The State of Illinois pays millions to Chicago “violence interrupter” programs that supposedly stop violence among gang members before it happens. In reality, it’s little more than paying career violent criminals to pretend to behave. Felons like Gregory Sherman, 45, draw a paycheck while they continue leading a life of crime funded by taxpayers.
Last July, career habitual felon Sherman worked for one of these anti-violence operations, one of many known for advocating for victim disarmament. Mr. Sherman, the violence interruptor, had a gat in his pants and when he “adjusted” things, he shot himself in the butt.
Thanks to ghetto-fabulous full metal jacket ammunition and the fact that Mr. Darwin was tied up handling other business that day, Sherman survived. The round went through and through his left butt cheek and struck his right foot. Talk about bad luck, right?
Sherman then walked — well, limped — to a nearby hospital’s emergency department. That’s where cops got involved because of the gunshot wound and pretty soon made an arrest of the anti-violence worker who was obviously unlawfully carrying a gun.
The incident stands as a good news/bad news story for Sherman. The good news is that chicks dig scars. The bad news? He won’t see much of the fairer sex for the next few years until he’s released on Valentine’s Day 2031. Ladies of Chicago, look out.
No doubt he can pick up where he left off when he gets out, “working” as a violence interrupter courtesy of Illinois taxpayers.
From CWB Chicago . . .
A 19-time convicted felon working as an anti-violence professional who shot himself in the butt inside a Bucktown gas station has been handed a ten-year prison sentence for possessing the firearm that wounded him.
Gregory Sherman, 45, served as his own attorney at times but was ultimately convicted of Class X armed habitual criminal during a jury trial this summer, according to court records. Following a series of post-trial motions, Judge Mary Brosnahan sentenced him this month.
On July 9, 2022, Sherman walked into St. Elizabeth Hospital after a bullet passed entirely through his left butt cheek and struck his right foot, prosecutors said. He allegedly told Chicago cops that he had been closing a dispensary in the 1500 block of North Milwaukee when there was a fight outside, and someone fired shots, striking him as he walked by…
While Sherman was speaking with officers, other cops responded to the Shell gas station at 1768 West Armitage because 911 callers reported that a man had run out of the business after shooting himself.
Surveillance video from the gas station allegedly showed Sherman standing in line when a flash erupted near his back pocket as he adjusted his pants.
Did we mention that Sherman has extensive prior experience in and around Chicago’s so-called “justice” system?
Sherman’s previous felon convictions include four 10-year sentences for robbing taxi drivers in 2015. He was also convicted of robbing a taxi driver in 2006, a crime for which he received an 18-year sentence.
His defense attorney during his July 2022 bail hearing said Sherman worked full-time as an anti-violence worker, “out there on the street, trying to lower the criminal and dangerous issues that are going on in our community.”
Sherman’s other Illinois prison sentences, according to the Illinois Department of Corrections, include six years for being a felon in possession of a firearm in 2006, six years for aggravated unlawful use of a weapon in 2006, three years for conspiring to bring cannabis into a penal institution in 2003, three years for conspiracy to commit aggravated battery with a firearm in 2003, three years for being a felon in possession of a firearm in 2003, twelve years for armed robbery in 2003, three years for being a felon in possession of a firearm in 2003, three years for forgery in 2001, two years for theft in 1999, one year for possessing cannabis in 1999, two one-year sentences for possessing controlled substances in 1999 and 1997, and two three-year sentences for narcotics in 1997.
In other words, he should have been in prison. However, thanks to the soft-on-crime political leaders running the city of Chicago and state of Illinois, prison sentences here are like dog years, only in reverse.
Wow! Those Amish are just out of control!
Is No one going to ask the important questions?
Was it another case of “Glock leg “
I’m going to state the obvious that if heonly carried empty chamber (like I do), then this kind of accidental discharge cannot happen.
I seriously doubt that this has anything to do with 1 in the pipe, and everything to do with him shoving an unholstered weapon in his pants. Nice try though. Let me guess, you only put on a seat belt when you’re about to crash?
SMH in total amazement!
Habitual criminal offender? YOUR HONOR, DAS RACISSSSS!
Datz “recidivistist” yo.
Anyone of you azzhats who berated my instructions on making trigger plugs care to commit? Go ahead Rambo wannabes…Chamber that sucker and shove it down your pants.
I think that’s why they made … holsters.
Remember class, don’t carry a gun in your pocket.
love my pocket holster.
and now greg’s new roomie bubba (the love sponge) has four holes to choose from. maybe he should plug them up with tire stem valves.
I dunno, Debbie. I’ve worn a lot of tools over the years. Military web belts, carpenter’s belts, electrician’s belts. Carried firearms, screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, first aid gear, etc etc etc. Inside my pants is the very last place I want to reach for anything, unless I need to urinate. Or a damsel in distress needs some comfort. I’ll not be putting anything in my pants, except for doctor’s orders. In which case, I’ll probably be wearing one of those gowns that allows the breeze to blow up the crack of my arse. Trigger plugs, huh? How similar is that to a butt plug? Sorry, I’m not into that kinda azzhattery.
Trigger plugs? I guess if you think you need it, use it. By the tone of your response, however, it sounds like you’d like to make these mandatory, just like a lot of other widely and wildly popular gun control schemes. Maybe we could even link those plugs together with a chastity belt for fertile females and solve a couple social problems with the same device.
The obvious method of prevention would be to keep any and all fingers off of the trigger until ready to shoot. Safety mechanisms of every type are only as good as the user’s habits. I have a number of high end trap guns that have no safety what-so-ever and I shoot with others using the same. Haven’t seen any mayhem on the line, and no trigger plugs.
As for this cretin shooting himself? Karma.
Debbie, if you feel the need to shove a home made thingy behind your trigger it is no business of mine, but I see no need for such when using a quality holster that properly covers the trigger and will pass on such.
Even the most practiced make mistakes. All it takes is one fumble, and you will, for things to go awry.
Going by his record, Gregory should have been well practised in firearms handling.
If you carry a gun that you are so unsure of, that you feel the need to shove some piece of crap in it to block the trigger, maybe you need a different gun. Or get a decent holster. Or maybe you shouldn’t carry a gun at all. Trigger plug is the dumbest thing, except for some things FJB says of course
“Anyone of you azzhats who berated my instructions on making trigger plugs care to commit? Go ahead Rambo wannabes…”
Anyone stupid enough to cram a chunk of rubber behind the trigger deserves everything they have coming to them.
“Chamber that sucker and shove it down your pants.”
That won’t happen since I make a point of never letting the muzzle of a striker-fired point towards valued parts of my anatomy… 🙁
Violence interrupting. That’s one of those “proven” strategies, isn’t it?
Now he’ll get to practice his calling in another place that needs a violence interupter.
Missed his brain by mere inches!!
You can’t be serious Dennis Summer. I have it on good authority that the bullet did destroy half of his remaining brain cells. Come on man, he kept his weapon stuffed down his pants, where would you expect him to keep his head?
Rather apropos he caught the round in the back side. Always was said you shot yourself in the arse when the consequences of poor decisions catch up to you.
So, this person has a record of armed robberies and other violent behaviors and is skating on multiple decade long sentences. Why? Why sentence someone to whatever length of sentence if they aren’t going to serve it? Of course it is the gun’s fault and the fool with an unsecured weapon is just the innocent victim of the evil object.
Slow learner.
no kidding. look at the glare. represented hisself. arrogance/ ignorance… intersections! (hat tip d. proft).
A court appointed lawyer vs representing yourself.
With a little home work your better off representing yourself.
i thought the same thing except for the mutual respect most lawyers share to differing extents, depending… and the disdain most judges have for those who do.
i would love to hear what i can only assume was an articulation barely concealing hatred.
glock cheek is not chic.
oi!jacquearse has this represented on the shot in the ass o meter. obv. not all self inflicted.
I have a question. If this idiot shot himself in the ass, how did he miss his head?
Which Head’?
Well, both I suppose. Now that you pointed the possibilities out.
*Snicker*… 😉
If the shot passed through his left butt cheek, how did it hit him in the right foot?
Weaver stance?
Illinois is going to go broke paying criminals not to criminal.
That’s pretty good incentive to become a criminal.
Does Chiraq pay their anti-violence “professional” more than a habitual felon? The Il taxpayer confiscate any of it in babydaddy payments, welfare payment, medical payments.
10yr sentence – so out in time for Kwanza 2024? (national felon fest).
“kwanza bells,
dashikis sell,
whitey has to pay;
burning, shooting,
oh what fun,
on this made up holiday!”
““kwanza bells,
dashikis sell,
whitey has to pay;”
“I’m gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the Whitey I see.”
Garret Morris, 80s SNL :
Supplemental income program.
Do you really think criminals are going to stop doing crime even when you pay them not to?
It’s just their “day job”.
an anti-violence professional, forsooth! Gosh, I wonder if the Anti-Violence Ethics Board will suspend his license? All those years of Anti-Violence graduate school wasted.
Idiots gonna idiot
The state of Illinois or Gregory ?
Seems to me running the streets and getting paid for it’s a not to idiotic.
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To many apostrophes I reckon.
This is going to keep happening because the libertarians liberals and the Leftists, are simply illogical and irrational.
A trained police officer who has been vetted from the beginning, is far superior than this criminal with a violent record.
But because the cop haters are completely irrational, they would much rather have a known criminal in charge of policing.
And yes, I know Chicago cops have a corruption problem. A really big corruption problem actually. And now tell me why it’s usually a Democrat run the city??? That have these enormous police corruption problems.
And the Democrat governors refuse, and the Democrat attorney generals, refuse to do anything about it.
But it’s Republican governors in Missouri and Florida and Tennessee, who are going after corrupt and incompetent district attorneys and elected sheriff’s in the county.
“…they would much rather have a known criminal in charge of policing.”
Well, duh…. With most of the inner city father’s age black males either in the slammer or on the run, who is left that the young sociopath gangstas have to look up to? Certainly not a black cop. God forbid a white one.
And it inherently racist to try to model one’s self and behavior after anyone who has become socially and/or financially successful via the education and law-abiding living path.
“And it inherently racist to try to model one’s self and behavior after anyone who has become socially and/or financially successful via the education and law-abiding living path”
Don’t tell anyone, this is just between you and me!!!
I was told I was “acting white”. Because I wanted to do my high school chemistry homework, with my white class mates.
What in the name of word salads of the day are you ranting about?!
You just let me know. When the libertarians support the law abiding shooting and killing, stabbing to death. The criminals who rob, rape, steal, murder, attack, break into or vandalize private property.
Self inflicted brain damage.
Cellmate: So, what are you in for?
Him: I shot myself in the ass
Cellmate: Ooookkkkkk
” trained police officer who has been vetted ” PERHAPS that was true 20yr ago. Today they can’t even get applicants to hire.
Dang homes dontcha know that glock switches prevent that single in yer azz? No props in prison dude. Can’t tell “tails” to your cellmate either😀
I think we need some plumbers to fix the leaking brains of Democrat Politicians when it comes to common sense, logic, ethics and moral values. These folks definitely fit the definition of crazy.
He had a good gig going til it backfired.
You get what you voted for.
It’s hilarious that he shot himself in the ass, but if he was safe enough to be out of prison he is safe enough to have his 2a rights.
Gun Violence Prevention or Domestic Terrorists? You Be the Judge.
“A 19-time convicted felon……..”
Nineteen times. Just F’N amazing
And in 25 years. Some of the sentences must have been concurrent with others.
You have been found guilty of “Noticing”, “Noticing” is of course “ray-ciss” and a “Capital Crime”, the DOJ will dispatch their FEEB cronies to collect you momentarily.
2A Rights RESTORATION case filed at SCOTUS.
Mr. Sherman is now a member of that dubious fraternity, composed mostly but not exclusively of police officers, who have shot themselves in the foot. It’s the gunshot wound most commonly sustained by LEO.
Here’s an LEO showing how it’s done:
…”if once you have paid him the Dane-geld, you never get rid of the Dane”…
– “Dane-geld”, Rudyard Kipling, 1911
As true today as it was in the 980s, 1930s, 1980s, 2010s…
A.D. 980-1016
IT IS always a temptation to an armed and agile nation
To call upon a neighbour and to say: –
“We invaded you last night – we are quite prepared to fight,
Unless you pay us cash to go away.”
And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
That you’ve only to pay ’em the Dane-geld
And then you’ll get rid of the Dane!
It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: –
“Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away.”
And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we’ve proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.
It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray;
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
You will find it better policy to say: —
“We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that plays it is lost!”
My question is did this stellar example of his community cut the trigger guard off his gat ala N.Y. Giants Plaxico Burress who shot himself in his junk and thigh.
Luckily, he did not had a Glock switch go into happy mode.
Criminals don’t traditionally carry in belt holsters, because the purpose for them of a gun is shooting, wiping prints and tossing under a car leaving no evidence on their person. But now there are clip on IWBs and paddles that come off easily with pistol… so no excuse OG. However, loading fresh from the box with gloves on is still likely still practiced. Where’d he get the gun??? Clueless, because “Tracing” is a ridiculous federal agency urban myth with a statistically insignificant success rate.
Gives a whole new meaning to “Ars Blaster”!
What an aѕѕhole.
Or two.
Someone’s ©0©k got Glocked. Where are all those anti-frame/slide-mounted safety fanbois to tell us how safe the Glocky-types are?
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