Browning Hi-Power
Courtesy Bob C.

[This post is part of our series, What I’m Carrying Now. If you’d like to submit a photo and description of the gun, holster and gear you’re carrying in the new world in which we live, send it to us at [email protected] with WICN in the subject field.]

Bob C. writes . . .

I am carrying a Browning Hi-Power 9mm. It features Millet sights and a Bar Sto barrel. It points like a finger, is completely reliable, and more accurate than I can hold. Fourteen rounds of Winchester Silvertip is a good reserve of ammunition.

It rides in a Jeffrey Custom Leather IWB. It just seems right for the times.

Browning Hi-Power 9mm
Courtesy Bob C.


  1. I carried a Browning with stock sights and heavy trigger at different times when I was in Australian Army signals. We were issued the same rounds as our sub-machine guns. Always surprised me how well it stood up to very heavy recoil

    • The one I had was hands-down, the *softest* shooting handgun I have ever owned.

      Like ‘buttah’.

      And, like an idiot, I sold it years back…

    • Don’t know about Australian 9MM ammunition, but my experience with Canadian military loads in a Browning HP, a commercial model were less than desirable. The pistol suffered from the use of this ammunition. My hand loads, 4.8 grains of Unique with 123 grain flat nose cast bullet, Winchester primers and whatever 9x 19 MM brass I had handy were no problem in 3 different pistols. They made Minor caliber in IPSC competition without strain.I believe that the surplus Canadian rounds might have been their SMG load. Seems like they and the Browning HP were less than compatible.

      • They were probably surplus. They have to use them all up at the end of the year or else find a way to get rid of them. Fast.

  2. Nice!

    I am just a bit envious. Still looking for a clean, gently used Hi-Power in 9 mm.

    How well does it handle HST’s or Gold Dots?

      • Thank you for confirming +P. Did you have to change the recoil spring?

        Purchasing a decent Hi-Power is one of those itches I’ve had for a number of years…Lord willing and the creek don’t rise I’ll stumble into the right one eventually.

        • I don’t know if it was original or not, since I bought it used. A previous owner *might* have…

        • I’ve always owned BHPs and love the way they handle, carry, and shoot. When Browning announced the end of BHP production mine went into the safe, but I missed carrying it. I purchased a Tisas Regent and did the upgrades. Say what you will about Turkey, but this is a fantastic clone and shoots reliably and accurately.

          • Thank you for the suggestion.

            As far as Turkey…I’ve owned a Canik SF9 Elite for about 5 years. Couldn’t afford a Walther 99. The Canik has never experienced an FTF, FTE or any “Fxx” you can come up with. Reliable, comfortable to hold and accurate.

        • Another big plus, is that they come with MecGar mags, one 13 shot and one15 shot. I have several MecGar 15 shots mags, and they all work beautifully in the Regent. Only downside is the sights are just a bit differently sized so BHP sights won’t work on the Regent. Glad to be of assistance!

    • steep hump on the feed ramp. sometimes needs masagging to reliably feed other than ball.

    • How much would a Sino contract Ingles “CH,” serial mark with import marks run?

  3. I owned and carried a couple of different Hi-powers.

    Nothing wrong with them at all.

    Maybe I will take one out of the safe and carry it again.

  4. Very good. The 15 round mec-gar magazines have never let me down. I’m still looking for a Belgium.

    • is yours israeli, canadian?
      i’ve had an feg (hungaroring) for thirty.
      found a belgian two years ago.
      both ring hammers.

      • Bulgarian clone, but briefly had an Argentine FM . I didn’t even fire that one as when I field stripped it at home I found a crack around the outside of the chamber. Gun shop owner made it right, as it was sold to me as new old stock, it looked new but the powder residue inside the dust cover said different. Shop is a dim back room of a gas station, taught me a lesson to always bring a bore light when gun shopping.

        • A buddy of mine nearly had a similar experience when buying a high-end audio amp.

          The seller had it in a dimly-lit room and claimed the room light was burned out. He retrieved his own light and inspected it, only to discover it had a serious ding in the case.

          He politely declined to buy it. Let the buyer beware…

        • wasn’t sure about bulgy but i know they were cloned all over the globe. fm is the one i see sometimes that makes me think fn. big different.
          the inglis gets good reviews. i can attest to the old kbi imports as being decent for the original two fitty. the first iteration (pjk9hp) is nearly a clone.

    • I have a military Argy and a commercial FN Browning and the 15rd Mec-gar mags are flawless. 124gr HST and Gold Dots are 100% reliable in both guns.

      • MecGar is the OEM for the magazine’s of many brands of firearms. Notably Sig Sauer for sure. Probably Wilson, too. Beretta as well.

  5. I got one with a mean Nazi birdie stamped on it… but I shoot it because some dumb bunny refinished it which put it in my $ range and it’s a great shooter.

  6. My preferences for EDC could easily be described as Tacticool (just wait until they post my submission) but that is a very nice, classy carry piece. Respect to Mr. Bob C

  7. It took me years to find a nice High Power for a decent price. Finally two years ago – a 1990 polished-blue commercial w’ target sights for $400. It’s not going anywhere!

  8. they ought to polymer this thing. its awesome fits in hand great. nice blend of small and high POWER

  9. I have a vet bring back, German-occupation produced HP from 1942. Absolute salt dog, doesn’t have much blueing left. I might pick up a post war commercial example for carry. It fits my hand quite well.

    • Small arms haven’t advanced much since 1980. You can find lighter guns than were common back then. You can find smaller guns in bigger calibers than back then. But neither of those things is an objective benefit to a firearm- just choices.

      But fashion-wise, sure, it’s practically medieval.

      • The arms haven’t, fundamentally, but the ammunition has, and Silvertips are a pure 1980s choice.

  10. All time classic pistol. Like an idiot I traded away a 1968 T series a few years back, but scored a low 12,000 sn range pre war Belgian right after…….Something about the HP that just wants you to get ‘em.

  11. I’ve got one, ’94 Mk III I think, good price, shoots VERY well, but it’s not one I’m inclined to carry because I’ve got a VP9 w/optic, much quicker to being on target with these old eyes. But I don’t think it’ll ever go away (unlike many in the last few decades).

  12. Several years ago my wife buys me a silver gun for our 25th wedding anniversary, a brushed nickel Browning HP new in the box. She went to my local father and son gun shop who knows I like 1911’s but they currently had no SS 1911’s in stock so she picked the HP because it was silver. The son was there that day And was the salesman. A few days later the father calls and asked me to stop by the shop. The HP was in Book one, page one of his log from when he opened the shop in 1981, he was mad at his son for selling the gun and asked if I would sell it back to him at a profitable store credit. I promised that if was ever for sale, he had first option, it’s is still in my safe today, unfired!

    • I’d feel pretty bad for keeping a gun that sentimental to someone, especially if they offered a profit to go buy another.

      • That was my first thought. But then I quickly realized that the pain of doing that would not compare to the pain my wife would inflict for selling what she gave me as a 25th anniversary gift. So, couple that with what the gift was, and I would not feel bad at all about not selling it back.

  13. Owned several Hi-Powers. All shot great. The author’s rear sight is a bit high profile for me, but hey. My current Hi-Power went through Wayne Novack’s shop many years ago. His sights, reliability package, front and back strap stippled, re-blue (you have to see it) and fully checkered ebony grips. Don’t carry it, but have and will. Shoots anything you feed it. If you don’t own a Hi-Power you have a hole in your handgun battery.

  14. Very nice kit.

    Always loved the way a Hi-Power snuggled into my hand.

    Never liked the safety operation….not “snicky” enough for me (like a 1911).

    I do like the CZ 75 though…. wish they made a stainless with safety on left only.

    • My first handgun was a nice plastic 9mm, but then I wanted an all steel wonder-9. The Hi-Power was so tempting and pretty. The CZ-75 was more modern, had more capacity, and was much cheaper and I went with that.

      • Not that I’ve seen. I even contacted the company.

        They said the stainless is only made with ambi controls and they had no plans to change.

        Since I’m not ambidextrous, I dont one on the right. Just gets in the way.

        Maybe one day.

  15. Any 9mm Silvertips I have seen in the last several years were 40 bucks a box.

    I have been buying 9BPLE for 15 a box from SGAmmo during this time. Scattered with HST and Golden Saber mixed in…..more reasonably priced.

    • I use the Fed. 9BP round. It’s cheap and 100% reliable, but it’s probably a little too short in penetration. I used to think 11 or 12 inches was OK, but insisting on 13 or 14 inches is smart.

      • In most of the gel tests I’ve seen…..the 9BP does not open up after passing through denim.

        The 9BPLE is the same bullet in a +P+. Way faster.

        The XM9001 (same bullet) is the supposed to be between the two loads, but I’ve never seen any testing on gel.

        That would be a nice article …. velocity and gel test of all three loads with three different barrel lengths.

  16. My first carry gun was a Browning Hi-Power. That beast absorbed every bit of abuse and stupidity that I could oblige with nothing more than daily diligence. That said, Millet sights are awesome for a range gun, but tend to drag on draw in daily life. Despite the antiquity of the design, the bitch still produces, so I will not fault choice here. Hell, If you are good, why change? I still carry a 1911 in the same way I did my Hi-Power, chamber loaded with the hammer at half cock, because I grew up with single action revolvers.
    That said, my Beretta 92 or CZ75 do the same job with almost no transition. The G-19 is even easier to carry, thus my favorite.
    At the end of the day, it is what you hit the target with under stress, low light, bad ju ju, and Holy farking SHITE! I didn’t think it would be that bad! in mind.
    Your mileage may vary.
    Good luck!

  17. Mike, I know you’re not the Mike Taylor I knew for years. He carried a. Wilson built 1911 back when Bill Wilson was a one man shop. It was always fully cocked and locked. As was mine. And everyone else I know. Hi-Powers too. Why would you carry anything at half cock? Have to say, Mike did carry a Glock 17 after retiring and doing contract work in South Africa, but that was more of an ammo issue. Not a gun issue.

    • doable with da/ sa. head scratcher in sao.
      they made some da/ sa hp’s.
      and some fotays.

      • I remember the BDM……SA/DA HiPower.

        People stayed away in droves.

        Not the best trigger as I recall. Handled, but never fired one. I think Eddie Murphy carried one in a movie.

        Way better the Colt All American . That one felt good but had a horrible trigger pull…..too bad. Cool idea.

  18. Next on “what am I carrying now,” a Colt Single Action Army, more 1911, and a crossbow. Welcome to the 21st century old farts 🙂
    I am joking. I shot a Hi-Power years ago and I understood the nostalgia of many.

  19. Definitely classic.

    But looks too good for EDC.

    If used will probably at first get put into a police evidence locker and then an officer’s personal collection.

  20. A Browning Hi-Power with Silver Tips no less! How very Frank Serpico of the 1970’s NYPD.
    I used to have a Hi-Power. Couple if them, in fact. Excellent weapon. Used by the SAS in counterterrorism operations for years. Right up until they switched to the Sig Sauer P226. FBI HRT also used them and also switched to the P226 at about the same time. Some issues were raised with the Tier-1 teams concerning the magazine disconnect to the trigger. When the magazine is dropped the gun will not fire. In a case of close combat (hand to hand) it could be a help in a tussle for the gun. So if you think you’re about to lose the gun, you hit the mag release button, drop the mag and all your opponent can do is pistol whip you. However, for the high speed low drag special operations guys, that’s not so much a problem. But they count their rounds as they fire and will tend to not allow the gun to go to slide lock in a fight. They’ll stop to change mags with a round still in the chamber. If a bad guy presents a close target it’s important to be able to shoot him with an empty mag well. Sure, you can have the unit armorer or gunsmith alter the disconnect, but there’s other problems that were solved by going to the Sig P226 which is still in use by Tier-1 counterterrorism units. SEAL TM 6 even had a special version made for them that eventually went to the public as the MK25. I had one of those too until I decided to go full time in a striker fire P320. Then came the P365. Now, oddly enough I’m drifting back to the 1911. As the saying goes: “Serious guns for serious times.”

    • I’d be interested if anyone, ever, has dropped the magazine from their gun thinking they were about to lose it in a grab. My suspicion is no.

      Sounds more like a way for people to avoid an ‘oops’ moment after they ‘unload’ the gun.

      • There have been cases where cops and soldiers were killed because they didn’t have a mag inserted when there needed to be a “bang” and had nothing. That’s a reason the SAS and FBI transitioned to the P226.

          • Spoken like a true civilian with no idea about Government contracts, liabilities or Force Modernization. The mag disconnect was just one of a number of issues that both FBI & SAS had and there was something to be said for a “hammer drop” mechanism to allow an agent or operator fresh from a life or death situation to safely lower the hammer on a live round. Witness a similar line of reasoning for the nation’s police forces to adopt the Glock. Duh.

        • I’m interested to read about those incidents. Can you post a link to verified cases?

          • I asked my contacts retired from the FBI, including family and my former Master’s Degree Professor, a former Director of the BAU. Imagine how disappointed I was to hear he thinks it’s a fun show but bears ZERO resemblance to the facts. No JET! Rarely leave Quantico. Dang. The answer to your question is not what I asserted. I stand corrected. The 9mm Hi Power itself didn’t seem to be the reason the FBI moved on.

            I found a credible answer in the 1911 Forum:

            1911 Forum 2002
            Originally posted by Double Naught Spy
            Kind of interesting, the FBI ugraded their guns after their 1986 shootout with Platt and Matix, first going to the 10 mm that didn’t work out and then to the .45 acp.

            *Moderator Response:

            DNS, It never ceases to amaze me that this subject comes up time and time again with all the usual disinformation that flows along with it.

            First, the FBI didn’t switch over to the 10mm until late 1990 and early 1991. Up until that time the usual weapon was a Smith .38/.357 or Smith 9mm. The shootout occured in April 1986.

            So from 1986 until late 1990, most all Agents were still armed with the .38. SWAT Agents had the Smith 9mm and then the Sig 9mm.

            The Smith 10mm had some teething problems mainly because it was built by committee. The FBI is not a one cell organism. It is a group of almost 12,000 Agents with just as many opinions/ideas and life experiences as the members of this Forum.

            Actually quite a bit more when you throw in all the Support Personnel. And in that atmosphere there is a lot of politics that go on, for better or for worse. Many people didn’t want to switch from the 9mm, many wanted to go to the 10mm and just as many would have preferred a .45 or even a full powered .357.

            Regardless, the people in charge of the firearms program settled on giving the Smith 10mm a go. The final product was in fact a very good gun. It may suprise you to know that the gun is still with the FBI. Many Agents swear by it and refuse to give it up for the now issued Glock.

            Fast forward a few years and you have a change of the power structure within the Firearms Program and now you have a group that wants to dump the 10 in favor of their own idea…a Sig 9mm for everyone, not just SWAT! Imagine! But don’t think for a second that everyone was happy with that…That same power structure a few years down the road opted to go with the Glock 40….kinda back to the future…a Fed 10 by any other name.

            Thats for the regular Agent population…Now comes along some progressive and forward thinking individuals from the SWAT/HRT side of the equation. They realize that both the 9/10/40 rounds and platforms don’t exactly answer their handgun requirements. Instead, they fall back on what they know has worked for them, a BHP (read single action)…now comes the effort to upgrade both HRT and SWAT.

            HRT gets the first whack at it and comes in with a double stacker Baer hybrid. A few years down the road and that influence washes over into the SWAT program that learns from the HRT pistol and decides in favor of a single stacker…after YEARS of testing the SA wins. Thus the Bureau/Professional Model is born. In .45 acp.

            So what do you have now? (This is 2002 —JimK note) You have Agents armed with Smith 9s, SIG 9s, SIG 40s, SIG 45s, Glock 40s and .45s (and a few 9s thrown in), Smith 10s, Baer .45s and finally Springfield Armory .45s.

            I’d heard by word of mouth the reasoning for leaving the BHP was as I stated, but I couldn’t find any substantial evidence so, I humbly apologize to this group. Above, I found another answer on the 1911 Forum and it makes sense. The moderator provided the answer and bear in mind, this post was from 2002. It wasn’t a gun problem, it seems to be a CALIBER problem and later something political. Which makes perfect non (sense).

  21. In the “Could, Shoulda, Woulda” department, one of my LGS’ had a Hungarian FEG Hi Power clone for sale. It sat for months, and I was always going to get around to picking it up, right after some more ammo, and a new holster for my PX4, etc.

    It was snapped up in the first hours of the panic buy. Live and learn, I guess.

  22. Old guy and their Silvertips. Geez. It’s a obsolete bullet. More modern bullets giver better Results. Give up the Yellow pages and leave the news paper alone. Go forth unto the modern age!

    • Something about this post stuck a VERY serious chord in me. I couldn’t put my finger on it then it hit me square between the eyes:

      “Old guys and their Silvertips…” etc

      I’ve made this comment before here on a different thread. I just changed the quote. Must be a lot of ignorant youngsters that frequent these boards. So here I go, again!

      I go the V.A. Hospital here in Johnson City Tennessee and I see these really old guys in wheelchairs and hauling oxygen tanks while being pushed by family or nurses. Then one day this robust old guy goes strolling up to said older guy in wheelchair with oxygen tank and a haunted look in those alert eyes. I hear a booming voice like only a First Sergeant or Sergeant Major can make rolling across the VA Hospital campus: “Well, HELLO, GREEN BERET!” And it hit me, as this should hit all of you. Those OLD guys shuffling pitifully along your city street wearing those Vietnam Veteran ball caps that are worn and bedraggled…. they were at one time the most BADASS KILLERS in the world. They saw and did MORE SHIT than you will ever dream of. So be more respectful.

        • FOAD. I’m a Veteran and I really don’t care a rats a$$ what you think. I also have a BA in Criminal Justice and an MA in National Security with concentrations in Intelligence Analysis and Counterterrorism. With Honors. So, again: FOAD.

  23. Modern silver tips are different bullet design then the originals. They were changed in the early 90’s

      • Many people disparage the use of Silvertips as an old design. While that is true, if you are truly faced with a deadly force encounter you should follow Clint Smith’s words of wisdom he passed onto my class in the 1990’s, “If they are good enough to shoot once, they are good enough to shoot multiple times.” Or until they are no longer a threat.

  24. They have stood in between men and harm for many years, I can only imagine they will for many more

  25. I new a big man from Mozambique with an Omega tatoo on his arm, he carried two HiPowers in a double shoulder holster. He was to scary to citizen his choice of armament

  26. I appreciate the Hi-Power, great pistol, but I have to be the guy that points out that it was a 115gr Winchester Silvertip that failed to penetrate that last 1/2″ in the Miami shootout, I’d take just about any other JHP instead.

    • Unfortunately the FBI Agents were outgunned in 1986 and failed to score the center mass hits needed to put a felon down at the start of the fight. They were out warning banks about the robberies and not set up for confronting the bank robbers when they spotted them in a stolen car. This resulted in the FBI going up against two guys who trained extensively with Ruger Mini 14s. The FBI only had handguns and a shotgun and a plan formed on the fly. They fought bravely, and the FBI’s after-action report said they were not under armed, but in my opinion they were. As a result of that experience many agencies went to submachinegun type weapons in the late 1980’s. At the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration they start issuing select fire Colt SMG in 9mm which were great weapons, when Colt was doing a proper job of quality control. The FBI started issuing long guns(I forget which type) after this incident kind of contradicting their own after-action report saying they were not out-gunned. Many other agencies went to M4 style weapons at the same time. The ironic part is a number of old time supervisors thought these weapons were dangerous in the hands of the police. Then again many of these supervisors were carrying a 5 shot S & W 36 with rubber bands wrapped around the grip and tucked into their waistband. My how times have changed.

  27. I wanted a Hi-Power like forever, but they were always pricy and here in anti-gun MA any handgun capable of holding more than 10 rounds had to be made before Oct.’94.
    A couple of years ago an LGS here who lists his used gun inventory online listed a Hi-Power for $1000. I called the store to ask the gun’s condition and the store employee told me “it’s new”. I asked “You mean unfired?” He said “Yep.” I was in my car and on my way. The gun was indeed unfired and ’92 production assembled in Portugal with Belgian components. The only slight disappointment was it was a plain-Jane MKIII matte blue, black plastic grips, fixed sights and spur hammer. I bought it anyways and I’m not sorry. It’s a dream to shoot, dead nuts accurate and I got to break it’s cherry. I still haven’t used either one of the original mags, they’re just too mint. I was lucky to find a “new” Hi-Power I could buy in this state. It’s a family gun now. I’ll never sell it.

  28. I had lusted for a Hi-Power for years, but could never find one for purchase brand-new. When it was discontinued in 2017, I lamented that I might never find one but kept looking regardless. Oddly enough, in the last three years, I’ve managed to come across three Hi-Powers-. One was a MkII from the 1970s or the early ’80s, with small sights and a rough parkerized-type finish, but with an ambidextrous safety. Another was actually the first Hi-Power that I had come across in 2018 after they were discontinued. It was a MkIII, deep blued finish and in what looked like damn near new condition, rarely–if ever–fired. Came in its original box, with original documentation, and the gun’s original owner wrote down in the instruction manual the date he had purchased it–December 2002–from a local outdoor/gunstore shop I frequent. My third Hi-Power is a Silver Chrome with Pachmayr grips, made in ’92, likely a MkIII, and like the deep blued Hi-Power, it looked to be in impeccable condition, though it lacked its original magazines. The pistol came with two magazines, one 15-round magazine and another I have not loaded past 15. That one has an extended base pad with the letters “KRD” on it and through research I understand it to be an Argentina-made magazine capable of either 15 or 17-round capacity. The Silver Chrome Hi-Power in particular has proven to be a very accurate 9mm for my hands, often shooting to point-of-aim.

    On occasion I carry the Silver Chrome in a small-of-back holster I use for my full-size 1911s, though magazine changes do concern me. In a Hi-Power, the magazines don’t drop freely and often require the user to physically remove them, mainly due to the magazine disconnect mechanism. Removing this disconnect can allow the magazine to drop freely, but I’m loathe to modify a part of the weapon that interacts with the trigger/sear/hammer function in any way. In the post-AWB world of the 1990s, the 10-round magazines sold with new-production Hi-Powers had springs installed in the base of the magazine that would propel it free from the pistol with alarming enthusiasm when the mag release was pressed–about the only way these magazines won’t jettison away from the pistol would be if it’s held upside down, but sometimes they manage to escape anyway! This spring can be found on current-production 13-round Browning mags, but at over fifty bucks apiece they are NOT cheap. Still, if I ever decide to start carrying a Hi-Power on a regular basis, these will probably be the magazines I pick up for carry.

    My Hi-Powers are among my most treasured sidearms, and will never be parted from my collection. And if I ever come across one of those beautifully engraved Renaissance Hi-Powers…

  29. Charles Daly clone: it came with XSSights. I got a Clynder & Slide “shorter” hammer and a new sear. The standard hammer did not cut the web of my hand but left a mark. The new one is a hair shorter from front to back and rounded on the edges. Works great! The new sear because I read somewhere the clone sears wore out at 3,000 res. Why not.

    I took out the mag disconnect, and the trigger went from gritty and long to short and crisp. Not terribly light but it is VERY close to the trigger on my 1911A1…another Charles Daly(Armscor).

    Doesn’t feed hollow points worth beans, but it will feed Critical Defense all year long.

    Crimson Trace grips…cost near what the pistol did!

    I carried it in a shoulder holster for years; I need to get an IWB Kydex for it and I will carry it again!


  30. First gun my Dad ever gave me was an old Hi power with the internal extractor and proof marks from WWII. What a beautiful piece of history.

  31. First gun my Dad ever gave me was an old Hi power with the internal extractor and proof marks from WWII. What a beautiful piece of

  32. Hi Powers are notorious for not feeding hollow points….I wonder if the author has run a few hundred rounds with this gun………

  33. I”m a P226 devotee, but I have to say the Hi-Power is probably the most ergonomic, best handling, best pointing pistol ever made, just a brilliant and beautiful design. And frankly, there’s nothing wrong with Silvertips, at all.

    Only a bloated, unaccountable, feckless federal agency that failed to teach its Agents marksmanship under stress and who’s still trying to cover its butt 34 years after its most famous tactical failure by preaching ‘Penetration is god!’ would argue those rounds don’t work. Fact is, in that exact event, the bullet did exactly what it was designed to do and did it well. But missing 14 out of 15 rounds at about 12 yards isn’t the bullets fault.

    Yes, there are more advanced 9mm rounds out these days, but metaphorically speaking just because you can stream your favorite album on Spotify doesn’t mean that the CD of that same album suddenly quit working overnight.

    High-tech gee whiz plastic nozzled rounds are fine, but accuracy is final. Bill Hickok and Wyatt Earp sent several men to their eternal judgement using equipment and ammo that, by today’s standards, is just plain Jurassic and nigh unusable…. if you listen to the ‘Gear Nazis’ that insist you simply must use only the newest, latest and greatest stuff hyped by the FBI or your fave rave YouTube ‘cult of personality’ star, otherwise you’re an out of touch Boomer. In reality, even a .22 Magnum in the hands of a true master gunman can be a very deadly weapon.

    So, cheers to you on a classic pistol and classic round.

  34. I bought my first Hi Power back in the 1960s…a real beater w/no finish, waffenamt stamps. Surplus guns were really cheap then, about $20. I traded it for something else, I forget. Several years ago, someone imported a large quantity of Israeli police surplus Belgian HPs. I bought one that was made in 1985. After installing an ambidextrous safety, pre-war wood grips and Tru-Glo sights, I took it to the gunsmith at Gunsite and had the magazine safety removed and the trigger tuned. This one I’ll keep. I checked out the Turkish Tisas HP clone at the 2020 SHOT Show, and quality-wise it appears to rival or in some respects surpass the Belgian original.

  35. that silver tip round first went through Platt’s arm before entering his body. I don’t know if any other round other than solid point and other FMJs that would have reached his heart after going through his arm.

  36. On the Next Post someone would say “Hey I’m Packing Wadcutters and a colt 38 long and I’m a Korean war veteran”. OK Gramps. While Great Great Grandson Jimmy is Hauling a Glock 35 MOS Gen 6 with 70gr HERO’s. pfft…

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