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As we speak, I’m on my way to Texas where Tyler Kee will be meeting me and teaching me to hunt for the first time. I’m feeling a strange mix of emotions — anxiety about whether my guns will still be zeroed when they come off the plane, a touch of trepidation about whether the baggage handlers will steal them before I even get to Texas, nervousness about being able to hit my target and even some tinges of preemptive remorse for possibly taking the life of another living creature. But above all, there is a thick layer of excitement. This is something I’ve always wanted to do, and as someone on Twitter mentioned “…learning to hunt on a ranch in Texas is pretty much the same as learning to golf at Augusta National.” Stay tuned because this is going to be an interesting weekend.

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  1. I bet in a couple of days you will figure why that Leupold scope had an illuminated reticle on it. Good hunting and I hope Tyler makes you skin and field dress the kill. It is always pretty funny to watch a newbies face when hang a deer from a tree and pull the skin off with a truck. Just don’t drink the blood, this isn’t Red Dawn and Lyme Disease is nothing to screw with.

  2. The weather forecast this weekend is cold and wet. Couldn’t ask for a better weekend to bring a new member to the fraternity.

  3. I used to enjoy hunting, but I hated the butchering. It always seemed kinda counterintuitive to me that the end of a successful hunt was a big steaming pile of guts but the end of an unsuccessful hunt was a double cognac by the fire. I figured that by not hunting, I could avoid the whole gut pile experience, so I quit hunting and took up recreational drinking instead.

    However, to those who enjoy deer hunting or who, like Foghorn, want to try it for the first time, I say go for it, but go with someone who’s a better shooter than you are. The only thing better than venison on your table is not having to work for it.

  4. As Mr. Spock said “you may find that having is not the same thing as wanting”, but I hope not. Good hunting!

  5. Loved hunting in TX when I was stationed there. You should have a grand time. Hope you put meat in the freezer.

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