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A couple of posts lit up our comments section yesterday:  Gay-Bashing Black Rifle Coffee Company Video Dishonors Us All and BREAKING: Gunfight Erupts at Islamic Cartoon Exhibit as Officers Thwart a Possible Terrorist AttackAs of this writing, we have 999,007 comments on our servers. In case you missed it, TTAG’s one millionth commentator gets a gun of their choice up to $700. New or used. Handgun, shotgun or rifle. Just thought you’d like an update.

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  1. While the concept is cool, most of the comments I’ve read over the last couple of days are a bunch of garbage to just up post-count.

    It occurred to me this morning, the extra clicks and refreshes must be VERY good for business. Well played, Farago. I am genuinely impressed

    • You could, but someone’s 4 second bot would probably beat you… Or set you up for success, who knows.

      Would be funny if the winning comment was on an old article though.

      • It’s a toss up with everybody and their uncle trying to post as fast as possible.

        Including me and my uncle (he just doesn’t know it yet)

  2. Wow, what we would do for a freebie…
    Congrats to whomever wins and a sincere thank you to TTAG. Keep up the good fight.

    • I know, right. This is an invitation for even more of the juvenile crap we’ve had over the last few days. I’m not impressed with TTAG right now.

      • It’s really not a huge deal, but it IS a little off-putting. That said, it’s a pretty clever scheme to up clicks and ad hits. As I posted above, I’m impressed with the shrewd move on TTAG’s part.

        • I guess maybe I’m too crass to be off-put. I’m on TTAG every day because I like a lot of the articles and their take on the news (sometimes).

          Why not go for the win, then?

        • I browse daily, and have for years. I continue to patronize the site. That doesn’t mean I can’t be annoyed by the staff on occasion.

          Notice I COMMENDED Farago for doing this

        • I’ve been a fan since second month TTAG opened. That ought to be worth something.
          Can I get a cookie?

      • Could you at least tell people that spam posts won’t win. Or is increasing traffic unabashedly the goal?

        • I think increasing traffic IS unabashedly the goal, and why not?

          Sure, the comment section is a circus right now, but it’s a big milestone for TTAG and a good opportunity to boost revenue. Based on how well this has done, I wouldn’t at all be surprised to see this become a semi-regular thing on TTAG.

          It’s a clever move.

      • Wouldn’t it be ironic if Mr. Farago’s comment was the winner? LOL

        Good luck to all.

  3. And the Second Amendment remains as necessary to the preservation of true liberty now, just as it did with the prior 999,999 comments

  4. That sounds like a pretty good deal. I hope I win, but good luck to everyone

  5. I had no idea there existed a comment contest. 🙂 Good luck to that person!

  6. Throw my hat in the ring.

    You guys are great. I read your blog all the time. Keep up the good work!

    • Apparently you’ve never gone to the GasBuddy forums where they give points for commenting. You’ll never se so many short single words in your life.

  7. Would love to get a hold of a used Benelli MR1 for $700 bucks, but I’ll settle for a Mini 14, since NJ hates on ARs.

  8. I doubt I’ll be that lucky 1,000,000 because I never win anything. But man, I’d love a Walther PPQ Navy so much.

    • Ha ha, I know how you feel. I won a DU gun raffle 2 weeks ago, so all my luck is used up.

    • These days? Yup. Get it now though. Once the presidential race is on, Hilary will decidedly start another run on firearms.

    • You should aim for the Second Amendment Foundation. They’re the ones fighting the majority of the legal fights.

    • I think it would be better for you to find someone who needs a decent carry gun and donate your win there.

  9. I’m not the most frequent or eloquent commenter, but I come here about every day.

    May as well throw in for free gunz!

      • Yep. Always wondered how many repeat lurkers vs commenters ratio on TTAG.

        And I wonder how much sticky-ness of commenters, first time here from gun giveaway, that are still reading a month later. That would be the real ROI.

        NICK NICK NICK – stats heavy warning order: standby for oporder to follow. Launch the data bases.

      • It would actually be kind of awesome if Shannon came trolling and won a free gun!

  10. I would like to win the gun. I am not really picky, but would like a M-14 for a rifle, or a small compact semiauto pistol that would be good for concealed carry.

  11. I would like to win the gun. I am not really picky, but would like a M-14 for a rifle, or a small compact semi auto pistol that would be good for concealed carry.

  12. I can’t deal with the pressure, last comment and best of luck to the eventual winner (:

    • Could I spend it on Glock accessories- G23 Lone Wolf barrel, trigger kit, flashlight?

  13. Incentives are always nice. Of course, once someone wins, posting will drop back down.

  14. Up to $700? The temptation to troll the hell out of the prize by dropping it on a Hi-Point is immense. It might break the internet.

  15. I literally am not going to get any work done today…thanks again TTAG lol.

  16. Oh no, I am posting comments too quickly … WordPress told me to slow down!

  17. I predict the 1,000,000th comment will be something along the lines of “+1” or “you open carriers will ruin it for us all!”

  18. They need to keep it going by having comment gear give a ways. Every ten thousand comment gets a free gift bag.

  19. Some of these comments are awesome … I needed a good laugh this morning!

  20. I have been out of the loop. Just saw this million comment thing. Well, here’s my shot

  21. There are now 132 comments on this thread alone which is more than enough to exceed 1,000,000 comments. (This thread announced that there were, 999,9007 comments as of the posting of this story.) Unless there is some weird math going on, the contest has to be over.

  22. Oh lordy, my job is distracting me from more important work. I NEED TO POST

    • IKR? 2 meetings this AM have kept me from hopping in and commenting as much as I’d like.

  23. I estimate we are around 999, 300 right now. (judging by this article and the comments on the few others that precede it.)

  24. That’s awesome! I didn’t think we’d hit one million until Wednesday at the earliest.

    • I just went back to the top and re-read that we can now also choose rifles and shotguns. That greatly expands the list of options and makes things even more difficult. If I were to win it would have been hard enough to settle on which hand gun.

      Choices, choices, choices.

  25. $700 is tough…lots in the $500-$600 category, lots in the $800-$900 category…time to do some research on slickguns…. 🙂

  26. Okay, I have decided I deserve to win. You guys can sit back and watch a master at work.

  27. Lol, cant wait for a winner to be announced, that way we can all gang up on them and tell them why they chose the wrong gun. Who wants popcorn?!

  28. No, in the movie, they catch up to him half mile down the road and slit his throat!

  29. the odds are never in your favor to be that one in a million, but somebody has to win! May the forth be with you!

  30. Please for the love of God don’t let it be Sexual Tyrannosaurus…..that would send me into the oblivion…

  31. That’s as good as money, sir. Those are I.O.U.’s. Go ahead and add it up, every cent’s accounted for. Look, see this? That’s a car. 275 thou. Might wanna hang onto that one.

    • Or several cheapo’s! One for the truck, the couch and maybe one for the minivan!

  32. I would do it myself but I’m on my phone. But we need a meme of Dr. Evil holding his pinky up.

  33. A lot of jackholes are going to run into the spam filter with about 50 posts to go and be unable to win. Sweet sweet karma.

  34. Tell her I’m rich, and I’m good looking, and I have, uh, a rapist’s wit.

  35. On second thought, I’ll go pick something out from H&K. I’m currently less than 50 miles from their headquarters in Oberndorf am Neckar, Germany.


    What would everybody NAME their new firearm?

    Mine would be “Lucky” or “Shameless”

  37. Hm…a Henry Silver Eagle? Beretta M9? Some WW2 surplus firearm? Decisions, decisions…

    Of course, odds are against me, but it’s still fun to dream. ^_^

  38. Oh and if the WINNER is because of replying to one of my comments, I get to go shoot with you and your new gun. Just sayin

  39. I just want a glock 26. For 700 I can get one used and still afford a shoulder holster if that’s an option. Man I hope I win, I just lost the hank strange competition for a sam andrews leather shoulder holster… if you haven’t heard of it, check it out. They’re nice

  40. We are all sad shameless people. I have no guilt for it either.


  41. I’d love to get me a SIG P320 full-size in 9mm with some extra mags and a TLR1-HL!

  42. Everybody hear that………….?

    That’s the sound of MDA weeping over another gun giveaway.

    Now they’re just GIVING THEM AWAY!?!? omgawwwdd blawg

  43. When does this post madness stop?

    When this is over, TTAG comment section is gonna be a wasteland because we won’t have fingertips left.

  44. Is daddy to late for his first ar??? Ruger or s&w decisions decisions!!! Lol

  45. Funny thing would be if some anti-gun troll is the one that posts the winning comment. 🙂

  46. Now that is one hell of a gun room; that’s my dream to have just a tactical, military looking , gun room of awesomeness.

  47. Can it be like the Y2K thingy, now we’s scared of Y10K? Like what’s the next prize interval?

  48. That’s one heckuva collection. I’m feeling lucky about winning the 1,000,000 contest. I would LOOOOVE a free gun!

  49. If the gun is predetermined, and it’s illegal in NY, CA, NJ, MA etc. what happens?

  50. It would be great to get a new EAA Witness (Tanfoglio Force, a rose by any other name…) but for $700 I’d be interested in trying to find a used Sig 1911 Scorpion. They seem to be around $1050 new but with a little cash pitched in from my side (is that legal TTAG?) it should be possible.

  51. If I won it would be extremely hard to decide what gun to get.Though it would be fun.

  52. Way to go TTAG. If I am 1,000,000 I might need a new ak or another ar, or maybe just some new glass for my ar 10

  53. This would keep the wife from complaining about a new firearm! Look honey FREE …
    We live in the greatest country!

  54. It will be interesting to see what the winner chooses. I don’t know what I would choose, probable something suppressor ready since I just got my gun trust finished.

  55. I’m pleasantly surprised that we don’t seem to have anyone using a wholly-automated script to rapidly post comments.

  56. I love TTAG, I’m not sure I’m digging the spamming the comments section. . .

  57. I hope they let the winner have some time to make such a big decision.

  58. Honestly.

    If I win. I dont want the gun, although I do need a hunting rifle because I don’t have one and I just got based in Colorado.

    However, I’m active duty military and would like the gun sold, and the proceeds donated to the Chris Kyle Foundation on behalf on TTAG and myself.

  59. What sort of contests should be held in the future? comment related just explodes in spam, and i have no shame in admitting i am one of the MANY culprits.

  60. I’m pretty impressed with how quickly this contest is nearing conclusion! I thought it would take a week or more!

  61. I still remember the very first time I got a spam email telling me I was the hundred thousands person to visit whatever site it was and if I clicked on it then I’d win a prize. Of course that prize was not really a prize, but a good lesson in basic computer security such that I’ve virtually never clicked on anything even slightly questionable since. So no, I don’t get too worked up about it. Besides it IS a bit of fun watching all the desperate posts.


    • They wanted to watch the winner writhe in pain over the decision between a new $600 gun or a used $800 gun

  62. considering we were 1000 comments shy, and there have already been about 360 here, we all, at the very least, have a 1/600 shot of $700

  63. Anyday now. Was less than 1000 comments left when this article was posted so it has to be nearing the close.

  64. I still don’t have a snowballs chance in Hades of winning. But OTOH it is a chance!

  65. also, to anyone who was following from yesterday.. not much sleep last night as a result of trying to win this gun. probably failed the econ exam this morning.

    The MBA can wait. FREE GUN UP FOR GRABS

  66. I think they just said a traffic cop took them both out with his pistol.

  67. I’ll be glad to accept a new firearm when the time comes. I wonder what percentage of growth comments have since the giveaway was announced?

  68. It’s gonna be a hard decision deciding what firearm to get. for whoever that lucky dog is.

  69. Also, I went to an airshow yesterday, and the sheriff had a booth showing off all of their toys (MRAP, Barrett .50, “gas” launcher). To the officer sitting there I ask, “Why does the sheriff need a .50 caliber sniper rifle?” His response: “Two reasons! 1) The bad guys have these and we are NOT going to be outgunned. 2) We use it to disable vehicles.” I chuckled and said “Ok.” I think he knew what I was up to because he looked perturbed.

      • And according to some political people, those shoot down planes and require no aiming.

      • I know, right? I wanted to call him out but I knew it would put me in a bad mood hearing him try to justify himself.

      • That I will not argue with you. Everyone wants a .50 – especially one which is paid for by somebody else.

  70. I still have quite a bit of room left in my safe and will happily accept a new and better yet free handgun

  71. Just guesstimating by how many comments are here, plus new posts of other articles, it has to be real close by now. Can’t be anymore than 200 left

  72. I’m not going to lie, a brand-spankin’ new firearm would be pretty sweet. Maybe as a Mother’s Day gift for my wife? That would be, by far, the best gift I’ve given her for Mother’s Day for sure.

    “What better way to say, ‘I love you,’ …”

  73. So if it wasnt free and you were buying a complete ar for under $700 would you choose a ruger ar-556 or s&w m&p15 sport???

  74. In the first round of the WW3 playoffs ISIS was embarassingly defeated by the Cowboys.

  75. By my crappy calculations, I will be at work when the final comment comes in. So I might have to rule myself out. But here’s trying anyways!!!

  76. Thank you for playing folks. I’ll take a used Scorpion. Or a Saiga 12ga

  77. i mean considering that the TTAG logo is burned into my computer screen from years of use, i think i deserve the gun

  78. If it’s an antigunner, wouldn’t that be hilarious?

    I call ‘dibs’ on their prize.

    • I’d hate to put stipulations on the giveaway, but there’s got to be at least some way to know if they actually WANT a free gun, right? And if not, give it to the million and first comment poster?

  79. and the fact that i just failed an economics exam as a result of posting most of last night

  80. It’s probably already over and they are drafting the winner thread as we speak.

  81. Hopefully they announce the five comments leading up to and after the millionth comment, some of these are pretty decent.

  82. This is getting out of hand. Hopefully this craziness ends soon. Also, I’m a sucker for a free gun. But come on fellas, at least add some content to your post and not just “am I 1,000,000?”

    • “Looks like youve been missing a lot of work lately.”
      “I wouldnt say I’ve been MISSING it, Bob”

  83. This is the adult version of calling in to some lame radio station trying to win tickets or a cd … But this prize is the gift that keeps on giving!

  84. RF’s server has got to be just about on fire….spam filter overheated as well. And to continue the irony, everyone, myself included, is posting more often in the mistaken thought that doing so increases the odds of winning, but in reality is the other way around. Because, more website traffic > more first time visitors > more comments and round and round it all goes.

    Maybe we could have a honorable mention prize for the closest guess as to WHEN the big one is posted? Say, a case of 5.56, 7.62 or 9mm/45? Say at 11:18 A.M Central Time. Your guess? 😀


    • I like my 19. Consider a 19 if you don’t already have one. It is only about .5″ shorter in barrel length and it is far easier to conceal.

      • I’ve already got a 19. I want a 17 to send to Agency Arms for some upgrading.

  85. can you imagine the ad revenue being generated currently?

    TTAG is liable to turn into a gun giveaway lottery site!

  86. Crazyness! I noticed yall deleted the post about the startled dude in the store parking lot.

  87. Too much web traffic is slowing my posting ability and probably a great stress test for TTAG’s servers

  88. I want a ghost gun my hat has s 30 caliber clip and the shoulder thing that goes up.

  89. I want a ghost gun my that has a 30 caliber clip and the shoulder thing that goes up.

  90. I need to stop posting and start gun shopping, please let me do that.

  91. Hmmm, I wonder if I could use the $700 towards half of an AR? Personally, I wouldn’t normally purchase a $1000 AR when I can build one for less but when it is someone else’s money that is a whole ‘nother can of worms.

  92. I feel it………. or at least I want to feel it…… my hands…….Dat new gun tho!

    • I think most people that browse this website have a wishlist of stuff the purchase at some point.

  93. hopefully the winning comment is witty, creative, thoughtful, and most importantly, made by nelson

  94. Yeah, this contest is long over. I’m wasting my time at this point. Gonna go write my congressman instead…

  95. I’m guessing we’ve hit the million mark by now.

    Now I just have to consult my wish list and see what fits the $700 price tag.

    • Come on!! Are we there yet? I feel like a little kid in the back of a van on summer vacation…

  96. Haha Tom from Pennsyltucky………….I love when people tell me I’m a Pennsyltuckian

  97. Give me the ghost gun with a 30 caliber clip and the shoulder thing that goes up.

  98. I’m curious if this thread is the most commented in TTAG history.

  99. (Meaningless post that I’ve convinced myself is relevant so that I don’t feel like a complete Democrat)

  100. Under 200 to go for sure by now. And my original guess of 11:18 am will definitely be late. So we’re spamming everything now. Might as well get it done and over with, no?


  101. ^^^ what a great country. a gun give away. because ‘merica. because capitalism

  102. It has to be over, please tell me it’s over so that i can actually read some articles on here.

  103. I think I’d have to go with a Tikka t3 or mossy 590a1. Been eyeing one of them up for a while

  104. 999,007 + 636 (as of 40 seconds ago) and 200 on the following thread = 999,835 and….


    • Not quite, there are other trailing posts that get some residual posts still but you’re close

  105. Pretty sure this thing is finished now. nearly 900 comments between this and the ISIS thread

  106. Guess I should spend less time commenting and start thinking about what gun I would use it on………..oh the possiblities!!

  107. There are too many Toms here. at least he said he is from GA.

    HI TOM!

    • Yeah well, hello right back at ya. There are indeed a lot of us Toms. I used to live and work in the Missouri Ozarks and went by “miserylovescompany” back then. But I’m quite happy here in Georgia even though the winters in the mountains are almost (but not quite) as cold as back in Misery.


  108. This is sorta like watching the peach drop in downtown Atlanta, minus the general drunkenness and mayhem.


  109. This is definitely over. But they aren’t going to tell us for a couple of hours. What’s their incentive to STOP the huge traffic right now?

  110. This website must have some heavy traffic cause I have never seen it lag like this.

  111. It’s probably gonna be the guy below this post that gets it. Story of my life

  112. If they dont announce the winner soon my bladder will explode … Been holding this piss in all morning!

  113. Yeah, now they’re just sitting around, watching their pageviews skyrocket

  114. Does anyone know if it is a credit that can be used on other things, such as reloading supplies? I wanna get in to hand loading and this would be a great way to get started.

  115. She keeps telling I don’t need more guns. But I need a back up for the backups backup

    • I know me too. I’ve gotten a couple of emails in the meantime which got my hopes up.

  116. Yeah it’s over but we can still post for fun. How’s everyone doing today?

  117. Momma needs a pair of glocks!! She can afford one of her own, but the second one, that’s on TTAG!

  118. It should be over now, unless they got sneaky and deleted an article with all it’s comments or something. There have been over 993 comments just on this article and the one above it.

    • Relax. Give the poor guy a break. He’s gotta go into his admin settings and do some searching.

      Tom 🙂

  119. Perhaps it could be used as a down payment for a really nice gun…………….

  120. This is a ghost gun. It has a 30 caliber clip, ability to shoot 10 rounds a second. It even has the shoulder thing that goes up.

    It even can fire 2 blasts to scare away robbers.

  121. Surely someone has to have won by now…………..if not it will be any minute now

    • Its over but I think at this point people will keep posting until they hear soemone won.

  122. Buy a shotgun. Buy a shotgun.

    You don’t need an ar. It’s harder to aim.

    Buy a shotgun.

  123. Well it was fun while it lasted………….now I guess I just have to wait for the email saying I won to show up hahaha.

  124. With my luck the winning comment will be one above or below my post … No worries ill be practicing for the 2 millionth post for the $1400 gun!

  125. Trying to think of more anti gun statements.

    Ghost gun, barrel shroud, 10 rounds to kill a deeeeaaaar.

    Any others?

  126. Welp I wonder if they have already gotten to the 1 millionth or if it’s still in the air.

  127. Thank you all for one of the more memorable mornings at work … Hopefully we can all do this again sometime soon! 🙂

  128. I smell a back story. Betting between the staff, trying to take down the servers by overload, getting really rich off all the advertising. Just hoping you’ll share the full story guys.

  129. It’d be awesome if they did a before/after histogram of comentators, just to see who blew it up once the contest was announced.

  130. Hopefully its past a million now so the comments can go back to normal.

  131. My inbox shows all 1000 messages for this thread! Enough already just declare me the winner and be done about it!

  132. More importantly will the gun we buy be able to come with an automatic 30 round drum clipazine?

  133. This comment will win me a gun of my choosing! Or maybe the next one…who knows.

    • Theres 350 comments or so in the threads above this one. Someone won already. Dont think it was me.

    • Thank Gawd! My browser froze up, or maybe it was the innertubz.

      You can untie RF now.

  134. I’ve long enjoyed the information posted here. The commenters are often as informative as the OPs, sometimes more so, depending on the article of opinion offered. Sometimes less so, because, well, the internet, that’s why!

  135. I am becoming obsessed with this. I can’t get any work done I keep coming back to the ‘puter to check again

  136. Just took and passed my psych exam… Not as crazy as people make me out to be!

  137. I think the comments on this single comment should be enough to meet the standard. Then my OCD can rest 🙂

  138. Have had a super rough day with food poisoning, maybe my first AR would cure me?

  139. I’d better comment to see if I have a chance. probably way off. congrats to the winner.

  140. Judging by the rate of comments on this site, unless they post another article, it should be soon!

    • Should be well past it by now. But I want this comment thread to, by itself, equal the necessary amount.

  141. i don’t even know what I would buy. To many good options out there. I guess I would need to read a bunch of TTAG articles to figure where to start.

  142. being married and all this might be the only way I get a new handgun any time soon.

  143. If I win I think I will let the readers vote on what kind of gun I should get with the winnings.

  144. I had to swipe the phone a lot get the bottom of the comments section!! Freedom is great.

  145. This is torture! Telling a bunch of gun folks that you’ll give them a free gun if you comment?!

  146. Happy with my G26. Maybe a pocket sized gun or since TX is going open carry, a G17!

Comments are closed.