Austin police shooting Rajan Moonesinghe
Courtesy APD and KVUE

Austin, Texas police officers responded to a call of a man acting erratically outside of his home. The homeowner, carrying an AR pattern rifle, fired two shots into his own home as APD officers rolled up. Subsequent reports claim the man thought his home has been burglarized.

The responding officers likely heard the second shot as they arrived. Moments later, one of the cops yelled for the man, Rajan Moonesinghe, to “throw the gun” then, without pausing, the officer, armed with a patrol rifle, immediately opens fire.

The officer fired three times in the initial volley, then paused as the homeowner dropped the rifle. Then the officer fired two more shots as the homeowner began to raise his hands in surrender.

Home security and bodycam video begin at the 4:58 mark in the video below . . .

The cop doing the shooting then offered an excited utterance of “Oh dammit,” as if he realized he’d screwed up by firing too soon, or perhaps by firing after the homeowner did as he commanded, dropping the rifle.

Either way Moonesinghe died of his wounds.

Fox7Austin has the story . . .

Austin police released body camera video, Ring camera video, and the 911 call of an officer-involved shooting that left a man dead in South Austin. 

Rajan Moonesinghe was shot to death outside his home on South 3rd Street near Oltorf just after midnight on Nov. 15.

“He almost seems to be scared of something inside his home,” the 911 caller said. Later in the call, the caller says, “…approached me earlier today saying he saw two suspicious people earlier.”

The story continues with a press release from the brother of the man who was shot by police.

Johann Moonesinghe, Rajan’s brother, released the following statement:

“Yesterday, I had the opportunity to view the police footage and security footage of the last minutes of my brother’s life. As difficult as that was, it was an incredibly important step towards finding out the truth of the events leading up to his murder by police on November 15, 2022. The video clearly shows that Raj never threatened the officers, he didn’t even know they were there. I’d encourage everyone to watch the videos being released today to make their own judgments. Thank goodness Raj had his Ring security camera on his porch because, without it, the police would have continued to lie about what happened that night.

After watching the video, it is evident that the officer who shot Raj did this without identifying himself, without thinking, and before giving my brother a chance to explain who he was and why he was outside.  Instead, he arrived without flashing lights or sirens, pulled out an assault rifle, took a hidden defensive position behind a fence 25 yards away, and killed my brother. He began firing before finishing his command to ‘drop your gun’ and continued to fire once Raj had dropped his gun and put his hands up, and continued to fire once Raj had dropped his gun and put his hands up. It’s clear from the security footage that Raj didn’t even know the police officer was there. His last words as he lay on the ground were ‘it wasn’t me.’

Instead of getting justice for Raj, the Austin Police Department continues with its attempts to cover up what happened. The security footage they released today is an edited version that intentionally removes the interaction that Raj had with his neighbor one-minute beforehand where he told her there was someone in his house and yelled into his home, ‘I’m calling the police, get out of my house.’

It is beyond comprehension that the police acted this way. The police knew he was the homeowner concerned with a potential intruder. They shot first and asked questions later. As an Austinite myself, I’m outraged to think that these are the people tasked with protecting our community.

Raj was a loving son who took care of our parents financially and the co-founder of a very successful tech company which we moved to Austin in 2018. We ask the City and the District Attorney to do their jobs and hold the officer accountable.  Otherwise, these senseless shootings will continue, and more innocent people will be shot and killed by Austin police officers.”

Obviously the Austin PD is investigating the incident. What’s more, a substantial lawsuit seems to be in the department’s and city’s future.

From the video as presented, it looks like the officer might have jeopardized his career and possibly his freedom with a quick decision to open fire that night. And given the Soros-backed Travis County District Attorney’s adversarial relationship with the APD, the officer involved had better have a very good attorney.



  1. I’ve seen this time and time again. An officer yells for someone to drop his weapon but then fails to allow the eventual victim to do so, opening fire before the words can even be comprehended. I suspect that the brother is right–the victim didn’t even know the officers were there. Dead men tell no tales–but Ring cameras do.

    This reminds me of that case in Baltimore where two cops roll up on a young man playing with a toy gun at a bus stop. The officer exits the car, gun drawn, yells and fires. The young man, a teen with a mental disability, is killed. We see the same pattern with police officers continuing to fire until slide lock as fast as they can pull the trigger. Is this part of training, or an excessive response to adrenaline? Either way, it results in people getting killed who should not have been. Which also reminds me that a recent article I read suggests that shootings and killings by police are significantly underreported to the FBI.

    • And then you have cops shot and killed while eating lunch, pumping gas, knocking on a door in response to a call or just sitting in their car on the street. Who’s to blame? It’s the chicken or the egg conundrum, which came first, bad guys killing cops or bad cops killing innocent (non-threatening citizens? As of Monday, a total of 281 law enforcement officers had been shot in 2022, at least 55 of them fatally, the National Fraternal Order of Police said in a new report released Wednesday. Fatal police shootings in the United States total 993 civilians shot, 139 of whom were Black, as of November 30, 2022.

      • And? The difference between a cop getting shot and a private citizen is that the cop willingly chose to accept the risks when they put on that uniform. And they are compensated for those risks in the exceptional pay and retirement benefits offered for a job with very low entry requirements. If given the choice between a cop getting killed and an innocent civilian, I’ll choose the cop every time.

      • The police are not drafted, they volunteer for the job that they hold. They are free to leave and find new employment anytime they see fit. The majority of the line of duty fatalities of peace officers in the United States comes from auto accidents. If officers were truly concerned about making it home to their family every night they would wear a helmet while driving their cars along with their seat belts which they for some reason believe they are exempt from wearing instead of responding with excessive force when force is not necessary and wearing body armor.

        • So just because a person chooses to put on a fuking uniform they’re fair game 24/7 for any nutcase to put a bullet in the back of his/her head whether they’re doing their job or taking their kids to a movie? Not all cops respond with excessive force, and nobody deserves to be gunned down in an ambush, if you’re grown enough to kill a cop then have the fuking balls to do it to his/her face. How many cops have been shot/killed this year while trying to HELP someone. You are some warped fuks… The injuries/ fatalities I listed were SHOOTING only NOT auto accidents.

        • Cops deal with the filth of society and if they were all pulled off the streets most people, including most of the people on TTAG, would not survive very long.

          Cops are people and people are fallible. The penalties when they fail can be severe, often more severe than the scum of the earth, running amok all over, receive.

          I’ve never had a bad interaction with any cop. I always carry and that’s never been a problem. I treat them as I want to be treated and I’m not a fucking criminal. I’m glad they are around.

      • MADDMAXX, no need for your screeching. You drew the false equivalency: that somehow shootings like this are excusable because some cops are themselves shot. Even if that were true (it’s not), the loss to society is greater when an innocent citizen dies than a cop because only one of the two had any expectation of being shot in the conduct of their daily business.

        I don’t know when it started, but we have a very diseased culture in the world of policing where they are taught that any degree of violence is permitted to prevent risk to themselves- this is how we get unarmed people shot because of “furtive movements”. In reality, the opposite should be true. We employ police for the safety of the public, and if that means putting themselves out there into a dangerous situation and not pulling the trigger immediately because if they’re wrong someone who didn’t deserve it gets shot, then that’s the expectation we should have for them. Those who don’t feel comfortable with that can seek employment elsewhere.

        We have more stringent rules of engagement for soldiers an actual war zones, who are often told they have to be actively receiving fire before they can do anything to defend themselves. Now, I don’t know about you, but I think it’s pretty messed up that our government places more value on the life of some potential terrorist in Durkadurkastan then on our own soldiers, but I bet if you ask them, they would say that those soldiers volunteered and that their job often requires them to put their own lives in danger for a greater good.

        • , no need for your screeching.

          And then you proceed with SCREECHING of your own. I never said nor drew a line between excusing cops killing citizens because cops get killed. Your implication that it’s okay to kill a cop just because he/she took the job is about as insane a supposition as I’ve heard, I enlisted in the Marine Corps at the height of the Vietnam conflict knowing full well that I would be involved in it, and that most likely I would be shot at and COULD lose my life but I never EXPECTED to be killed just like no individual joins a police force expecting to be put in a life and death situation, in fact I feel more at risk to being shot and possibly killed by some crazy “innocent” citizen when I’m riding my Harley than I did during my 6 1/2 years of active duty. From what I saw/heard in that video the cop was wrong, reacted too quickly and will most likely cost the cost the city of Austin a lot of money, but if you truly believe that the death of cop is acceptable/preferred you are sick and should seek professional help.

        • To Mad Max: you stop your screechng. I work in healthcare. I am at risk for picking some really horrible diseases. But I accept that risk. Cops are in a dangerous profession. Either they accept that, or they shoud seek safer employment.

  2. If you live in Texas, “shoot first, ask questions later” is a given; has been for a long time. If you don’t understand that, live somewhere else.

    “Don’t mess with Texas” (which was actually an anti-trash slogan aimed at tourists)

      • “I thought that “Don’t mess with Texas” was an anti-tourist campaign, aimed at trash.”

        Had to read that 3 times. Nicely done.

        • have only encountered one individual with that bumper sticker….and he was a real asshole!….

    • “If you live in Texas, “shoot first, ask questions later” is a given; has been for a long time. If you don’t understand that, live somewhere else.“

      How sad that the Republican governor and legislature of Texas can’t govern the state responsibly and competently.

      “Shoot first, ask questions later” by the police is a direct violation of the constitutional liberties so many here claim to revere.

  3. Bad shoot. Bad decision making by police. Video like this makes me think there may be some real life experiences behind defund the police. The police are not your friend if you armed. They don’t make distinctions between good guys and bad guys. Seems like they just unload on whoever they see with a weapon.

  4. I was waiting for the word Lawsuit to pop up. Cop was positioned out of harm’s way and not being threatened sees gun and starts shooting. Based on what was said thus far cop’s opps a daisy will not fair well in a Civil Suit especially when the deceased is young with years of high income ahead of him.

  5. This looks like manslaughter to me…just shoot anyone who has a gun, how dare he have a gun only cops should have. Shouting a command simultaneously to opening fire is not a defense. At least this likely won’t be swept under the rug.

    • “Shouting a command simultaneously to opening fire is not a defense“

      It was a successful defense for the murder of Tamir Rice, a 14yo black kid.

  6. It’s a lot easier to put a few rounds into a compliant citizen than to confront a rampaging teenager that is murdering a room full of grade school kids, way to go Austin PD you all be some BADDDDASSSSS muthrfukkrs…

    • Uvalde is not Austin and Austin is not Uvalde. Not making excuses for either. Both cases make all cops look bad and perpetuate issues identified from Columbine up to present day shootings.

      • Uvalde is not the only instance where coward cops held back while nutcases continued to slaughter their victims happened a couple of times recently in FL, likewise Austin is not the first case of an overanxious cop loaded on adrenaline pulling the trigger prematurely. Just sayin there appears to be an abundance of bad decisions being made recently that make ALL cops look like blood crazed cowards.

  7. Watch the entire video first, caller and the badge cam video.

    The TAG narrative in this article seems to me to be a bit different than what I saw.

    A very good and calm 911 caller that sounds to me like an experienced or knowledgeable gun guy. He described what sounds like someone mentally impaired with a semi auto rifle that is firing shots into his own home just as police arrive. The 911 operator even asks that question after he describes the situation.

    When the police first get into view, he’s just fired again and turns to them with the gun in his hands and in their general direction.
    The time between police instructions and the first shots was short but they didn’t have much time in those circumstances to safely wait. Remember, it’s not what you see, it’s what the cop saw when he had to make a decision.
    There was very little time between the first shots and the last one. Not a long pause at all.
    The excited utterance sounded more like despair that he had to shoot than despair that he made a bad call.

    • The guy didn’t turn on them or point the rifle or even move. The victim had no chance to respond to a command. Likely he never even saw the cop who killed him since he was well lighted standing near the lights while the cops were out in the darkness.

    • I was about to leave a similar comment. There are plenty of badge cam videos out there where an officer shoots someone believing there’s an imminent deadly threat, and says some variation of “oh, dammit.” Much more common than instant admissions of bad shoot fault. They were looking for a man with a rifle. The man shot as they drove by, and again as they got out. It was a very strange and rapid situation that I still don’t fully understand after the fact, having heard the 911 call, watched the footage, and read statements and articles a couple times over.

      • didn’t hear the cop announce his office or otherwise ID himself.

        Barely got out “drop the gun” before he started shooting…

      • Apparently you didn’t have the sound on.
        The cops arrived with the sirens on and lights flashing. The video has a wide angle that makes things appear farther than they are but you can clearly see them. The 911 caller is on the phone at the time and you can also hear it there and he tells the operator the police have arrived.
        After the last shot into his own house, the victim turns and is facing the cops with gun in hand pointed in their general direction. his hand’s on the grip and he could have easily squeezed of rounds in under a second at them. That’s why they couldn’t wait.
        Based on the fact he had just been firing into his own house at ghosts (as the cops were exiting their cars) and the 911 callers description of someone in a mental crisis, they had every reason to fear that he was a deadly threat.

    • > The time between police instructions and the first shots was short

      Short? The trigger was pulled for the first round while the cop’s tongue was still touching the roof of his mouth to make the “n” in “gun.”

      Unless the guy is already pointing it at someone (which he’s not unless you watched a different video than I did), I’d expect at least a heartbeat between the verbal utterance and the gun firing. The way it happened, he might as well have said it after the gun hit the ground, for all the good it did.

  8. “And given the Soros-backed Travis County District Attorney’s adversarial relationship with the APD,…”

    Wow, that’s fvcked-up.

    The DA sides with the criminals, and looks for anything to hang on the cops.

    I don’t see how any sane cop would voluntarily want to work for such a municipality.

    Something tells me there will be a wave of resignations in the near future…

    • Between the hard left Austin City Council and the Soros-backed Travis County DA, I don’t understand why anyone would be with APD either.

      Heck, these days I limit my trips into the core of Austin proper to circumstances where I absolutely have to go there (I live just west of town, and 99% of what I need I can do/get in Bee Cave, Westlake, Lakeway, Dripping Springs, etc., or the suburban edges of town). Crime in much of Austin is way up, and if I ever had to defend myself from a crook there’s little doubt the DA would be looking to Zimmerman me, especially if the crook was the member of a “preferred” group.

      • I’m guessing the answer is “Anyone whose industry ties them there, or who has to take care of relatives there.”, i.e. not unlike NY/NJ.

  9. I’m surprised this took as long as it did to show up here. I first read this days ago. Don’t remember where. Say it again. The planet and almost everything on it would like a shot a killing you. Act accordingly.

    • “The planet and almost everything on it would like a shot a killing you. Act accordingly.”

      Did you read the “Death Planet” series of novels?

    • Dave, sorry to disappoint you, but I always gave the nod to the legally armed citizen. Said it before. I swore the oath three times. Meant it every time.

    • have only encountered one individual with that bumper sticker….and he was a real azzhole!….

    • “Are there any Texans here?”

      You’re obviously new reading TTAG, Mark…

    • 1.) How do you define common?
      2.) How do you define “these sorts of shootings”? There is no such thing as an exactly identical police shooting. They all come with their own circumstances.

      Down the road from me there is a trial right now in FW about an officer shooting a woman in her home a few years ago. He shot her through the window. The state just rested its case far earlier than anyone expected because they have no case. Before the trial, I thought the cop might be found guilty of murder. Now I don’t see how he can get convicted. The only logical (loosely defined) reason this case went to trial is because the prosecutor saw white cop/black victim, good enough. There never should have been a trial.

      • just had a good samaritan…trying to help a shooting victim…get slammed to the ground by an overzealous cop in plainclothes…he hit his head on the pavement and died…watching this one closely…

  10. I have certainly thought about how I might avoid being on either side of a blue-on-blue shooting in a defensive gun use. And I gotta say, “getting killed by police after talking to myself and shooting at ghosts through my own front door as the cops drive by” is at the bottom of my list of concerns. I don’t see that one as very likely to come up.

    I don’t think anyone was out to murder anyone else. Sometimes poor decisions, poor conditions, and poor luck stack up. My takeaway from this is: if you genuinely believe someone has broken into your home and is still inside (and it appears this man very much believed that, enough to fire into his own house), call the police. Have them check it out. It’s practically one of the only times you can call them *before* something tragic happens, rather than after the fact. They’re not ALL out to get you.

  11. Bullshit, don’t think for a second that the cops in Austin won’t review video frame by frame if you’re the shooter. Negligent homicide, dude needs jail and a different job.

  12. I think it’s training error. Police training to point, yell, and fire. Doing it so many times the muscle memory kicks in instead the brain. Bad bad bad training.

    • Yep. I’ve taken more than one defensive shooting course where they coached yelling “drop the weapon” as a pre-shooting, get-out-of-jail, witness management technique prior to opening fire. Not: yell the challenge, observe/think/decide… and THEN shoot only if necessary. And boy did the robocops in the class aggressively compress that timeframe to “yell as you’re shooting”

      bam. bam. bam bam. “drop the weapon …”

  13. When the cops aren’t kneeling before BLM protesters who burned down our cities during a pandemic (apparently a fake one? but in MAY of 2020, most serious people I know were taking precautions to not get it, not rioting/protesting in support of a porn star drug addict criminal), they shoot you at your house, after you drop your rifle after they shoot you.

    I am not impressed with the new generation of cops. Most of them are questionable people- lots of tattoos, miscegenation, children out of wedlock, TikTok use, &c.

    Who throws you in jail when you get into an argument with your wife?

    Who is actually going to take away your guns?

    Who gets great pensions while your Roth IRA goes down in value?

    Defund the police.

    • A lot of police don’t get pensions anymore. States and cities can’t afford it and have moved to pretty basic 401k type retirement programs. The ones still working waiting for pensions were grandfathered in.

      Last rumor I heard even the military and federal government was going this route.

      • Ron, the military overhauled it’s pension plan a few years back to change from the traditional 20 years/50% pay to 20 years/40% pay with a 401K match. It was called the Blended Retirement System, but older soldiers could opt out of it. if you can make it to 20 years, the original system is one of the best retirements around, and even the watered down one the new recruits get is still pretty good.

        The federal civil service is the same as it’s been for decades, vesting at 1% a year and collecting at age 62. they also have a 5% 401K match. It’s not actually that great when you do the math, because if you work for 20 years earning $100K, you would only get $20K/yr from 62 on.

        I wish people wouldn’t call 401Ks retirement plans. They are investment plans with deferred taxation. if the market does great, and you draw on them at the right time, you can do better than a traditional pension, but think of how much retirement people who are planning to begin there withdrawals in the last year or two lost. You can’t get time back, and if your time to draw on your 401K is during a market downturn, you just lose a bunch of money and there’s nothing you can do about it.

      • I live in MPLS and they burned down Hennepin Ave.

        Take your liberal luxury beliefs somewhere else.

        • Only 700 businesses were burned not like the WHOLE town, they was jus funnin’, where’s your sense of humor… Poor old Brah George was an upstanding citizen and a hero figure to Minerva…

  14. Looks to me like a cop or 2 needs to do a little time at the ironbar hotel. That was a bad shoot with a fatality. Cop is far more guilty than the Derek Chauvin ever was.

  15. This is what happens when the gun control lobby succeeds in convincing the police that they are outgunned by the criminals.

    The only caveat that might justify this shooting is a belief that the officer was confronting a domestic assault or home invasion. However; there is no evidence to justify that claim.

  16. And remember it was “Walter the Beverly Hillbilly” former cop, that was screaming at me yesterday that U.S. Cops were the best trained in the world. If I told as many lies as Walter and got a penny for each one I would be a millionaire.

    People should remember that some U.S. cops actually get as little as 4 weeks training before being turned loose on the public and told to settle everything with a shot to the head.

    When an untrained cop gets to the scene anyone with a gun in his hand sets off pure panic with them and they shoot first and ask questions later. After all the corrupt system gives them “unqualified immunity”. Most of the time they only have to say “I feared for my life” even when they gunned down and killed a completely stark naked man who was suffering a mental crisis.

    Remember the Australian Woman living in America and not familiar with U.S. moron cops, who made the mistake of calling the cops when she heard strange noises outside her house. She walked out of her house in her bathrobe and a cop shot her dead while still sitting inside his patrol car. You cannot get any more paranoid and totally untrained than that.

    And how about the man on 4th of July that shot off a few blanks. The cops saw him and gunned him down dead.

    And how about the man shopping with his girlfriend. A panicked clerk saw the imprint of his gun when he bent over and called the cops and they gunned him down without warning as he walked out of the store with his girlfriend.

    Only just a few of the episodes of untrained moron trigger happy cops. They should not be even trusted with a squirt gun.

    In Canton, Ohio a nut case Cop went berserk when conducting a traffic stop over nothing more than a burnt out tail light bulb. He immediately started cussing out the driver of the car and when the driver handed him his concealed carry license the cop flew into a rage and threatened to execute the driver on the spot and then arrested him. The driver who was a businessman was no dummy, he was polite and then got a lawyer and sued the hell out of the cop and it was found out the maniac cop had threatened another man with death when conducting a minor traffic stop. Nevertheless the police union fought the firing of this maniac cop tooth nail and claw and it took a year to get rid of this nutcase cop.

  17. If you are a gun owner and are a defender of your home, this video and dialogue should put a chill through your bones. The officer didn’t even wait a full SECOND to start firing after warning Moonesinghe to drop his weapon and KEPT firing at him as he dropped the rifle and put his hands up!!!!!!!!! For heaven sake!!! What kind of rotten training do these guys in uniform receive? Shoot to kill if the guy has gun and don’t for them to disarm? This officer truly murdered this innocent man on his own front porch. Prosecute him to the full extent of the law! Questions need to be asked answered and addressed as to how a so-called trained officer in their department can act in such a matter. Chilling, really chilling! Besides a home intruder, I may have to defend myself against my own local police department too?

  18. I see a lot of generalizations about police officers in these comments, and generalizations are seldom either correct or fair. The officer in this instance, as in every other questionable shoot, has to answer for his own actions, and no other officers are responsible.

  19. Austin PD has a long history of abuse. I know they used to beat down jaywalkers and then they would seek out people who were filming from 30+ ft away and beat them down too. it was bad enough that a former Green Beret formed a coalition who became educated with what was legal and begin engaging in frequent legal recording of Austin police officers doing their job or not as the case may be. he and others in his group were violently abused by the police department and legally threatened and held up in court repeatedly despite the fact that they had broken no laws but they would not back down to the intimidation. is bad as I thought Houston was Austin is much worse.

  20. @neiowa
    “What fed civilian employee is worth $100k per year?”

    Me! But, the position didn’t allow telenapping, and I would have to move to inhospitable environment (Minney Ana Polis, in the wintertime).

    The serious question is how Fauci is worth $400k/yr.

  21. @I Haz A Question
    “Bingo. All non-military are civilians.”

    Guys, we aren’t going to change the more familiar use of “civilian”. The meaning, in context, is “anyone not us”, as in outsiders. Supposedly (according to Hollywood), “the mob” uses the term to identify anyone not involved, not a target for violence.

    Kinda think people on the forum understand this pretty well.

    • All non-military are civilians.

      What was it Goebbels said about telling a non-truth often enough?…

      • “All non-military are civilians.
        What was it Goebbels said about telling a non-truth often enough?…”

        American english is the most sloppy language on the planet (calculate just how much information can be transmitted by use of the “F-word”).

        I love formal expression, but try to be fluent in common expression, as well.

        We are better off with morphed meanings, than internet spelling and paragraphing practices.

        “The question is, ” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty. “which is to be master—that’s all.”
        – The Rabbit (per Lewis Carrol

        “All words are made up.”
        – Abby Scuito

  22. This is a shitty situation all around …

    As a former LEO 999,999 times out 1 million when you see someone outside shooting into a home …. First thoughts are perp outside, homeowner inside….but not in this case…… why?

    Secondly, why did the home owner not call 911 prior to investigating his property?

    Third, why did the home owner fire into his own home?

    Something not adding up?

    My guess …..just speculation homeowners may have been taking a sleep aid such as Ambien , and really was not “awake”

    Just the way he’s acting in the video just seems off to me

    YouTube channel police activity has it posted

  23. Sorry but based on what I viewed and heard the officer screwed the pooch on this and had a bad shoot.

  24. My two cents: lack of funds = lack of training. There needs to be more money (a lot more) put into the police department so these officers can/would/should/be made to train. By the officer’s response I don’t believe he was blood thirsty just scared and unprepared. Training won’t solve all the issues but I’m theorizing if they trained like the military (some have suggested they should have the same rules of engagement as well) there would be less of these situations.

  25. What can be said.? Lack of training,? the police Officer’s lack of confidence,? police officer fearing for his life or just plain good old fashioned incompentence and panic?. . Probably ALL of these things and more .You would have though that with all the guns floating around in the USA that the Police at least would be at the top of the training tree as far as FIREARMS are concerned and subject to, as they are for instance in the UK and most of Europe, PSYCHOLOGICAL assessment and those not making the grade put on such duties, if they exist, where these situations are less liklely to arise.

  26. @frank speak
    “have only encountered one individual with that bumper sticker….and he was a real asshole!….”

    A Texan knows that everything in the Lone Star State is bigger, bolder, and brighter (unlike in other countries, such as the US). So you naturally expect others to step out of your way, when you are passing by.

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