Hunter Biden

By Lee Williams 

Miracle Star Vaughn, a 27-year-old woman from North Liberty, Iowa, was sentenced last week to serve one year and a day in a federal prison after pleading guilty to making false statements during the purchase of several firearms, according to an ATF press release. 

Vaughn lied about her drug use on an ATF Form 4473, court documents show. Two of the firearms she purchased were later found in the possession of convicted felons, one of whom is awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. 

Vaughn’s 366-day prison sentence was the product of a plea agreement. After she completes her prison term, she must serve an additional three years of supervised release. 

The false statements Vaughn made about her drug use are similar to the false statement Hunter Biden allegedly made on Oct. 12, 2018, when he answered “No” on an ATF Form 4473, when asked “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden’s naked gun

Hunter Biden’s drug usage is well known and well documented, especially by him. The president’s son enjoyed taking pictures of himself smoking crack cocaine and cavorting with prostitutes while brandishing a handgun. Several years before he allegedly lied on the ATF form, Hunter Biden was booted out of the Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine, and both he and his father have spoken openly about his crack cocaine addiction.

Lying on a Form 4473 is a federal felony and should be punishable by up to 10 years in prison, even for a president’s son.

At the time of his pistol purchase, Hunter Biden was living in Delaware and dating Hallie Biden, the widow of his late brother Beau. Police have said Hallie became concerned about Hunter’s mental health after he purchased the weapon. She allegedly placed the pistol in a plastic bag and tossed it in a dumpster behind a grocery store, which is across the street from the Alexis I. du Pont High School and could have easily been found and misused by a child.

The FBI and the U.S. Secret Service became involved in the incident, but the full extent of their participation isn’t known. David Weiss, the U.S. Attorney for Delaware has been investigating Hunter Biden’s firearm purchase and other alleged crimes for more than five years, but so far…no charges have been filed. 


This case further illustrates how federal agents are more than willing to act like medieval palace guards rather than professional law enforcement officers if a Biden is involved.


Hunter Biden should be subjected to the same standard of justice that Miracle Star Vaughn received, if not more. After all, the 53-year-old unemployed drug addict is a negligent discharge just waiting to happen. His own videos show him holding a cocked 9mm Beretta with his finger on the trigger, after smoking crack in a motel room with naked prostitutes. It’s only a matter of time before Hunter puts a round in someone. 

If the FBI, the U.S. Secret Service, the Department of Justice or the U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware want to retain even the smallest shred of credibility, they need to follow the law, not the politics, and take enforcement action, regardless of whether the one with the smoking pipe or the smoking gun is a president’s son


    • the key term there is “several guns”…she’s clearly a straw-purchaser, probably swapping guns for drugs…

      • 7 to be exact. You know, it’s strange… I’m sure I have bought more than 7 arms from that very same Scheel’s.

        • MADDMAXX May 3, 2023 At 22:57
          Your comment is awaiting moderation
          Did you immediately give/sell/trade them to someone else… The most I’ve purchased at once was four, still have them, in fact of all the guns I’ve purchased over the years, (decades), I still have them all except one, an early Bushmaster AR (Pre-ban) that I gifted to my Great Nephew on his 12th birthday… He loves it and shoots it regularly…

          Moderation bullshit just gets crazier by the day, what the fuck is it THIS time “Birthday?, Nephew?, Bushmaster?, guns?, shoots?, IT?… Fucking stupid shit…

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        • veritable and guaranteed procedure price to pick up a tremendous entire of cash at household. Interface this right now

          You’d think they would try to teach these fucking morons more gooder english before they cut them loose with a laptop and a list of websites… BUT I get MODERATED for inexplicable reasons?

      • Two of the firearms she purchased were later found in the possession of convicted felons, one of whom is awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to possession of a firearm by a prohibited person.

        As soon as this was mentioned, I thought “straw purchasing”. There is always more to a story than first thought.

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  1. He is, after all, the “Smartest man” Joe Biden knows, so Joe said. And probably the “shadow president” who’s actually running the country. Even living in the White House. Joe will probably leave the White House and the presidency to Hunter in his will.

    • probably the “shadow president” who’s actually running the country.


    • You have to be a complete imbecile to think this is a case of selective prosecution.

  2. What difference does it make if Braindead Jr. is charged or not, Federal charges, Braindead Sr. will issue an unconditional pardon and life still goes on…

    • Maybe they can get him on state charges, like NY did with Trump. Daddy couldn’t do anything about that.

      • That’s true, but Fed taxes and 4473 violations are not state issues the Delaware US AG is doing the investigation, there are no state charges unless Delaware make stupidity a crime in which case he would do life without parole at the J.T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna… I don’t think any charges will be filed and if they are they will be minor infractions that will let him pay a fine and go about his life in blissful ignorance… “No one fucks with a Biden” (JRB)…

        • Maybe Hunter will get something more fitting like….HIV. He sure lived the high risk lifestyle to get Hepatitis or HIV!

        • “Maybe Hunter will get something more fitting like….HIV.”

          HIV is no longer a death sentence, with modern anti-viral meds, but you will forever have to take them…

        • Maybe Hunter will get something more fitting like….HIV.”

          Meds keep that in check and some have actually been declared “cured”, not good enough… Maybe a fentanyl overdose or better yet “tranq” (not responsive to Narcan) could do the trick…

    • You’re delusional if you think there is any chance Joe will pardon Hunter. Democrats simply aren’t as immoral as republicans.

      • Democrats simply aren’t as immoral as republicans.

        What rock did YOU just crawl out from under… Must not be familiar with the history of the Dems… Hint: start with JFK, RFK, Bubba Clinton and yeah, Hunter Braindead… Of course, I guess that actually depends on YOUR definition of “IMMORAL”…

  3. Miracle Star Vaughn

    I’m no biologist, but isn’t that a woman’s name?

    At the risk of being branded a racist (yeah, like I GAF any more), the name also seems that it might belong to — a member of a minority group?

    Well, that explains it. The legal system goes after a black woman while giving a white male pervert a pass. Is that why they call it “systemic racism?”

    • Well no name Miracle was also a straw purchaser. She coulda got 10years. If Obama had a daughter(one of his “kids” may be related to him). It’s good to be a Bidumb boy🙄

  4. When Joe Blow gets caught selling opioids to somebody he gets locked up.
    When some executive in a suit sells them to tens of thousands of people he gets a bonus.

    Different rules for different animals.

  5. In the eyes of Gun Control zealots and the marxist media if you legitimately own a firearm you are a hunter biden dirtbag times 10.

    What ones sees on TV and reads coming from Gun Control zealots shows only their nice side. Outside the matrix they are the torch carrying Gun Control kkk and the Gun Control nazi third reich ready to give everyone the same treatment Blacks and Jews received.

  6. Supposedly, a decision will be ‘made soon’.

    Yeah, right.

    Then again, maybe creepy Unka Joe wants to throw his ass under the bus for embarrassing him…

  7. I got an entire jury pool dismissed when I pointed out my experience with the two-tier judicial system to the prosecutor while being interviewed in open court. Never got called for jury duty again.

  8. Get used to it, proles. Your rulers are just better than you are.

    Have you ever noticed how much this Country has become a real life version of “Hunger Games?”

  9. IDK I’d be willing to bet there’s some poor dead hooker(s) in Hunters’ discharge history. Unsolved mystery my a$$

      • Dr. Jill has it. She’s gotta be the “brains” of the outfit these days. And I use that term loosely, in a relative sense. Probably has been from the beginning.

  10. Hunter Biden has the same rich White s0ci@list Pr0gressive ESG approved privilege, that the rich white actor Alec Baldwin has.

  11. I won’t argue that Biden’s son has been getting a walk for his misdeeds, but I have zero issue with Ms. Vaughn’s conviction. If anything, she’s getting off easy.

    She made no fewer than 7 straw purchases for prohibited possessors, including one to Dimione Walker. Walker is a habitual offender who took part in a nightclub shooting last year that killed 3 people and was recently convicted of 1st Degree Murder. She also lied to investigators about her purchases after the fact.

    This woman ought to be going away for 25 years, not 12 months, IMHO.

  12. Allow me to shed some light on this subject:

    The FBI and the U.S. Secret Service became involved in the incident …”

    I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that their “involvement” was covering it up.

    “… the U.S. Attorney for Delaware has been investigating Hunter Biden’s firearm purchase and other alleged crimes for more than five years, but so far…no charges have been filed.

    Going out on a limb again–guessing that “investigating” means trying to figure out how to screw-up the cases and ensure that Biden avoids prosecution.

  13. I’m not supporting either criminal. But I fail to see anywhere in the 2a where a 4473 is mentioned.

  14. It says, “Are you”, not “Were you”
    I’ve full faith that Hunter quit and should not be punished for rehabilitating himself or what he did in the past. The only reason he is being targeted is because he is the son of Joseph Robinett Biden, The Greatest President america has ever had.
    With any luck congress will do away with term limits for Democrats and we can have President Biden for life.
    That gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, kinda like cocaine or crack, but much better.
    Biden in 2024 👍💋

  15. Addicts are taught “once an addict, always an addict”. Inquiring minds want to know what the legal definition of “addicted to” is. Is it physical or mental? How long must someone be clean to be able to state they are not addicted to an illegal drug?

    • If it dont show up on the piss test your good to go. So a month for weed and maybe a week at the most for the other stuff.
      I’m kinda thinkin maybe along with the 4473 form you have to have a urine test too, that would be unconstitutional but wtf nobody in politics goes by the constitution anyway.

  16. Maybe if she was on video with hookers and blow and had an illegitimate child then they would let her off.

  17. The picture in this article is extremely misleading.
    1. That is a GAMO PT-80 CO2 powered pellet gun, not a Beretta PX4 (you can tell by the front end, pivot pin used to open the pellet gun and lack of a Picatinny rail.)
    2. This picture is from a video capture of Hunter Biden with a prostitute where he pulls it from HER purse.
    3. The gun in question that he purchased (illegally) through the FFL via 4473 on Oct. 12, 2018 was a revolver.

  18. “The false statements Vaughn made about her drug use are similar to the false statement Hunter Biden allegedly made on Oct. 12, 2018,”
    The whole premise of this story is a deliberate and intentional lie. The women bought 7 firearms and was providing hem to people she knew were felon who were prohibited from buying guns. Hunter ha never been accused of any such criminal behavior. She added further felonies by lying to BI agents when confronted with this behavior rather than simply lawyering up. And all of the press stories are presently saying Hunter will be charged with the felony of lying once (not 7 separate times) It takes your typically morally degenerate conservative to believe someone should be punished more severely for 1 felony as opposed to the at least 10 felonies specified in this article.

    • Buying, owning, carrying or giving a firearm away should never be a crime. Simply having a gun in your possession, regardless of your history should not be a crime.

      It is what you do with that gun that matters, Not just having it.

      • So, you’re okay with heroin addicts, crack heads and meth users running around in the streets with guns… Those people would kill their own mothers if necessary to get the drugs they need… Addiction to drugs, alcohol or anything else is a form of mental illness, I personally don’t want them on my streets armed and looking for their next score…

    • someone should be punished more severely for 1 felony as opposed to the at least 10 felonies specified in this article.

      Lying on Form 4473 is a felony punishable by up to ten year’s imprisonment. For being a user of unlawful drugs in possession of a firearm, the punishment is up to five years in prison. No one is suggesting Hunter “Braindead should be treated MORE severely (only a radical morally degenerate progressive leftist scum would make THAT accusation) but rather he be treated the SAME as any of us commoners would be… The woman made a plea deal for lying about her drug use on the 4473 which is what she was charged with (Vaughn, a 27-year-old woman from North Liberty, Iowa, was sentenced last week to serve one year and a day in a federal prison after pleading guilty to making false statements during the purchase of several firearms) NOT for giving them to prohibited persons…

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