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Okay, faithful readers. We have a presence on Facebook. Now the question is, what do we do with it?

We here at the TTAG International Brain Trust HQ are loathe to do anything that would dilute TTAG proper. And we really hate the idea of forcing you to go somewhere else (anywhere else!) to get the entire picture on, well, the truth about guns. So we’re soliciting your thoughts.

So far, we’ve posted some photos and video footage that was left on the cutting room floor, as it were – stuff that didn’t make it into our posts for reasons of length, et cetera. But we have a sneaking suspicion that this will not be enough to ramp up the FB thang on it’s own.

Ideally, we’d like to see Facebook funnel more new readers into TTAG, just as Twitter has done for us. So if you have any thoughts along those lines, we’d like to hear ’em.

And in the meantime, if you’ve not “Liked” our FB page, please do so. Like everything else online, it’s a numbers game, and we’d like to see some big numbers out there. As would our advertisers. I guess.

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  1. Use the FB page to post teasers and additional pics that direct people here. This should be the main focus. Don’t detract from the main sight with distractions at FB.

    • This is exactly it. Just by linking the articles I write in my FB profile I’ve got many friends and members of my family to start reading simply because when they click it takes them straight to TTAG.

    • +1. Please don’t dilute this site with the FB page. Can you post links to each new entry here?

      • We will NOT screw up TTAG, just to get some Facebook traffic. Promise. Once you’re here, you’re not going to have to go to Facebook to get “the rest of the story.”

  2. Since gun owners are portrayed in the various media as dumb, ugly, trashy loons, Facebook would be a great place to show the uninitiated that almost all “gunnies” are ordinary, reasonable folks of goodwill. To borrow from our VP, we’re “articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking,” nay, even “mainstream.”

    So, videos of Knob Creek machine gun shoots would probably be a move in the wrong direction (not that there’s anything wrong with that!).

    The FB page could then be used to direct the gun curious to the more theoretically substantial TTAG website.

  3. Really enjoy your site and have it at the top of my feed.
    Ok, all of this you can do on your own and don’t need to pay anybody!
    -Each blog post (including irresponsible gun owner of the day) should have a corresponding short blurb and link to your stand alone post (not just the blog) on your Facebook page.
    -You need to figure out your “keywords” (or the keywords of those sites you want to be like) and use those more often in your blog posts. Don’t overuse keywords because it reads like crap and it pisses people off.
    -Get your advertisers an other friendly folks to “link” to your blog/site. Other bloggers will often do this and it will help your site a great deal.
    -Search your contacts for people to invite to your Facebook page
    -In Facebook go out and find other pages (people, local business, groups etc.) and “Like” them (including Precision Arms in Escondido!)
    -and most importantly give away a Desert Tactical SRS in .338 Lapua to the best answer to your question!!

  4. Depends on how much effort you want to put into your FB presence. I’d suggest picking one blog post each day (whichever turned out to be most interesting) and link to that in your status. There’s no need for extra FB content.

  5. Pull quotes and links from FB to TTAG… simple enough. Your mad writing skills will keep them coming back.

    Utilize FB for photos, background, etc… Unfortunately, the commenting on FB is probably easier to use, so look and see if you can limit or block those on your FB group page, otherwise, some of the stories will be commented there instead of here.

    I am sure there are other “synergies” (I am sorry, I hate that word too), that you can use to drive to this site. FB also has advertising that you may be able to use for those folks who have “liked” SAF, NRA, GOA, Remington, etc….

  6. You can do what my “stepdaughter” does — post stupid pictures and idiotic music, write how much she hates her life . . . you know, the usual.

  7. I’ve never used facebook because I feel it’s silly, but I’ll check out TTAG there if you set it up.

  8. As would our advertisers. I guess.

    I didn’t realize there were ads on this site. Does using Adblock make me a thief of some sort?

  9. Maybe posting the articles that get the most comments or probably a link to the article. Do not post the MikeB themed posts.

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