DeSantis: Bans on Gun Sales to Adults Under 21 Will be Ruled Unconstitutional

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I said at the time, remember when they raised (the age to buy a gun from 18 to 21 in Florida), I objected to it because I said it was unconstitutional.

Look, I was in Iraq. I was there with eighteen-year-old-marines, eighteen-year-old soldiers, that were put out in the streets of Fallujah and Ramadi and told they had to risk their lives for this country. Then they come back after doing that, and even though they were carrying a firearm the whole time, they’re told you cannot exercise your Second Amendment rights here as an adult and as a veteran?

And so I know it’s in the courts as well. I do think that ultimately it’s going to be determined those blanket prohibitions are not constitutional.

— Governor Ron DeSantis

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  1. Are you looking for a job of your choice??? Can’t find the job you want even after visiting different websites? Considering your needs, we have organized our website with all categories of jobs, visit this link now…..

  2. The nature of Gun Control is to concoct ways to screw things up for law abiding citizens. And after things are screwed up someone has to come along to fix what was not broken in the first place.

    As for 18 year olds…The Gun Control beast was hungry so a right belonging to 18 year olds was sacrificed and DeSantis has to spend time fixing it.

    There is no such thing as Gun Violence because Violence is Violence. What does cater to Violence is the Gun Control that leaves men, women and children defenseless in such death traps as Gun Free Zones…thus there is such a thing as Gun Control Violence.

    • Doesn’t make a whole lot of difference whether the victim was killed with a rock , gun or knife does it. The one common cause of violence is the criminal. In my 73 yrs. i have seen that the evil democrats , when in power, always coddle the criminals while chastising the victims. They abhor self defense .

      • That’s ironic as I was just visiting with a bonafide Democrat and they said the exact opposite.
        My reply was Dempublicans or Republicrats two wings on the same bird.
        When your corrupt it doesn’t matter what wing your flapping.

    • “The nature of Gun Control is to concoct ways to screw things up for law abiding citizens”

      Yep, and they will never, ever stop or be satisfied with the infringements they do get. If they woke up one day and all guns were gone they’d start trying to ban knives and clubs, and call it “common sense” “reforms”.

  3. Gun owners need military training to be trusted but the military is full of white supremacists and war-mongering neocons with PTSD. Stand with Ukraine.

    Kids (18-21) are too stupid and reckless to be trusted with guns but kids (16-18) should vote and kids (8-15) know how best to handle issues like climate change, income disparity and gun violence.

    • Don’t forget kids (5-10) ought to discuss gender reassignment with their teachers and not tell their bigoted parents.

    • A leftist mentioning the word Trusted amounts to a pedophile mentioning child care.

      A finger pointing leftist who caters to the democRat Party, the Party that owns the legacy of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, the kkk, lynching, Eugenics, Gun Control and other race based atrocities, has no podium whatsoever.

      Instead of talking out your leftist bottom don’t you think it is waaaaaay past time for the democRat Party to be singled out and held monetarily liable for its centuries of race based atrocities?

      Last but not least…Only a sicko leftist sees teens to 21 year olds in America as something along the lines of hilter youth.

    • “Gun owners need military training to be trusted but the military is full of white supremacists and war-mongering neocons with PTSD.”

      Hi, PG.

    • got my first gun at 15…[Christmas present]…don’t recall ever even thinking about shooting anyone with it…times have changed…and so have people…

  4. DeSantis: good on the 2A, not so hot on 1A. The “hate speech” law he signed while in Israel has all the vagaries needed for government use against anyone they don’t like. Besides, ‘hate speech’ is protected speech. THAT is what the 1A means. Freedom of expression. DeSantis signed a law limiting the content of free expression.

    So Trump pushes the clot shots and DeSantis infringes upon the 1A. Can’t vote for a DemonCrat (not even Kennedy). Ramaswamy looks good but he will never make it through the Republican primaries.

    What to do, what to do?

    Recall, I have been a strong Trump supporter.

    But he did not drain the septic system. That is why we are all in so much trouble.

    • The wishful thinking is Trump was naïve his first go around and now that he’s experienced the swamp in all its glory he’ll be more scorched earth about them but the reality is he’s still just one guy and even if he surrounds himself with swamp drainers that’s just a dozen or so people against a centuries old embedded plutocracy that gives zero fucks about crashing economies, waging wars and starving millions to get whatever it wants.

      • Shire-man,

        Yes. Well stated. It was Trump against Washington and the ‘new world order’. Even his own party undermined him. But he left Chris Wray in place, and the best he could do for AG was Bill Barr. He sent Ivanka and Jared on diplomatic missions. He put Rino Republican leadership in charge of finding candidates for his Cabinet and staff. He did not pardon General Flynn to kill Flynn’s persecution. He allowed himself to be surrounded by enemies and incompetence. You are correct: He made mistakes.

        It is astounding that he was still more effective than any of his predecessors since George Washington.

        So, I will probably vote for him and hope he comes back and appoints a MAGA cabinet and cleans house at the FBI and cIA.

        • If he is the choice I will vote for him. What other option do we have?

        • Trump’s best…and most lasting…accomplishment was altering the supreme court…give him credit for that, at least

    • “What to do, what to do?”

      Wait for the “perfect candidate” to ride in on a white horse and save the day?

      Stay home on election day?

      Vote for the Donk?

      Choices, choices …

      • No-Name,

        Please excuse me for lamenting that the decision about whom to vote for is especially difficult this time around.

        • Life, I get it. But isn’t your lament the same “choosing between the lesser of two evils” that is said about every election?

          I apologize — it’s just the “doom” gets a bit tiring. Having to live through it every day might be making me overly sensitive to it. Perhaps I need to up the dose of my SSRI.

        • Ultimately the local representative, governor and Congress will be more important as local resistance is very effective as slowing if not halting executive action as we have seen on both sides. Trump is a part of MAGA but not the only part let alone the most important part.

    • Trumps’ problem was trusting people. He made this mistake several times. He seems to have learned his lesson the hard way.

    • DeSantis: good on the 2A, not so hot on 1A. The “hate speech” law he signed while in Israel has all the vagaries

      The bill states that anyone who intentionally throws “litter onto private property for the purpose of intimidating or threatening the owner, resident, or invitee of such property, the person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree…”
      The bill states that if a person who violates the law makes “a credible threat to the person who is the subject of the harassment or intimidation,” then it would become a third-degree felony.

      Sounds pretty SPECIFIC to me… More “fake news” BS like the “don’t say gay” lie?

      • I’ve always thought ” I’m going to kill you.” Was a good enough reason to get them before they got you. It dont work that way but it should.

        • just witnessed a black guy standing out on his porch across the street and screaming “I’M GOING TO KILL SOMEBODY!” several times…neighborhoods have a way of changing fast…[yeah, I called it in]…..

    • Trump is to pro gun control ultimately. Look at his tenure. He’s got more than a few pro gun control stances over the years.

      Trump did us a huge favor, beating Hillary, and taking the fight to the media and showing others on the right how to do it, but the guy has always been pro gun control and still is, his time as president proved it.

  5. The history is that 18 year-ds were required to have rifles/muskets and pistols for militia service in some jurisdictions. They weren’t limited in what they could possess or purchase. Obviously unconstitutional under Bruen.

    • probably…but getting a handgun at that age has always proven a little tougher in most places

  6. Being a Florida resident and voting for DeSantis, it is hard to believe how hard this guy has swung to extremes. While he has done some great work in Florida, now he seems obsessed with the culture wars and flying illegal immigrants out of state. I had looked to him as a viable alternative to Trump, but now, I cannot support him. The GOP candidates offered up are less than appealing and I should add, less appealing than what the Democrats are offering as well. I mean really? I look at Biden’s advanced age and you have to seriously consider a possible Kamala Harris presidency. Realizing that is an “Oh sh*t moment”.

    • MrMax,

      I get DeSantis’ push against woke culture. The woke-ists are pushing some dangerous laws, regulations, and practices.

      That being said, I am not sure DeSantis is ready for the Washington septic system. Another term as Govenor will give him time to harden and build his alliances.

    • “The GOP candidates offered up are less than appealing and I should add, less appealing than what the Democrats are offering as well.”

      Vote for the “more appealing” candidate. Vote Donk.

      • democRats applaud nitwits who can ignore the fact they have been standing in 4 years of democRat dodo and still want to nitpick over Republicans.

        Such political ineptness caters to democRats and their 8 years of concocting schemes and lies to Get Trump.

        Let’s cut the chase, POTUS DJT has earned your vote. Anyone who cannot see that has their head up their behind.

        • Biden is on a mission…unfortunately that includes lowering our standard of living for what he perceives to be the greater good

      • “POTUS DJT has earned your vote.”

        Whoa, let’s slow that horse down. Not yet, he hasn’t. I’m a FL resident and I’ve been muchly impressed with my governor. I hope that he decides not to run, but I’m likely not going to get my wish.

        I want to hear the slate of candidates outline their platforms and policies. I want to see how they perform in head-to-head debates. I want to learn in more detail, how they stand on the issues and what plans they propose for the future. I hope that process produces the best person for the nomination.

        Since my voter’s card has the initials “NPA,” I can’t vote in the (R) primary. But my vote will decide the general election results.

        • So your wanting to hear whatever lies it is that gets them elected?
          I’ve yet to see a campaign promise made good.

        • Under a rock I guess I should have stayed ther. He didnt drain the swamp, he didnt make America great again, didnt stop inflation, didnt advance medicare, “Your gunms are safe with me.” =bump stock ban and scrutiny over semi automatics. Didnt get the Alaska pipeline. Giving him credit on a few things however, exports and fuel and food prices for one.
          An honest candidate would say , ” I really cant do shit by myself, but I’m charismatic.”

    • At this point the only people not pushing back against wokeism are pedos and drug addicts.

      • Trump did some good things…controlling the border was one of them…now we’re looking at virtual chaos…being energy independent was another, now we’re back to begging others for it…our standing in the world was higher because people feared him because of his unpredictability…now we see long-time allies moving away from us because of lack of confidence…it does not bode well for the future….

    • All I’ve seen him doing is protecting the children of FL, growing the state’s economy and getting rid of a bunch of undocumented individuals that will either take jobs from actual citizens (I lost a major contract doing plumbing install in new construction apartments in 2002 to a company that used undocumented labor paying them half of what I paid my employees, I had to shut down and put 20 people out of work)… or put a drain on our economy through aid programs… There is a reason why FL has a 20 billion dollar surplus while residents enjoy NOT paying a state income tax and states like NY and CA operate at multi-billion dollar deficits every year in spite of having exorbitant income tax rates, high sales and property taxes and some of the highest costs of living in the country… If you think it’s okay to teach a grade school boy how to perform oral sex on another guy or haul a kid to a draagg kween show or have adult men parade naked through the streets during their “PRIDE” month maybe you’d be better off on the Left coast…

      • Wow Maddmaxx.
        I worked for an undocumented construction company and your exactly right. I was told I was taking to long wiring up the exhaust fans when attaching the ground wire( Yous don need that, your to slow) I’m not even an electrician.
        After the job was finished I got to thinking how we had robbed some kid that went to trade school to get his license. I turned that construction company in to housing authorities but nothing happened.
        And ironicatbest my boss was bitching about all the other illegal immigrants taking the work that he could get.

    • “I had looked to him as a viable alternative to Trump, but now, I cannot support him.”

      Choosing not to vote for him hands a free vote to a Leftist POS.

      Is that what you want? I’m not exactly ecstatic, but like hell will I allow that to keep me from voting to allow actual evil in power.

      Trump can’t win. They hate him far too much… 🙁

      • unless they find some way to take Trump down…and they’ve been trying seemingly forever…he’ll be the nominee…whether he can win is open to speculation….

    • What’s wrong with any of that? It’s like any time any republican comes around with any kind of spine, that actually stands toe to toe with the left, people will find reason to bitch and be all “whoa whoa whoa this is too far”

      You think Trump doesn’t fight culture wars or has a problem with illegals? Who do you want someone like John Kasich?

      • Rohn McSantis will say anything to attain higher office, he is not “America First”, though I supported him when he ran and represented my Winter home’s congressional district and for governor his allying with the “Low-Energy” Yeb Bush cabal indicates he is not to be trusted.

        In addition to being an ingrate, biting the hand of Trump who put him over the top in his first run for governor in the race against corrupt, drug addict, & closeted sexual deviant Andrew Gillum, now Rohn DeRomney is taking lessons on how to control his facial expressions, how inauthentic is that?

        • taking lessons on how to control his facial expressions, how inauthentic is that?

          You sound like you think he’s the first one… Trump was on TV for years you think he never had any “coaching”… Trump got all butt-hurt and started attacking DeSantis because some “RINO” clown on a liberal media outlet hinted that someone suggested that they heard DeSantis MIGHT be considering a possible exploratory team to see if he could have a chance to make a showing in the upcoming primaries… Trump SHOULD have had a sit down with DeSantis and discussed the possibility of them running together setting DeSantis up for a blow out in 28 and 32, plenty of time to UNfuck all of “The Big Guy” Bribems bullshit, but unfortunately (thanks to Trumps petulance) that ship has sailed…

  7. I guess he missed the part that excluded active duty military and veterans from THAT ban (something you’d think a LAWYER would be aware of) but I agree that it is unconstitutional for all persons under 21…

    • I’d vote for DeSantis in a microsecond! Still not moving to Floriduh🙄

      • That’s okay, I’m sure we’ll survive without you, you just continue to enjoy whatever “duh” you currently reside in…

        • Florida isn’t for everyone. But maybe someday …

          I’ll leave the welcome mat out for Water Walker, should he change his mind. We can never have too many on our side.

      • Florida…and its politics….. has become the model for the rest of us…more states need to emulate it….

  8. I agree with DeSantis on the age to purchase firearms. And would like to see it back to what it was many years ago. 16 to purchase long guns and 21 to purchase hand guns. I am willing to compromise with 18 for all rights, including purchase of firearms and alcohol.
    If someone is considered mature enough to sign a contract, volunteer for military service, take out long term loans, purchase a vehicle or real estate, etc. the same person should be mature enough to purchase firearms, or alcohol and tobacco.
    Either you have reached the age of majority or you have not. Either you are considered as an adult or you are not. Half measures serve no justifiable purpose.

    • 18 is considered the age of majority in most if not all states for contractual agreements, voting rights and most rights and privileges considered as adult. Used to be the same for purchase of alcohol tobacco and long guns.
      As I said above, if someone is old enough and supposedly mature enough to volunteer for military service, sign contracts, vote etc. they should have the same rights and privileges of someone 21 or 50 years old. If you can go serve your country and take the chance of getting sent to war, you should also have the right to drink a beer or own a firearm at home.

      • purchase of alcohol?….remember getting busted in college for being under 21…(but we got it anyway)

        • We were buying draught beer in our “glass” gallon jugs out the back door of the local tavern for two bucks when I was 16…

      • Age of 18 was another dumbass europrog amendment (26th) by the Demtard Party. As EVERY amendment of about the last 150 years.

        The Constitution set the age of majority as 21. In colonial times that did not preclude carrying arms in defence of ones community.

        • The Constitution and original BOR didn’t set an age of Majority. That determination was left to the States. It was pretty much 21 across the board of the original thirteen States. It wasn’t until the Ratification of the 26th Amendment in the early 70s, that the age for Voting eligibility was reduced to 18.
          The only “ages” referred to in the Articles were the minimum age requirements for Representatives, Senators and the Presidency, 25, 30 and 35 respectively.
          At the time of the Constitution’s Ratification, all able bodied males, capable of bearing arms, ages 14 to 45, were eligible for enlistment in the Militia.
          As each member of the Militia was responsible for maintaining their weapons, historically, under the Bruen Decision, theoretically, it could be argued that 14 year olds should be permitted to buy, possess and use a Firearm.

  9. It doesn’t matter who you think your voting for, its theBiden that wins.
    theBiden is a hydra

    • Then be an election observer. Especially if you’re in a swing state’s metropolitan city.

      Defeatism will not get us anywhere good.

    • Biden pulled a bit of a con the first time…pretending to be something he was not…(a uniter)…not sure that would work again….

  10. Rohn McSantis will say anything to attain higher office, he is not “America First”, though I supported him when he ran and represented my Winter home’s congressional district and for governor his allying with the “Low-Energy” Yeb Bush cabal indicates he is not to be trusted.

    In addition to being an ingrate, biting the hand of Trump who put him over the top in his first run for governor in the race against corrupt, drug addict, & closeted homosexual Andrew Gillum, now Rohn DeRomney is taking lessons on how to control his facial expressions, how inauthentic is that?


    Kind’a like….


    HOW ?





  12. I pretty much came to the conclusion that we are no longer a Republic. An Unelected Bureaucracy runs this country, and it’s corrupt beyond redemption. I no longer believe or have faith that any Election will, or is even capable of correcting all that’s wrong with our country. The Bureaucracy has undermined the foundations of our government and our Republic to the point of Despotism.
    We’ve been in a Cold Civil War since the Kenyan was selected. It’s only a matter of time before it becomes a Hot Civil War.

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