Glenn Loury
Glenn Loury courtesy Brown University
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The heroism of George Floyd, the iconic meaning of George Floyd…if that’s what we’re celebrating, if that’s where we take our stand – that’s our story, we’re sticking to it – it’s a weak hand. It’s a profoundly weak hand.

So, the cops in Minneapolis or anyplace else are not the issue here. George Floyd, may he rest in peace. They are not the issue. The gangbangers with pistols prepared to shoot wildly into crowds are the issue. Seventy percent of kids born out of wedlock. In fact, go down this list. People will just get infuriated.

But an 11-year-old in Chicago on the streets at one or two o’clock in the morning with something that looks like a gun and a cop shoots him when the kid turns around and doesn’t respond to the command. And the way we read that is ‘Racist cops strike again’ and the real story is ‘Oh my God, what is the nature of a community in which 11-year-olds, unbeknownst to their parents, wander the streets with weapons.’ 

— Brown Professor Glenn C. Loury in Honestly with Bari Weiss

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  1. Golly do you have black ” professor’s” who DONT parrot “Saint George” was a hero?!? That destroys any legitimately of this massive…

    • In this case … Given the overall content I’m looking at that bit as something of a Trojan horse. If you’re in one of those communities, if you’re one of the bad parents he’s talking to, saying GF was a thug will make you stop listening right then and there. This way he has at least a chance of getting to the real point.

      Nobody likes to be told they’re the problem … especially when they are, and most especially when they know it but are desperate to blame someone – anyone – else. They’ll shut down as soon as they hear this … But at least they’ll have heard it.

      • You get what you subsidize, and we’ve been subsidizing this sick community for over 50 years because it allow a political party to corner that market on all those votes.

        • “You get what you subsidize, and we’ve been subsidizing this sick community for over 50 years because it allow a political party to corner that market on all those votes.“


          “Nearly all of the billions of dollars in federal farm bailouts to offset the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic went to white farmers, newly revealed Department of Agriculture data show.

          White farmers received nearly 97 percent of the $9.2 billion provided by October 2020 through USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, or CFAP, according to data obtained by the Land Loss and Reparations Project through the Freedom of Information Act and shared with EWG. The bailout program, created last May by the Trump administration, was suspended last month while under review by the Biden administration.

          USDA data shows that white farmers received, on average, four times more than the average Black farmer. Using data from USDA’s Farm Census,EWG calculated that the average white farmer received $3,398, whereas the average Black farmer received $422.

          In total, white farmers received $6.7 billion in CFAP payments, and Black farmers received just $15 million. Latino farmers received $100 million, Native American farmers received $76 million and Asian American farmers received $17.6 million.

          The disparity between white and Black farmers was even greater for the Market Facilitation Program, or MFP, created by the Trump administration to offset the impact of Trump’s failed trade war with China, which closed lucrative Chinese markets for many American farmers. Using data obtained through a separate FOIA, the Farm Bill Law Enterprisepreviously reported that 99 percent of MFP went to white farmers.”

        • So the government is racist, right? Subsidizing white people while ignoring all the black farmers?


          The numbers in that article are real…they just left out the most important ones — lying by omission — so that they could commit the further lie of convincing their readers that racism exists where there’s actually none.

          Here are some more numbers:

          Black farmers are 1.4% of the total number of farmers in the US. 79% of farms owned or principally operated by black people (and 56% of *all* farms) make less than $10,000 per year.

          So 99% of the money went to the farms that bring 99% of the food to market. Black farmers got their proportional share of the government subsidies, same as everybody else. And the “progressives” are lying about it, same as always.

    • Work for 2-3 h0urs in y0ur spare time and get paid 1200 0n y0ur bank acc0unt every week…

      Get m0re inf0rmation 0n f0ll0wing site… WorkJoin1

    • Mr. Loury only skims the surface for honesty. Looking beyond the end of your nose “Sick” should point to the blind fools who belong to and vote for the Party of their Slave Masters.

      Apparently such fools do not realize that instead of having slaves around to pick cotton the party of their slave masters has slaves around to harvest votes. All in exchange for election time trinket promises. There is a sick history before George Floyd and that history tells the tale and says who is who between the democRat Party and The Party of Lincoln.

      Frankly Mr. Loury…A Black American belonging to the democRat Party makes as much sense as a Jew belonging to the nazi party.

      • “…..a Jew belonging to the nazi party.” 🤔

        You’re talking about Gyorgy Schwartz right there. 👍

        • The Jews I refer too are Jews who did not change their names to hide from nazis while real Jews were carted off to be numbered and exterminated.

          By all accounts g. soros lost his memory and marbles awhile back and that leaves decisions to those in his circle who have no problem with elderly abuse. Like those behind Jim Crow Gun Control joe who had no problem whatsoever leaving men, women, children and members of the US Military out in the open for the wolves of Afghanistan.

    • “That is intellectual honesty.”

      Glenn Loury is a bona-fide national treasure.

      Search YouTube for his ‘Bloggingheads’ conversations with John McWhorter, they get into the down-and-dirty of where ‘critical race theory’ is heading, and it ain’t pretty.

      As in, the lead-up to the late 1700s French Revolution, and all its literal gore…

  2. ROGER THAT!!! But it’s soooo much easier to blame someone else. That’s what we’ve become! A society with no responsibility, no, respect, no honor, and no fear!!

  3. And 2% of American counties account for 51% of murders nationwide. All of which are dominated politically by the democrat party.

    America’s problem is not guns, but godless leftists who promote death at every opportunity, from population control through abortion (more black babies are aborted than born alive), promoting violence through movies and music, pushing their weird climate death cult, rewriting history to undermine freedom, and now this new covid death cult.

      • Yes.

        PP also double as a money “laundering” operation for the DNC.
        Racist far left radical democrats vote for and pass bills putting Federal $s into PP, then demoncrat re-election campaign “donation” $s come out. 🤔

        It’s not a “donation” when the money is given with one hand, then taken back with the other. 🤪

    • To Phil

      quote————–America’s problem is not guns, but godless leftists who promote death at every opportunity, from population control through abortion (more black babies are aborted than born alive), promoting violence through movies and music, pushing their weird climate death cult, rewriting history to undermine freedom, and now this new covid death cult.———–qoute.

      America’s problem is guns because we do not keep them out of the hands of criminals and nut cases and when foreign countries do a much better job and have lower crime and homicides with guns it proves we are the failures not them.

      Many studies have been done on violent movies and games and they are not the cause of real violence but rather the break down of family life that forces husband and wife to work while no one is at home to properly raise the children.

      And remember the Far Right called Elvis Presley’s music “Devil music that would corrupt the children of America” its laughable today of course. But today the Far Right just move on to new boogie men if they do not sing gospel or country music.

      And far from rewriting history it is the Far Right that has already done that and continues to promote it. Southern History books often portrayed slave owners as kindly old gentlemen who had slaves that loved them hiding of course the fact that slaves were tortured, beaten l abused and their women raped on a daily basis. All this of course stricken out of the history books. Why do you think the Nazi fanatics of the Far Right are so against teaching Critical Race Theory??? At least the German Nation has faced up to their hideous Nazi past while the U.S. Far Right Nazi’s have hidden their past to their children.

      And you idiot Covid has now killed 3/4 of a million Americans, now what part of this do you not understand???????????????

      quote—————godless leftists who promote death at every opportunity———-quote

      Quite the opposite you hypocrite. Rather it has always been the Far Right that has consistently tried to force their religion on everyone else and promotes xenophobia and bigotry and hatred of immigrants and refugees and minorities true to their Nazi ideology.

    • I think Loury has his tenure, and that’s why he’s going there…

  4. Wisdom begins when we call things by their proper name.
    Pretending that the phantom of white supremacy is what plagues black America, only guarantees that nothing will improve. Fatherlessness, a culture of drug use, and contempt for personal responsibility are the root causes.

  5. For the most part (as a former officer) I support the blue…but any officer that supports and enforces covid mandates (of any kind) or Draconian gun laws and/or confiscation, I dont give a crap what happens to them..All officers should be oath keepers in the end..or they are traitors And should be treated accordingly..

  6. I was a subscriber of the Conservative Chronicle back in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. Glenn Loury was a featured writer there. So were Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and Ken Hamblin. Now because of the podcast format, conservatives don’t need to ask permission of the major media to get their point of view out to the nation.

    As I have said before. The three L’s, the h0m0s3xu@ls, the atheist’s, the feminists, all said a father is not necessary in the home. They don’t believe his love and discipline are required to keep a family unit safe. They supported replacing him with a welfare check. And replaced his guns, with the guns of a big city police department.

    They all disagreed with Glenn Loury and the Christians who said a father is necessary in the home.

    These people have always supported the government in the bedroom. And every other room in the home. That is why they support a woman having 5 kids from 5 different men. And not getting married. But living in a “gun free zone” public housing project.

    They created their utopia using the welfare system to break the traditional family of one man and one woman. Now the police are quitting in major cities. This country is on track to having crime levels seen currently in Mexico. And that crime will not be restricted to the minority areas of the country.

    The safest states will be the ones with some form of constitutional carry.

    • ‘These people have always supported the government in the bedroom.’

      Funny how quickly they abandoned ‘my body, my choice’ for vaccine mandates. I have a feeling that might come back to bite them, especially if these mandates are held up in court. If you have no right to bodily autonomy you certainly don’t have a right to abortion.

        • If you support vaccine mandates you are not and never have been a libertarian. A lot of so called libertarians have always been libertines, not libertarians. All they care about is smoking weed and not paying taxes. I’m with the true libertarians about 80% but they tend to take things a little too far and they’d also rather be an obscure, niche political movement than a significant force within the Republican party.

          Personally I don’t have a problem with forced quarantining provided you’ve have contracted a disease that’s deadly enough to be a public health hazard or perhaps travelled to a place where you were likely exposed. That’s about as far as I would go though, everything else they’ve done is blatantly unconstitutional IMHO.

        • I am continually perplexed by the examples Chris T uses to exemplify “Libertarians”- I have NEVER spoken with, worked with, campaigned with, attended any events with, or had any interaction whatsoever with ANY Libertarian who supports the things Chris T continually accuses Libertarians of promoting.

          For example- I was a representative on the steps of my City Hall a week ago today at an Anti-Mandate Rally put on by the Libertarian Party of my county. No one there would remotely consider supporting the things Chris T claims Libertarians advocate- in fact, they would take personal offense at him even suggesting that they did. Those suggestions are absolutely antithetical to authentic Libertarian philosophy.

          I guess it might be the difference between reading about “Libertarians” online, as opposed to talking with, organizing with, marching with, protesting with, and walking the talk with legitimate Libertarians out there in the real world.

          But, I will defend Chris T’s right to have his opinion (even if it is dangerously flawed). Other’s misconceptions of Libertarianism will not stop me from continuing to fight the good fight for freedom.

        • “But, I will defend Chris T’s right to have his opinion”

          Powerful corporations hide behind Libertarian talking points to stifle free speech. Then they tell you to go make your own platform for speech. When someone takes their advice, and becomes somewhat popular, they stifle that company’s ability to have a platform. It’s almost like they don’t believe a word of what they’re saying.

        • And if you’re a woman of child bearing age it’s about 1000 times more deadly than COVID. But that’s beside the point.

    • “The safest states will be the ones with some form of constitutional carry.”

      I pray that you are wrong, but I believe that you will be proven correct.

      • What could possibly make you want to pray that he’s wrong?

        Constitutional Carry laws are a subset of the natural-law principle that “The best way to obtain X in your life (in this case, security from crime) is to take personal responsibility for X”.

        If a state enacts a precept of the natural law into its law (a good synopsis of the responsibility of a legislature, IMHO); AND that law has the desired effect (state becomes safer than states where taking responsibility for your safety is restricted) that to me is an optimal outcome with zero downsides.

    • “These people have always supported the government in the bedroom.”

      Are you talking about the laws against homosexual relationships and same sex marriage?

      Yeah, they were pretty terrible and bigoted, glad that’s over.

      • Why are h0m0s3xu@ls not supporting plural marriage???
        You are a hypocrite. And you’re not the only one. Everyone who supported g@y marriage has said they are against plural marriage.

        Except me.

        I understood from the very beginning this fight for “gay marriage” was just BS.
        The sexually Liberated crowd has always hated the tradtional family of one man and one woman. That is why they and people like you, have supported the Welfare Industrial Complex.

        Degeneracy is their stock in trade. Tr@nny story time with men masturbating, in front of small children. Supporting the butchering of the sex organs of children, for a “sex change”???
        Men who call themselves a “woman” and who demand to be able to undress in front of girls in a female changing room.

        The sexually liberated have always never supported the 2A. They are afraid to get shot by normal people. If they stay behind closed doors. They have nothing to fear. But many of them just can’t control themselves.

        “Man shot in neighbor’s home charged after allegedly undressing in 12-year-old’s bedroom during break-in”

  7. George Floyd was a criminal. Anyone else vomiting a felony and they would be seen as a criminal (well, except for Hillary Clinton). George Floyd got caught in the act of a felony. No one seems to care about that.

    The problem is not and never has been guns. There is a sickness in society and it’s not Covid. It’s extreme liberalism turning into progressivism. The result is fascism, if not communism. People’s lives are destroyed, lost, and ruined.

    I understand the fear of cops by lawful gun owners but the element within the American police force that will obey the constitution is being forced out. Just like what is happening in the military. The ones that will be left ARE the ones that will take your guns from you.

    The left is shredding literally everything that is worth having in this country.

    We ARE at war.

    • quote—————George Floyd was a criminal. Anyone else vomiting a felony and they would be seen as a criminal (well, except for Hillary Clinton). George Floyd got caught in the act of a felony. No one seems to care about that.————quote

      Your racism is enough to make normal people puke. So passing a bad check for $20 is justification for the broad daylight torture murder of a handcuffed helpless man pleading for his life while horrified on lookers pleaded for the mad dog Nazi sadistic thug cop to stop while he sneered and smiled back at them. It was right out of Nazi German while a horrified world looked on and said “How can this sort of thing be tolerated in America”??? The sad fact is it happens every day because we do not vet cops thoroughly and in Chauvin’s sordid past he should have been not only fired but jailed long ago. He would have been slapped in jail in civilized countries like Germany that give 3 years of intensive training to cops and in 2012 they killed just 12 people while
      china killed just 4 compared to the U.S. that slaughtered 1,250 people that year most of which were totally illegal in civilized countries. And China has 4 1/2 times the population of the U.S. but still only killed 4 people.

      quote————-The left is shredding literally everything that is worth having in this country.————–quote

      What you are championing is certainly not worth keeping as most civilized people would state. We of the Left do not want a Trumpite Nazi jackbooted dictatorship with jackbooted cops that torture, kill and even rape women in the back of their cruisers.

  8. quote————-Seventy percent of kids born out of wedlock. ———-quote

    Your religious fanaticism is a outmoded thinking and reality rejects your statement in full. European out of wedlock born children far outnumber those of the U.S. if the percentages are examined in relation to population size and their crime rate is way lower. So your statement is completely Non Sequitur because the correlation to crime and murder are not there. What is there is the abandonment of raising children because of broken homes or both parents having to work 2 and 3 part time slave labor jobs while no one is at home to raise the kids either in our out of wedlock or with 1 or 2 parents.

    And it crosses racial lines. Notice you gave only an example of a black child, not a white child, which shows your blatant racism because plenty of white kids have committed mass murder.

    quote————-But an 11-year-old in Chicago on the streets at one or two o’clock in the morning with something that looks like a gun and a cop shoots him when the kid turns around and doesn’t respond to the command.————-quote

    U.S. largely untrained cops in 2012 killed (mostly with0ut justification) 1,200 people as compared to German cops that killed just 12 and China that killed just 4 and China has 4 1/2 times the population of the U.S.

    German police receive an fantastic 3 years of intensive training and are thoroughly vetted before being hired. In the U.S. any deranged sadist or nut case can get a job as a cop and sometimes with as little as 4 weeks training before being turned loose on the public to slaughter people for having a burned out license plate bulb. Examples of even hiring felons and child molesters as cops are too numerous to even mention here. One was in the news just last week in Chicago.

    The George Floyd torture murder by a deranged cop with a past history of sadism and brutality that should have landed him behind bars long before he murdered George Floyd in full view of the entire world. It was the straw the broke the camels back as a horrified entire world looked on. They asked “Is this really going on every day in the U.S.???? The horrific answer was “hell yes it happens every day”.

  9. It’s only a matter of time before some woman pops up out of nowhere and accuses Loury of sexually assaulting her 15 years ago

    It’s a good thing he has tenure at Brown

  10. Glenn Loury once called my writing “brilliant” and was “blown away” by my site and signed up. But he wasn’t too keen on the truth when I took his hero to task. You want these people to be “National Treasure” — so you see them as such. But until you see how they behave when their interests are threatened, you’ll never know if they’re the genuine article.

    I hate to say it — because I like Glenn and agree with what he’s trying to do. But he’s not the man you think he is, and I would know:

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