1943 Walther P-38
Courtesy Sigiloso
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[This post is part of our series, What I’m Carrying Now. If you’d like to submit a photo and description of the gun, holster and gear you’re carrying in the new world in which we live, send it to us at [email protected] with WICN in the subject field.]

During the stay-at-home order, I took it upon myself to be part of the neighborhood gesta…I mean watch. It’s my job to patrol the neighborhood to make sure everyone obeys they rules.

“Hey you, in zee house! No gardening for you!”.

If I see people talking on their property in a group, I quickly blow my whistle and shout “NEIN! There’s too many of you standing on zee driveway!” The worst are the people who think it’s OK to go for a leisurely family drive. I tail them in my Kübelwagen until we hit a red light, which I then pull along side and shout at them for not obeying the orders of the reichsführer (Governor).

“Essential travel only! Das ist nicht einen vacation! Shame on you!!”

Many have come to hate me, but the work I do is Important. I’m the nosy guy that makes it my mission to make sure everyone listens to the new rules and accepts the fact that they must obey. Forget the US Constitution, it doesn’t mean anything now that a Chinese virus is here.

That’s why I carry a 1943 AC (Walther) P-38.

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    • Indeed. And guess which “-ism” you’d be instantaneously accused of, if people saw you carrying a p-38 in public.

    • Lol imagine being the first reply to this goof and you respond as if the author was serious.

  1. True story, honestly; my father in law, who passed in early 2019, say to me in 2016 “you know I brought a Luger home from the war and I havre it upstairs.” Now, he’s got 5 kids and 9 grandkids at this point and apparently its never been told before. Its just me, my wife (the youngest), him and my mother in law in the kitchen of his home and everyone’s jaws drop. He shuffles his 90 year old self upstairs and comes down a few minutes later with a stuffed sock and proudly pulls out….a p-38. I tell him, coyly, that its not a Luger, its a Wallther. He insists that when he got on the boat in 45 it was a Luger and someone must have swapped it on him. Anyway, since he passed we’ve been looking for it and haven’t found it. I hope to soon, his granddaughter is applying for her license and it would be perfect for her.

  2. Funny. Sad. True. Frustrating.

    Nice Walther. Replacement mags for it are expensive. Has anybody stepped up and made new mags?

  3. I read a news story the other day. Over in New Delhi, India, police catching people out and about when they are supposed to be in quarantine came up with a novel punishment.

    They made those evil doers write “I AM SORRY” five hundred times.

    So, that’s one method of fighting the virus.

  4. You had me there for a moment.

    “Why would dude carry an infamously Nazi gun…oh…”

    • Why would he carry a P38?
      Because it’s a beautiful representation of old world craftsmanship and probably works as well today as it did the day it left the craftsmen hands…
      No CNC parts anywhere on that pistol…

      • Nothing wrong with CNC machining a good forging. Even a good billet, with proper heat treat. MIM is the questionable one. Done right, it can generate excellent parts, but it’s easy to cheap out and get bad parts.

    • It is. This is satire because some people are widely accepting a massive change in society rather quickly without questioning it

      • Nazi jokes aren’t funny, and they play right into the oppositions narrative. So good job with that.

        • Welcome to satire. Satire is rarely funny. Rather, it highlights something in a specific way. Sigiloso did not play to the narrative; he highlighted the absurdity. aka, Satire.

          Well done, Sigiloso.

        • “Nazi jokes aren’t funny, and they play right into the oppositions narrative. So good job with that.”

          Good point. Anti-gunners would never have thought to call us Nazis before this.

        • What narrative? That those who accept radical change in the blink of an eye when it’s “for their safety” (and tend to lean one way on the political spectrum and advocate for things like gun control) and would call the cops on their neighbors because they’re not following “the rules” set forth by people like Governor Whitmer, Cuomo, Newsom, Northam are the actual “Nazis”?

  5. I was thinking Zimmerman got his payout from the civil suit and tossed the Keltec for his new dream gun.

  6. Lol this post is pretty good. I find it especially amusing because about a week ago some SS Officer Karen called the police on me while i was working out in a local park (they have pull-up and dip bars). She was walking her dog in the park and yelled at me saying “the park is closed! You cant be here, im calling the cops!” Lol the irony…

    The police drove by slowly but didnt stop, im sure they were probably annoyed by that meaningless 911 call.

    • Could be worse. In my town they grabbed a dude, cuffed him in front of his daughter and tossed him in a squad car for 10 minutes (essentially arrested him) for playing T-Ball in the park with his kid while following all the “rules”.

      Made international news and everything. Fucking sad. Now there’s a city councilman who’s new to the job after the disasters last year with state investigations into the city’s management that’s calling for action to reform the police department and he’s still getting major pushback. Fucking ridiculous.

      • A side note; the only reason they didn’t haul the guy in is because they attracted the attention of other people who walked over, pulled out phones and started asking questions.

      • Dude I saw that story! If I remember correctly the guy with his daughter was an off duty sheriff deputy too? Total craziness.

        • Town’s got enough gun owners and vets that the cops backed off that shit pretty quick.

          If I’d been working for the local PD the next day I’d have been rocking plates rather than soft armor. People we fucking pissed.

          Which isn’t surprising since we just ousted the Mayor, a good chunk of the City Council and a lot of the long term employees for juicing $70 million out of people with a scam in the way they billed for water over the last 15 years. A scam that made it pretty clear than certain local “old boys” were in bed with organized crime.

    • DING DING DING!!!!!! Exactly. The BS going on has turned people into little Gestapo agents that fell the need to report their damn neighbors and such. It’s not a joke and is downright ridiculous. What’s next? Reporting a “sick” neighbor hiding in the attic?

      • Reminds me of the stories filling the UK papers lately, tales of a bike rider, a neighbor, etc. harassing nurses who are on the way to work because…the nurses wear street clothes to the hospital. “Thought they were just out having fun.” ? People just want to have….a little gestapo time. Eases the self-isolation bit, apparently.

  7. This is a pistol I could never carry. I’d inevitably get arrested for brandishing the weapon while I said in a sinister voice, ‘Ve have vays of making you talk.’

    • Vhat ver you doing outside mit your neighbor, subject? Vhy were you not “social distancing”? REPORTED!!!!

        • No kidding. All those “muh democracy” folks are showing their “Ich liebe der NSDAP” colors and are too stupid to realize it.

    • I’ve read that a common method used in the camps was to bring someone in to the officer quarters where a pot of stew was simmering in the corner. The interrogation would proceed while the Nazis ignored the stew.

  8. LMAO. This is only funny because it’s mostly true.

    Good for a laugh. But really, my PP 32 would fit best for a brown shirt constable.

    Small gun….big authority.

    • A .32 isn’t powerful enough to threaten someone that’s not social distancing. You’re a disgrace to the Reich

      • LMAO. That’s what minions are for.

        A 32 says “I can carry a small pistol since my jackboot underlings will make you obey”.

        Do not question my authority!

      • All of the sudden, that scene in Band of Brothers, at the end when the Germans are surrendering, makes sense. When the officer started ro turn over his handgun and Major Nixon says “You may keep your sidearm”, it wasn’t a sign of respect, it was the realization that the .38 couldn’t hurt anyone anyway.

        • Handy Dan:
          I had a different “take” on that scene. In Europe a sidearm is often a badge of office, and they needed the Nazi general to keep his troops in line after the surrender. And, it was too late for him to try putting the hurt on anyone with his “38.”

  9. Vhere es tu papers!?!? Papers! Schnell!!!!!

    Now get one of those GSG MP40s to go along side of it!

    • The GSG MP40’s are finicky with some ammo and made of pot metal. Better just to have a Russian capture K98 and play the part

      • I’ve been on the fence about those. A Spanish .308 for logistics or original Mauser for historical accuracy? If .308 then why not a 91 or FAL clone?

        • Back when you could get HK33/C33’s, you could slap some wood furniture on it and it would be about as close to a STG45/44 as you could get.

          Though, now come to think of it, Recently I saw one of these on Atlantic, you could get one of those 7.62×39 G3 type rifles and slap wood furniture on that…

  10. Poor surfer dude down in California. All by himself, on his board, waiting for the right set.
    Not one, but two patrol boats descended on him to tell him the error of his ways.

    If the weather holds, I’m headed to the beach to do some surf perch fishing. I think of the ocean as one of my grocery stores.

    Love the P-38. Before the panic, the lgs had a WWII Luger bringback with all the original paperwork. $4K.

  11. I get that this is a joke. That being said, before I read the caption and chuckled at the submitter’s satirical wit, my first thought on seeing the picture was “Jesus, I thought 1911 worshippers were bad…”

    Well played, sir

  12. That was the best damned article I believe I’ve read here so far politicians would say , (.” I believe” a cya thing) that was wonderful.,,,,,, can I say anything good about anyone’s what I carry? No… Your holster looks like shit, you’ve let it go to hell, no excuses. If the gunms guts look anything like the holster, wow. Your No,,,no Nazi at all, poser.

    • The gun has no import marks and the holster is original to it (Walther coded and 1943 dated). Not bad for a 77 year old leather holster from the war….

      • If I saw some with that strapped on I’d think I was transported toa Rob Zombie Twilight Zone. it’s strange but in conversations with a couple gun owners, in the last week, on two separate occasions, the p38 has come up. That’s weird to see one here now

        • “it’s strange but in conversations with a couple gun owners, in the last week, on two separate occasions, the p38 has come up.’

          I have a P38 on my key ring. Use it to open candy wrappers, package seals, and the occasional can.

        • Sam. I have a half dozen or so of the p38 and its larger cousin the p51. They work. But I prefer my SAK for the opening jobs. More handle to hold to.

          • “But I prefer my SAK for the opening jobs. More handle to hold to.”

            Handle? We do need no stinkin’ handle. Handles are for sissies.

  13. Well I’ll be damned. I have that same holster and never had any idea what gun it belonged to.

    • What’s on the back? Should have “p-38”, a date, waffenamt and also a letter code. If it’s original (and in similar condition), worth $200 all day long

      • I’d have to find it but it definitely wasn’t in great condition… the belt loops broke off long ago. Just one of those things I played with when I was younger, probably used it as a holster for a cap gun back in the days when those were cool.

  14. Be An American PATRIOT: ,,join me in my NEVER AGAIN CHINA, take a self pledge to never purchase another Made in China product.. MAGA it’s beyond c19 the list is endless.,

    • And some push satire so close to the limit on daytime TV in the 70s, they become *classics*…

      • “And some push satire so close to the limit on daytime TV in the 70s, they become *classics*…”

        Nah. There has been nothing really good since “Laugh-In”

        • “Nah. There has been nothing really good since “Laugh-In””

          True, that …

      • JP Morgan was the best. The Gong Show still cracks me up.

        “Now I’m going to play my xylophone”

        • She got herself banned for flashing her nipples on-camera, that’s why she suddenly disappeared from The Gong Show…

        • Gong Show was right on the edge. Today, it would still be near the edge.
          And yeah, J.P. “Morgone” (as chuck would say, while she seductively sucked on her finger).
          Now I gotta go find it.

  15. That’s interesting. I bought a P-38 in 1983. An AC 1941, all matching numbers and proof marks. Carried it instead of my 1942 1911 for all of a month or two. Nice gun. I traded it on a new Kimber Four years ago. One of a few guns I actually made money on. Light dependable and accurate.

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    • Vee vill take what ve vish…….and the decide vether or not to blow your ship from zee water.

  17. Well done. I inherited one of these pistols from my grandfather, who packed a few things home after the war. It’s a fascinating piece of history and craftsmanship. For those who have one or more of these, Dieter Marschall wrote a book on Walthers that can help you learn their history and identify your specific firearm. I’m not him, but I bought a copy and found it to be very helpful.

    I think I’ll get mine out tonight, wipe it down a bit, and relive a few memories.

  18. Remember, when all else fails, threaten to send them to the Russian front.

    It always worked for General Burkhalter…

  19. ROTFLMAO. I needed this today. Getting rather fed up with this Stay at Home tyranny our Arse Spelunker Governor has instituted. Just because of some Coolie Cooty virus that’s shaping up to be no worse than the yearly IndoChinee Influenza we get.
    Going to the store and hearing some nutball snowflake complain that you’re not 6 feet away, because they’re the dumb tw*t that decided to stop in the middle of the aisle and read the f*cking label on their organic wheatgrass enema or some such shite.

    • Good job satirizing the stereotype of a racist redneck dummy.

      You… are being satirical… right?

  20. I had my dad’s P-38, gave it to my son to have something from his grandfather. I believe that I shot a total of one mag thru it. BUT also gave him a Ruger SR9c to be sure he had something that would be effective. Love my SR9c.

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