Image via Twitter (SigchoFor25)

Chicago has a selection of radical crackpots on their city council. In the 25th Ward, Byron Sigcho Lopez claims to “fight for the working people.” He does this by lobbying for defunding the police and calling for fewer cops on the streets of his ward. While other council members want more beat cops, Sigcho Lopez, as recently as a month ago, repeated his disinvitation for fewer police in his ward.

Now, not even thirty days later, crime has spiraled. With the increase in crime comes depressed the real estate values. Despite angry homeowners harassing him about his kooky, Skittle-farting unicorn politics, the Democratic Socialist stalwart still isn’t asking for more cops. That, after all, would mean more oppressed poor people and minorities in the criminal justice system.

Instead, he’s calling upon local bad guys in his little slice of paradise to quit shooting one another. At least for a couple of days.

Beggin’ Byron didn’t say how many victims of violence constitutes an “acceptable.” All he knows is that there are too many right now.

CWB Chicago has more . . .

On Monday, less than a month after publicly stating in a City Council meeting that he wanted fewer police officers in his ward, Chicago Ald. Byron Sigcho Lopez (25th) issued another public statement. This time, he asked his ward’s residents to refrain from shooting and killing each other for 48 hours because too many people had been injured in a flurry of violence.

Shootings in Sigcho Loopez’s ward are at their highest level since at least 2010, which is as far back as the city’s online database. In fact, his ward has seen more shooting victims every year since he was elected than any year before he took office.

Here’s a screen capture of the Alderman’s Facebook post appealing to local thugs’ better natures.

The good news for Beggin’ Byron is that he got his wish…there are dramatically fewer cops on the the beat in his ward. More from CWB . . .

Both police districts where the shootings in Sigcho Lopez’s ward occurred yesterday have lost a significant number of cops since he became an alderman in May 2019, according to the Chicago Office of Inspector General.

The Near West (12th) District has lost 26% of its officers since Sigcho Lopez was sworn in, dropping from 367 officers to 273 today. The Ogden (10th) District has 302 cops this month, 13% fewer than in May 2019.

Alderpersons have no influence over how the Chicago Police Department deploys its officers. But Sigcho Lopez can sleep easy knowing that his desire to have fewer cops in the ward is being fulfilled.

Sigcho Lopez is up for re-election next spring. Despite the flying lead and victims piling up, dollars to donuts say he’s re-elected, despite his hard work “fighting for the working people” by ensuring that resident of his ward are as vulnerable to thugs and predators as possible.



  1. “Open up, this is the peace keeping team! We are taking you to a mandatory mediation session where you will hug it out with the rival gang members you have been shooting! We will shower you will money and free food gift cards until you comply! Don’t make us deploy the tickle fingers!”


    Because that always works. Simply tell the crooks to stop crookin’. Jedi mind-magic.

    Lemme see if it works for me.

    “Hey Newsom! Hey Bonta! Stop infringing!”

    (cups hand to ear, listens intently for a response from the horizon…)

  3. “Now, not even thirty days later, crime has spiraled. With the increase in crime comes depressed the real estate values. Despite angry homeowners harassing him about his kooky, Skittle-farting unicorn politics, the Democratic Socialist stalwart still isn’t asking for more cops. That, after all, would mean more oppressed poor people and minorities in the criminal justice system.

    Instead, he’s calling upon local bad guys in his little slice of paradise to quit shooting one another. At least for a couple of days.”


    Criminals have a sense of humor too, and you’re the joke.

    Seriously, you basically sent them a gold plated invitation “Come one come all, shoot up my neighborhood now that the cops are gone.”

    How stupid.

  4. I’m sure all the budding drill and trap artists killing each other over fentanyl territory are staunch followers of political tweeters and their local news outlets and will surely entertain the peacekeepers and violence interrupters in their mission.

  5. LOL LMAO even. This is very similar to what I have seen for Albany and Troy. Defund the police wait crime is happening help pol………..somebody. Good luck to everyone near Chicago and remember those assholes have cars and know how to use zillow when looking for targets.

  6. “Instead, he’s calling upon local bad guys in his little slice of paradise to quit shooting one another. At least for a couple of days.”

    Stop it right now! Yeah you Jamal, and you too Anferne and you other guys back there too… don’t test me, I mean it…no…no…nooo…stop…put it down…awww you took out Mrs. Smith’s cat, she loved that cat…stop it… don’t make me call the police, oh wait …

  7. There must be something in the water in these Democratic controlled big cities! I think it’s something like 80% of the violent crime happens in 22 counties around the country. And those 22 Counties have the big cities that are controlled by democrats. There’s some causation for you!

  8. Wouldn’t a better use of Facebook be to announce that he has booked United Center for a weekend gang bangoff ; Crips vs. Bloods, Southsiders vs. Northenders, come one, come all to see who’s top dawgshit in the Windy City. Ammo provided, but all shots fired must remain in the stadium. Free disposal for the losers, three hots ‘n a cot for the winners, whose names will recieve front page listing for bragging rights. Reserve your seat now!

  9. The most brutal AND closest race in the midterms is over!

    Colorado 3rd – Republican Lauren Boebert prevails and wins. Challenger Democrat Adam Frisch has conceded to Boebert. Boebert had a 0.2% lead at the time Frisch conceded.

    There were less than 200 votes left to count, 99% of the votes had been counted and reported. Without picking up more than 555 votes in a recount Frisch didn’t stand a chance, picking up that many votes was very unlikely.

  10. The mid-term elections proved one thing: the Dim party is a single issue party, succeeding. Dims will endure any privation, so long as they can have legal abortion conveniently available; nothing else compares in satisfaction, or importance.

    And they have the numbers.

    Republicrat Party cannot identify a single-issue to rally around; 2A certainly isn’t it.

    • It’s a death cult. People unable to heat their homes or feed themselves is a feature not a bug.

      Soon enough the Canadian MAID will make its way here and the party that spends all their free time screaming about everyone else is Hitler and everybody else’s ideas are fascism will be encouraging the poor and disabled to embrace their agency and line up for the gas pod.

  11. I’m going with the contrarion view and say that of anyone in Chiraq, Alderman Byron Sigcho Lopez has his fingertips on the pulse of his ward. He knows what his people want, less police and he’s achieving their goals.

    In case you doubt the credibility onsight of Alderman Lopez, just know that he’s working on his PhD in Policy Studies in Urban Education.

    Have no doubt, his constituents will reelect him……🤔

  12. liberals intentionally embrace policies that encourage violent crime so that they can exploit the carnage to justify more stringent gun control.

  13. The problem is that in parts of Chicago, and I’m guessing his ward is one of those areas, this is actually pretty popular.

    Police tactics for crime suppression mixed with the various local entities using the cops basically as revenuers has convinced a lot of people that the cops are not worth having.

    If you check into Tim Pool’s story about this, he’s undeniably correct. Incarcerating people over minor traffic tickets and then passing them from jail to jail in various jurisdictions breeds not just contempt, but hatred for the cops among exactly the people you don’t want to do that with: relatively poor working class people.

    Their only interactions with cops are multiple jurisdictions writing them a ticket over a busted taillight in a two day period. When they can’t pay the ticket, they go to jail. And of course they can’t pay it because they’re working poor. They see cops more willing to do this than go after bangers, so why would they want cops? It’s not like they do shit about the bangers anyway.

    Such people see this as “Since they don’t get the bangers but they harass me, getting rid of the cops means the same bangers but less harassment from the fuzz” and they support defunding the cops.

    • then defund them all the way. let’s see what happens. it’ll be a lot more than people driving around with broken tail lights.

      • Angry people don’t care.

        I’ve been pointing that out here for years and years. When people get the idea that the cops are just kicking them around they learn to loath the police. They will take an ungodly amount of pain before allowing them back.

        IRL, they might just do the job the cops wouldn’t and just take out the trash for good once they know for certain that the cops are gone.

        • “they might just do the job the cops wouldn’t”

          … … … ok, possible, good point.

          but I don’t think they’ll be able or willing to take out 2/3 of their entire 15-25 year old demographic. which is what they’d have to do.

          some years ago at the black mtv awards a crowd was gathered, a fight broke out, someone was shot to death. the cops came a started asking who did it. no-one would tell them, and they all mocked the cops for not being able to solve the case. one award winner explained the situation this way: “this is just something that happens when folks get together.”

          see, to these people, rape robbery and murder are just normal life. they don’t hate the police because the police tag them for busted tail lights – they hate the police for interfering with their normal life style. when some young future valedictorian commits murders and is then shot down by police the “community” take to the streets shouting “he dinndu nuufins!” – and they mean it. they really do. they’re quite sincere.

          so, actually, if you removed all policing from these streets, it would result in an avalanche of rape robbery and murder – which is what we see starting already – and the community would be perfectly fine with that. for them, “taking out the trash” would mean getting rid of anyone who didn’t fit in with their “culture” – the ones who learn, the oreo cookies, “da folks who think dey better’n us!”. and yeah, they’d be content with that. they don’t need police at all.

        • “but I don’t think they’ll be able or willing to take out 2/3 of their entire 15-25 year old demographic.”

          They don’t have to. 5% will do the job and it will get done in a day or two if they know there are zero repercussions on the .gov side.

          Lots of people in bad neighborhoods constantly remark about how they’d love to kill a bunch of bangers but would go to prison. They’re jaded, angry, desperate and full of hate. With constraints removed I have zero doubt they’d do it. If you declared an amnesty in one of the places I used to live you’d have 50 dead bangers on night one, mostly due to structure fires.

          The reality of the MTV situation is that this is a minority of a minority. If they weren’t there wouldn’t be areas like this. They’d all look like Detroit. A city built for millions with a population of several hundred thousand. The rest would be dead or flee.

          On top of that, the kind of people you describe don’t vote and no one’s “harvesting” their vote either so their opinion on “defund” is immaterial. It’s the voters in those areas that don’t like the cops and elect guys like Sigcho Lopez who openly run on these platforms and win.

          And, honestly, having lived in such an area twice myself, I’m hardly shocked that they don’t like the cops. I didn’t like them when I was there.

        • {Taking out the ‘trash’}

          “They don’t have to. 5% will do the job and it will get done in a day or two if they know there are zero repercussions on the .gov side.”

          It’s how the criminal gangs keep order in the ranks – Make a very visual and public example of someone’s ‘error’, and the rest fall in line (for a while, anyways).

          Rinse, lather, repeat. There are always recruits willing to step up and replace the ‘demoted’, since not having a gang affiliation in that ‘hood shortens expected lifespan…

  14. “peacekeeping teams work through relationships for a truce”

    “yo dawg, mo’ colt 45 and blow be cool.”

  15. Those working people he pretends to fight for better get the point across to him real fast that he definitely is not the person for the job or that population of working people he pretends to fight for is going to start decreasing as soon as the gangs establish dominance over the area. He decreased police, gangs see their chance to establish dominance over areas and that’s why they are shooing it out now in his area.

    I’ve been though this scenario, little to no law enforcement that can stop it with the gangs shooting it out and harming killing residents and committing crime to establish dominance over an area, We weren’t a big area like a city, we were a small unincorporated community. But the gangs would come across the state lines (we lived near the state lines of a tri state area), do their crimes and shoot it out with each other. Law enforcement did what they could but they only had so much in resources (we had to rely on the county sheriff and they were stretched thin). We were simply over run with it. Finally constitutional carry came, and victims started shooting back and taking out bad guys and in a couple of months they finally got the message and crime dropped ~70% in the area and continued a decline and the sherrif could handle what was left and we got our community back.

  16. Once the right Cartel fully takes over the neighborhood, this fellow’s headless torso will turn up on the steps at City Hall some morning.

  17. Before anyone else asks: It was Michael J. Madigan, not this guy, who got his opponent disqualified by somehow conjuring up more retractions for signatures than his opponent actually got and somehow got away with it.

  18. Why do I care. Like the article stated he will probably get reelected. The more criminals in his ward the less somewhere else.

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