Where does TAOFLEDERMAUS get all these crazy experimental ammo ideas? His latest: electrode shotgun slugs…
“Strange” doesn’t fully describe the TAOFLEDERMAUS technique when it comes to testing ammo. He finds, is sent, and concocts the wildest, weirdest, most out-there shotgun slugs possibly ever thought of.
This time he’s shooting slugs made of spot-welder tips. Pretty interesting, huh?
Check out the TAOFLEDERMAUS YouTube channel and see more videos of his here on WideOpenSpaces.com.
“What Happens When You Test Fire Electrode Shotgun Slugs?”
I’d say, based on the lack of comments so far, that nobody *cares*…
I guess I’m not the only one sick and tired of the “REPEATED” and I do mean “REPEATED” posts of TAOFLEDERMAUS shotgun posts. I count 16 TAOFLEDERMAUS posts in two months.
Totally useless videos that are like watching paint dry and are not entertaining nor revlelant to the majority of the readers on this blog. If your going to repeatdly post youtubers I’d rather see the Kirsten Joy Weiss posts like you use to do…
Just do what everyone’s waiting for and shoot a dildo out of a shotgun. Better yet, try to shoot a dildo into a flesh light.
“Better yet, try to shoot a dildo into a flesh light.”
Are you offering to ship him *yours*?
*snicker* 😉
Tired of not sick yet. My interest were lost after cylinder lock test. It appeared the shells were reduced loads, if you’re going to do it. Interesting that one of the commentors the other day mentioned shooting nails, = electrode’s pretty much
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