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Former Maryland governor and one-time obscure presidential candidate Martin O’Malley led an anti-gun jihad in the Old Line State after Newtown. Which is why NPR reports today that, Seeking a Warmer Welcome, Gun Factory Moves Down South“Beretta USA was the second-largest private employer in Southern Maryland. In the history of the state, we never had a governor visit the facility.” What are a few jobs lost when you can make a political point? . . .

Taunton man arrested after allegedly flashing gun in car wash – Maybe doing jail time and losing his license to carry were on his bucket list.


Team Smith & Wesson’s Jerry Miculek Finishes Second Overall At The 2016 X-treme Bullet Texas 3-Gun Championship – Who beat him…Chuck Norris?

Gun Owners of America: Right To Carry Doesn’t Stop At State’s Border – “Representative Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-IN) and Senator Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) have introduced national reciprocity legislation–H.R. 923 and S. 498–and the GOA is calling for other lawmakers in the GOP-controlled House and Senate to step [up] and secure passage.” So the President can veto it.

Pop some popcorn and enjoy:

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  1. 4th try to post…Jerry’s Still a 60 something stud. I’m just a little older and I sure don’t walk on water anymore.

  2. ‘But one gun maker, Beretta, blames something entirely different — a law passed in Maryland to try to curb mass shootings.’ – Surely the editors at npr realize that the law had nothing to do with trying to ‘curb mass shootings’. I mean, I knew liberals were dumb, but I didn’t think they were that stupid.

    ‘In 2013, in response to the Newtown, Conn., school shootings, then Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley led a clampdown on ownership of high-powered weaponry.’ – Uh… Beretta doesn’t make ‘high-powered weaponry’.

    • What are facts when you have a narrative or agenda to uphold to your political high priests?

      Politics has replaced religion and thou shall not lie has been replaced with thou shall lie in the name progressive agenda.

    • It was a response to such shootings, however.

      Not an intelligent response, not a response that was remotely to the point…but a response nonetheless.

    • To them anything that is semi-auto and takes more than 10 rounds is “high-powered”. Using their logic the M9 pistol is because “military issue”.

  3. ‘Continually refined and strengthened from the First World War to Desert Storm…’ – Ha! I guess you have to go back 15+ years to find an actual documentary from the ‘History’ Chanel.

  4. I know it would be vetoed but I’d still like to see a reciprocity bill get through to that point.

  5. The south has always welcomed yankee gun manufacturers to “Come on down.” S&W and Colt are you listening?

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