Florida House Shuts Down Move To Ban Black Rifles

Student survivors of last week’s school massacre learned first-hand how emotions don’t always trump logic and science yesterday in the Florida House. As the students stood in the gallery, Sunshine State legislators there showed little sign of allowing emotional teenagers to sway them into banning guns and standard capacity magazines. The lopsided 36-71 vote against the ban leaves the legislation dead for now. From the UK Independent:

Florida state lawmakers have rejected a bill that would ban [police patrol type] rifles, less than a week after 17 people were killed in a shooting at a Florida high school.

The Florida House voted 36-71 against a motion to consider legislation to outlaw  [police patrol type] rifles and [standard] capacity magazines, effectively killing the bill for the time-being, according to the Associated Press.

The vote came as members of Congress, state legislators, governors and student survivors of the Parkland shooting called for tougher gun control laws.

…Students from the high school had travelled to the State House in Tallahassee to watch the vote. They looked on from the gallery as their lawmakers voted against considering the bill, according to Local10 News.

However, today marks another day as these same Soros-linked organizers attempt to use those same survivors to coax the Florida Senate for a vote to ban guns.

That’s right: gun control proponents are busing these students 400 miles to the Florida capitol building, shamelessly using these young people as pawns to advance racist, sexist and classist gun control measures.

Unfortunately, Florida senators withdrew a bill to allow trained volunteers or school staff to carry concealed firearms in schools.  From WTSP:

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – A bill that would arm trained volunteers or school employees inside the state’s public schools has been withdrawn from consideration by a Senate committee.

Sen. Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, authored SB 1236 in Dec. Before Wednesday’s shooting that left 17 people dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, the proposal had not been scheduled for consideration by any of the three committees to which it had been assigned.

The bill, which would have allowed a principal to designate someone to carry firearms on public school campuses, was scheduled to be heard Tuesday but was pulled late Friday night.

Sen. Greg Steube, the committee chairman, issued the decision after several top senators said they were opposed to considering the bill.

…”More guns is not the solution to gun violence,” said Jan Neuberger, a member of the Moms Demand Action St. Petersburg chapter.

Like most nations, we defend political leaders, celebrities and other VIPs with guns. In addition, we defend sporting events, government buildings, stores, utility plants, and courts with firearms. Furthermore, we even protect valuables such as cash and jewelry with guards with guns.

But Moms Demand Action and other gun control groups don’t think we should protect our most precious and vulnerable members of our society with guns. What’s wrong with protecting our precious children with guns?


  1. ” Moms Demand Action and other gun control groups don’t think we should protect our most precious and vulnerable members of our society with guns. What’s wrong with protecting our precious children with guns?”

    You can’t wave bloody shirts after a school shooting that was stopped by an armed defender.

    These ghouls salivate over the next shooting, and the next. They have no intention of preventing murder, just exploiting it for their own disarmament goals.

    • “You can’t wave bloody shirts after a school shooting that was stopped by an armed defender.”

      Hammer, meet nail.
      You have it exactly right. The left has demonstrated time and again that they don’t want solutions, they want restrictions. And they will continue to avoid solutions until they get their restrictions.

      • Its not all that crazy when kids declined to appear on CNN when they realized they wouldn’t be able to ask their own questions but had to ask scripted questions.

        Its counterfeit news.

    • They are wrong and being used but the students are not actors. Cut the crap with the infowars insanity talk.

      • I’m in total agreement. Do not lower yourself (and more importantly the gun community) by repeating idiotic claims of conspiracy. Tune off the media snake oil salesman and apply some critical thinking. It will do us all some good.

        • Agreed. Promoting theories of false flag shootings will only hurt our cause. They will hold up these instances, equating them with all 2A supporters & pointing out how crazy we all are, using it to gain support for our disarmament. You’re welcome to believe such things, but please keep it to yourself unless you have some undeniable proof (there is none). Otherwise it’s just a hindrance. We’re supposed to be the reasonable ones.

      • Yes, they are being used for propaganda purposes, they are being bussed in (financed by Soros etc) and are being given lines to read and questions to ask. So, they’re not necessarily actors but they are acting.

        Students with differing viewpoints are not being given airtime. Anyone inquiring about the psych med situation, or the ineptitude of the authorities is not given airtime.

        Both of the above show me that there is an agenda being peddled, not a solution being sought.

        • If they are repeating lines prepared by other people then they are actors. A soldier in a war movie is still an actor reading from a script even if he draws his motivation from his experiences.

    • Funny you say that and a little off topic but anyone notice the left trying to use “snowflake” against conservatives? I’m seeing it a lot. It’s sounds freaking ridiculous. It’s like a little sibling turning around and trying to use the same insult an older brother used of them without really understranding it.

  2. “What’s wrong with protecting our precious children with guns?”

    They want the other solution. The one that their masters pay them to promote. The one that is leftist orthodoxy and subverts the individual in order to empower the state. The one that sublimates the regular man but leaves the bodyguard-laden, private enclave-dwelling elite unencumbered. Take the weapons from the rabble, leave the upper crust folks alone. Ted Kennedy was a gun control champion. His bodyguard was busted with 2 submachine guns and 146 rounds of ammo (good thing he didn’t fall into a pond, he’d have gone straight to the bottom).


  3. JB-

    You left the punchline off the “we defend” list:

    And when there’s an issue/incident, we call people with guns to respond.

  4. This made a crap day into a bearable one. Also I kinda like the phrase “patrol type rifle.” If the police use them to protect us, then clearly they make sense for protecting yourself.

    • If the police use them to protect us, then clearly they make sense for protecting yourself.

      Yep, that’s Massad Ayoob’s argument.

      • Agreed. Private citizens need the same weapons police carry. Both have to deal with the same violent criminals. With the police, it’s because they go after the criminals. With private citizens, it’s because the criminals go after them.

        • Absolutely. The same criminals that police apprehend attack regular civilians. They are not different criminals.

          By the way, the Parkland killer killed the same number of people as the UT Austin shooter, 50 years ago and without an AR.

  5. “What’s wrong with protecting our precious children with guns?”

    It shows the utility of guns. As you know, we have the philosophical and legal high ground. We also have the backing of science, if one is to validate the social sciences with such a label. They have the common sense (intuitive, but unreasoning views of a situation) solutions, the media, and a lot of knee jerk support.

    If people are convinced on an innate level that guns don’t cause any higher degree of danger than most everyday items and do prevent violence, then we win.

    That’s what’s wrong with defending children as well as politicians and celebrities.

    • “They have the common sense emotional (intuitive, but unreasoning views of a situation) solutions, the media, and a lot of knee jerk support.”


      • Common sense is correct. Common sense is not rational. It’s a gut level (often emotional) response to a situation.

        As I said the other day, “[c]ommon sense is just what the average person would believe without thinking or examining an issue. Using common sense solutions to societal problems before rigorously examining them is a bad idea. Common sense solutions are only appropriate when the costs of being wrong are lower than the costs of searching for the truth of the situation. This is never the case with policy. It’s usually fine when assuming the larger container of peanut butter is cheaper per ounce than the smaller one.”

        It then devolved into Monty Python references. I count that as a win.

        • I generally go by the dictionary definition of words and phrases. “common sense” is defined as “good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.”

          As for Monty Python references, that’s always a win.

          • I won’t fault a man for using a dictionary definition, but there are many different definitions and “[a]ll these meanings of “common sense”, including the everyday ones, are inter-connected in a complex history and have evolved during important political and philosophical debates in modern Western civilisation, notably concerning science, politics and economics.” – wikipedia common sense article.

    • It sure is, at the NATIONAL level. I hope some of y’all are watching this conversation Trump is having with survivors right now. Because he’s going to openly push, and get, an assault weapons ban.

      • What makes you think that? Trump is not going to push for any assault weapons ban. That would be a blatant betrayal of the NRA and his supporters and he’d give up a second term right there.

      • “Because he’s going to openly push, and get, an assault weapons ban.”

        The former is unlikely, the latter absurd. Any AWB proposal will be DOA.

  6. “.. that would ban [police patrol type] rifles, ”


    Police Patrol type?

    Have they finally given up on the whole Assault Riffle thing?

    Or did someone point out to them in such a way that they listed and that saying the AR-15 is only good for killing lots of people made the police look bad for having them?

    • A quote with language bracketed off means that the person quoting is inserting their own text. This is usually done to make the quote clearer. Mr. Boch is doing it to make a point.

  7. Prog logic: Don’t tell women what to do with their bodies, We want abortion rights up to and including late term. America aborts millions of LIVING BABY’S every year.
    Prog logic with the children they decided to Not murder in the womb. Ban assault rifles for the children, Not one more life. Oh boo hoo-hoo where were your crocodile tears when the doctor was sucking the brains out and crushing the skull of your Living baby at
    UN-planned parenthood! because it was cool to be promiscuous and a baby would be too inconvenient and interrupt your Liberal arts indoctrination class

    • I try to not mention that too much since this is a gun website, but yes, I have trouble being sympathetic to those who (irrationally) want disarmament in response to 10k-15k gun related homicides per year but ignore the 600k-800k non-gun related homicides (if my numbers are up to date).
      I realize this is politically a mixed forum where some here may tell me that the ~700k are not actual homicides, but until I can be convinced that they aren’t people, that they aren’t dying, or that it’s not premeditated, I’m going to have to continue calling it murder. Nothing I have read so far has provided said arguments to my satisfaction. This reply is for consideration by those who agree with me. If you disagree, perhaps provide links so as to not fill the thread with OT material. Thanks.

      • Yeah, abortion literally sucks, but look at the reduction of welfare recipients, criminals, and Liberal voters. Sort of surprising that the Dummycraps are so pro-abortion.

        • “Yeah, abortion literally sucks, but look at the reduction of welfare recipients, criminals, and Liberal voters.”

          You, sir, are awesome.

    • As far as murder abortion style goes, they always say that ” it’s my body ” and ignore the fact that they are not aborting their body but another human bod y, not their own. You made a good point.

  8. This proves we can stop anti-gun legislation but it’s almost impossible to stop a bureaucratic agency acting unilaterally in direct opposition to the Constitution, especially endorsed by a so-called Republican president. The NRA’s (and now Trump’s) 12-dimensional Russian Roulette is going to backfire and cost us much more than just bumpstocks…

  9. Kid’s learned an important adult lesson – emotional outbursts, crying, etc., don’t always work to get your way in the real world. Did they get a participation prize, just for showing up?

  10. Moms Demand Slavery is all about children dying so they can disarm the populace. That has always been the end game.

  11. This is all well and good.

    But we either get rid of schools being gun free zones or we expect more of these killings. There are way to many good people willing to step up with their own guns to defend our kids and schools to allow that resource to go to waste.

    It’s time for the crazy russian Serges helicopter rides to start. Any pol or pundit that opposes protecting our kids with guns needs a ride.

  12. ”More guns is not the solution to gun violence,” said Jan Neuberger, a member of the Moms Demand Action St. Petersburg chapter.

    So she believes the police shouldn’t be involved in stopping mass shooters because they might use firearms? Good to know.

    • Here, Let me translate the ignorant, backwards, liberal double speak…….
      ”More guns is not the solution to gun violence,” Translation:
      Take ALL firearms out of the hands of citizens, cut em, crush em, and melt them down. ONLY POLICE CAN HAVE FIREARMS.
      you’re Welcome.

    • Wrong. They saw their friends slaughtered like animals. And then they saw a bunch of politicians essentially tell them that their lives don’t matter. The GOP just made thousands of enemies for life, enemies who will be able to vote in the next election. Crowing over short term victories is dangerous. Just ask the Democrats how that worked out for them.

      • So what you think they should’ve voted in favor of the bill!?!? And then what? Just live with it? Go fuck yourself.

      • Apparently you didn’t pay attention to the last election dumbass. I stand by the original post. Good luck passing gun control. No sane person wants it once the emotion of the event has played out. Now, go back to Salon or Mother Jones where you belong troll.

      • “VerendusAudeo says:
        February 21, 2018 at 18:09
        Wrong. They saw their friends slaughtered like animals. And then they saw a bunch of politicians essentially tell them that their lives don’t matter.”

        An ignorant and idiotic interpretation of 2A advocacy.

        “The GOP just made thousands of enemies for life, enemies who will be able to vote in the next election. Crowing over short term victories is dangerous. Just ask the Democrats how that worked out for them.”

        Asinine. Gun control is a massive electoral loser at the federal level. The momentum at the state level is overwhelmingly for gun rights, and that momentum is increasing.

        At the fed, state, and judiciary venues, the movement to properly honor the 2A over the purely emotionally based and deeply ignorant gun control freak policy preferences of the leftists is becoming ascendant.

  13. Mom’s Demand Action don’t want armed gaurds in school because they think wishful thinking would protect children. The problem with MDA is that it is an organization of women; and, gosh, how should I put this gently…. women as a class don’t know shit about protecting society because it has been men as a class who’s been shouldering that burden. Is anybody surprised that “just so” wishful thinking about removing guns =(!) less gun violence? They are a few millenia too late to come in now, and lecture us about how to keep watch.

  14. But Moms Demand Action and other gun control groups don’t think we should protect our most precious and vulnerable members of our society with guns. What’s wrong with protecting our precious children with guns?
    Without special snowflake victims, the Liberals cannot advance their gun control program leading to a further agenda for A New World Order. The Liberals love the kiddies getting killed; this is why they fanatically resist hardening schools and arming faculty.
    Wow! Universal Background Checks and stricter gun control legislation for gun owners are really going to solve the problem. School security is crap and all the mentally deranged individuals know they are easy targets.

  15. Well done, Mr. Boch! I needed some good news. Less worried about Trump than these idiots running Illinois.

  16. This is the kind of welcome news that makes me happy. Logic and reason is always greater than out of control emotions and tantrums.

  17. “most precious and vulnerable members of our society” – WTF? Do you remember school and or have you seen any of those toilet lickers lately?

  18. ”More guns is not the solution to gun violence,” said Jan Neuberger, a member of the Moms Demand Action St. Petersburg chapter.

    They’re not my kids, Jan. Probably not yours, either, since you clearly don’t give a rat’s hat about any of them. So let them die, then, and bury them on your political dung pile.

  19. I’ve come to realize since last election that at least 50% of our population is … dumb. Well I already knew that, but not the depths of stupidity I see today. I’m talking about the stupendous and awe-inducing level of dumb achieved by anti-guntards. People with no concept of history, logic, and common sense. Now, I can wrap my brain around and tolerate willful ignorance but not the flagrant and increasing attempts to endanger law abiding citizens and their children by passing moronic legislation.

    This realization puts me, a firearm carrying responsible law abiding citizen, in a precarious position:

    If/when I find myself in a position to save some sheeple, there’s over a 50/50 chance I could unknowingly be putting myself in harm’s way for one or more of these stupid people.

    Doesn’t seem like good odds nor worth the risk. I mean the best outcome is you save their life and they continue to put me in danger and breed more tards.

    Makes more sense to let them Darwin themselves out.

    • “..I’ve come to realize since last election that at least 50% of our population is … dumb.”

      To quote the late, great George Carlin….

      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.’

      {link contains gratuitous swearing, but being a link to a Geroge Carlin skit that should be self-evident}

  20. I think staff access to secured firearms (locked in a biometric safe in the classroom/office/etc) is a more pragmatic alternative to teacher-carry.

    not because i’m worried about a teacher getting jumped and losing control of their firearm, more because i figure it’d just be a matter of time before one leaves it in the bathroom stall and then god help us all.

  21. 110 people shot and 24 of them killed this month in Chicago so far. Almost none of them with rifles. Where is the outrage? Where are the national news crews? What should we ban to prevent that carnage?

    • How many of them were not engaged in a crime when shot or were not a member of a criminal enterprise? Also, were they bunch of photogenic white kids? For those who want to misread that, my point is that the liberal anti-gun media is racist.

  22. I applaud this article’s usage of “[police patrol type] rifles” Whenever anyone uses the term “military assault style rifle”, I cringe and then point out what they really mean is police patrol rifles, a much more fitting term, as they are not select fire (the very definition of what makes assault weapons assault weapons). I don’t think most people are even aware that cops carry AR-15s in their squad cars.

  23. Those students will soon be old enough to vote and those students right now all have panicked parents as well they should be. Guess who is all going to vote for gun ban and gun confiscation laws and guess which party is soon going to be swept into office because of mass shootings, the new tax rape law and the Republican weakening of health care coverage in the U.S. to fatten the pocketbooks of the drug rape and insurance rape companies.. Its a no brainer. If you were a parent with no adequate health coverage for your family, and bullets flying weekly at your kids that rivaled a Middle East war zone who would you vote for and would you even give a damn about the Second Amendment when only 37 per cent of the people even own guns anymore. Again its a no brainer and the conclusion is already foreordained.

    For those who invested big bucks in semi-auto pistols and rifles and high capacity magazines you are going to take a huge financial hit when they require you to throw them out into the streets under the smiling faces of jack booted black shirted storm troopers as they supervise front end loaders to scoop them up and take them to the nearest smelter to be melted down into ingots of raw steel and melted plastic.

    You had better learn some German fast like . Rouse! Rouse! Hände hoch! ; meldet
    euch! Schnell! Schnell!! Contact Herr Drumpf his old man was from Germany.

  24. If the current thinking by the left which is putting up signs declaring that our schools are “Gun Free Zones” is such a wonderful idea, I suggest then that all left leaning politicians and media personalities have their security protection give up their firearms and instead carry signs declaring that the immediate area around them is a “Gun Free Zone”. That should work great!

  25. The problem is that elections are won and lost by independent voters. Pretty obvious that moderates are tired of hearing about mass shootings, they don’t really know much about firearms and semi auto rifles and pistols are used in many of them. When they get to the point that they are willing to try anything, they will start to vote 2A supporters out of office. If gun owners and our organizations are seen as uncompromising, we will eventually see another useless “assault weapons” ban. I think the NRA and GOA have missed some opportunities to start some of these dialogues in the periods between some of these shootings. Immediately after, people are stressed, tempers flare and the good old NRA demons are in everyone’s cross hairs. I find it curious that not one person protested outside an FBI building. They really screwed the pooch on this one but the NRA gets all of the blame.

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