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  1. I’d rather be carrying pistols on this little excursion, but the idiots in Austin won’t get off their asses and pass an OC bill.

  2. “Who’s going to carry the carrier dog if he gets injured while carrying the carrier pigeons?”

  3. A Welsh Terrier private? A Welsh Terrier? Your a bleedin Scot you wanker! You couldn’t find a Scottish Terrier?

  4. (Fido thinks): “If I could only turn my head around 10 more degrees, those pigeons would be lunch”.

    (Scotty thinks): “We’ll post these pigeons off now. The Sergeant Major won’t know we’re only a mile away from camp”.

  5. “Glad we finally found a use for those Democrat anti-gun Poodles; I was thinkin’ we’d end up feeding them to the Malinois and Shepherds for food.”

  6. “You want me to carry what?! Well, at least it isn’t one of those Russian tank mines”

  7. Is that one of those tactical assault dogs with with the basket thingy that goes up?

  8. Milk. Bread. Eggs. Cheese. Dog biscuits. All here. But darn it Benji you forgot the ammo again. Back to the depot, boy.

  9. Boston Dynamics’ earlier prototypes were much less impressive, but far more adorable.

  10. The last time the pigeon family goes to the discount circus for an “Authentic Elephant ride.”

  11. Hillary says this is the only way we can communicate with her since Trey Gowdy got wise to her personal email server.

  12. New and improved BATFE application routing system. Giving your applications wings.

    No better way to “improve” something………….than let .Gov get a crack at it.

  13. Well Horace, I’m not sure what little orphan Annie was doing in a war zone but at least her ugly dog survived…

  14. Man on right: “Good thing I didn’t wear my kilt. I thought you said this was a sheep!”

  15. Post establishment of the Carrier Pigeon’s Union(CPU). For hundreds of years carrier pigeons were forced to deliver messages over several miles over through dangerous territory. This caused many of the pigeons to suffer from winged tendinitis or “flyers elbow”, a minor condition caused by the inflammation of the tendons in the wing from excessive flight time. In the fall of 1943 the pigeons went on strike and formed the CPU, demanding safer less physically strenuous transportation and wages of at least 15 seeds an hour. After communication lines were all but shut down, the army decided to give into thier demands for safer transportation and established the Canine Carrier Division(CCD). While the 15 seeds an hour were never granted to the CPU, the pigeons went back to work transporting messages with the CCD transport. The CPU has all but collapsed since then, a majority of the pigeons died after the inception of the CCD due to diabetes, heart disease, and strokes caused by the rampant obesity crisis that followed. “And that is the rest of the story. Goodnight”

  16. (Fido ponders the immortal lyrics of Bob Dylan) Come you masters of war You that build all the guns You that build the death planes You that build the big bombs You that hide behind walls You that hide behind desks I just want you to know I can see through your masks

  17. When they said “Go to war, earn your wings,” I thought I would be going to jump school.

  18. After two of Britain’s earliest SAS recruits determined they were lost in Piccidilly Square, they attached the following note to the leg of their best carrier pigeon:

    We are lost again.
    Please trace this
    pigeon and tell us where
    the @#$%@ we are.

  19. Air Bud XVII: Enfield’s Afield. A heroic tale of two soldiers, one dog, and a crew of daring pigeons in a battle of good vs. evil against the Nazis.

  20. Pvt Carry-Mae carries carrier pigeons that needed to be a carried after couriering dispatches in from an aircraft carrier.

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