Chicago Pizza gunfire
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    • Is this a taste of the new TTAG?

      Sharing lame facebook memes?

      Remember the good old days where guns and gun issues were the norm. This is just fuel on the tribe.

      • Yes…
        Another day finishing up, another day with out a gun review on TTAG.

        Going, going, …

        PS- Dear Dan, please help.

        • Another day finishing up, another day with out a gun review on TTAG.

          Sounds like you should write a gun review and send it to TTAG.

      • Yes, lame FB memes, articles about news published 1 to 2 weeks ago elsewhere, and articles about cops allowing the clueless idiots and sovereign citizen wannabe of TTAG to express themselves in a very uninspired and repetitive way.

        • “articles about cops allowing the clueless idiots and sovereign citizen wannabe of TTAG to express themselves in a very uninspired and repetitive way.”

          Hey Johnny Goebbels, please tell me why you have a problem with the 1st Amendment? And why you want the “cops” enforcing people’s expeessions?

        • he’s right, you’re free to express your vitrol for police, its your right. But here it goes beyond just holding civil servants accountable and having a healthy skepticism of authority, its more like a half step away from a crowd in sheets gathering to burn a 8 foot wooden badge in front of the local PD. Weird levels of anti-cop animus

      • take it easy guys…

        ttags still has the best content outside of \k\, and the NRA is still the only thing that stand between you and a ban. hard words for old guys, i know.

        • Me too. Prius, Baby Groot, Sig Sticker Waco, whaaaaaaat???? How do you drive a Pollock crazy..Round room square corner???…. I’ll tell you tomorrow. (ethnic joke not to be confused with stereotyping, or racism)

      • Makes a kind of sense:

        Regarding the Socialist and Marxist Establishments that have -literally- banned under punishment of fines and imprisonment the making and posting of Memes in China and parts of Europe (marinate — they made Cartoons Illegal) , if those in power, threatened-by-free-thought, by cartoons, haven’t been able to ban Memes in the US, .. yet, .. why wait?? Censor yourself! Right?

        TL;DR — an NPC greyman saying “Less Thinking, More Shiny”

      • OMG. … “Tribe?” … Is this a “racial slur?” … Oops. Wait a minute, this “facial model” is melanin deficient!

  1. You must not be in chicago if the gunshots are faint and distant. You’re in chicago when you can hear the gang bangers drop to the ground after being shot.

      • It would appear that you haven’t noticed the distinctive crack/thump of a high velocity rifle round occurs whether or not the bullet hits anything. The crack is the bullet traveling through the air at supersonic velocity. It travels with the bullet, thus you hear crack…./thump when you are downrange. The “thump” was the ignition of the powder. That travels outward from the location of the shot. If you happened to be the one downrange being shot at, you would hear the crack as distinct from the thump, and the crack would get later and later in time as the range increased.
        It is the wet, “splut”, kind of sound that is from a bullet hitting flesh.

    • That was a good read. Thanks for sharing. It is weird that posturing could get you arrested. The author is absolutely correct.

    • “The insanity of ignorant government pencil-necks forbidding four billion year old violence-reducing behavior cannot be overstated.” – L. Neil Smith

      Outstanding quote now added to my collection. Thanks for the link…!

  2. In before the pizza wars start.

    Seriously, if you think 9 vs 40 vs 45 debate is endless, wait’ll you see the deep dish vs NY style crowd get going!

    (Lou Malnati’s for the win, btw 🙂 )

  3. You’re all bloody heathens. South side, Palermo’s thin crust at 95th and Cicero. The standard by which all pizza is measured. New York pizza is as close as one can get to C Ration pizza. Or, maybe, MRE pizza. But wait, that’s actually Mexican pizza. Soft and foldable like a tortilla with tomato paste and cheese. It lacks soul. And flavor.

      • California has ruined most everything it has ever touched. You mean pizza remains unscathed?

    • Sorry, but the standard for all pizza to be measured against is right here in little ole
      This is so good all of my relatives, that have long ago moved away, go right for Eugene’s whenever they hit town for a visit. Without fail, it is the food of choice for anyone from here that subsequently left. And many of them buy the pizzas frozen to take them back home for later. Yes, Eugene’s freezes them, uncooked, because there is a market for their pizzas in Phoenix, Spokane, Billings, etc. Everywhere that folks like pizza.

  4. I’m kind of finicky when it comes to pizza. It needs to be either round or rectangular. Nothing else will do.

  5. …faint gunshots that reverberate all the way to Vermont, where the Iron Pipeline supplies illegal guns, purchsed easily through straw men, to gun violence hot spots around the world like Chicago, Anywhere Mexico and Switzerland. Actually, ignore the last one: That’s an outlier. Seriously, ignore it. Doesn’t exist.

      • Unfortunately, Bonnie Parker died 84 years ago, so that leaves her without an appropriate running mate.

        • , Hilorally is a politician. Bonnie Parkers a hick town two bit outlaw compared to that

        • I think the only thing we can say for sure is that the primary slate will be crowded. Clinton, Uncle Joe, Cameltoe Harris, Booker, Bloomberg, Kasich, and maybe even Gavin Newsome (although I think he will wait until at least after his first term as California Governor before he throws his hat in the ring). And those are just the ones who I can think f off the top of my head. I left Sanders off–I don’t believe he wants to take another shot. He’s already dragged the party far to the left, so he’s accomplished what he set out to do. If the party drifts any further left, they will probably try to draft Xi.

        • That’s why it will be a Warren/Dolezal ticket. One identifies as Cherokee and the other identifies as black.

  6. Reminds me of the article a while back on The Blackeyed Peas spouting gun control-what is TTAG’s obsession with listening to food?

    • Yup. Dang it.
      Did a few miles after work, then a great hour long yoga workout. I’m famished.
      Dang it Dan!

    • In NYC, that’s called Sicilian style. The best is made by Spumoni Gardens in Brooklyn. It will light you up.

      The corners are the best parts.

  7. When I was a kid, we used to go to Golf Pizza in Skokie. Thin crust sliced in the classic Chicago tradition–squares. Best pizza ever? Nah, but it was plenty good.

    But there are two other things I miss more: Italian Roast Beef sandwiches (on a French roll, hot, with steamed green peppers), and grilled Polish sausages. If you’ve never had a grilled Polish (sliced in half length-wise and grilled on both sides), then you’ve never had a Chicago Polish.

  8. When I grew up in Chicago in the 1960’s and 1970’s the violence haven’t reached the level it is at today. I blame a lot of the problems on the school system.Today in Chicago like most other school systems nationwide children are promoted to the next grade to pass on the problem to someone else. Thus eventually those horribly unqualified students are handed a diploma after 12 years of rudimentary education, the equivalent of probably an 8th grade education, totally unprepared for even unskilled labor. A Bachelors Degree after 4 years of college today is the equivalent of a high school diploma in the 1960s and early 1970s. Couple that with the elimination of good high-paying Blue Collar jobs that were once abundantly available what you have is a generation of underpaid under-qualified in the workforce doing basically service orientated jobs at a starting pay that nobody could conceivably support of family on. And it leaves many with no alternative but to resort to criminal activity to supplement their income. We’ve allowed the federal government to produce a generation of imbeciles, and why that surprises anyone as to the activities they practice to earn a living is beyond me.

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