Screen capture by Boch via YouTube.
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What happens when a platoon of SWAT cops in a smallish-town of 52,000 descends upon the wrong home in search of a teenage punk? Well, if they toss destructive devices all around, bust out windows and storm inside like they’re on a mission in Fallujah, there’s more than a chance that their actions will have life-threatening consequences for the occupants of the targeted dwelling.

And that’s exactly what happened in Elyria, Ohio. Despite doing multiple “knock and talk” visits to a home in that city and being told that the current residents were new renters, the Elyria PD smelled a rat. They just didn’t figure that law-abiding renters, answering their door, would ever tell the truth to LEOs pounding on their door with their mean mugs on display.

So after a year, Elyria’s boys in blue would pull a mid-day raid on the home. Desperate to catch their wanted man 14-year-old teen, they bunched up like a gaggle of overweight, out-of-shape amateur airsofters LARPing (LARPing is live-action role playing for those not into that scene) their way through another weekend match on the airsoft field. Only instead of Airsoft guns, they had real guns and destructive devices for good measure.

Intent on seizing the initiative and taking their wanted fugitive into custody, they proceeded to toss multiple flash-bang grenades and “break and rake” the windows of the home. Again, they did so after repeatedly being told that the subject of their investigation no longer lived at the residence.

Despite that, they swore an affidavit to a judge to get a warrant to search the home for the target of their investigation.

Police used a battering ram to bust open the front door less than ten seconds after announcing themselves…right after they’d tossed those destructive devices.

You know, when you’re throwing destructive devices, the same as firing a gun, you have the responsibility to know who and what is in the path (and beyond) of your delivery.

But not only did the Elyria PD not check things out, they proceeded to “break and rake” some of the first-floor windows, under one of which was a one-year-old with a heart condition. Essentially a baby that didn’t react well to the toxic fumes from the flash bang grenade’s detonation.

An hour later, the mom was finally able to take the infant to the hospital for real pediatric treatment instead of a police EMT that diagnosed the baby as “fine” in the aftermath of the traumatic raid.

Yep, cops were looking for a 14-year-old on weapons charges, too, not John Wayne Gacy.

From the UK Daily Mail:

Police in Ohio searching for a teen on weapons charges raided the wrong home, seriously injuring a 17-month-old special needs boy with a heart defect.

The incident took place around 2.15pm Wednesday when a swarm of officers from the Elyira Police Special Response Team busted into the home on Parmely Avenue. The raid was captured on a ring camera.

Reida Jennings’ niece, Courtney Price, 25, and her 17-month-old son, Waylon May, were visiting from Kentucky and staying at her home. The toddler was awaiting open heart surgery that is scheduled for next month.

During the bust,…

Whoa Tex.  There was no “bust” there.  The Elyria LARPers, all dressed up like they were going to SWAT Team fantasy camp, were at the wrong house.

Price said the officers threw two flash bangs through the window. The grenades hit near her son, who was sitting in a swing near the window, and covered him in glass and smoke.

The terrified mother told Fox8 News that guns were pointed at her and she feared she’d be shot if she ran to her child. ‘One second everything was normal, 15 seconds later our world was flipped upside down,’ she recalled.

Authorities in the town about 20 miles from Cleveland said the raid was part of an investigation – one reportedly looking for a teen on weapon charges. The police claimed that the devices, ‘diversionary devices,’ used do not produce burns and do not contain pepper gas or chemical agents.

The suspect was not found at the home. 

Hopefully the infant survives and enjoys a gold-plated upbringing in a city outside of Elyria, including the finest university education, courtesy of the Elyria taxpayers. The leadership of the Elyria PD apparently created and condoned such a circus. The care for the child, as well as any monies paid as the result of lawsuits related to this incident need to come from the department’s budget, which unfortunately translates into the fact that city taxpayers will foot this bill.

Frankly, whoever presented this to a judge needs to find a new line of work and forfeit their pension because this has no place in American law enforcement. And the rest of them?  I’m sure 99.99% of America is saying a prayer of thanks they don’t live in Elyria, Ohio.

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  1. The judge who signed off on this nonsense should probably resign in shame, as well as the chief of the local PD, and mayor or city manager.

    This nonsense needs to stop

  2. Actually, The Lawsuits will come out of the insurance company that covers the city/township! Their rates are going to go through the roof to insure the PD 🚨🚓🪖🪖! Insurance company will probably drop them after this serious an incident!

    • Doubtful it is a private, for profit insurance company. In my state the “League of Cities” provides insurance to it’s members.

  3. I hope the child survives this and the coming surgery. The family should own the entire city for this stupidity. I wonder what warnings are on the flash bangs about using them around toddlers. They are meant to totally disorient healthy adults. Imagine what they did to this toddler!

  4. Everyone involved in such a dumbass stunt should be placed on unpaid leave for four weeks while an independent DA looks into the case. All participants should be mandated to go though remedial training and full restitution should be made to the home owners and the renting occupants as well as a public apology from the mayor, police chief and the ass who put together this raid.
    Hey COPS. It is hard to support you when you act like NAZI storm troopers. Use some common sense or watch the law abiding folks pull their support from you. Don’t me asses, Don’t get your ego in the way. Don’t be the town bully cause you can. Things can happen.

    • Does this story mean you ain’t “backing the blue” John Boch? After January 10,2023 I can’t imagine why any lawful owner in ILL annoy would be! Gotta hide those verboten gunz from the Ill gestapo🙄

  5. After 23 years of police work where do these imbecilic morons come from? The mayor wants and investigation to white wash himself as much as possible. The problem is drugs and crimes are not important to these cities
    enforcing petty ordinances on trash collection, speeding, and what day you wash your car are more profitable and less of a hassle
    Never worked with one cop would not have rushed that baby to the hospital. Where the hell do these morons come from??

    • Yeah, well, a cop could get hurt, or God forbid, killed, enforcing laws against actual crime being committed by actual criminals. If I am ever in the situation this family was in prior to this raid (having been questioned about a person who no longer lives there) I’ll be sure to put bear traps in front of all doors and first floor windows and keep children in interior or 2nd floor rooms only.

  6. Is it any wonder that the police have a public relations problem? The “warrior” mentality that has been instilled into the modern cop is just wrong. What happened to “protect and serve”? I realize that the majority of cops want to do the right thing but this notion that every police department needs to have an assault team on standby to storm a house is overkill.

    • Many local PD received military vehicles from the Obama administration. All they had to do was request them.
      The ONE condition on keeping these vehicles?
      They had to be used in a military style incident within one year.
      What does every problem look like when you’re holding a hammer?

      • “Many local PD received military vehicles from the Obama administration“

        Obama had nothing to do with this program, it was created long before he ever went to Washington:

        “Created as part of 1997’s National Defense Authorization Act, the 1033 program allows the Department of Defense to get rid of excess equipment by passing it off to local authorities, who only have to pay for the cost of shipping. (A precursor, the slightly more restrictive 1208 program, began in 1990.) According to the Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO), which oversees the process, over $7.4 billion of property has been transferred since the program’s inception; more than 8,000 law enforcement agencies have enrolled. Much of that inventory is perfectly ordinary: office equipment, clothing, tools, radios, and so on. But the haul also includes some of the so-called controlled equipment—rifles, armored vehicles, and so on—that have helped create such a spectacle of disproportion.“

        This was just another corporate welfare program for the military industrial complex, creating a whole new market for their products, funded by the US taxpayers.

        • A, yes, MORE MajorLiar major lies!! What would we do without them. Now, MajorLiar, it IS factually accurate to say that the Obama Administration did not create or pass the 1033 program. The implication, that it was some random federal program, existing before the Lyin’ Hawaiian, that he had NOTHING TO DO WITH. And THAT is the major lie, as you well know. Barry Soetoro and his rogue administration were BIG proponents of the 1033 program (some of the highest levels of DoD transfers of “controlled items” to civilian law enforcement of any administration) up until the George Floyd riots, after which his other political agenda took precedence, and he ordered more controls on the program. He NEVER, either before or after the George Floyd riots, made ANY effort to get the program terminated.

          But to blatantly say that he had “nothing to do” with the 1033 program, or its implementation, is a complete lie, covered by a harem veil of an only slightly relevant fact; that he was not the creator of the program. BFD. Up until George Floyd, his Admin was an enthusiastic promoter of the 1033 program, because his stated goal was to DOWNSIZE the US military – which resulted in millions (billions?) of dollars of equipment being declared BY THE LYIN’ HAWAIIAN’S DoD “excess to needs”, and therefore being disposed of through the 1033 program.

          I suspect you knew that when you wrote your abysmal “lie by omission”, but . . . the narrative is more important that truth, eh, MajorLiar??? Or maybe, your desire to fellate Obama overrules all.

          He was an incompetent diversity hire of a “President”, and the flood of equipment into the 1033 program under his Admin is well known, so . . . blow it out your @$$, MajorLiar.

        • “He was an incompetent diversity hire of a “President”

          The Obama/ Biden administration was able to finally remove Osama bin Laden, a task that had eluded the Republicans for 7 years.

          The Obama/Biden administration was also able to fix the economy after the Republicans mismanagement led to the 2008 recession.

          “How Much Did the Dow Go Up During Obama? On the day that Obama took office, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) closed at 7,949.09. 1 On Obama’s last day of office, the DJIA closed at 19,827.25. 11 The DJIA grew 149% during Obama’s presidency“


        • MajorLiar,

          And his designated “wing man”, the worst AG in US history, trafficked guns to Mexican cartels. And ANY improvement in the stock market that occurred under the Lyin’ Hawaiian’s (mal)Administration had nothing to do with him. And what are the relative figures for illegals crossing the border (i) under Barry Soetoro’s incompetent (mal)Administration, vs. (ii) Trump, vs. (iii) the current idiot, senile Rutabaga in chief?

          What were the relative inflation rates under the three (even using the ABSOLUTE BULLSH*T definition used to compile the CPI)?

          Oh, and what happened that caused the 2008 economic problems?

          Questions anyone that wasn’t an idiot (and wasn’t yearning to schlob Obummer’s knob . . . which I’m sure he would enjoy) would rightly ask.


          Suck it, MajorLiar. Your lies are become so pathetic, at this point, that you aren’t even a decent caricature of a blinkered, ideological Leftard moron. Your efforts to justify the incompetence of the Lyin’ Hawaiian, and the current Rutabaga-in-Chief are just laughably stupid.

          We have, OBJECTIVELY, the worst economy in the last 25 years under the brilliant policies of the senile idiot supposedly in charge of our gummint. Highest deficits in history. Highest national debt in history. Highest ration of spending to GDP since WW II. And you keep trying to defend this idiocy (incompetently, but no competent person would even try), with the most hilariously stupid comments ever.

          Q: How can you tell when MajorLiar is lying??
          A: His fingers are moving on his keyboard (or, more accurately, his MOTHER’S keyboard).

          You do not help your case by posting objectively stupid, incorrect, or obviously cherry-picked male bovine excrement, MajorLiar. But you do make a giant @$$ of yourself, so I guess it evens out. I at least get a laugh when you post. As my dear daddy used to say, “He looks like a cat trying to cover sh*t on a linoleum floor!”

  7. This a great example of one of the many reasons I support eliminating the pigs. We can handle our own business. Anyone who doesn’t want to handle their own business can pay private security. They can use the tax money they wouldn’t have to pay to support the pigs anymore.

    • “They can use the tax money they wouldn’t have to pay to support the pigs anymore.”

      That’s not how it works in real life. Defunding the police means funding some covert Democrat political/DEI department masquerading as a social program. Regardless, you’ll never see that money. Then when the citizens beg to have the police back, the budget expenditures will only increase which means more taxes.

    • Crimson, not this again. Let’s set aside Defund the Police for a minute. We all know how that worked out. But, I’ll play along. Let’s eliminate the pigs. When your neighbor on the next block is burglarized you won’t mind burning a few vacation days to check the local pawn shops for his property. No luck there? Go check with the C.I.s you have out on the street. Evidence? What are you going to do with it? (You did process the crime scene, didn’t you?) The pigs were eliminated. They run the crime labs, DNA, fingerprint files and things like that. An arrest? You won’t mind taking off from your day job again for depositions, trials, etc. As far as the SWAT thing you can jump up from whatever it is you’re doing and assume command and show how it’s done. Or, we can turn it over to robots with A.I. They don’t make mistakes.

      • Agree, except this was not a mistake. This was a holier than thou cop or cops believing he(they) had the right to invade a home with some serious firepower and cause significant damage because he(they) didn’t believe the lawful occupants. There are just too many of these kinds of cops and this shit happens all too frequently. He(They) and others like them must be prosecuted and imprisoned for a very, very long time or it will never end.

    • Pirate,

      For myself, I agree with you. The reality is that the people who would be affected most negatively would be? The “po’ folk”. (What a cliche! “Women and blacks most affected!”). But it is true. Po’ folks can’t afford good gunms (or, often, ANY gunms), and sure as hell can’t afford private security.

      What about, and HERE’S a radical idea!!, we (i) recruit better cops, (ii) TRAIN them better, and (iii) pay them better. “Oh, but that would cost too much!” How many GOOD cops, and how much GOOD training, could you pay for with the cost of all the lawsuits that the cities and insurance companies keep paying out for resulting from objectively STOOPID sh*t like this??

      The answer isn’t easy, but it is simple. Either improve the quality (and focus) of your police, or continue to have babies blown up in their cribs by idiots. That it costs a little more (not sure that it would, in fact)? If the price is your issue, you clearly don’t REALLY want “good cops”, you want “good cop” results from the crappy cops your system creates.

    • The police where only meant to supplement our self defense, they were never supposed to remove our ability.

      • Recently I wondered why atheists were never big supporters of the tenth amendment. Until I realized that in the Bible belt. Things like this would not be happening.

        It would be dealt with swiftly by the locals and no government involvement.

        And having the local people take care of business, without the government being involved terrifies the atheists. And many other things wouldn’t be happening in the Bible Belt. If the tenth amendment was enforced,

        But you could still do all those things you want to do, in states like california.

        Alex stein at the drag show. Video 2 min long.

        • Are you using the word “atheist” as some sort of code-phrase for something? I’m not certain just what in the 10A it is you imagine would have anything to do with religious unbelief.

      • What “looks worse”???
        A suspect being shot to death? Or A suspect being clubbed and taken into custody and still alive?

        If you watch the entire video of the police interaction Rodney King King, you’ll see he rushes at police officers. He could have been killed for that and rightly so.

        Instead he lived many more years. And I believe he collected a nice fat check from the government.

  8. Getting real tired of these fat ass gravy seals playing war. I question the mental stability and capability of anyone who takes that job and performs as such. No love for cops in general, I guess it shows.

  9. Want to stop this nonsense? First switch all police pensions to defined contribution instead of defined benefit. Turn the pot of money over to the police union to administer. Then when they pull a stunt like this, hand the union the bill to pay, out of the pension fund.

    • I dunno if that’s the way to go, but having the police union pay the premiums for the insurance policy that pays out for police misconduct seems like a good idea.

      The cops know which guys on the force are idiots, what we need is a good way to motivate them to push the idiots out. Making the idiots cost the rest of them money (via union dues that pay insurance premiums) seems like a reasonable way to do it.

      • They are all idiots. They only recruit these days from the lower half of the IQ’s and any cop with half a brain or even a conscience has long since resigned. Thin blue short bus.

  10. Cops are fine, as long as they are working to keep the peace, deal with actually harmful people, and protect innocent citizens.

    This kind of behavior is not fine, and people should lose their jobs over it.

  11. Imagine what a 5 gallon bucket of Tannerite and ball bearings would do to that gaggle of LARP’rs.

    • Darkman,

      You don’t need ball bearings to achieve your desired outcome if you have that large a quantity of Tan-r-ight.

    • And these are the same ‘pigs’ you want to give authority over who does and does not get a gun.

      Why you have to lie, jerry p. of dayton ohio? You were not around in the 60’s.

      • To Jethro the Janitor.

        You get the gold star for stupidity and stalking. The man who dropped out of high school and claims to know everything about anything and what he does not know is not worth knowing. It’s not a surprise you signed up to go to Vietnam.

        As your Lord God Trump said and I quote “Only fools went to Vietnam” and you were at the head of the line.

    • Hilarious coming from a BRITISH MARXIST, who wants the US military/LEO to raid American citizens houses to seize firearms!!

    • Your posts sound more like those of a child but it’s not unusual to find some from the ’60s who never grew up. If you were around back then you would know that the cops of the ’60s were way better than today’s fascist incompetent thugs.

  12. Frankly, whoever presented this to a judge needs to find a new line of work and forfeit their pension because this has no place in American law enforcement.

    Imagine being such an immoral hypocrite that you complain about things like this while cheering on federal law enforcement for forging documents to get a warrant, or putting the country through hell over a fake collusion scandal, or raiding a former president’s residence while giving Epstein time to clean his house before “raiding” it. Who would do that? 95% of Democrats have done that.

    How can anyone expect local law enforcement to be held accountable when over half of the country wasn’t calling on federal law enforcement and legislators to be held accountable? Who paid for the collusion scam? Democrats rewarded them for it.

  13. PD’s must have been hiring all along on the same DEI criteria the FAA has adopted.

    The more meds you’re on the better.
    The lower your IQ the better.

  14. I got a whiff of what it was like in law enforcement circles and walked away with my dignity fully intact. Buncha knuckle dragging mouth breathing imbeciles. There is NO honor in being affiliated with any LE agency. It’s all hot garbage.

  15. The way I see it, the officers involved in that incident should face the same criminal and civil legal consequences that you or I would face if we vandalized someone’s home, threw flash-bangs inside, barged in, pointed guns at the home occupants, falsely imprisoned them, and interfered with critical childcare (in other words face child abuse/neglect charges for preventing the mom from caring for her child and for preventing immediate transport to the hospital).

  16. This isn’t the first time this happened.
    I remember a similar case of “wrong house” in which police tossed a flash-bang grenade into a baby’s crib, and when the grenade exploded, it put a hole in the baby’s heart.
    That previous case was worse in one way, in that it was the wrong address entirely, and cops should have known because the house they were looking for had no children in it while the house they mistakenly raided (“Oops, wrong address”) had children’s bicycles and toys all over the front yard and front porch.
    I’ll never forget that previous case because after cops threw a grenade into the baby’s crib, putting a hole in the baby’s heart, a cop was quoted as saying, “If I had it to do over again, I would have done it exactly the same. I wouldn’t have done a thing different,” showing just how little cops value the lives of children (and the lives of anyone who isn’t a fellow cop)!
    The police motto used to be “To protect and serve,” now it’s “To maim and kill innocent civilians and then go home without any regrets at all, because civilian lives don’t matter.”

  17. This event doesn’t even make sense from a pragmatic and budgetary perspective. I count at least 19 cops in that still photo and their combined wages absolutely HAVE to be higher than the expense of surveiling the home 24/7 for a few days to establish whether their suspect was at the home.

    Needless to say, surveiling the home for a few days is the ONLY permissible strategy when it is far safer AND less expensive than some massive surprise-attack raid.

    • They might have needed to use some military grade gear before the 12 month “use it or lose it” contract clause timed out.

      • Sadly, that is actually the most logical explanation for what transpired.

        Why else would the local police department send in 20 officers to search for a 14 year-old who they believed had stolen some firearms?

  18. By now you’d think before these overblown Raids were conducted someone would verify the perp’s address, etc. Such gung ho stupidity means a big check is on the way.

    • That was my question. One news story qouted someone as saying 28 officers, but 19, 20, or 28 is still a ridiculous response. Maybe they all have to participate in one raid a year to justify some extra money and decided to start the year by including everybody?

      Or maybe the were LARPing the raid on Nakatomi Plaza after watching Die Hard at Christmas.

  19. Every cop present, the chief of police, and the judge should face felony assault charges…inadition to the civil penalties.

  20. “The police claimed that the devices, ‘diversionary devices,”

    reminds me of George Carlin’s bit about the concept of “shellshock” being renamed again and again to make it sound ‘softer’

  21. F*ck “Back The Blue”!! They’ll be some of the first motherf*ckers to violate our constitutional rights. They’ll claim we’re just doing what we are instructed to do. Never mind the oath they take. A lot of them were all over the covid mask and church service violators. Then they get get hailed as heroes. F*ck that!

  22. It’s another “Harding st. Raid”. Something Houstonians know a bit about. One of several Art Acevedo tricks of the trade. The difference is that people died in Houston.

    Cops don’t seem to understand at all that this is part of WHY so many people don’t like them and will align with the defund the police movement. SWAT teams are no better (just better armed).

    • I think cops generally know that this is not a good way to increase institutional trust in police. The guys who did this, though? They probably jumped at the chance to get off patrol and get in a ‘special’ unit where they can play with cool toys and wear jeans to work.

  23. How much you bet that the SWAT LARPs persuaded the imbecile judge to sign the warrant by alleging that the residents were “gun nuts” armed with politically incorrect guns? In one case in Portland Oregon, a photo of a man’s son in USMC uniform with his military issue M-16 was utilized to justify a no knock warrant. Three cops armed with full auto HK, MP-5s pumped 32 rounds into the African American grandfather when the mistook a BIC lighter for a gun.

    We need some lynchings for not just the SWAT LARPs but the imbecile judges that enable this crap. better yet would be some good old fashioned public stonings so that everyone can participate.

  24. It’s funny how the cops will say that the flash bangs contained no chemical agents. Without that they would be inert and become the equivalent of rocks. Of course they contain chemical agents. Just how stupid do they think people are?

    Sooner or later they are going to hit the wrong house and it’s be something that truly is criminal. Eventually, it’ll be someone they can’t hide. They are all a bunch of keystone cops carrying guns.

  25. It’s this stuff that makes it sooooo hard to support law enforcement. I stay in a perpetual state of being torn over wanting to vigorously support law enforcement to the maximum; and wanting to consider them useful idiot scum – loyal little obedient lapdogs to their government communist masters.

  26. Waco and Ruby Ridge were test runs. Just saying. Got away with it and will continue the practice. None responsible spent a single day in jail. No repercussions, no dissuasion. Why stop? Not a bug, only a feature. OBEY!!!!!

  27. A multi-million dollar settlement from the insurance company will compensate these victims. No matter how much this disgusts you, the real problem is that cops like this don’t have to.face personal accountability for their actions. Ending qualified Immunity is the answer to cleaning up problem individuals within the various police departments over the whole country.

    • I don’t think qualified immunity applies here. If the story is correctly reported, the cops just didn’t believe the lawful residents and somehow obtained a search warrant with no proof that the 14 year old was still present in the home. Further, they raided the home at a time when they were not absolutely positive the kid was inside. I think they believed that as long as they had a search warrant they were protected. However, if the search warrant was illegally obtained, issued, or executed they are not.

      Honestly, this calls for an investigation by the US Attorney’s office for violation of the occupants’ 4th amendment rights. If found that they have violated the 4th, the consequences should be swift and severe for all participating persons.

    • Qualified immunity, in theory, isn’t a massively wide thing. It’s basically saying that you can’t punish cops under a particular civil law for not knowing caselaw that hasn’t been made yet. So when the cop shot Edward Garner, he wasn’t individually responsible, because it was only AFTER it happened that the courts decided it was illegal to shoot fleeing felons.

      I agree that individual police should face liability for gross incompetence or malice (and they DO, under the law, as that’s not covered under QI) but if you get rid of qualified immunity, you can’t have policing in any real sense. Anything a cop does could get them left bankrupt, even if it was fully legal at the time.

      In any case, perhaps we should take a look at the UNqualified immunity that judges have when they sign orders? Cops’ ‘qualified’ immunity is a cheap imitation. A judge can literally order excessive physical force be used on someone and, as long as it happens as part of their judicial duties, face no legal repercussions except potentially being sanctioned or removed as a judge.

  28. With this unjustified and (what will turn out to be) illegal incident, and whats happening in Illinois to gun owners facing a possible tyrannical and unconstitutional forced confiscation, at deadly force gun point by ‘police’ forces — it sort of justifies the need for using claymore mines followed up by armed resistance to break up and stop that unjustified ‘platoon’ of ‘police’ that show up.

    When the law abiding innocent are forced to be subservient to will of ‘government’, subject to ‘government’ force (armed or otherwise) because the ‘government’ says so, forced into ‘submission’ by force (armed or otherwise) of government, deliberately endangered by ‘government’ …. this is no longer a free country and the people have every right to rebel and resist no matter if the government’s ‘law’ says otherwise. Yet this is what the country is today, Biden’s government and Pritzker’s government and all these anti-gun governors governments, doing and wanting to do this.

    This incident goes much deeper than just what happened. It reflects the Illinois (and Biden’s federal) government attitude towards its citizens – that attitude of ‘do just as we please and the heck with the rights of the people’.

    • correction for: “This incident goes much deeper than just what happened. It reflects the Illinois (and Biden’s federal) government attitude towards its citizens – that attitude of ‘do just as we please and the heck with the rights of the people’.

      should have been:

      This incident goes much deeper than just what happened. It reflects an attitude of ‘do just as we please and the heck with the rights of the people’. That same attitude of Biden’s federal government and Illinois government attitude towards citizens.

      Clarification for that and for: “and whats happening in Illinois to gun owners facing a possible tyrannical and unconstitutional forced confiscation,” – its that lack of control by the people, controls removed by politicians, by the infestation of an attitude of ‘do just as we please and the heck with the rights of the people’. There is a direct parallel here with this Ohio incident and Illinois and Biden’s government – the people ‘fearing’ the government’ because ‘politicians’ are now simply able to ignore and sidestep and attack and remove the rights of the people because they have via legislation implemented ‘laws’ and ‘legal framework’ that allow the control of people over government to be negated because the ‘governments’ ‘say so’.

  29. In Germany people applying for a cops job are vetted intensely to weed out psychopaths, bully’s and various sadistic nut cases which are drawn to the cop profession like flies are drawn to shit.

    German police are given 3 years of intensive training before being turned loose on the public. In 2012 German cops shot only 12 people compared to Capitalvania where cops gunned down 1,240 (2015). Yearly averages are over 1,000 gunned down.

    In Capitalvania were life is considered cheap and expendable anyone can become a cop who likes to brutalize and shoot people. Some cops get as little as 4 weeks training before being told to settle any dispute by shooting first and asking questions later, you can always lie and say “I had to shoot him because I feared for my life”.

  30. If all you blow hards are not sending emails and phone calls to the Elyria mayor, city council and PD, you’re just want-a-bees trying to be bad ass.
    I sent them a bunch of emails on my thoughts…
    wait a minute…..I have a knock at the front door

    HEEELPPPPPPPPPP Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Haha, on a more serious note, I sent an email to JD Vance referencing this article and requesting that he ask the US Attorney’s office to investigate this violation of the occupants’ 4th amendment rights. I’m not an Ohioan so he probably won’t respond but perhaps with the subject being “Atrocity in Elyria, OH” it will, at least, be read and acted on in some way.

  31. Wait, a 20 man SWAT team to bring in one teenager?

    And BTW, I’m not in law enforcement but is having the whole team, bunched up and without cover, walking up to the front door an acceptable approach method?

    It seems an automatic weapon out a window could mow most of them down before they got to the house.

  32. From the article:
    “There was no “bust” there.”

    One meaning of bust can be big, or total, failure. This fits that definition of “bust.”

  33. The teen may or may not be a punk. It is hard to take the word of a cop, since they all lie any time they open their mouths.

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