Screen capture by Boch via YouTube.
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The Left in America loves to champion “Criminal Justice Reform.”  Running that slogan through the universal translator,  that means not putting criminals in jails or prison, emptying prisons bad bad people already there and and end to cash bail.  It also includes legalizing drugs and decriminalizing crime through legislation.

Of course, these lead to more crime and misery, which these woke social justice warriors conveniently ignore, in part because the lion’s share of this crime doesn’t touch them personally.

Last Thursday, Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco spoke at the Golden State Capitol building to champion public safety over woke politics. He didn’t hold back, either. Bianco described crime in California as a crisis and blaming the woke, social justice warriors for it.  Their “Criminal Justice Reform” has allowed crime to skyrocket.

He described this soft-on-crime jihad by the left as a sick and twisted social experiment.

Didn’t hear about that in the media? Well, if you guessed the media covered Bianco and the others advocating for public safety over woke politics, you would be right. They carefully covered the event—with a pillow until it stopped moving.

Instead of covering a sheriff sounding the alarm over the insane growth in violent crime in the state, the LA Times covered these critical stories Monday morning.

BREAKING NEWS:  Scientists warn that a crucial ocean current could collapse, altering global weather

The informant next door: A quiet L.A. life masked Kremlin ties for FBI source accused of lying about Bidens

Screen capture by Boch. 9am Monday Feb 26, 2024.

From ZeroHedge:

“We are here today because California Public Safety is in crisis. Crime is steadily on the rise—and our public safety policy is one of the worst, if not the worst, in the nation,” Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said last week while joining lawmakers in Sacramento in support of several new bills dealing with public safety.

Bianco emphasized: I want to make this clear, and I want there to be no mistake in what I am saying … this is not by accident … the driving force in our crisis is a radical Progressive agenda fraudulently called Criminal Justice Reform. This is nothing short of a sick and twisted social experiment where law enforcement is the bad guy and criminals are somehow victims of society and not responsible for their actions.”




Man who voted for Prop 47 now regrets it because it led to a rise in crimes, drugs, and lawlessness in California.
byu/shankmaster8000 inJoeRogan

Of course, in addition to letting bad guys out of prison, Gavin Newsom signs every gun control restriction he can upon the law-abiding, productive class in his state. Newsom seems committed to protecting the criminal class while banishing the right to self-defense for the good people. No doubt he has plenty of bodyguards protecting his family, using their guns to insulate the governor from the collateral damage from his politics and policies.

California is doomed. No wonder why people who can afford to move have already loaded up their U-Haul and resettled in sane states.

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    • As a property owner himself. President Trump supports the concept that every American can, become a property owner.

      But that is not what Libertarians Liberals and the Left believe.
      They support raising what a misdemeanor is up to $950. Or perhaps raising it to an even higher $$$ amount.

      His reforms never included making it easier or making it acceptable for criminals to steal.

      The three L’s have never believed in the concept of private property rights.

  1. This is why I’m not very concerned if Newsom runs for president. All that has to be done is point out Oakland and downtown San Fran and the rest takes care of itself…

  2. As fears about rising crime have escalated in recent years, a wide range of reforms to the criminal legal system have come under attack.

    1 These politically motivated and unfounded claims come as reforms have seen years of growing popularity in response to widespread concern that the system fails to deliver on its promises of fairness, justice, and public safety.

    2 No reform measure has drawn as much attention as efforts to eliminate cash bail.

    The causes of the recent rise in violent crime are ambiguous and complex, leaving the door open for those who seek easy answers or to place the blame on criminal legal reform policies.

    3 Despite a growing body of evidence that bail reform policies are not linked to rising crime rates, they are a target for those looking to score political points.

    4 What these sound bites and scare tactics fail to capture is that current practices in cash bail systems undermine public safety and increase recidivism. Cash bail has been associated with a 6 percent to 9 percent increase in recidivism.

    5 Pretrial incarceration, which is a frequent result of unaffordable cash bail, has a “criminogenic effect,” meaning that it increases, rather than decreases, crime.

    6 The system further harms public safety by putting at risk individuals’ and communities’ health, economic stability, employment, familial relationships, and housing at risk—and has been doing so for decades. Cash bail reforms are the antidote to a system that is rooted in “systemic racism” and that perpetuates racial and economic disparities throughout the criminal legal system.

    • darcydodo…RE: “Cash bail reforms are the antidote to a system that is rooted in “systemic racism” and that perpetuates racial and economic disparities throughout the criminal legal system.”

      you forgot to mention the Racism Rooted in Gun Control…failure to do that is putting the cart in front of the horse.

      Here’s the answer you are looking for…If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.

    • “1 These politically motivated and unfounded claims come as reforms have seen years of growing popularity in response to widespread concern that the system fails to deliver on its promises of fairness, justice, and public safety.”

      As Trump can well attest too..

    • We do NOT want that, or a North Korean nuke strike. It will kill a few hundred thousand, but *millions* of panicked folks will flood into flyover country and start voting the way they did back there.

      *shudder*… 🙁

      • not to worry geoff…they would fit right in hearing all the marxist level slandering and libeling you did to POTUS DJT…And you could again recommend nikki haley they’d really like that. Which ever way the wind blows there’s you grasshopper…pathetic.

        • “they would fit right in hearing all the marxist level slandering and libeling you did to POTUS DJT…”

          Really? You now slandering me?

          PROVE where I slandered Trump. Put up, or shut up, I’m tiring of putting up with your crap, and I’ll be happy to resume treating you the way you are treating me… 🙂

    • @Shire-man,

      So…you’re in favor a the Big One harming conservative POTG like this Sheriff above and those on his team?

      And me?

      • The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

        To kill cancer, it is sometimes necessary to kill some healthy cells adjacent.

        It’s better to lose a part than to sacrifice the whole.

        Get out while you can.

        • “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. ”

          That’s a Leftist chant, when the Leftists consider themselves to be part of the “many” group and seek to do what they want when they’re spared the consequences the “few” must go through as a result. When the tables are turned, they scream against it.

          Those who value human life, dignity, and liberty champion the opposite.

          Which are you?

        • It’s akshually a utilitarian bromide.

          What about “It’s better to lose a part than lose the whole?” You don’t propose that the rest of America be dragged down by the failure of California, would you?

        • I suppose it’s all about perspective. As in, the solution may be best according to where you see the problem from.

          In my case, the problem is you, in that you’re not part of the fight. Edmund Burke, and such.

          So then, you need to go. The whole of America would be better off without those who won’t fight to keep our liberties, to allow those who will fight.

  3. Was there approximately 20 yrs ago and folks were leaving in droves even before the big cities became the cesspools they are now. Wine country was not seeing the exodus at that time. I dont know what its like now since all the floods and fires.

    • I expect the entire left coast to fall into the ocean🙄HEY BOCH! Have you heard anyone getting a Kali Key have a problem with ILL annoy po-leece???? It seems to fulfill requirements to turn an AR into “complience”🙄

  4. From Mr. Boch’s article above:

    Of course, [zero crime punishment] lead to more crime and misery, which these woke social justice warriors conveniently ignore, in part because the lion’s share of this crime doesn’t touch them personally.

    We should focus on the part of Mr. Boch’s statement, “which these woke social justice warriors conveniently ignore.” Why do the woke social justice warriors ignore the predictable consequences of refusing to punish crimes? The answer has three components:

    1) A very large number of the Ruling Class Elite are flat-out evil and revel in facilitating chaos, misery, and death. Obviously, they are not going to call attention to their true agenda lest they face the same fate of the Ruling Class Elite in the French Revolution.

    2) A large number of people feel guilty about their lavish lifestyles and figure that showing “mercy” to “the poors” (who obviously are the only ones committing crimes–and only to feed their children of course) is a way to atone for their lavish lifestyle and failure to be truly charitable.

    3) A large number of people do not agree with zero crime punishment and support it nevertheless because they want to be ardent members of their “tribe” of people in the first two categories above. These people have such an intense desire to be members of their “tribe” that they are willing to “support” anything and everything if necessary to maintain their tribal membership.

    Do NOT underestimate that last point. We observe that in the extreme in cults where mothers and fathers “willingly” give their young teen children to be intimate partners with cult leaders and their designees. Those parents’ desire to maintain cult membership is so strong that they hand their children over to rape. While many others may not be willing to hand their children over to certain rape, they are willing to submit their children to a non-trivial probability of victimization if that is necessary to stay in the group. (Note that such people rationalize their choice thinking that something bad won’t actually happen to them or their family.)

    • This hippies at Jonestown so feared racism and fascism coming to get them that they killed 304 of their own children to “save” them.

      CA is basically Jonestown on a larger scale. Complete with a suave, smarmy, utopia promising leader.

      And when the walls start closing it it’ll be the fault of outsiders and they’ll all be compelled to “save” themselves from the impending threats of fascism and racism. At least I can hope.

      • You know, I was right on the cusp and I did not see it–Coastal California is more-or-less a giant cult. Excellent observation Shire-man.

        As you pointed out, when Coastal California starts collapsing, they will blame outsiders as all good True Believer Pr0gre$$ive$ do. (One of the hallmarks of that group is totally evading all responsibility for their choices and actions and blaming others for all unsavory outcomes.)

    • motomike42,

      “… and gtfo to God knows where.

      West Texas? Climate and geography would be similar to much of Arizona although the politics would be more Conservative (at least for now) and I doubt that hoards of California ex-patriots would be heading to Texas.

  5. California will become the poorest state in the union. Just as Mississippi has a few very rich people. And a large population of poor people. So California will be that way soon.

    The middle class is moving out of the former Golden State. Those that are still left. They’ll still be able to enjoy leg@l butt sex and drugs. And sometimes have sex in public leg@lly.

    Only now they can legally steal from each other, in order to pay for their drugs.

  6. No sympathy for Californians. You deserve the tyranny and societal chaos…You allow. This is what sitting on your hands and allowing your communities, towns, cities and state to become. Gets You. it’s not like it’s something new to befall California. It has been happening for decades. It was just easier to turn a blind eye to it, than do something to stop it.

        • You might. Get a better response if. You would use. Correct sentence structure. Instead of appearing. A complete idiot. Who wouldn’t know a comma splice if. It bit him in. The ass.

      • You might actually get something accomplished. If you spent more time doing something. Rather than critiquing other people’s comments and you are still a grammar Nazi.

        • Such as you might get something accomplished if you weren’t constantly on this blog writing nearly unintelligible screeds because you never learned the proper use of punctuation in the second grade?

          “Without reading, people become what I call “functionally illiterate.” “They can read and write, but they choose not to. Anyone who’s worked retail can attest to this. But what’s truly annoying is that when people do write, they leave errors that indicate their aversion to reading. These mistaken pronoun forms and errant punctuation marks constitute drastic grammatical and spelling errors, and rather than admit their anti-literary stance, the perpetrators are quick to flip the script.

          “If you want to win arguments on the Internet, using great grammar and spelling goes a long way to being taken seriously. It shows respect for others.”

 › wiki › Grammar_Nazi

    • And all of the investigating was done by the CIA’s Five-Eyes allies with CIA directed goals. It was done this way so the agency could deny any involvement in a domestically targeted investigation.

      Ironically the investigators discovered Russia was more in favor of Hillary Clinton.

  7. or in other words the left wing implementing an Ancro-Tyranny on the way to installing an authoritarian dictatorship run by them, in short Marxist socialism inspired communism they really want.

    • The thing with l3ftists is their factionalism.

      I know this post is probably put in the moderation gulag until hell freezes over but here goes.

      Just a brief list as the real one would be much bigger. You have regular s0-cia-lists and c0-mmu-nists, but you also have Ma0-ists, Syndicalists, Ana-rch1sts, vegan ut0-pists, Trots-kyists, and many more.

      Once the re-v0l-ution is over, the faction wars will begin.

      Pass the beer and popcorn.

      • Two points –

        The Revolution happened in 1776, when for the first time in history, the rights of individuals became a fundamental component of the Law. The factions you mention are aspects of the _counter-revolution_.

        All criminals are not Leftists, but all Leftists are criminals.


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