Image via Twitter (@FDACS).
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Nikki Fried serves as the one and only state-level Democrat in office in Florida. Today she announced that she has unilaterally suspended the Florida carry licenses of 22 people she claims were involved in the January 6th protest in Washington, D.C.. After all, who needs due process?

Of course, the mainstream media eagerly lapped up her pandering press release. The Hill reported it like this:

Florida Democratic official suspends concealed carry permits for 22 people tied to Capitol riot

Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried moved on Tuesday to suspend the concealed carry licenses of 22 people charged in connection to the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. 

“The deeply disturbing events that occurred at our nation’s Capitol on January 6th were sedition, treason, and domestic terrorism – and those individuals involved in the insurrection must be held accountable for attempting to subvert our democratic process,” Fried said in a statement. 

Fried’s office did not specify which individuals would have their concealed carry licenses suspended, but so far, dozens of Floridians have been arrested in connection with the riot.

Sedition? Treason? Domestic terrorism? For entering the US Capitol as Capitol police held the door open for them? Okay. Anything you say, Nikki.

Notably, pinned to the top of her Twitter account rests her June 1st announcement that she intends to run against the very popular and successful Gov. DeSantis.

She also claims she’s “qualified” to become the Sunshine State’s next governor.

Given how she can’t run a minor state-level office without ignoring due process rights and defaming her state’s residents merely for protesting, many should rightfully speculate whether Nikki Fried has the temperament or qualifications to serve as a janitor at Burger King. Or as a dog catcher.

After all, if she ignores gun owners’ due process rights today as a relatively minor state public official, just imagine the sort of free rein she would try to gobble up as governor.


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  1. Too bad the supermajority GOP and Ron DeSantis won’t mallow Constitutional Carry bills to even be heard in committee. Too bad they just use gun rights as a campaign bobble. And how tragic Florida glgun owners just don’t give a damn. They got their carry permits and 37 tax stamps a piece and quite content.

    • Yeah and all those Cubans in the streets south of interstate 4 protesting Biden after they voted for him, yet he won’t budge to support a free Cuba. Its going to be an interesting election next year.

      • You could target the specific republicans who are holding back pro 2A legislation in Florida. Everyone ones who they are correct? Their names have been talked about on TTAG already.

        Or according to the Libertarians there is no difference between the republicans and the democrat’s. So stay home and don’t vote. Just let Andrew Gillium get elected. He lost against DeSantis by less than 30,000 votes.

        Why It’s OK Not To Vote – Katherine Mangu-Ward, 1 hr long

        • “Why It’s OK Not To Vote – Katherine Mangu-Ward”

          Not voting gives the enemy a free vote, Chris.

          Ignoring evil allows it to grow…

    • You think the gov determines committee proceedings?

      The demtards sure have a lot of homely broads in their coven.

      • Yeah, I looked at those three women. I’ll pass on the Nikki fried chicken, or anything else.

      • “You think the gov determines committee proceedings?”

        Remember after 9-11 when they passed the ‘Patriot Act’?

        A provision in there created a secret court that you cannot challenge that puts you on the ‘No Fly List’…

        • They were waiting for any excuse to pass that garbage since the mid 90’s. Between that and creating the groundwork for warrantless surveillance of American citizens I would not be at all surprised if it is used as yet another springboard around the fig leaf of HIPPA to do health background checks within the decade.

    • Republicans suck, and their party is a garbage fire.

      Democrats prove that there are worse things than dumpster fires.

      • Its like CS Lewis said, “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

        • This is one of my favorite quotes. I like it so much, I shared it with one of my undergraduate classes last semester and held a brief discussion in class. One or two of my students may have accidentally had an actual thought that day… it was nice.

  2. I bet that hate filled beta male cuck Geoff the Pervert was one of the six. Book it!

      • “He really owns you now, doesn’t he?”

        Others here certainly think so, here’s a quote by someone :

        “The continuous time and effort this person puts into attempted mockery of Geoff pretty much means Geoff owns him.”

        *Snicker*… 😉

      • “Get a room, you freak. Sucking up to Geoff in public is disgusting.”

        Just look at the naked hate in that comment.

        If there was ever proof of mental illness, that comment is it… 😉

        • Go tell it to someone that gives a crap. It would be nice if everyone stayed on target. A pompous minor bureaucrat denied citizens their inalienable right to self defense and defense of their family and property. Where does a “Agriculture Commissioner” get off suspending anyone’s license for anything.

        • “Where does a “Agriculture Commissioner” get off suspending anyone’s license for anything.”

          Umm, . . . because her office ISSUES them in the first place?? You are indeed a galaxy brain.

        • “Where does a “Agriculture Commissioner” get off suspending anyone’s license for anything.”

          That “pompous minor bureaucrat” is IN CHARGE of issuing, and canceling carry permits.

          Is that “on target” enough for you?

  3. Nikki Fried is a piece of work, and should be Nikki Fired. But it is also disingenuous to say “For entering the US Capitol as Capitol police held the door open for them”- it is difficult to take someone seriously who is making such a misleading statement as this.

    Be smarter.

    • There’s actually video of this. Yes some forced entry and fought police and caused a riot, but there were many who literally were literally waved in by capitol police who left open doors and stood by casually while people walked in. The capitol police basically failed to have a cohesive plan or reaction to the events of Jan 6 and should be a wake up call for them. Can you even imagine if there was a coordinated effort by an armed group to use the riot to breach security?

      • Yes, there is video of some people entering the Capitol without physical opposition- but if one is being honest, none of the rioters were lawfully entering the premises.

        • the rioters were not lawfully entering the premises.

          Yes and THAT is the primary charge against many of the “mostly peaceful” demonstators… unlawful entry of a govt building and interrupting a govt proceeding…

        • “…unlawful entry of a govt building…”

          So, that’s ‘treason’ and ‘domestic terrorism’, but looting and burning a police station, *while police were inside* isn’t domestic terrorism?

          We need our billionaires to bankroll a heavy-hitting legal defense team to point that out in court…

      • The capitol police basically failed to have a cohesive plan

        Actually they asked Piglosi for backup prior to the event and in her wisdom (or knowing that another plan was in play) she declined…

      • There is PLENTY of video of this. And “cohesive plan”? How about her giving most Capitol cops the day off that day? And ordering them to wave the protestors in?

        Do you actually need more?

    • I’ve watched a lot of video from Jan 6. Among the things I have seen, are Capitol Police holding the door, and cordially greeting protesters as they entered the Capitol Building. You have a point, in that some other people were breaking into the building in another location. And, in yet another location, protesters were battling police in the hallways.

      What I am certain of, is that Democrats are overhyping the events of Jan 6, while Republicans work too hard to downplay the bad actors. It’s almost like – POLITICS!

      • Yes, politics. However, what cannot be overhyped or downplayed is the conspicuous fact that the Capitol has restricted access 24/7/365, and that on 1/6/21 there were manned permanent and temporary security barriers and posts demarcating “Restricted Grounds” which included the West Front, the north (Constitution Ave), the south (Independence Ave), and the East Front (Capitol Plaza), all of which were visibly, unmistakably, and inarguably closed to the public- and everyone at the scene knew it.

        Anyone who breached the barricades and entered the Restricted Grounds on 1/6/21 committed a crime. It really is that simple. It is not a judgement- just a fact.

        • Bullshit, our taxes pay for the Capitol and the RIGHT of the people to be there. You can cry with Kinzinger over this sham hearing.

          If antifa or BLM did far worse then Pelosi and Schiff would have said:

          They had every RIGHT to protest. It’s a bullshit double standard.
          Watch the fucking videos, 90% of the Capitol police were fine with it.
          10% were not including the 4 little bitch officers who were called names.
          Daniel Hodges is trying to get disability for the rest of his life.
          “Someone knocked me out and yet when I woke up I still had my gun.”
          These crisis actor “cops” do the real police a disservice.
          “Did they not even practice their fake crying before this hearing?”
          “Having commanded the NYPD on 9/11 and been stabbed and shot at; and witnessed numerous colleagues shot and killed in the 80s – 90s in the line of duty, I am shocked at the cowardice.”
          “They should be fired – not fit for duty.”

          As for the RINOs on the panel:
          LMFAO @RepKinzinger is crying on national television. Imagine Ben Franklin walking into this committee right now. He’d turn the tables over.

          These people and their politic party are trying to take your RIGHTS away.
          You seem fine with that so move to France or China.

        • Dave, square breathing works wonders for hypertension- stroke is a leading cause of death and long-term disability. Take it easy, brother.

          The public has the right to enter the Capitol/grounds- with approved access. Do you believe there should be unrestricted access to the Capitol? Be honest.

          Of course people have the right to protest- in the areas so designated.

          Anyone breaking the law is committing a crime- regardless of their intent, rationale, or political affiliation.

          The videos speak for themselves- you are free to contort them in any way you choose to fit your particular narrative/rationalization.

          I watched the entire Jan 6 Hearing yesterday, and in my opinion it was a conspicuously scripted, rehearsed, dramatic production- designed specifically for political theater. But that does not alter the facts of what occurred at the Capitol on 1/6/21- where protestors and rioters committed crimes.

          I am fully aware that the government (both parties) want to take our rights away- that’s what governments do. Power in the hands of the people is a direct threat to the gov’t desire to monopolize the use of force. I am nowhere near to being “fine with that”- that’s why I’m Libertarian. And that requires me to be honest, ethical, objective, rational, and principled- which means I’ll defend your right to be none of the above.

          I will fight illegitimate gov’t actions to the best of my ability, with like force, whenever and wherever I legitimately encounter them. I prefer to stay right here and defend our Constitutional Republic, thank you.

          Your reality may differ.

        • You seem fine with that so move to France or China.
          That about sums it a up to anyone who took anything away from that dog and pony show that was supposedly a “hearing”.
          “The public has the right to enter the Capitol/grounds- with approved access.”
          By paying for it and it being a taxpayer “monument”
          “We The People” have unfettered access to it. It’s not the Pentagon.
          Take your Communist/Libertarian left wing bullshit elsewhere.
          My BP is 110/60 so I’m good. I run 5 miles and swim an hour a day.

        • The wonder of alternate reality.

          Yet, I’ll still defend your right to be as incongruous as you feel is necessary. Carry on.

        • Anyone who breached the barricades and entered the Restricted Grounds on 1/6/21 committed a crime. It really is that simple.

          Then it should be JUST as simple that ANYONE who opened those “barricades” and allowed (even aided) those people to pass are also guilty of a crime… I’ve seen the video of officers(?) encouraging people to come in… OBTW: When BLM/ANTIFA burned the Secret Service building in front of the White House last year and injured 60 Agents, just how many of them are in jail for exercising THEIR rights to “peaceful” protest… Was THAT not a crime? Setting fire to the National Cathedral? Harrassing/Assaulting Conservative Senators and Congressmen and their wives as they left a White House dinner? I guess THAT’S okay, that’s NOT targeting lawmakers that was just “peaceful” protest (mostly)… I could sit here for hours and expound on all of the acts of assault (including on cops and “media”), murder (including of cops and “media”), destruction of State and Federal properties and the thousands of other felony actions committed by BLM and ANTIFA over the past two years, not to mention the disruption of peoples lives and businesses, but YOU already know all that stuff and you know just how many individuals were ever arrested, tried and convicted for any of it…

        • Peter,

          Hmmm. So our clear First Amendment right to free speech and to petition government for redress of grievances is a right, but it’s subject to time, place and manner regulation by Malig-Nancy and her puppet “Capitol Police”, is that about right?

          Then I assume you’re TOTES OK with Malig-Nancy having the power to impose time, place and manner restrictions on your 2A rights, too. How about 4th Amendment rights – you don’t get to require a search warrant unless Malig-Nancy says so?? Can only go to church if the powers that be say it’s OK?? The government can’t quarter troops in your house . . . unless Congress passes a law??

          What other RIGHTS that we have do you consider conditional and subject to abuse by our benevolent Ruling Class, eh??? Wow, we’re overrun with galaxy brains, today. Been hanging out with MinorIQ???

        • Maxx- yes, anyone who contravened protocol at the Capitol 1/6/21 should be held accountable for their actions- everyone. I have always supported full accountability, for all individuals- for all actions. If you go back and read my posts during the riots last year, you’ll be reminded that I actually suggested that computer-literate types could start businesses using facial recognition software to identify rioters (BLM, ANTIFA, etc.) and offer their services to law enforcement agencies for a fee. I was quite surprised to get called out here on TTAG for making such a suggestion- I thought readers here would have been very pleased to have violent criminal rioters identified and arrested. Ironically curious…

          LOD- seeing as there is no unfettered right to protest on federal government property- am I wrong to assume that staging a protest inside the clearly-demarcated restricted access areas of the Capitol grounds on 1/6/21 is not something than can simply be dismissed out of hand. And is it reasonable to ignore the fact that everyone (again- everyone) who violated the inarguably, palpably obvious “restricted/authorized personnel only” zones knew exactly what they were doing- regardless of who “invited” them in.

          There are no Civil Rights that are optional, and the Bill of Rights is Not À La Carte… are just two of the signs that I display while I’m protesting (legally) outside a business with a dangerous, discriminatory, anti-civil rights firearm policy here locally- which I have been demonstrating outside of almost weekly since last year. So, I’m not exactly clear where you get the idea that I am “TOTES OK” with any type of tyrannical politician or government, that I somehow do not support “RIGHTS”, or that I hang out with “MinorIQ”. I don’t believe I’ve had much (if any) direct discourse with Miner49er, mainly do to the fact that whenever he/she evinces even a modicum of accurate, rational sentiment (yes- it happens), Miner immediately adumbrates her/himself with typical profligate braggadocio and shameless partisanship. While I personally find it quite arduous to follow Miner49er, all information does lead to wisdom- and I will defend everyone’s right to exist and have an opinion.

          WB- again, I have seen the footage- and at no point have I claimed that protestors weren’t “allowed” into restricted areas by gov’t officials. But that’s really not the point here, is it?

          I continue to be alarmed by the number of people willing to contort information in the most inexorable ways in order to malleate it into any semblance of plausibility that fits their narration. What happened to objectivity, veracity, and intellectual honesty? I do not plan on ever giving up the fight- but it sure does challenge one’s resolve…

          Be smarter.

    • Why is the state agriculture commissioner allowed to revoke a carry permit? She should be allowed to ban pesticides…maybe…but who elected her to make these kinds of decisions?

      • but who elected her to make these kinds of decisions

        Unfortunately the people of FL elected her, the authority was put in place long before she got there, just never been abused before her but it’s always been a Republican in charge til now…

      • That guy,

        Google is your friend. Google “Florida concealed carry permits”. You and Texian could avoid looking like chumps with 30 seconds of basic research. Try it, sometime.

        By the way, the original rationale for placing the authority with the DoA was that they issued hunting licenses. Stupid, I agree, but that was the reasoning.

        BTW, I strongly suggest that you and Texian acquaint yourselves with the laws of any state you may be planning to go to regarding concealed carry, open carry, transportation of weapons and storage of weapons BEFORE you go there. Those laws vary dramatically from state to state, and “reciprocity” does not give you GREATER rights than a resident of the state with a concealed carry permit. If the state you are in allows concealed carry in a bar, for example, and has CCW reciprocity with your state, that does NOT mean that you can concealed carry in a bar in that state. Not saying ANY of that is Constitutional, but that is the current law. What people who value liberty need to start doing is ignoring such laws, as the irrational and unconstitutional nonsense that they are. The Constitution, and the BoR, are the law of the land, and overrule ANY contrary state, federal or local law. We just need some courts with the cojones to stand up and say that.

        • Sorry. “if the state you are in does NOT allow concealed carry in a bar”. My bad. Proofreading is my friend.

  4. sedition, treason, and domestic terrorism – and those individuals involved in the insurrection must be held accountable

    Guess she’s decided she doesn’t like working for the government after all, says she wants DeSantis job but no chance in Hell of that…. Thanks for finally throwing up your TRUE colors “moderate Dem?” guess those folks are guilty til proven innocent? Yet NO ONE has been charged with anything more than trespassing and intent to impede govt business, one threatening, a couple of minor felonies one possession of an unregistered fiream and oh yeah six are charged with assaulting media… How many “Burn Loot Murder and Agiitating Nobodys, & Totalitarian, Intolerant, Fascist, Assholes have been arrested for assaulting Cops and Media?

  5. There was no insurrection.

    What there is is cowards in Washington that want to force everyone to bow at their feet and bend to their will.

    • NO there wasn’t, it was a protest.
      If some of the cops hadn’t blocked the way,
      then people who had a RIGHT to be there wouldn’t of have to take it up a notch.
      Hey, we pay for it and we aren’t allowed to be there?
      The coward “cop” Daniel Hodges wouldn’t have gotten his head stuck in a door.
      My 3 year old daughter hasn’t cried as much in her entire life as those people did yesterday.
      Cops? No. Kinzinger? Politician. Yes for whatever gets him to the top quickest.
      Kinzinger is a traitor to his party and those “cops” should be fired.
      That’s what I took from that BS hearing.

  6. “sedition, treason, and domestic terrorism – and those individuals involved in the insurrection must be held accountable…”

    Seems to me that aside from a claim of violating their Second Amendment protected right to keep and bear arms these 22 people have a solid civil suit for defamation and slander considering they have not been charged with any of those things, much less convicted.

    One can only hope that under Florida law she will have to resign as Secretary of Agriculture in order to unsuccessfully run for governor.

    • It is curious, seeing as how Florida Statutes Title XLVI Chapter 790 are pretty clear…

      790.06 License to carry concealed weapon or firearm.

      (10) A license issued under this section shall be suspended or revoked pursuant to chapter 120 if the licensee:
      (a) Is found to be ineligible under the criteria set forth in subsection (2);*
      (b) Develops or sustains a physical infirmity which prevents the safe handling of a weapon or firearm;
      (c) Is convicted of a felony which would make the licensee ineligible to possess a firearm pursuant to s. 790.23;
      (d) Is found guilty of a crime under the provisions of chapter 893, or similar laws of any other state, relating to controlled substances;
      (e) Is committed as a substance abuser under chapter 397, or is deemed a habitual offender under s. 856.011(3), or similar laws of any other state;
      (f) Is convicted of a second violation of s. 316.193, or a similar law of another state, within 3 years of a previous conviction of such section, or similar law of another state, even though the first violation may have occurred prior to the date on which the application was submitted;
      (g) Is adjudicated an incapacitated person under s. 744.331, or similar laws of any other state; or
      (h) Is committed to a mental institution under chapter 394, or similar laws of any other state.

      * applicable subsection (2) criteria:

      (c) Does not suffer from a physical infirmity which prevents the safe handling of a weapon or firearm;
      (d) Is not ineligible to possess a firearm pursuant to s. 790.23 by virtue of having been convicted of a felony;
      (e) Has not been committed for the abuse of a controlled substance or been found guilty of a crime under the provisions of chapter 893 or similar laws of any other state relating to controlled substances within a 3-year period immediately preceding the date on which the application is submitted;
      (f) Does not chronically and habitually use alcoholic beverages or other substances to the extent that his or her normal faculties are impaired. It shall be presumed that an applicant chronically and habitually uses alcoholic beverages or other substances to the extent that his or her normal faculties are impaired if the applicant has been committed under chapter 397 or under the provisions of former chapter 396 or has been convicted under s. 790.151 or has been deemed a habitual offender under s. 856.011(3), or has had two or more convictions under s. 316.193 or similar laws of any other state;

      It appears she just might become Nikki Fired. If so- good riddance.

      • AMEN, my fellow patriot. Fried should be Nikki Fired for her unConstitutional application of law. To my knowledge, none of those “rioters” have been found guilty of a suitable crime, which is the basic criteria for removal of their CWP.

    • I’m wondering WTF agriculture has to do with the licensing of anything, other than farm tractors.

      • Dept. of Agriculture had the computer infrastructure in place to handle the issuing of permits…

        • In the mean time she makes sure her fiance gets all of the marijuana permits he needs. She should be investigated for a serious conflict of interest.

      • The job was taken away from the Florida Department of law-enforcement after they started to slow walk issuing permits.
        Before this Democrat got into office, agriculture department was politically neutral and did an excellent job of issuing concealed carry permits

        • Ahhh, thanks Doc, on clearing that up.

          We got the bad luck of a Leftist winning a seat usually held by a Republican…

        • And it was deemed to ‘make sense’ because the DoA already issued hunting licenses.

  7. LIKE OMG TREASON!? You mean like suspending one’s civil liberties without due process!? IS THAT WHAT YOU MEAN, NIKKI!?

  8. The furhrer sends his best wishes to the democRat fraulein nikki fried chickensht. Her unwavering loyalty and obedience to the fatherland has not gone unnoticed.

    Once concentration camp construction in Florida is complete fraulein nikki fried chickensht is on the short list for camp commandant. Her primary duty will be to strip inmates of any and all dignity without rhyme or reason. Whatever drops from her behind on any given day will be enforced by whips and chains and if necessary a firing squad is housed on site to maintain strict order.

    Without loyalty from individuals such as fraulein niki fried chickensht the fuhrer could never exist. As long as there are frauleins like niki fried chickensht there will be tyrants and for that the fuhrer sends fraulein niki fried chickensht his best wishes. Sieg Heil Sieg Heil Sieg Heil.

      • That reminds me about the line from Breaking Bad.

        “She’s probably got a wood chipper for a [censored].”

      • “Imagine being the poor geezer what lays down with this…”

        Well, unlike you, he gets hot sex with someone he didn’t rent by the hour… 🙂

  9. “Merely for protesting”? I guess we can for get about the people that were killed and the cop that is suffering PTSD…*eyeroll*

    • Nobody was fucking killed except Ashley Babbitt shot by a chickenshit Capitol Hill Cop… I’ve seen the PTSD cop and heard his “they wanted to KILL me and take my gun” Yet he claims he was knocked unconcious for at least four minutes AND woke up STILL ALIVE and in possession of his firearm… I want to see the video of his alleged assault and maybe he can tell us how he got a diagnosis of PTSD in such a short time… It took me ten years to get a hearing after more than three years of combat, killing over 100 men (that I’m aware of) and being wounded three times all the while watching a bunch of my people getting wounded, maimed and killed… Took another 18 months, three shrinks AND a medical review board to finally get my determination of 100%…

    • What MaddMaxx said. One person died at the Capitol on Jan 6. That person was killed by someone inside the House chamber – presumably an officer responsible for protecting House members. Cop suffering PTSD? Sorry, I hadn’t heard about that, nor can I find a lot of dams to give about cops and PTSD. They chose their line of work, they can deal with the consequences of it.

      • “They chose their line of work, they can deal with the consequences of it.“

        Well there you go, this gentleman thinks all PTSD is just a natural consequence of the work, so all you veterans can just shut up about your whiny BS.

        Apparently he believes real he-man operators are impervious to psychological trauma from their experiences.

        Maxine, according to the comment above your multiple PTSD hearings were just you gold-bricking, looking for a check and free stuff from the government.


        • An actual Fascist hurling the insult of “Commie.”?

          Will the wonders ever cease? 😉

        • Maxine? Commie?

          I gues you just don’t have it in you to be civil, I’ve not once in this discussion disparraged you, your name, your heritage or your lifestyle whatever it may be, yet the FIRST time you adrress ME directly you have to go THERE… I don’t know if I should feel sorry for your childish acts or just ignore it… Anyway I WAS a real “he-man operator” and one of the biggest traumas aside from the killing, being wounded, living like an animal and being surrounded by death and mayhem daily for years was coming home only to learn that people like you believed that I was a baby killing, drug addicted rapist which played out in the streets day after day…. Which led to my returning to and preferring the death and mayhem agian and again til there was no longer a war to return to…

        • Relax Maxine, I was merely pointing out that Paul is disparaging you by claiming there is no such thing as PTSD.

        • Paul is disparaging you by claiming there is no such thing as PTSD.

          That’s okay MINERVA, I got it…

    Ya please run my state or country, exactly why you never put a in charge.

  11. An Agriculture Commissioner can pull your permit for attending a Pelosi sanctioned event. Just how wrong is that?

    • An Agriculture Commissioner can pull your permit for attending a Pelosi sanctioned event.

      For some reason the Dept of Agriculture is responsible for issuing concealed carry permits in FL.. Why, is above my paygrade, but it’s probably explained somewhere on the Internet…

      • “For some reason the Dept of Agriculture is responsible for issuing concealed carry permits in FL.. Why, is above my paygrade,…”

        Consider the time, Florida was on the bleeding edge of states issuing carry permits.

        It’s been awhile and my memory is a bit hazy, but as I recall, Department of Agriculture was chosen because it was the department that issued permits for things like making sure gasoline pumps dispensed the proper volume of fuel and scales in stores were checked for accuracy (think sliced meats and cheeses), and they had the existing computer infrastructure in place, so they just added carry permits to the other permits they currently had….

        • they just added carry permits to the other permits they currently had…

          Makes sense to me… Guess it’s better than a bunch of Sheriffs in individual counties makin it up as they go along…. Not sure she has the authority to revoke without cause, None of those people have been convicted of anything and her baseless claims of charges of sedition, treason, insurrection could be problematic for her… At any rate she’ll be gone after the next election, she can’t run for Gov and Sec of Ag at the same time and she sure as hell can’t unseat DeSantis (maybe someone has promised her a Georgia style election, can’t happen here)…

  12. If she thinks this does anything, she is an idiot! All a CCW permit does is make you immune to prosecution. Concealed means concealed, and it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

    “Cannot” and “not allowed to” are 2 different things.

    That being said, I hope she gets sued for this, and that the courts wipe that b**chy smirk off her “Karen” face.

  13. Does anyone believe this knucklehead came up with this in her own? My guess: she is following orders.

    The DemmoCommies want to provoke armed response to their tyranny so they can declare a terrorist insurgency and institute martial law. They will keep pulling crap like this until they get what they want.

  14. Well on the bright side this could turn around and royally bite her right in the ass if this turns into a SCOTUS case. Not to mention if she just flat out looses her job over this.

  15. What is the EXACT mechanism between the Dept of “Justice” and Fried that supplied her with a Redlining list? Due process?

  16. I watched a bit of this on the news with Adam Kinzinger crying.
    The cop who trying very hard to get permanent disability also crying.
    What a farce, Am I the only one who saw the exchange between the Capitol police and the guy who was with the Q Anon Shaman? He said everyone could stay as long as they didn’t trash the place.
    He yelled out “Don’t trash the place” and so did the Shaman.
    Things got a little messed up but most of the lamps were still standing.
    The Capitol didn’t need to be repainted.
    BLM would have tagged the place with spray paint the Capitol and then burned it to the ground.
    It would have been labeled a “peaceful protest”.

    I was at parties in high school that were way worse then this “insurrection”.
    This is nonsense, show the 1000’s of hours of video that exist.
    ALL of it and not just the parts that show people behaving badly.
    Release the name of the “shoot first” cop who killed Ashley Babbitt.
    These hearings are a farce, it’s all about keeping Trump in a bad light.

    The left needs to do that to keep the public eyes away from the fact that Bidens senile.
    Like to the point it’s any day now where he is unable to due the duties of a POTUS.
    Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are both complete trash and should be thrown out of office.
    They didn’t run as Democrats so why and how did they win as Republicans?
    They should both be thrown off of any committees they sit on, 2 RINOs that are Pelosis pets.

    As for Fried: “Fried’s fiancé, Jake Bergmann, is a prominent marijuana entrepreneur in Florida. Her relationship with him has been criticized as a conflict of interest, as Bergmann’s business often results in dealings with the Florida Department of Agriculture.”

    Time for her to go away, she has serious delusions of grandeur.

    • They’ll keep Granpa Joe shuffling along until the 2-years-and-a-day has passed where he will step down and Kameltoe gets the rest of his term plus 2 terms of her own.

      • I don’t think he has that long.
        Alzheimer’s kills so Kamalas delusions wont play out.
        Face it, she isn’t getting elected POTUS anyway.
        She’s accomplished NOTHING in her time in office.
        So unless the election is fixed, Oops! I let the cat out of the bag.

        • Whoever posted this,

          I am ALL about abusing MinorIQ – God knows he invites/earns it on the daily! But posting under another posters handle is kind of a d*** move. Want to call yourself “MinorIQ’s smarter brother” or “MinorIQ, if he had a brain”, go for it. But using his handle to post to troll him is, like I said, a d*** move.

  17. Edit: BLM would have tagged the Capitol with spray paint and then burned it to the ground.
    It would have been labeled a “peaceful protest”.

  18. Damn, from protesting mob ,to insurrectionist, to sedation, to domestic terrorists.
    That’s the charges, huh.
    One time a mask could have been useful.

  19. You can criticize her for overreaching her authority, but let’s not pretend that what happened at the capital was anything but what it was. It was an attempted coup. A poorly attempted one, but a coup nonetheless. Those idiots were illegally entering the capital in order to overturn a legal election. They were trying to track down government officials, and force them to put the guy they want in office.

    We all know this, and as gun owners I find it disturbing that so many of us ignore it out of convenience. We rightfully say that the 2nd is the line of defense against tyranny, but here we see some of the same people claiming that, also pretending that an attempted coup was a ”peaceful protest”.

    Let’s not turn this into a tribal thing. If this were done by BLM many of you would be demanding they be put in jail, and you would be calling it a coup. Hold your own side to the same standards as everyone else. Otherwise, you are just another hypocrite putting tribal loyalty over the nation, and democracy.

    • “They were trying to track down government officials, and force them to put the guy they want in office.“

      The very definition of a coup.

      Unfortunately for the insurrectionists, Trump choked because he was afraid he would be hurt in the fight.

      He told them to march on the capital and claimed “I will be with you” but then he went and hid in the bunker in the White House, cadet bone spurs courage is unbelievable.

      And you know, I do believe if he had marched with the protesters up the steps of the Capitol, no police officer would’ve stopped him and he could’ve led the protesters directly into the house chambers to disrupt the election certification.

      But he was a coward, lied about his support, and hid in the basement.

      Wussy Trump.

        • I’m off my Prozac again and my shrink is going to try Lithium and Latuda.
          My free healthcare means all you are going to pay for it like my Prozac.
          I’ll have to shoplift a can of spray-paint to huff, my welfare card is tapped until the 15th.
          Why am I telling you all of this? Because my Rexulti got taken away by my parents.
          I had compulsive urges to do things like troll a gun website.
          I would hate for you to have my address and find out I’m also a cross dresser.
          Trump took away my free healthcare but Joe Biden made sure I got it back.
          I hate Trump and am going to write Joe another letter, he’s my hero.

    • coup: a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government.

      No one at the Capitol on Jan 6 had any intention of “seizing” power from the government… What went on there WAS a mostly peaceful protest with some minor outbreaks of violence and totally unnecessary vandalism… The cops opened the doors and many were escorting groups of protestors through the building… Right wrong or otherwise this whole damn thing has been politicized and blown way out of proportion… These “hearings” are nothing more than Trump Impeachment 3.0, they will subpoena him and then try to trap him in what they will call a lie, this whole thing is about stopping Trump from running again in 24… And yes you are correct IF BLM/ANTIFA had done this there WOULD be whole different tone because those assholes would have destroyed the building, stolen every thing not nailed down (reparations) and set what was left on fire… If you really think what happened on Jan 6 was an attempted coup you deffinitely want to stay away from those unstable 3rd world countries because a REAL coup would give you a heart attack… It is truly sad that a handful of idiots could not control themselve and ultimately gave Pelosi everything she needed to continue to disparage Conservatives and provide the Democrats a diversion from their failing economy, disasterous crime rates, out of control illegal immigration and their total indifference to the American people

    • @MADDMAXX Yes, they absolutely intended to seize the government, and put Trump in the White House. They also had every intention of getting violent, unless you are claiming that Pelosi or Pence would not have been ”citizen arrested”, and then forced to do what they want.

      Again, incompetence is not a defense. Just because the coup was half assed does not change the fact the was what it was.

      I also have to criticize people like you who are using pedantic arguments to distract from the fact that those idiots attempted a coup.

      Also, there wouldn’t be nearly as much to talk about this if people like you would stop defending them, and bringing up irrelevant crap (you are the one who broughtup Dem policies as a way of distracting from the issue). Throw those idiots under the bus, and move on. That, or don’t pretend that you will use your gun to protect anything but your tribe, everything else be damned.

      • “They had every intention of getting violent…”

        Then WHY DIDN’T THEY? They could’ve done everything you say they wanted to…there were enough of them…but they didn’t.

        They broke in at one location, were let in at others, and then, with the exception of one young woman who got shot for her troubles, proceeded to wander the halls and take selfies and generally behave themselves. That’s not the behavior of people pursuing a coup.

        So why, if the crowd wanted to overthrow the government, did they just magically decide not to?

        Mobs don’t suffer attacks of conscience; they do what they want and keep doing it until they’re done. And that’s what this one did. The simplest and most truthful answer is that this particular mob *never wanted* what we’re told they wanted.

        They had a legitimate grievance that nobody was listening to — several states made arbitrary and partisan changes to their election processes, in violation of the Constitution’s requirement that state legislatures set the rules, and it looked like there had been massive fraud — and they wanted to be heard by the representatives they had elected.

        There is a legitimate Constitutional process that they wanted Congress to follow to remedy the situation. Before the fracas happened, it was underway and actually had a chance of succeeding. Afterward, none.

        The conclusion that follows from observing these facts explains why all the powers-that-be are so invested in the insurrection narrative.

        • I’m pretty sure that Shaun is just MInor 49er.
          If not he’s another troll that’s just as mentally ill on here.
          Shaun if you aren’t Minor STFU, you are a jackass.
          It was a selfie party, not much more and far from a coup.
          When a coup happens you’ll know it.

        • “Then WHY DIDN’T THEY?“

          Over 140 officers seriously injured, someone got violent.

          And I challenge you to contact the police officer who lost an eye in the failed insurrection, tell him you think he’s lying about his injuries at the hands of the domestic terrorists.

      • That, or don’t pretend that you will use your gun to protect anything but your tribe

        At least I will use mine… While you are scrubbing toilets at the gulag (if you’re lucky)

        using pedantic arguments to distract from the fact
        Are you sure you understand the meaning of the word because it describes your rants perfectly…

        Just because YOU call it a coup does NOT make it one… No one is charged with “attempting” a coup, insurrection, treason, murder or ANY serious felony… Seems to me anyone with your mind reading abilities would simply just know that these people were there to “overthrow” the United States Government and force the Congress to declare Trump the winner of the 2020 election… Hmmmmm, thought police? What was that movie?

    • @Ing Why? Because there wasn’t anyone really there, and therefore no one to really get violent towards other than random security guards. Again, them being idiots, and not having a realistic plan is not a defense. There have been plenty of pathetic coup attempts in the past.

      And no, they did not have a legitimate grievance. If they did, then Trump would have presented his arguments at the Supreme Court, which was pretty well packed in his favor. Instead, he rallied a bunch of idiots together, sent them in the direction of the capital, and the rest played out from there.

      Trump lost. That is all there is to it. Those idiots were trying to overturn the results of a democratic election. That is also a fact. Stop trying to distract from these facts, throw those idiots under the bus, and move on.

      • “Because there wasn’t anyone really there…” BS. If that’s true, why are we being told that the whole government was in danger?

        The constitutional grievance WAS presented to the Supreme Court, by Texas. The SC refused to hear it and abdicated its constitutional responsibility to hear and resolve disputes between states.

        “Throw those idiots under the bus…” So we do agree on one thing: the people who went into the building on that day were idiots. They did far more damage to the cause they supported than its enemies ever could have.

        “Those idiots were trying to overturn the results of a democraticDemocratic election.” FIFY. Little details can make a big difference.

        Go ahead and carry on believing nothing was wrong with the 2020 election and that Jan. 6 was a coup attempt if you want. I can’t stop you. But I cannot and will not join you. I was watching and paying attention the whole time, and the facts I’ve observed won’t let me.

      • “they did not have a legitimate grievance. If they did, then Trump would have presented his arguments at the Supreme Court, which was pretty well packed in his favor. Instead, he rallied a bunch of idiots together, sent them in the direction of the capital“

        Correct, Trump had his day in court, over 60 times, and failed miserably.
        He sought his legal remedy and did not prevail in court, end of story under the constitution.

      • If they did, then Trump would have presented his arguments at the Supreme Court,

        Evidence WAS submitted to the Supreme Court AND 23 other Federal Courts across the country but ALL refused to hear it… This fallacy that Trump and his lawyers LOST in EVERY court hearing is more CNN/MSDNC bullshit, NO court EVER heard their arguments OR reviewed their evidence… I’ll stop there lest I be accused of being “pedantic” again…

    • @Ing Why? The same reason you are pretending that this isn’t a coup attempt. That is, political expediency. Again though, your argument is not evidence of anything.

      Right, the Supreme Court that was heavily favored towards Trump refused to hear the evidence about election fraud. Have you considered the possibility that the reason is because the arguments were total bullshit? Of course not, because that is not convenient for your narrative.

      Trump lost the election, and those idiots were trying to steal the election. Those are objective facts, and you ignoring them is just as damaging as the attempted coup itself.

      • Shaun you are a sorry excuse for a troll. Now stfu and go away. Your mom has been calling you for a while so take your sissy self back in the basement. And don’t forget its trash night

      • “…your argument is not evidence of anything.” That one goes both ways, son. We’ll just have to continue drawing opposite conclusions on who is damaging what.

        • A reply to Shaun, there were two attempted coups in the past four and a half years, they were lead by the speaker of the house Pelosi.

    • @MADDMAXX I’m not surprised you would say that. After all, you’re supporting a bunch of people who committed a coup against the US. I’m sure someone like you would love to throw your ”enemies” into a gulag. I OTOH understand that the cartridge box is the final resort, and I sure as hell will not use it to defend an anti democratic mob.

      Just because you don’t want to acknowledge that those idiots attempted a coup against the US government doesn’t change the fact that it happened.

      But you know what, let’s say your right. It wasn’t a coup, it was just a bunch of idiots who trespassed on, and damaged public property, as well as injured innocent people, and disrupted the certification of a legal democratic election. All because of a lie that the election was stolen. Man, that’s so much better. /s

      Cut the crap. If this were a left wing group who did the exact same thing you would be calling it a coup and I expect you damn well know it. I hold everyone to the same standard, and don’t create standards to fit my bias.

      • No, you just accept what the corrupt, lying leftist press tells you. I understand if the idea that the American electoral system was hijacked in front of our eyes is too painful to accept. But I watched the whole process unfold, and painful as it was, nobody can tell me I didn’t see what I saw.

    • @MADDMAXX Yeah, your argument is absolutely pedantic. Your claim is that the evidence wasn’t ”presented” because it was thrown out before it got an official hearing. I guess your conspiracy theory is the courts, which Trump had a significant hand in populating, just decided to throw the whole case out without reading anything.

      Here’s the thing, I’ve asked plenty of times for clear evidence of widespread voter fraud and no one has provided anything from a reputable source (no, Trump’s rants are not reputable). The reason for that is because the evidence doesn’t exist. If it does, then prove it.

    • @Tired of the bs

      I agree with the name if nothing else.

      I wonder if people like you understand how much damage you do to the gun rights movement with this BS. Not only is the comment childish, but in the end, you are telling a person who is responding with relative politeness to go away because they are saying something you disagree with.

      This nonsense helps to reinforce the idea that gun owners are closed minded. I would appreciate it if people like you would not make the rest of us look like …. well you.

    • @MADDMAXX I must say, you’ve done a pretty good job of proving my point here.

      Your first link is to a local news organization that says …. there is another audit. Great. Also, in that same article, they say; ”Fann has said the aim of the process is to restore faith in the election system and find ways to improve Arizona’s voting laws, not to reverse the result of the election.”


      ”Those audits found no problems, but state Senate Republicans subpoenaed the county for access to the election materials at the urging of Trump supporters who refused to accept Biden’s narrow victory Maricopa County and statewide.”

      On that note, let me ask you something. Is there any amount of evidence you will accept? If this audit comes back negative (as the previous ones did), will you accept the results, or will you demand another audit?

      And let’s remember that this audit is for one county, in one state, and they don’t even mention how many votes might have been compromised. Hardly widespread.

      Your second link didn’t work. I did a Google search, and it isn’t a good sign how low down the search that website was. I still didn’t find that exact article, but again, plenty of bad signs there.

      In short, all you have proved is that we are spending an ever increasing amount of money doing audits for an election because people can’t accept that their guy lost. And even if those results came back in Trump’s favor, they don’t even claim it would be enough to matter.

      In an election as large and complex as the US’s I would be surprised if a relative handful of votes are fraudulent. Trump lost by around 7 million popular votes, and 74 electoral votes. If Voter fraud is that widespread, then there should be more evidence.

      • Holy fuk, is there ANYTHING you people won’t try to spin?

        Fann told KTAR News 92.3 FM’s The Mike Broomhead Show on Tuesday that the number ballots tallied during the audit didn’t match the total documented by Maricopa County, but she didn’t know how far off the counts were.

        Look I get it, no matter what I or anyone else says you TROLLS will respond with same tired line, I did not add that link just for the story there is also a link in the story to the actual hearing but that would involve too much trouble… So since YOU are obviously feeding off those who don’t quite see it YOUR way I for one will remove myself from your fuel supply… Carry on in your ignorant bliss and enjoy this liitle party because it’s coming to a sceeching halt next Nov and Braindead can spend his (and the Democrats) last two years in the White House eating pudding and taking naps… Enjoy…

        • @MADDMAXX I can say the same thing to you. After all, if what you are now claiming is true, you didn’t want me to read that article (which I quoted directly), but instead you wanted me to read a separate article linked inside of the first one (maybe just link to that one to begin with, and provide quotes smarty). You also used some radio broadcast that I obviously didn’t hear since I neither live there nor did you even link it to begin with (apparently I need to be a mind reader in order to talk to you). And now you are linking an image without any backing. An image that, again, only claims issues in one county.

          Don’t call me a troll just because you don’t have the ability to support your own claims. That is lazy, and counterproductive. Then again, I don’t think you care about that. You want people to reinforce your views, and anyone else is simply a troll.

          Get over yourself.

        • @MADDMAXX Also, I did notice that you failed to answer my question about whether there will ever be enough evidence to change your mind.

          I gave you a chance, and even among election conspiracy theorists, this was a pathetic effort.

          Sorry, but your half baked Republican lost. He is a sore loser, and you have decided to hitch your wagon to his pathetic circus. That’s on you.

        • “…the number ballots tallied during the audit didn’t match the total documented by Maricopa County…”

          That’s the crux of the problem.

          The election-week recounts that did occur were pointless. A recount of the same batch of ballots was never going to show the problems that were alleged in the observers’ complaints, nor would it expose what was likely to happen when the ballots in six key states were left unwatched and uncounted for hours, in a situation tailor-made for fraud.

          Will the current audits show the fraud that we suspect? Maybe. At this late date, with all the shenanigans that have been going on and months to obfuscate, destroy, and hide things, probably not.

          If the people I’ve heard from who understand process security and software design are right, the (maybe purposeful?) poor design of the software in the voting machines makes it impossible to verify what was really counted and what wasn’t in any case.

    • @Ing And you are just accepting what the corrupt, lying rightist press is telling you. You don’t want to accept that Trump lost. Sorry, but it’s a fact. If it wasn’t, then you and your buddies would be able to provide actual substantive evidence to support your views.

      Here’s the deal, on the political spectrum I am high on individualism, and low on authoritarianism. Meaning, if I weren’t an independent, I’d be a libertarian. That is, on what is generally considered to be the far right. Why would I put more value on the left wing media, than the right?

      The truth is that your arguments suck. They are based on what you want to be true, and short on actual evidence.

      • You being high on individualism and low on authoritarianism means nothing in this argument — I’m the exact same way.

        And there’s a shortage of hard evidence on both sides.

        On the side you’ve taken, that shortage is filled in by the loud, unison narrative of the “mainstream” press, with which you seem to share a hatred for Donald Trump (who, btw, I don’t like all that much either).

        On mine, that shortage can only be answered by my own observations…and the panicked shouting of everyone who wants me not to believe my lying eyes. Oh, and this helps: Maybe you’ll accept Time Magazine as a source?

        • @Ing Your claim is that I am only listening to left wing media. That neither meshes with my own biases, nor does it account for the fact that plenty of right wing sources are unwilling to abandon their dignity to back a conspiracy theory supported by an authoritarian. And given that you are, I doubt you are low on the authoritarian scale.

          As for your ”shortage” argument, you are sort of right. Your side has no evidence whatsoever of large scale fraud, and therefore you rely on narratives about ”media corruption” and the like (which is funny, since CRT also relies on narratives over proper evidence, and the GOP is using that as the next part of the culture war). ”My side” doesn’t have anything to prove because you are asking us to prove a negative, and there is no reasonable limit. That is, there is no amount of evidence we could reasonably provide that would satisfy you conspiracy theorists. We could audit the entire election a hundred times, and that still would not be enough for many of you because the only evidence you will accept is anything that ”proves” you right.

          On that note, your source. You have again done a good job of supporting my argument; ”The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President.”

          And yes, I know what you were getting at. Because the article claims that everyone came together to try to stop Trump’s ”Stop the steal” nonsense that means the ”steal” was real. If you took off your partisan goggles you would be well aware how absurd this is.

        • Ingrid, did you even read the Time article you linked to?

          From the Time article:

          “The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors.”

          So explain to me what your problem is with business and labor working together “dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted“

          The fact is, Donald Trump’s incompetent and corrupt leadership turned off labor and business interests, and after his statements about not excepting the results good citizens did what they could to ensure a fair and free election.

        • Shaun, nobody has to prove a negative. Simply being transparent about the ballot chain of custody (both paper and electronic) when questions were raised months ago would’ve done wonders for trust…but apparently trust and communication weren’t wanted.

          For somebody who claims to be low on the authoritarian axis, you’re surprisingly accepting of the authorities when they say “shut up and quit asking questions.” (As for the “dignity” of the media, either right or left, don’t make me laugh.)

          As for the Time article, I should’ve realized that you’d both be perfectly fine with it. But I’ll tell you what my problem is with this claim that business and labor were “dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted” — it did no such thing.

          I’m not sure if you just don’t realize that the “shadow effort” entailed little “business and labor interests” like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter engaging in censorship, manipulation, and disinformation on a massive scale, or if you think censorship and disinformation are okay.

          Also, changing the electoral process midstream almost everywhere — in defiance of black-letter law — doesn’t exactly scream fairness. It screams of chaos and vulnerability to fraud. In fact, what those “business and labor interests” did was to corrupt one of the few legitimate functions of government authority and irretrievably fuck it up.

          The fact that so-called conservatives joined with leftists in destroying the electoral process to “save” it and basically gaslighted the entire electorate doesn’t make it okay, it makes it WORSE.

          And after this, I’m done. Moving on. I know I’m never going to convince the two of you, but if I’ve done my job right, other people might read and see that there actually are good reasons for being on the “wrong” side of this argument.

    • @Ing Again, you have no evidence of anything of significance occuring. If you did, you would have presented it when asked, and Trump would have presented his arguments in court.

      And even the thing you are claiming would have solved everything doesn’t work when Trump was talking about the election getting stolen long beforehand. That’s the thing. The only way you and your ilk would have accepted the election is if Trump won. The fraud is only ever against Trump, not in his favor.

      I’ve asked several times what evidence could be presented for you to end this nonsense, and no one has answered. That’s because there has only ever been one answer. Trump wins, or the election is illegitimate.

      That is why you aren’t convincing me. It’s not because I can’t be convinced. It’s because you arguments exist to create a result, not show how it is the case. That is, there was election fraud because you say so. Anything that contradicts that is simply trolling or whatever.

      > For somebody who claims to be low on the authoritarian axis, you’re surprisingly accepting of the authorities when they say “shut up and quit asking questions.”

      Sorry, but my version of anti authoritarianism involves, among other things, standing up to those ”power unitary executive” types (e.g. Trump), not pretending there is a conspiracy because my guy lost an election. Of course, you would probably be fine with Trump being as powerful as he wants, including overturning the results of a democratic election based on no evidence. And I would not call that anti authoritarianism.

      > (As for the “dignity” of the media, either right or left, don’t make me laugh.)

      Certainly that is true for the media you watch. After all, they are promoting conspiracy theories without any evidence.

      > As for the Time article, I should’ve realized that you’d both be perfectly fine with it.

      … as long as there is no evidence of impropriety. Do you have any? Of course not. All you have is a conspiracy. That’s the issue you refuse to understand. YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE.

      Why should I believe you over say, this person;

      You are some random commenter on the internet talking about things you have ”seen”. Frankly, I think you have ”seen” too many conspiracy theorists, and lost the plot. That is why you are telling me I am wrong without any evidence to back it up.

      Again, all you have to do is present evidence, but you don’t have any. Yet you keep expecting everyone to buy into what you say without it.

      > engaging in censorship, manipulation, and disinformation on a massive scale, or if you think censorship and disinformation are okay

      You mean, like pretending there is widespread election fraud despite having no evidence?

      You are engaging in the very activity that you are railing against.

      I keep asking for evidence and the best you could do was a article which said the people trying to undermind the election is you, and your cohorts. And given the attempted coup that happened not long after the election, I have to say they have a point.

      > Also, changing the electoral process midstream almost everywhere — in defiance of black-letter law — doesn’t exactly scream fairness.

      Oh yes, because Texas (a heavily republican state) allowing drive in voting during a pandemic is obviously unfair because …. you know. Allowing people to vote out of their cars will …. what are we talking about again? Oh yeah, democrats were more likely to be worried about covid exposure and by doing things that make them feel safer they are more likely to vote, which is obviously unfair to Republicans because they generally wouldn’t have cared either way.

      That clearly is unfair for Republicans. /s

      > other people might read and see that there actually are good reasons for being on the “wrong” side of this argument.

      You are definitely on the wrong side of this, but you yourself have shown that there is no good reason for it other than if you feel like being a sore loser.

      That’s one of the things I can’t stand about too many Republicans. They preach personal responsibility, and the importance of picking yourself up by your own bootstraps, but only when it comes to other people.

      Trump lost. Get over it.

      • You sure are angry about this. I’m not even sure why I’m coming back to answer you, but here goes.

        To clear up some misconceptions: I can’t answer for anybody else, but I’m actually not 100% convinced that Trump lost through fraud. More like 90%, because of the many sketchy things I saw happening — and because the answers to most of the questions about those sketchy things have been nothing more than ad hominem attacks and misdirections, in which the actual fraud-enabling circumstance hasn’t been examined.

        So, because I’m a skeptic and not a conspiracy theorist, here are some things that would prove to me that no corruption was involved in the conduct of this election:

        1. Concerns about ballot integrity and the legality of the way the election was conducted being taken seriously and transparently investigated in September, October, November, and December WHEN IT MATTERED. But no, too late for any of that.

        2. Transparent audits that actually address the issues raised in the sworn affidavits of poll watchers.

        3. Again, too late to let poll watchers do their job…but the Maricopa County audit is better than nothing. Audits in several dozen problem counties are needed.

        4. An independent third-party forensic examination of ALL voting machines and software that were used.

        5. A forensic accounting examination of the nationwide voting numbers.

        Those are some things that, if done systematically, thoroughly, and transparently, could provide real answers that I could accept. Probably everyone would. Which is why we won’t see any of them happening systematically, thoroughly, or transparently.

        • @Ing

          > You sure are angry about this.

          No. I’m afraid you are putting yourself on too high a pedestal.

          Again, you are some random commenter. I am responding because I think this bullshit needs to be challenged, and hopefully fewer people will believe this when you are consistently unable to provide evidence.

          BTW, I saw this article from Time earlier today. It’s well worth a read (not that I expect you to reflect on anything);

          > I’m not even sure why I’m coming back to answer you

          I’m guessing it is because the fact that you have no evidence, and my consistently pointing it out got to you. Thanks to that you decided to try and justify your position by bringing up a bunch of things that I expect you did not ask for when Trump was elected.

          If Trump had won the election would you have demanded the same things? Did you call his original election illegitimate?

          > I’m actually not 100% convinced that Trump lost through fraud. More like 90%, because of the many sketchy things I saw happening

          So despite the fact that you have no evidence of significant fraud, and the fact that you are a rounding error away from being absolutely sure there was massive scale fraud, you don’t think you are a conspiracy theorist.

          > because the answers to most of the questions about those sketchy things have been nothing more than ad hominem attacks and misdirections

          You mean like all of the people here who are calling me a troll, and pretending that I am being corrupted by the left wing media, because I don’t buy into the election being stolen without any evidence whatsoever?

          Maybe you should look in a mirror before casting aspersions.

          > 1. Concerns about ballot integrity and the legality of the way the election was conducted being taken seriously and transparently investigated in September, October, November, and December WHEN IT MATTERED. But no, too late for any of that.

          How convenient. You provide a “solution” that can’t actually be done. Meaning, there is no way to actually convince you, and you can pretend that it isn’t your fault.

          However, there’s an issue with this. Republicans controlled a number of state, and local elections (as well as much of the federal government). Surely if there was significant election fraud they would be able to find evidence of it. Especially considering that Trump was talking about it long before the actual election, and therefore had plenty of time to do exactly what you are asking for.

          The fact that you have zero evidence despite all of that is rather suspicious. Almost like the whole election fraud deal was a pathetic attempt by a sore loser to pretend that he won.

          > 2. Transparent audits that actually address the issues raised in the sworn affidavits of poll watchers.

          You mean like these little snowflakes?;–poll-watcher-affidavits/2020/11/11/4d073d7a-2447-11eb-a688-5298ad5d580a_story.html

          Oh yes, we should definitely spend taxpayer dollars to check the validity of those claims. /s

          Again, it’s so funny how Republicans talk about being “fiscally conservative”, except when it comes to a waste of money that they support. I can almost guarantee that if a Democratic poll watcher had said the same kinds of things you would laugh at them.

          > 3. Again, too late to let poll watchers do their job…but the Maricopa County audit is better than nothing. Audits in several dozen problem counties are needed.

          Got any evidence to back up that assertion?

          Speaking of poll watchers, do they have any evidence of wrongdoing?

          > 4. An independent third-party forensic examination of ALL voting machines and software that were used.

          You mean the machines that were purchased (in part) by the Bush administration in reaction to the “hanging chad” deal, and often don’t have any backup systems?

          Maybe you should have called on Trump to fix these issues. After all, he is apparently so afraid of election fraud.

          It’s so funny how all of this talk about election fraud only seems to exist when is looks like Trump is going to lose, but falls away as soon as he wins.

          > 5. A forensic accounting examination of the nationwide voting numbers.

          This is meaningless. I guess you ran out of steam here.

          > Those are some things that, if done systematically, thoroughly, and transparently, could provide real answers that I could accept.

          “Could” is a funny word. Even in a hypothetical you couldn’t help yourself.

          And of course, with the other words you used (systematically, thoroughly, and transparently) that gives you more excuses to ignore facts that are inconvenient.

        • “I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it.”

        • If you had been following this discussion, you definitely would not say that to me.

          Maybe you should talk to the people who dismiss me as a troll or whatever simply because I don’t believe that the election was stolen based on no evidence. Then of course you can look at yourself, and ask what your posts here actually add to the discussion.

          Relax. There’s no reason to get bent out of shape because people disagree with you.

        • Shaun, you have again placed someone in the position of having to ask themselves whether it is worth their time and effort to even contemplate responding to you. In this discussion you present a masterclass in how to abrogate your own assertions by contravening any pretense of “logic” through your own confutation. It takes someone with the slightest modicum of desideration for continuance to even offer a response, and because it’s in my nature to care… I will.

          How is it not immanently obvious to you that I have been following this entire discussion- go back and read all of my responses and it will become clearly apparent.

          I have no control over other people’s opinions of you, and if you pay attention to how I comport myself here on TTAG- I always strive to function as a mediator between people who seem to have no interest in hearing/considering another’s point of view. I will offer support to those I may not totally agree with when they make rational statements, just as I will confront others who opine unreasonably- even if I mostly agree with their position. For example: I have been asking since last year for anyone to present any kind of objectively confirmable, incontrovertibly conclusive evidence that the election was “stolen”- and no one has been able to deliver. If you research my posts here on TTAG, I think you’ll clearly see (and agree) that I positively add relevance to the discussions I participate in. I could be completely wrong about that, but I haven’t experienced much “calling out” by fellow POTGs- so I have to assume that most people here agree with me (or agree to put up with me). I truly am happy to discuss anything with anybody… but through the engagement of objectivity.

          “Relax. There’s no reason to get bent out of shape because people disagree with you.”

          Did you you realize you were typing out loud the quiet part that your conscience was whispering to you personally…?

        • @Peter Gunn

          > Shaun, you have again placed someone in the position of having to ask themselves whether it is worth their time and effort to even contemplate responding to you.

          I could say the same thing. After all, this is the third comment you have made towards me, and for the third time you refused to discuss the actual topic. Instead, you have continued a discussion that has gone off the rails by focusing your criticisms on a single person in a thread filled with tactless nonsense.

          On top of that, again, you have posted a comment lacking any significant measure of tact, despite complaining about my failings in that regard in your previous post. Glass houses, and all that jazz.

          Let’s make this clear, I make mistakes the same as anyone else. I did make mistakes in how I wrote above things. However, it takes two to tango. Not only did certain people here decide to start fights with me, but no one here acted with any significant level of tact, and that includes you. The thing is, I understand what I did. You have not shown any level of recognition for your own actions, nor of the actions of anyone else.

          > How is it not immanently obvious to you that I have been following this entire discussion- go back and read all of my responses and it will become clearly apparent.

          You know, using all of those $5 words, combined with this just makes you look foolish.

          From me; “If you had been following this discussion, you definitely would not say that to me.” & “Maybe you should talk to the people who dismiss me as a troll or whatever simply because I don’t believe that the election was stolen based on no evidence.”

          Isn’t it rather curious that instead of going after those people (or everyone, if you wanted to actually be a mediator), you decided to pile on. And not in a useful way either. Posting (in effect) a meme, long after the discussion has gone to hell, is not going to convince anyone, nor accomplish anything other than continuing the conversation, just in a different direction.

          > I have no control over other people’s opinions of you

          I didn’t say you did. However, you decided to criticize my lack of “tact”, and ignored everyone else.

          > I always strive to function as a mediator between people who seem to have no interest in hearing/considering another’s point of view.

          Doing a great job here. /s

          Maybe you should have done something before I lost my patience, and when people were actually paying attention to this thread, and not days later.

          > If you research my posts here on TTAG, I think you’ll clearly see (and agree) that I positively add relevance to the discussions I participate in.

          From me; “ask what your posts **here** actually add to the discussion.”

          My comment has nothing to do with any other discussion but this one.

          How does your “meme” add to this discussion? How does you talking about all of this add to the discussion? Also, how does any of this work towards you being a “mediator”?

          > I have been asking since last year for anyone to present any kind of objectively confirmable, incontrovertibly conclusive evidence that the election was “stolen”- and no one has been able to deliver.

          I somehow doubt that. From you, to a person who provided zero evidence of any significant fraud; “Kudos for a substantive, principled response.”

          And it’s not like you have presented any reason for my response to them to be wrong, other than “lighten up” (a rather dismissive statement, which even you should be willing to acknowledge). And the person you were talking to in that statement claimed; “you just accept what the corrupt, lying leftist press tells you”.

          > Did you you realize you were typing out loud the quiet part that your conscience was whispering to you personally…?

          I guess “irony” is beyond you.

          You decided to tell me what my emotional state was, so I sent it back at you. And now, in a great example of how terrible a “mediator” you are, you sent it back to me, without even the slightest bit of reflection. On top of that, you really aren’t calming this situation down with tactless statements like this.


          You want to “mediate”? You don’t do that by jumping on one side of an argument, and throwing a few punches of your own. You do it by understanding what the issue is, and trying to find a middle ground that people can coexist in, even while disagreeing. All you have done is add to the chaos, and in a way that comes off as rather arrogant.

          I will fully admit to losing my patience. However, the same could also be said for the others. Instead of trying to calm everything down, you decided to pick a side, and pile on. That is on you.

        • “Well, I ain’t often right
          but I’ve never been wrong
          It seldom turns out the way
          it does in the song
          Once in a while
          you get shown the light
          in the strangest of places
          if you look at it right”

          Everything connects in the big picture-
          it’s simply a matter of perspective…

  20. One can’t publicly commit federal crimes, brag on Facebook and Instagram about their crimes, and not expect official repercussions.

    Many Are Getting Arrested… MAGA!

    • Or expect the febbies to illegally use chicom facial recognition toys and the gov “REAL ID” drivers license database to ID/locate their targets.

      How many FBI/DOJ employees and operatives were on the Capital grounds Jan6? And specifically what were they doing (inciting)? THAT is what I want to know.

      • “febbies to illegally use chicom facial recognition toys“

        Evidence to support your claim?

        • The National Capital Region Facial Recognition Investigative Leads System (NCRFRILS) is ending after a review prompted by a new Virginia law that tightens restrictions on the use of facial recognition technology by local law enforcement agencies in the state. The law takes effect July 1.

          The system is a pilot program of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) and was used by more than a dozen law enforcement agencies across D.C., Maryland and Virginia since it was approved in 2017.

      • THAT is what I want to know.

        Unfortunately THOSE are the questions that the Piglosi Commission will NOT ask…

        • Yes, your Chinese facial recognition comment is bullshit, misdirection as most of your posts.

          From your post to support your client:

          “a new Virginia law that tightens restrictions on the use of facial recognition technology by local law enforcement agencies in the state. The law takes effect July 1”

          Number one, there is no mention of China or any foreign actor in the production of the software, that was your lie number one.

          And the best part, it was the democratic controlled state legislature and Democratic governor who passed and signed the bill into law prohibiting law-enforcement agencies from using the facial recognition software.

          So now you are forced to admit that the Democrats are the ones working to protect your privacy and prevent law-enforcement agencies from taking your rights, how ironic.

        • Okay, let’s try this again to see if any of it can possibly get past that brick wall you call a skull… (First of all I NEVER said it was Chinese, so fuk you and YOUR lying bullshit)… Now…
          Protesters applaud during a rally against racial inequality in the aftermath of the death in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, U.S., June 10, 2020. REUTERS/Erin Scott
          Erin Scott / reuters
          Last fall, we learned that WASHINGTON D.C. POLICE USED a PREVIOUSLY-UNDISCLOSED FACIAL RECOGNITION SYSTEM to identify a protester who allegedly punched a PARK POLICE officer DURING the June 2020 LAFAYETTE PARK RIOTS. Privacy advocates will be happy to know that THE SYSTEM, which WAS USED BY 14 FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES, is being shut down soon. AS REPORTED BY THE WASHINGTON POST, A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments described the National Capital Region Facial Recognition Investigative Leads System (NCRFRILS) as a pilot program that won’t continue as it “depended on regional participation..
          and financial support.”
          The NCRFRILS came under scrutiny after the Post reported on its use in identifying the Lafayette Square protester, both because it was in use for years WITHOUT being publicly announced as well as the widely-covered biases and failures of facial recognition systems.
          The ONLY reason they shut it down in DC was because it needed support from Virginia and Virginia funds were no longer available… The National Capital Region Facial Recognition Investigative Leads System (NCRFRILS) has been used more than 12,000 times since 2019 and has a database with 1.4 million people… SIX FEDERAL AGENCIES used facial recognition software to ID George Floyd protesters… This system was actually developed by NEC Corp., a JAPANESE company that has its North American headquarters in Irving. (I never said it was Chinese I merely pointed out it’s existence and I believe Lafayette Park is in Washington DC, NOT VA.) Spin it however you want, disparage me however you NEED to make yourself feel better, I didn’t make that shit up it is available for anyone with an IQ above room temperature to find… You might even be able to find it on your own….

  21. These white democrats remind me of the white democrats who were against civil rights protesters in the 1950s. They also called people using their 1st amendment rights domestic terrorists/agitators.

    And there should be pro 2A flyers glued to Nikki Fried office building. People in Flordia really need to go “guerrilla” on these tyrants. Start with Carol Bowne from NJ image on them. Just use rubber gloves when you do it.

    VIDEO: ‘Broward Coward – Stood Down’ Posters Plastered on Broward County Sheriff’s Offices

  22. All the Democrats are trying to do is turn this into a reichstag fire event so they can foist more tyranny upon us!

  23. I’m off my Prozac again and my shrink is going to try Lithium and Latuda.
    My free healthcare means all you are going to pay for it like my Prozac.
    I’ll have to shoplift a can of spray-paint to huff, my welfare card is tapped until the 15th.
    Why am I telling you all of this? Because my Rexulti got taken away by my parents.
    I had compulsive urges to do things like troll a gun website.
    I would hate for you to have my address and find out I’m also a cross dresser.
    Trump took away my free healthcare but Joe Biden made sure I got it back.
    I hate Trump and am going to write Joe another letter, he’s my hero.

    • “Lithium and Latuda”

      Fake Miner, you sure do seem to have an easy familiarity with psychotropic pharmaceuticals, I trust we can rely on your superior wisdom regarding mental illness. treatment.

      • I’m your psychiatrist, don’t you remember what you told the hand puppet?
        This behavior is bad and you are losing your grip on reality.
        You promised Freddie the puppet you would stop.
        I implore you give the Lithium and Latuda some time and stay away from the internet.
        The 5150 holds are getting a bit excessive.
        Thirty four 72 hour holds in the last year?
        I thought you were on the verge of a break thru but you are chemically imbalanced.
        Be a good boy and take your meds please.

  24. Pretty sure FL law requires her to do this.
    Not that she’s not giddy about doing so.

      • That’s a very good question.
        How did some higher then a kite, non important woman get such a list?
        Perhaps Pelosi sent it to pot cultivating boyfriend.
        It make you wonder about the Florida elections.
        Could the fix already be in?
        Look at the picture of her, she’s baked.
        There were A LOT of FBI there, they fueled the whole thing.

        • “There were A LOT of FBI there, they fueled the whole thing.”

          We all would be interested in seeing what evidence you have to support your claim, thanks!

    • Pretty sure FL law requires her to do this

      ONCE and IF they are CONVICTED of a “prohibiting” felony… She’s a bit premature and hopefully these people will take her to court and make as much noise as they possibly can… NOT a good look fot wanna-be next Governor of FL.


    • “LOCK EM UP THROW AWAY THE KEY .” Which is what North Korea does to any of their citizens who make the mistake of thinking they have rights…what a coincidence.

      • It’s just Minor49er, he’s having a hard time adjusting to his new psych meds.
        Minor, you are typing in all CAPS, adjust your dose.
        Would TTAG please call his parents? He’s having some sort of meltdown.


      Actually, they were exercising their FIRST Amendment rights under the CONSTITUTION and some of them just ADDED A LITTLE BLM/ANTIFA TWIST TO THEIR “MOSTLY PEACEFUL” DEMONSTRATION…. In fact several members of THOSE organizations(?) have been arrested and charged for their activities at the Capitol on Jan 6…

    • Okay: Pearl Harbor, 9-11, the American Civil War, the Johnstown PA flood, the Hindenburg, Jonestown, the Chicago Fire, the San Francisco Earthquake, two World Wars, Chernobyl, the Plague, the Spanish Flu and on and on, horrible disasters, millions of deaths, hundreds of billions (trillions?) in destruction and now we must elevate Jan 6 2020 to the level of historical relevance with those World changing events?…. Cool….

      • No, the fact that it was a planned failed insurrection is the difference, American citizens who consider themselves ‘Patriots’ made the decision to violate the Constitution by attacking a joint session of Congress deliberating our federal presidential election under the rules mandated by the constitution.

        If one is indeed supporting and defending the Constitution, that actually means supporting and defending the constitutional process of government as mandated in the document.

  26. The 2018 election in which she ‘won’ the election was a dry run for 2020. Her opponent went to bed at midnight 50,000 votes ahead and woke up in the morning and lost. The second race was the black gay boy running against DeSantis who has a serious drug problem. Gillum was supposed to win but they lost count and f’ed up the fix.

  27. May she get SUED into POVERTY and OUT of office for NOT operating out of DUE PROCESS . . . which is HIGHLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL. NOW you know why DEMOCRATS should NEVER be in OFFICE – EVER! One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

  28. “They had a legitimate grievance that nobody was listening to — several states made arbitrary and partisan changes to their election processes, in violation of the Constitution’s requirement that state legislatures set the rules, and it looked like there had been massive fraud“

    Trump and his representatives had sued toin multiple jurisdictions over 60 lawsuits but failed to prevail by providing credible evidence or testimony to support their claims.

    They were granted the right to petition the government and failed miserably.

    Constitutional due process does not include advocating and executing an insurrection attack on the United States Capitol during a joint session of Congress executing a constitutionally mandated election certification.

    The word for that is ‘treason’.

    • The word for that is ‘treason’.

      Yet Ironically that WORD does not appear in ANY list of charges on ANY of hundreds of arrest warrants issued so far… Nor does Insurrection, Coup, Murder or any of the other most serious crimes the Left is claiming to have occurred… “She cal-SOB-call-SOB-called me-SOB-me a name-SOB, BooooHooooHooooo… Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa….. Fukkin WHIMP….

      • So you are crying and whining because I used the word treason?

        And as the investigations progress, I imagine that not only will the charges be upgraded as the evidence is accumulated, but there will be more individuals charged.

        You’ve watched enough crime shows, you know how this works. You start with a small fish, then like most smalltime hoods, these insurrectionists will roll over like little puppies in order to try to avoid real prison time.

        I’m very proud of the convictions of trumps minions that have already been successful, Manafort, Flynn, stone, Gates, Cohen, Nadler, etc.

        And that George Nadler pal of Trump and the Republican leadership, he’s a pedophile and there is solid evidence to prove the charges.

        You conservative Republicans sure have some strange bed fellows…

        • You conservative Republicans sure have some strange bed fellows…

          You REALLY want go there with Jeffreys little black book floating around out there… No one from Jan 6 will face any charges more serious than anything that has already been charged, they’ve had seven months to review the thousands of hours of video evidence… (Manafort, Flynn, stone, Gates, Cohen, Nadler) None of those “convictions” had anything to do with any actions on Trumps part…

          You’ve watched enough crime shows, you know how this works….
          Actually I have not, If you get your legal information from TV shows perhaps you might want to rethink that position…

  29. How does any government official that is in charge of “agriculture ” even have a say on who gets to ccw and not.
    I call bullshit. She has no authority. And if she does,then this is the prime problem with america. No one from an agriculture department should ever have authority over citizens rights.

  30. Honestly, I’ve seen Tailgate Parties more violent than Jan. 6th.
    Desecrated the Capitol? Pretty hard to do when it’s been desecrated every day by the Scheiße in our government. The Senile SOB in the Oval office has been desecration the Capitol for nearly 50 years.

    Just like the alleged attempt to kidnap Brünhilde Whitmer, the real truth is the Democrat’s planned and staged this and duped a bunch of Right Wing Hotheads into participating. Whatever happened to thhe Langley produced Pipe Bombs the FBI planted?

    Our government is broken. All three branches.
    I no longer believe it can be repaired from within.
    For 233 years, we had a Republic. Unfortunately we couldn’t keep it.

    • No violence, nothing but tourists?

      “A Virginia police officer who was fired after storming the US Capitol was jailed Wednesday by a federal judge because he ordered a large stockpile of guns and ammunition after his January arrest, and posted online in support of future political violence.

      Thomas Robertson, a retired Army Reservist who later worked for the Rocky Mount Police Department, was one of the first rioters charged by the Justice Department.

      He was released in January but re-arrested last month after investigators said they found a rifle and bomb-making material in his home, and also learned that he recently bought another 37 guns on the Internet. The decision from Judge Christopher Cooper means Robertson will stay behind bars until his case is resolved, which could take months or even drag into 2022.“

      • Again Miner you are doing a lot of tarring with that brush in trying to make an isolated event done by one individual as the norm.

        Have you applied for the role of Chipman’s lackey yet?

        • Ingrid, I thought you were more intelligent and more capable of understanding the printed word.

          He violated the terms of his bond while under felony indictment, so the judge threw him back in the pokey.

          Honestly, given your ignorance of the United States’ judicial system, I’m wondering exactly what your nationality is…

        • I’m not actually following the show trials in any detail.

          When it comes to the words you choose to print, I just assume it’s all misleading crap…and it almost always holds true.

        • Your reading comprehension skills are really poor, were you home schooled?

          It’s not about the 37 guns, it’s about the fact that he was under felony indictment and had been released on bond with condition set by the judge that he subsequently violated.

  31. A 🖕💩👜🐀🐖🦨 Democrap rearing it’s ugly head, trying to gain the lemming limelight! Follow at your own risk! Hope they sue the livingshit out of her!

  32. A reminder that Fried only “won” by a handful of fraudulent votes because Rick Scott didn’t care about voter fraud till it threatened him personally. We would have gotten a guy who was resolutely anti-NFA if not for Skeletor’s failure.

    • “Fried only “won” by a handful of fraudulent votes”

      So now you made the claim, put your money where your mouth is and provide evidence to support your assertion.

      Otherwise it’s just Mumbly BS from some random right wing extremist.

  33. Insurrection?? You say that like it is a bad thing. Our Founding Fathers would take exception with that view. Our Founding Fathers would already have been finished shooting a second time for what the Libturd/Socialists/Elitists have and are planning to do to the America we were bestowed with.

    In Thomas Jefferson’s letter of 1787 to William Stephens Smith, the son-in-law of John Adams, postulates on the newly drafted Constitution and what it will mean. One of his statements succinctly deals with our situation today, and I quote: “What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.!” Our Founding Fathers dealt with a plethora of issues, and provided guidance accordingly; hoping it would never come to this! But, here we are……with a parched Tree of Liberty, and our Founding Fathers shaking their heads, rolling their eyes, and spinning in their graves for what we have relinquished of what they put all on the line to hand down to us. Wimps Are Us……

  34. How did this happen? I am referring of course to this twat getting elected. Florida peeps need to start paying attention.

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