Home Crime and Punishment Determined Would-Be Murderer Meets the Power of Prayer… and a Pistol

Determined Would-Be Murderer Meets the Power of Prayer… and a Pistol

Steve Goss, Jr. Courtesy Carroll County Sheriff's Office.
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A Mississippi mom harnessed the power of prior planning, prayer and her pistol to protect her three small children and herself from a determined attacker earlier this week. It happened in Carroll County, Mississippi, on Monday. Cops say Steve Lamar Goss, Jr., a felon out on bond on a previous felony deadly weapons charge, didn’t have the muscle mass or smarts to kick in a door, so he drove his truck into the home’s dining room to make entry.

While Mr. Goss had not spent a day in a gym in his life, he had watched some slasher movies and brought his knife along. The mom, seeing the lunatic outside waving a knife trying to make entry into the house, herded her three small children into the family’s safe-room, a walk-in closet prior to Goss’ grand entrance.

As the woman prayed with her children, Goss forced entry on a closet the family had designated as their safe room. At that point, the mom turned from the power of prayer to the power of the pistol. She fired causing the big, bad wolf to flee in pain.

Cops caught up with his freshly mangled truck and tried to conduct a felony stop.  Mr. Goss opted instead to continue his single scrawny-man crime rampage.  He took off running, leaking blood, into a small convenience store. With tender loving care and great restraint (cough), the deputies took Goss into custody.

They charged him with four counts of attempted murder, burglary and he will likely face additional charges.

The sheriff had exceptionally high praise for the mom, but we’ll let 14News share that wonderful tidbit:

CARROLL COUNTY, Miss. (WLBT/Gray News) – Deputies say a Mississippi mother protected her three children by shooting a man who allegedly broke into the family’s home wielding a knife.

Carroll County deputies received a call for help Monday from a woman’s husband, who was at work in Greenwood. He told deputies that a knife-wielding man was attempting to enter his home in the Gravel Hill area while his wife and three children were hiding in a closet.

The husband then described the suspect and the vehicle he was in, a 2500 GMC pickup truck, WLBT reports.

When deputies arrived at the family’s home, the suspect, identified as 44-year-old Steve Lamar Goss Jr., had already driven away, according to a press release.

Deputies say before Goss left, he drove his truck into the home’s dining room after he could not kick the front door down.

While this was happening, the mother and her three children hid in a closet designated as the family’s safe room, the press release says. The mother prayed, and the children recited scripture.

When Goss found the family, he entered the closet, still holding a knife, according to the press release. The mother then shot him in the arm, and Goss fled.

“We can all learn a lot from this family about the importance of having an emergency plan in place in our homes and, most importantly, the power of prayer. I thank the Lord for this father’s preparation, the bravery shown by the mother and children and that what could have been a tragedy was transformed into a testimony of their faith in God,” Carroll County Sheriff Clint Walker said.

That’s some high praise from Sheriff Walker.

Does your family have plans for emergencies? Do you have a plan in case of fire? Or in case of a scrawny felon trying to bust in and murder everyone inside?

Every family should. And the whole family should practice it.

Safe rooms aren’t just for movies. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or equipped with a high-security steel door.  It just has to be agreed upon and well equipped with fundamentals like a phone (even old cell phones will call 911), a flashlight or two and maybe a fire extinguisher and hearing protection. Last but not least, your safety rescue tools should be present and ready to rumble.

I’m a fan of shotguns myself, but carbine rifles work nicely as well. Handguns will work, too.

Why do I like shotguns?  Well, Clint Smith said it best:

Yeah, it’s “age-restricted” but it’s 90 seconds of pure, always-memorable Clint Smith packed with all manner of fundamentals that everyone should take to heart.

Oh, and Mr. Goss? He’s being held without bond. He should have come to Illinois, home of no cash bail, to commit a crime like that and get released with a notice to appear.

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  1. That right there is the usual suspect. Neck tats and he looks like he just realized the gerbil he shoved up his ass was rabid.

    If miner and dacian had had their way that woman and kids would have died without a shot being fired.

    • “That right there is the usual suspect. Neck tats and he looks like he just realized the gerbil he shoved up his ass was rabid.”

      Maybe persons sporting gang tats should be declared “outlaw”, and cops, or anyone, can legally shoot and kill them on sight.

      • It would have more effect than all the gun laws on the books combined.

        The fly in the ointment is that I don’t know a gang tat from a stupid persons idea of art.

        • “The fly in the ointment is that I don’t know a gang tat from a stupid persons idea of art.”

          Maybe start with something simple, like MS-13?

          Or publish notice that anyone with facial tats are “outlaw”?

        • well, there IS that…. these days its hard to discern art from trash. Like the clown court in Germany which finally admitted their “criminal” was right… the artwork on the cover of his book WAS art, and not hate speech justifying 20 years in the slammer for him. Funny thing, he used to be a US CItizen living here, but left our “tyranny” for Germany. OOOooops. seems those Knot Seas couldn’t abide him disagreeing with their antics and mandates over the WooFlew. Then they REALLY lost it when he mocked them openly. He forgets Germany are much further down the road to abject tyranny than we are….

        • “*cough* Have you noticed how many cops are sporting gang tats of their own?”

          No. I spend almost everyday indoors, except for the occasional run for food and Champipple.

  2. “…the mom turned from the power of prayer to the power of the pistol…”

    Humorous story about prayer and those who decide to downplay its power to attribute success to something else:

    An agnostic man was repairing shingles on his two-story home’s roof when he lost his footing and began to slide down the steep surface toward the open air leading to the ground below.

    “God, if you’re there, help me!” he cried as he sped faster. Suddenly, as he neared the edge, his shirt caught on a nail that whose head was sticking up from a shingle, stopping him from the fall.

    He caught his breath, looked up, and said “Never mind.”

    • Haz that is an interesting story. I have heard of others through the years about atheist calling on God in times of dire need. One can only wonder: did God place the nail there, did God see to it that the path of the fall was in the area of the protruding nail. did God arrange for his shirt to be in position to snag the nail?
      The same can be said relative to “faith healers”, is it possible that God has something to do with the advances in medicine? Is it possible that modern medicine is God’s way of healing people this day and time? The laying on of hands ended with the deaths of the Apostles. Acts 8: 18-24 Simon discovered that he could not even buy the gift. Only the Apostles could impart gifts of the Holy Spirit. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that since the Apostles and all whom they touched are now dead that this method of imparting “gifts” of the Holy Spirit has stopped. That does not mean that God’s power is limited in any way, thus the advancements in medicine and other areas may just be God’s way of helping mankind.
      Furthermore, present day so called “healers” are not as they claim to be and their laying on of hands is mere foolishness when taken in context with the scriptures. I am not saying that God does not heal people, but he does not heal them via the laying on of hands as he did in the first century A D. Those who claim to have the power to heal this day and time are not considering all scripture relative to the practice of laying on of hands. Just because an Apostle did something does not mean that we can do the same in present day.

  3. Walk in closet a saferoom? Lets put all the eggs in one basket shall we?Shes lucky this pussy ran away from being shot in the arm.

    • Luckily, a Cordell Walker type showed up on the scene and not the Cordell and Cordell type, with papers in hand suing the homeowner on behalf of the leaking miscreant.

      • the leaky cheeky better watch out. There ARE a few conditions worse than leaking. Even leaking red stuff. One is having more red stuff to leak out…… and that condition could be arranged.

  4. Well over a hundred years ago the gun companies were marketing pocket guns to women. It’s the pocket gun that was the gun of the female gun owner.

    And there’s lots of Grandma’s alive today. Along with her grandchildren because they had those little pocket guns back in the day.

  5. Well, David had his five rocks and his sling, but that is NOT where his trust was placed, was it? Nope. He put his hand into the hands of the Lord. It was His battle. I’m certain this strong Mum had HER trust and confidence in exactly the same place. I am thinking “too bad her “smooth stone” wasn’t quit as effective as was David’s. BUT perhaps the Lord prserved him alive, brought him up on a rather short leash, because HE has a better plan for his future than the perp does.

    Good Mama, though. HER priority was to protect her young ‘uns. And protect she did.
    She MIGHT consider getting some high quality training and range time with that handgun of hers. . I’m sure Project Appleseed have events in her area. They are now providing excellent pistol training. VERY worthy all volunteer non-profit.

  6. Nobody needs a high capacity fuel tank or an automatic transmission.
    How long must this insanity continue before we finally get some Common Sense Truck Laws?

    • “…Common Sense Truck Laws…”

      Hey there buddy, we make good money fixing those rust buckets. The guys cuss a bit about having to beat those ball joints and hub assemblies loose with a sledge hammer, but it pays pretty good. We have a few EVs in the corral, but all we’ve ever done with those so far is swap the wheels around once or twice a year.

  7. dacian, Miner49er, all the anti-gun groups, Biden, and the rest of the anti-gun left wing would have preferred this woman and her children had been killed by this animal rather than mom be able to protect her children and herself with a firearm.

    • Well, only after a bit of rape and other sexual abuse first before the perp killed them. Being supporters of the criminal element, those fellows want the perp to get some pleasure out of his effort.

  8. It’s a result of Democrat left policies. It’s also proof that criminals don’t necessarily need guns. This is all one need in order to understand that NO gun law would have prevented the incident. Gun laws that keeps guns out of the hands of the law abiding results in more death.

    More people NEED to own and know how to use guns.

    • Oh this is what I heard so much bitching about on my way out of work yesterday. Yeah New Hampshire checks out.

    • THIS is what could so easily be the spark that actually sets off another civil war. The left is do afraid of MAGA Republicans. They cannot see that all this craziness is THEIR doing or that there are those on the left that actively push for it.

      • Hate to say it but probably would lead to another false flag with full media spin like the fedsurrection. Can’t have organized opposition after all

        • We tell ourselves the cops are not there to save you. That you are on our own.

          And that applies at a state level. Because an individual state is just an oversized collective of people.

          And we will see just how many other states actually come out in support of Texas. Because the federal government is not there to help you.

          So Texas is on its own. And now they are doing what’s necessary to protect that individual state.

          Just as individuals are doing what is necessary to protect themselves.

      • Don’t look now, but Dems are calling on the Fed to take over the TX National Guard. Who are the extremists again?

        • The Dems are screaming for Biden to do that… but in this case he can’t do it legally.

          The president can federalize national guard in accordance with Title 10 of the U.S. Code. But, those circumstances which would allow this do not exist in this case. The Dems want Biden to do it so he can order the national guard troops to stand down. The only circumstance which would allow this to happen, in relation to the border, is the president can federalize the national guard to protect and secure the border and repel invaders or illegal ‘crossing’ or illegal immigrants which is exactly what the Texas National Guard is doing now – so in short Biden can’t federalize them except to do just what they are doing now.

          Abbott justifiably and legally invoked his U.S. Constitution authority to defend the Texas border, the law of the land trumps and prevents any action by Biden to federalize in this case, and Biden doesn’t have the legal authority to federalize them in this case, nor can (in this case) a court (not even SCOTUS) order the Texas governor to stand down or allow his national guard to be federalized.

          In this case, especially with Biden clearly violating the law in regards to the border and with his refusal to secure the border IAW his duties required by the U.S. Constitution: Congress would need to declare a ‘national emergency’ then grant Biden permission to federalize the national guard – Or – Biden could declare a national emergency then seek permission to federalize. I’m pretty sure Congress is not going to do that, simply not enough votes to pass that in the Dems favor.

          If Biden federalized the Texas National Guard under Title 10 for the sole purpose of pulling them off the Texas border and out of the chain of command of the Commander in Chief of the Texas military (Gov. Abbott) after Gov. Abbott has invoked his justified constitutional authority to defend the Texas border, Biden will have committed a crime and an impeachable offense.

          Democrats calling for Biden to federalize the National Guard don’t understand the law. Abbott is 100% within his rights here and has the law of the land behind him.

        • “Don’t look now, but Dems are calling on the Fed to take over the TX National Guard.”

          The intent is to change the chain-of-command, so the Guard can be ordered to defy the Texas government.

          Nothing being said to order the federalized Guard to do anything else, like enforce martial law against the Texas government.

        • “The intent…”

          That’s how I read the tea leaves also. “We’re in charge of you now, so standby for orders.” “Standing by.” “Still standing by.” “Fiddling while Rome burns.”

        • it is not a lawful order for the president or any commander to tell American troops not to defend the country from invasion.

        • FL governor Ron DeSantis is pledging to send help if requested.

          He said today that he would send members of the Florida Guard, because BaiDeng couldn’t federalize them.

          Gov Abbott is also sending members of the TX Dept of Public Safety to assist; they can’t be federalized either.

  9. Why, oh why, do so many victims of crimes or other emergencies first call their spouse/father/mother/et al, while it’s going on rather than call the police/fire/ems directly? Just askin’.

      • Andrew Branca had a episode on this past week contrasting two separate situations where women had criminals breaking into their homes and had called 911. In neither case did 911 respond in time to prevent the break-in.

        However, in one case, the woman had a firearm and shot her attacker. In the other, the woman was told by 911 there was no one available to respond and that she would have to wait until the next day for assistance. Since she did not have a gun, the criminal succeeded in breaking into her home and then beat and raped her.

  10. Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me. Psalm 144: 1-2

  11. Somehow our resident hoplophobes are missing? And the DUNDERHEAD says good guys with guns don’t make a difference.

  12. “….was transformed into a testimony of their faith in God,”

    Was transformed into a testimony of their faith in God, and Messrs Smith and Wesson or Sammy Colt or RIP Gaston Glock or…… There completed it for ya’.

  13. @
    “Abbott justifiably and legally invoked his U.S. Constitution authority to defend the Texas border,…”

    Depends on “what is, is”. In this instance, depends on what “invasion” is. Only the courts can make that determination.

    I would suspect the courts will rule that “invasion” means a formal foreign military making armed entry into the US.

  14. A walk-in closet or bathroom makes a lousy safe room, unless the door is reinforced and has a real lock on it. (Remember The Shining with Jack Nicholson? “Here’s Johnny!”) Even with a reinforced door, an assailant high on drugs can punch through the drywall into the closet or slash through it with a knife or axe.

    The best safe room is the room that contains your long-gun safe, even if it has an ordinary bedroom door, so put your long-gun safe in the room that you plan as your safe room. Smart parents put their long-gun safe in the baby’s bedroom, the room they’ll use as a safe room to defend their baby’s life. They practice a drill for home invaders that they’ll meet up in the baby’s bedroom to make their stand. Having the long-gun safe in the baby’s room safe-room makes much more sense than having to go into the baby’s room, lift the baby out of the crib (which is hard to do while carrying a shotgun or rifle!), carry the baby back to the master bedroom, put the baby down on the bed, open the gun safe in the master bedroom, then get out the shotgun or rifle. By the time you do all that, it may be too late.

    Anyway, have a plan, and do drills to practice that plan.

  15. He’ll look like dumbo by the time he gets up for parol. That mom should get a honorary sheriffs badge!

    • That mom needs a lot of practice. At close range she should have been able to place one between the eyes.

  16. protected her three children by shooting a man who allegedly broke into the family’s home wielding a knife.


    The truck that breeched the wall was at the store,where he was experiencing a plasma leak from a bullet. Pretty Sure he’s the POS she SHOT..
    ALLEGEDLY,, MyAss.

  17. Good on the mom for protecting hed kids. My only suggestion is more range time so she can hit the target center mass.

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