Contributor John Sprague gave us his take on the manual safety in the piece entitled, in a post over the weekend. Mr. Sprague says that for him, a manual safety strikes the perfect balance in terms of safety versus a reduction of readiness. Good for him. That’s a decision we all have to make for ourselves and I’m glad he’s found the right balance for him.
Real world experience has driven me to the opposite side of that equation for everything except 1911-style pistols when it comes to manual safeties.

As a long-time instructor, for most users, I advocate not using the manual safety that your (fill in the blank) gun may on the side. Yes, I know that for some people that borders on heresy, akin to claiming that Bigfoot doesn’t exist or Al Gore didn’t invent the internet.
Why have I become a staunch parishioner in the Church of Leaving the Darn Safety Off? Because during training, I’ve seen countless people fail to disengage it. I’ve also seen them engage it by mistake. In the real world, keeping things simple (of KISS fame) improves survivability. And for me, increasing survivability for the good guys remains a very good thing.
Remember, a bad guy can cover 21 feet in well under 1.5 seconds. I’ve seen men in their 70s do it and I’ve seen younger people do it in under one second. If a bad guy can cover 21 feet in 1.5 seconds, how long will it take him (or her) to cover 9 feet?
The official answer is not very (bleeping) long. A whole lot faster, in fact, than most people can internalize that something’s wrong when they decide to draw and pull the trigger…and nothing happens.
While I hope Mr. Sprague will never have to discover that sometimes “muscle memory” goes right out the window under stress, I’ve seen it plenty of times.

Sure, on a square range in low-stress environment where targets don’t shoot back, it’s easy to remember the fundamentals including usage of the safety. On the other hand, when the body’s alarm condition kicks in, things change. Fast. When the adrenaline flows and your mind goes into survival mode, remembering to flip off that safety may not happen.
In fact, in the body alarm condition, even some gross motor skills become cumbersome, impairing things far bigger than forgetting to disengage that little safety lever.
In force-on-force training, we expose students to a mildly elevated stress levels. The stress comes from fear of getting stung by airsoft pellets. While that’s not nearly the pain penalty paid by a Simunitions round, it still hurts, especially on bare skin.
Couple the fear of getting stung with some decent acting by the role-players in the training scenario and just that added bit of stress makes people do strange things.
In our “Firestarter I” scenario, a religious nutcase verbalizes his/her intention to burn the demons out of a teenage girl who’s screaming for her life. The aggressor pours “gas” (water) from a can and then accesses a lighter to set the sinner on fire.

This good guy not only had his Illinois Concealed Carry License, but he also had additional training in his background above and beyond the state training requirement. In other words, this wasn’t his first rodeo using a handgun. I’m pretty sure no one taught him that particular grip.
What’s more, his faux pas wasn’t even a momentary one. He took three or more steps, continuing to hold his handgun in that very odd position.

When I asked him about his unique grip, he didn’t recall anything odd about his support hand’s placement. Then I showed him the series of photos.
He told me if I didn’t have the pictures, he would have denied ever putting his support hand on the back of his gun. Clearly, his “muscle memory” relating to the fundamentals of gripping a handgun failed him when his brain and body went into the body alarm condition.
Here’s a Front Sight (now PrairieFire) graduate’s reaction to an armed mugger.

Our good guy failed to pick up on the pre-violence cues in one of three role-players in the scenario. Because his cues were ignored, the bad guy produced a gun and proceeded with a mugging (while using a pretty respectable shooting stance at that).
Instead of submitting to the robber’s demand for “the money,” the good guy drew down (yes, on a drawn gun). Big mistake, especially when done out in the open. Obviously, it didn’t end well for him.

And look at that grip. All that excellent skill-building and muscle memory work went right out the window in a cascade of failure when this guy thought he was going to die. While I never attended Front Sight, I’m pretty sure that’s not the high-speed, low-drag grip they taught.
We all know how everyday gun owners can use guns defensively with success. In fact it happens with great regularity.
Trained or not, the greater the complications involved with deploying your gun, the more likely Mr. Murphy will show up for you. It’s why instructors recommend not carrying a different gun for each day of the week. It’s also why I recommend avoiding handgun models with manual safeties. And if yours has one, carry it in a good holster with the manual safety disengaged.
Do some honest self-critiquing. Anything that makes a rapid deployment more complicated or difficult than necessary should fall into the “liability” column for you. (Safety engaged? Check. Empty chamber? Check squared. Gun left in the car or at home? Checkmate and forfeit.)
What else can go wrong with safeties? During malfunction clearing drills, manual safeties can get re-engaged without you even realizing it. Then you squeeze the trigger, nothing happens, then you have to figure out why.
In that time, your opponent could be closing on you, stabbing you, hitting you, or shooting you. Ditto for weapon retention.
If you and a baddie are in a life-and-death wrestling match for control of your gun, the manual safety can easily change position. Of course, magazines frequently end up on the ground during attempted disarm as well. And if your gun has a magazine safety and won’t fire without a mag inserted, well, suddenly you have yourself a paper weight.
By and large though, anything that slows down deployment from a holster falls into the liability category. Yes, things like not carrying a round in the chamber or forgetting to disengage the safety really can cost a good guy or gal their life as it did these two armed robbery victims.
Speaking of “thinking” about disengaging the safety, if you have to think about disengaging the safety, you need more training and practice. We instructors don’t call the optimal state of shooting competence “unconscious competence” for no reason.
One of my fellow instructors summed up the goal of practice and training: We don’t train until we get it right every time. We train until we can’t get it wrong.
If you’re going to carry your semi-auto pistol with the safety engaged, you better train until you can’t get it wrong coming out of that holster. Otherwise you risk a street criminal leaving you bleeding out, face-down in the dirt somewhere if you believe you’ve mastered the manual safety when you really haven’t. Stay safe out there.
Agree with all of this. Safeties suck.
As one who has undergone hundreds of hours of professional training, shot different types of platforms (1911, Glock, revolver, etc), carried in several different manners before landing on my preferred method…
When I carry OWB, I prefer no safety. But for my EDC carry method of AIWB, my gat’s manual safety provides me with the peace of mind that I won’t inadvertently blast my nuts if I need to hastily draw under stress in a DGU. The important thing is to regularly train in whichever method you choose, and flipping down a manual safety becomes smooth and a non-issue.
Appendix carry is another puzzlement. But, to each his own.
“Appendix carry is another puzzlement.”
That depends…
A typical striker-fired Glock, ‘ready-to-rock’ is outside my personal comfort zone. Hammer down on a DA with one-in-the-pipe I’m comfortable with. That long, heavy trigger pull is assurance enough for me I most likely will never ND it…
Haz, carrying OWB without a safety and then carrying AIWB without a safety would be confusing because of the 2 methods. Seems it would be best to choose one method no matter the carry position. But that’s me, for age has made it hard for me to remember one much less 2.
Not really. I imagine you don’t become confused when you switch between riding a bicycle and driving a car. Different platforms of transportation, but you know what to do for each one. Same as for guns, if you train sufficiently.
johnnyboy…Are you saying you are incapable of operating a little ol’ manual safety? That really sucks.
“Are you saying you are incapable of operating a little ol’ manual safety?”
And, here’s the moron who didn’t read the article.
Cripes, you really are as stupid as you seem… 🙁
No mention of Nahtzees, raycism, or Jim Krow, so not likely the real Debbie…
Note how there are two very distinctly different tones among the comments under her name. She may have a lurking imposter.
That’s *possible*, Mr. Haz…
Shut up, girlbot.
Every single issue with the safety and muscle memory occurs with a pistol without a manual safety just as well. But loss of muscle memory or improper handling with something like a Glock usually means a finger on the trigger before it should be, and that is too often an ND. NDs are just as bad in an actual shootout as they are in practice, or a situation that justifies drawing but not yet firing (which may never be needed). I’m not arguing for manual safeties, just for training until muscle memory won’t fail. That’s the only true safety.
If your gun has a safety, use it.
If it doesn’t, then don’t.
If you don’t want to use a safety, get a gun w/o a safety.
If it is a (style) of gun that only comes with a safety, then learn how to use it properly as part of draw and present.
If you can’t do that, then you probably shouldn’t be using guns.
“sometimes ‘muscle memory’ goes right out the window under stress…”
it most certainly does…I’ve been in that 9 foot situation mentioned .. looking at the surveillance video later, well, lets just say that it looked more like muscle spams of a seizure after getting him off me enough to draw and fire, only an eye blink in time before he stabbed me.
Is the author of this article also against any kind of retention other than just the friction of the holster? After all, under the stress of adrenaline you might forget to deactivate your level 2 or 3 holster retention.
And why the exemption for 1911s? Are Hi Powers exempt from his condemnation as well?
The slide safety is why 1911s / Hi powers suck, along with single action only. 1911 worship is a cult. There are far better options out there.
Johnny, one other thing. I’m proud to be a member of the 1911 and Hi-Power cult. As well as the HK P-7M8 cult. The Sig P series cult as well. i have a few Glocks too. Is that still a cult? Then there’s those old S&W and Colt revolvers. Wait, I think those only make me a FUDD.
Probably because 1911s are SAO. Cocked and locked is the way to go with weapons like that. A lot of other weapons with safeties are DA then SA. An exception would be the Sig P22X pistols.
personal preference…
you want hard rules for what someone should use?
Why do they have to leave the safety on? Engage the safety while you holster a handgun, and then just flick it off once it’s there. The re holstering is the most dangerous part (especially when carrying appendix). Some peace of mind goes a long way.
…if your carry gun has a safety, the thing to do is train until disengaging it is automatic. Ignoring it will lead to not being aware of if it’s engaged or not, and at some point it will be engaged when you don’t know it’s engaged- and that’s when the failure cascade starts.
If you carry a gun with a safety, you need to train appropriately. If you carry a gun without a safety…. you need to train appropriately. Carry whatever you like, but whatever it is, you need to practice practice practice.
“We don’t train until we get it right every time. We train until we can’t get it wrong.”
Makes good sense.
Johnny, the safeties on 1911s and Hi-Powers are frame mounted.
☝️I have visually confirmed this statement.
I stand corrected. Haven’t held either in years, for good reason. Don’t own either of them. For good reason.
Well, Johnny, I can only conclude that you recognize that a single action auto’s manual of arms is beyond your capabilities. Though I find that hard to comprehend. If you can drive a car in a decent sized city, you should be able to operate a SA auto. Oh, decockers are decockers. Not safeties.
But — sometimes people lose control of their cars when they become startled or stressed. Ever see someone steer against a skid trying to correct it?
Still kicking around in my mind if I should go 1911-style SA like the S&W CSX, or trigger-safety like the popular nines.
I admit it is beyond my capabilities ** when I’m under stress **. As the author recommends, I’ve done some honest self- critiquing. No safeties for me. I’d rather concentrate on hitting the target. Better results that way.
johnnyboy…If you have other weapons I.E. AR platforms, shotguns and other rifles they would certainly have manual safeties. That said…Have you removed those manual safeties and if not why not? I’ll wait for a reply from you that doesn’t suck.
I leave the safeties off when they are available for self defense. My trigger finger discipline is my safety.
quote—————Real world experience has driven me to the opposite side of that equation for everything except 1911-style pistols when it comes to manual safeties.——-quote
Here the authors stupidity is paramount. He agrees a manual safety on a 1911 is a good idea but rejects one on pre-loaded striker fired pistols. Why the stupidity? It’s simple “what people cannot see they do not fear” (the 1911 has scary hammer) whether its a deadly covid virus or an unsafe pre-loaded striker fired pistol with no visible scary hammer or manual safety.
Lets face facts the 1911 is even more safe to carry with the safety off and cocked than a preloaded striker fired pistol with no grip or manual safety. Why? Because at least there is a grip safety on the 1911.
Carrying say a CZ75 or FN High Power cocked without the safety on is considered pure insanity and stupidity (and ditto for carrying a revolver cocked), even by the Neanderthals of the Far Right but these mental midgets do not realize that carrying a pre-loaded striker fired pistol with no manual safety is every bit as dangerous.
In either of the 4 cases mentioned above, if you snag the trigger accidentally the gun fires and a death or crippling happens in the blink of an eye. Even a 5th grader can understand these simple facts but the Neanderthals of the Far Right are not that high yet on the evolutionary plane of intelligence.
I have read about more accidents and needless deaths involving pre-loaded striker fired pistols without a manual safety than with any other type of handgun. Its not rocket science except to the pea sized brains of the Far Right who scream “I never made a mistake and never will” in my entire life”. Famous last words.
Its no big deal to learn how to flip off a manual safety except if you are from the Far Right who are too cheap, lazy and shiftless to even learn how their carry gun works.
I think too this article preys on the paranoia and stupidity of the Far Right. If you are going to carry a deadly weapon learn how to use it, learn how it works and practice with it even if its only dry fire. Remember you are far more likely to be seriously injured or killed by creating your own accident then you ever are by a boogeyman who might someday attack you. And if the worst does happen if you are familiar with how your handgun works, you will remember to flip off the safety.
Hey, asshole, if you write up a really good article on safeties, maybe the staff here at TTAG will let you post it. Then we can all have a good laugh at your expense.
Let’s see. It’s Wednesday. So dacian is full of sh$t.
dacian. You are the far right fascist. Plain as the nose on your face. But you’re still confused.
Figured out your gender yet?
No, nor will someone as enlightened as lil ‘d be forced to pick just one of the five or more bouncing around in that empty cranium. Yesterday he identified as Lasagna, now he’s trending towards Oreo Oatmeal. Tomorrow, back to eunuch.
I’m not sure why that made me suddenly belly laugh, but it did. I needed that. 🙂
dacin is not a far right fascist…he is politically, ideologically, and actually a communist fascist like all left wing anti-gun.
Communism doesn’t exist anymore. Corporate billionaires like bloomberg, gates, zuckerberg bought it out and converted it to fascism.
Even communist china is under the control of billionaires. Wealth and greed won. With the help of clueless minions like miner and dacian.
Goodness that was a lot of words to say you lack basic firearms handling ability.
wow dacian… this whole word salad non-sense skreed so you can scream “I don’t know anything about firearms or reality”
“Why have I become a staunch parishioner in the Church of Leaving the Darn Safety Off? Because during training, I’ve seen countless people fail to disengage it. I’ve also seen them engage it by mistake.”
It’s why my preferred semi-auto has a de-cocker. If there’s one-in-the-pipe, it’s ready to party, period… 😉
In the end it comes down to what works for you when you need it. Can’t argue with your method or a double action revolver being a great balance of immediate deployment and safety. Other methods work great if you are used to it to the point you do it even if knocked in the head partly concussed, stressed, adrenaline dumped, and disoriented. Super worst case and unlikely but bad shit has a way of happening in the worst way when it does happen. As for the rest well if not for what if’s what would we argue over?
I’m fully aware I’m not a High-Speed, Low-Drag SEAL Team 6 wanna-be. That’s why I like it so simple I don’t need to think about it…
Even when I was closer to any of that I still didn’t like having a manual safety and a retention holster as issued kit. Simple works and it can mean different things with different holsters outfits training experience and location. With that said I still mostly carry either a 365 or a snub 357 depending on the afore mentioned factors.
Yeah, my current EDC is Ruger LCR in .357.
The original ‘Point-and Click (*Boom*) interface.
Even while belted in the vehicle, drawing from the front pocket is easy.
That said, if I lived in a climate that got cold like yours, I’d seriously consider my de-cocker CZ in a shoulder holster under a jacket… 🙂
Have I used a shoulder holster for longslide Glocks and larger revolvers and/or pocket carried full sized pistols in winter jackets yes but part of it is having fun mocking the restrictions we have. Winter does open up some fun options but ultimately it’s more about getting to work.
Another related issue. I’ve been in training sessions where people will limp wrist their semi-autos when drawing and firing under stress, leading to an FTF. Seen it happen on multiple occasions. Glocks seem to be the most immune to this, but not always. Also happens when folks are firing with one hand, especially the off hand.
Owning and using a semi-auto is difficult enough without worrying about a safety, especially for casual owners that do not train.
Calling Bullshit… Guns on video games in your mommy’s basement don’t count.
I use a safety because it’s called a safety. I know my gun us safe when I reholster and draw. Just practice using it. Not that hard,not that difficult. No ND’s so far.
“No ND’s so far.”
If you bothered to read the article, negligent discharges aren’t the problem, it’s forgetting to disengage it when you REALLY need it… 🙁
In a panic, you do what you always do, or you do what you see on TV. Use that to your advantage, or not.
Can’t believe I’m fully endorsing a Boch article, but this one is spot on. No unnecessary snarky attitude, just facts even if people don’t want to hear those facts.
I’ve never understood the “my brain is my safety” group. They’re just wrong. Mistakes happen. They happen all the time, they happen daily, and as Boch rightly points out in the example of the weird grip, people will swear that they didn’t do anything wrong, right up until you show them the evidence.
Murphy’s law has never been repealed.
That said, I do a lot of pocket carrying, and I used to carry Glocks, and frankly I never got fully comfortable with the idea that any time I’m sitting down, I have a loaded barrel pointing at whoever’s sitting in front of me, with no safety.
I have reconciled myself to the grip safety. It works, it has never failed, you can’t fire the gun without automatically disengaging it just by holding the gun, and you don’t have to remember to disengage it. And there’s no way my pre-school grandkids could ever fire a weapon that has a grip safety. It checks all the boxes, for me. Grip safety for the win.
Tex…”I have reconciled myself to the grip safety. It works, it has never failed, you can’t fire the gun without automatically disengaging it just by holding the gun”
The Glock dingus and a grip safety are more similar that dissimilar. When pressed both free the trigger. Not so with a manual safety.
For those with Glocks there is a commercially made plug that fits behind the trigger, it can quickly be pushed free with the trigger finger. Or one can be made from the fat bottom portion of a tire valve stem and a bench grinder. Put a bolt in the stem so you won’t grind your fingers off.
“For those with Glocks there is a commercially made plug that fits behind the trigger, it can quickly be pushed free with the trigger finger.”
Good Lord, you are dense. If you’re in a state of panic with your heart in your throat, fine motor skills like remembering to push that rubber do-dad out of the way will literally cost you your life.
Come to think of it, I really think your innate stupidity will one day catch up with you, but it can’t happen fast enough for the rest of us… 🙁
Geez Geoff I don’t wish “her” dead. My opinion on safeties is I can take em or leave ’em. I don’t engage the troll🙄
“I don’t engage the troll🙄”
I really shouldn’t, but damn is it *fun* mocking the stupid… 🙂
Debs…oh my…Debs, girl…
Glock triggers are two-stage, and thereby “safety” in their design. There’s a slight nub on the frame within the trigger guard just behind the trigger body, and the safety tip of the trigger must be depressed to swing its back end clear from the nub, which will then permit the main body of the trigger to continue its travel backwards into a firing position.
Anyone who installs a plug within the trigger guard (1) does not understand how a Glock safety works, and (2) is setting themselves up for absolute chaos under the stress of a DGU.
Ahem. Most small children cannot pull a trigger, so they turn the barrel to point at their faces and push the trigger with their thumbs. Just guess what their fingers are doing to that grip safety. Only a manual safety can prevent death, and even that is not guaranteed. Same thing for a Glock, even though it does not have a grip safety; kids have a bad habit of pointing the gun at themselves. The only safety when small kids are involved is on your person, in your safe, and plenty of Eddie Eagle.
^^^This should be printed as a flyer, come standard in the box with new guns, be posted on the doors of gunshops and made into a video – the video to be watched by applicants for (fill in the blank).
So many folks think they understand, but don’t.
da/ sa at half cock.
can’t stand slide safeties, moreso when up is off. always admired dao like the smiths (dao takes the safety out of it) or p250.
“…always admired dao like the smiths…”
A man of taste and refinement, obviously.
A toast to you, sir! 🙂
Politician Interview Gun Free School Zones v Arm Teachers? Representative Scott Allen.
I avoid safeties because I’m left-handed. Almost all the guns with safeties suitable for left-handers have ambidextrous safeties. This means that there’s a safety lever on the outside of the gun when you have it holstered. It’s trivially easy to have an exposed safety like that get manipulated into the opposite position from whatever you’re expecting, especially those big paddle safeties on 1911s. I’d rather not have a 1911 that I expect to be cocked-and-locked to just be cocked.
I have a 1911 with a safety on the left side and I use it for practicing right-handed shooting.
If it will take an ambi safety, it will take a single right sided safety. Problem solved.
Is there such a thing? Most ambi safety pistols that I’ve seen come that way and you’re stuck with it. I’m taking a liking to the S&W CSX but would rather it came with a single safety (left side in my case).
Exactly. Never seen such a thing.
Those who pay you for high speed firearm training that forget to deselect a manual safety lever might just be predisposed by Darwin to get a free ticket to his club
Nothing you have said is based on real world firefights. Its anecdotal reporting by you and other observers in practice situations. The environment in a training range is far different than that when faced by a real bad guy. So are stress levels. You seem to equate training stress to loss of memory.
I asked in the earlier post promoting manual safeties, that for real world encounters, wheres the data that says those using firearm manual safeties are more likely to be be shot or harmed than those who dont use manual safeties?
Show me the numbers. They dont exist. One wise ass said this is because the dead cant self report.
Some of my weapons have safeties, some do not – hence I don’t use the safety on the ones that do… I like the idea of a magazine-drop safety (in fact I would prefer it), however, not all weapons come with one, hence all of my mag-drop safeties have been disabled… All have been fitted with similar trigger shoes and similar grip textures. I EDC the same weapon, but when I pick up another weapon, I don’t want to have to stop and think, “how is this different from my EDC?” – It is simply a matter of consistency. I practice with all of my weapons and can switch from one to another without having to make any mental adjustments – that’s all I can ask and exactly what I want.
I was a firearms instructor for our agency when we switched to autos (early ’90’s). Many of the ‘old’ revolver guys didn’t like new ‘plastic gun’ (Glock) because it didn’t have an external safety like the 1911, Hi-Power, S&W M39/59, Beretta 92/M9. I asked them to show me the ‘safety’ on their revolvers. Confused silence until it sunk in. I repeated the old firearm safety rule that if you don’t want the gun to fire, don’t pull the trigger. Many officers have been shot because they didn’t get their safeties off in time or forgot it was on and never got off a shot. The S&W M39/59’s were prone to that because of poor training or department rules for carrying with the manual safety on. With the advent of striker-fired autos and better training, those mishaps have been drastically reduced.
Hold a DAO revolver in one hand and a Glock 19 in the other. Point both guns in a safe direction and pull both triggers. You will realize there is simply no comparison between the two.
I say this as someone who EDCs a Glock 26. Pretending a striker-fired trigger is in the same class as a revolver double action trigger pull regarding the ease of accidental discharge is simply ridiculous.
No one can decide, nor decree, what is better for someone else.
Well the article speaks to things that can go wrong with a safety equipped pistol but doesn’t mention the dangers of non-safety pistols. Ever wonder why the military requires safety equipped weapons ? Closest I ever came to getting capped in RVN was by my fellow Marines.
Because we grunts and crayon eaters can get retarded with equipment and need to be protected from ourselves when recruiting standards are at wartime levels. Learned a lot carrying the M9 day in and day out but had very little to do with concealed carry.
Never had a problem with the safety on a 1911. It took about five seconds to learn it.
Then again some younger people can’t write cursive or do basic math in their heads.
I have guns with Manual Safeties, and I’ve guns without. If I’m carrying one of my DA/SAS, the Safety’s off, and one’s up the pipe. The long DA trigger pull isn’t an issue.
if I’m carrying one of my striker fired guns that’s with or without a Manual Safety, Safety’s off and one’s up the pipe.
I was taught from a young age, that the only Safety you can depend on is the one between your ears.
I’ve only had one Negligent Discharge my entire life, as a young teen involving a Winchester 94 and a pair of too bulky gloves. No one was hurt, nothing but a patch of dirt was damaged, and it was my fault, as U should have removed the glove before attempting to unload the weapon. Valuable lesson, and one I’ve never forgotten 51 years later
Do whatever keeps you safe and floats your boat. If you’re going to use the Manual Safety, then you better make drawing and turning the Safety off as part of your Dry Fire and Live Fire Training.
That’s a decision we all have to make for ourselves and I’m glad he’s found the right balance for him.
Sounds like he’s making an argument for carrying a revolver. It doesn’t get any simpler.
If you do carry a weapon with a manual safety you should use it and train with it engaged, lest Mr. Murphy sneaks in and flips the lever when you’re not looking.
Been carrying an old 1911 for decades. My thumb goes to the safety lever every time I draw the weapon. Just habit/muscle memory from long use.
By the same token, my finger goes along the frame until the weapon is brought to bear on target. Doesn’t matter if I’m using a revolver, SA/DA autoloader, striker fire Glock, or even a rifle. Finger outside the guard until ready to fire.
Not comfortable with a manual safety? Then use a weapon with a grip or trigger safety. Not comfortable without the safety? Then use what you are comfortable using.
Just don’t try to force your beliefs, or ideals upon others.
Makes too much sense, after all what would we fight over then? Caliber?
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