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It’s a rifle, actually. Well not an actual rifle. A prop gun used in a Star Trek pilot, before Gene Roddenberry’s peeps settled for a gun that looked like a Norelco shaver. We previewed the sale here. And now we can report that sold the faux rifle for $231k, beating its $50 to $70k estimate by some margin. Dammit Jim, I’m a blogger not a mathematician! Oh and I think the name Reuben Klamer is some kind of inside joke from the Stage deli. Just sayin’ . . .

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  1. It’s a mint piece of 23rd Century memorabilia, used by
    Captain Kirk himself. Why is anyone surprised that this
    commanded a high value?

    FYI the phaser rifle is from the 2nd Pilot “Where no man
    has Gone Before”.

    • That’s yesterday’s news! Now Bloomberg’s decreed it can only be set to “confound”. Which leads me to believe he’s the actual owner, via a straw buyer.

      • Takes me back to the good old days when Dennis Miller was funny.

        “…I always thought they should have a more existential setting, like, I dunno, melancholy. “

      • ‘Confound’. The thing must have been used in all the states that passed all these anti-liberty (gun) laws in the past few months.

  2. For that kind of money one could buy a whole lot of finely engineered irons that work.

    Until it can actually make something/someone go “poof” when pointed and fired, that prop is something only a non gunner could worship.

    • To be fair, Star Fleet personnel are not exactly military… In later series the actual troops have HUDs and know how to use them, however most personnel are glorified eggheads. Not a huge surprise the get their teeth kicked in every time they get into ground combat. That’s why, in the old days, ships has marines.

  3. The lack of any type of sighting system on most phasers and disruptors always bugged me.

    When I first read RF’s page title for this, I hadn’t yet scrolled down far enough to see the photo. I said to myself, “Self, why would anyone pay that kind of money for the spoon Sulu used to stir his coffee prior to the sleek and sexy USS Excelsior being hit by the Praxis energy wave? Any why is this on a gun blog?”

    Then I scrolled down.

    Whatever. I am proud to be a nerd.

  4. I bought one of those at Lowe’s last week for $49.95. They thought it was for stirring paint.

    What a bunch of maroons. I guess I got over on them!

  5. It never ceases to amaze me how much money nerds have to waste! That being said, I wish I’d paid more attention in school…:(

  6. It’s the same as a game ball from a Super Bowl or a World Cup. It’s paraphernalia from some event people are passionate about. Enough of them have money to drive up bidding because of that association and there you are. If you share at least some of the interest, it makes sense to you; if you don’t, it doesn’t. Personally, if I had that kind of money to drop on memorabilia, I’d rather spend it on a scifi prop than a sports item, although in my case I’d go for Stargate before Star Trek.

    • I said I would have paid the 50-70K for the piece a few weeks back. A quarter mil is alot of cabbage. I think that was the only phaser rifle used in the original series by kirk and Co.

    • If it does, then the gun’s free for the taking as spoils when the shirt-wearer kicks it.

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