thousands.
No, you don’t understand, that was all negated by registering in a state primary as a Republican.
Miner Irritant will be along shortly with the seldom quoted statute that verifies it.
antifa and shareblue types are flooding online to run this as desperate damage control as we speak
Couple things not mentioned: the shot apparently pierced the cartilage portion of Trumps ear. Even through the cartilage there should be a metric shit ton of blood; Trump stated he heard. a “whizzing” past his ear. Anybody who has pulled targets downrange can tell you just how loud a supersonic bullet can be passing overhead.There ain’t no “whiz”. With all the Secret Service prep how could anybody get into such an obviously handy firing position.; NO shooter, other than a schoolhouse trained, sniper is gonna have the stainless steel balls necessary to lock onto a target and stay motionless. Now, it may sound a little more than way out there. What better statement could a 2nd amendment hater make than to take a, shot at possibly a pro-gun public figure..Remember that Trump used an executive order to ban bump stocks.
Really, the bumpstock again??? You, sir, don’t support black teenagers with machine pistols. You have never supported open carry.
You are full of sh#t.
Trump 2024!!!
Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without telling me.
This post is… impressive.
Which is “political violence”?
Enabling millions of military age foreign nationals to enter the country illegally?
Or shooting a case of bud lite?
All criminals may not be Leftists, but all Leftists are criminals.
The legacy media has already started framing the assassination attempt as morally equivalent to January 6 – of course. Miami Herald editorial implied that narrative, probably a test balloon to see if their “readers” go along with the DNC talking points…if it hits a nerve we’ll see the rest of them pick it up and go with it.
And if anyone’s waiting for the New Republic’s apology for their Trump-itler cover story don’t hold your breath…
Raffled a riot shotgun at the Lincoln County OR Fair. Offered tickets at the Dem booth…no takers. Told them “Too bad, because if you steal this election you might wish you’d won”…Raised $1800 for Trump on a Mossberg 500.
You want it? Get off your keyboard warrior asses and work for it…
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