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What happens when you have the same name as a guy with an outstanding federal warrant and had skipped bail? In states like Virginia that have “bail bondsmen” operating, you too might find a bounty hunter on your doorstep. A literal body snatcher. That very scenario happened December 29th in Prince William County, Virginia.

According to the video “Bounty Hunters Gone Wild,” Neil and Rebecca S. were watching a movie upstairs while the five kids watched another movie downstairs that Saturday evening.  When someone came to the door, one of the kids opened it. At which point, the “agent” in the video came in with his gun, his badge and his body armor.

Cell phone video starts with the armed agent demanding that the wife, Rebecca, open the front door so he could leave with Neil.

Outside, the video shows a second agent brushed off Rebecca’s demands as a number of people converged on the bounty hunters. Obviously distressed at seeing dad taken away in handcuffs, the family acted emotionally, as one would reasonably expect.

The family members also tried to block the bounty hunters’ cars by standing behind them. Obviously, the scene became chaotic.

We reached out to Henshman Bail Enforcement for comment and spoke with the company’s owner.  Right off, he said his phone hasn’t stopped ringing since the video came out. He described lots and lots of threats and hate-filled callers from the YouTube/Internet lynch mob. There’s not a lot of love out there for bounty hunters, he admitted.

Soon, we learned the other half of the story. The actual fugitive, Neil S., has a federal warrant for a number of outstanding charges including theft and identity theft. The Henshman company hired a couple of trained and certified bail enforcement agents who picked up the Mr. S. in the video on the bail bond. (We have the last name, but are withholding it to protect the family in the video.)

It turns out that the Neil S. with the outstanding warrant not only shared the same first and last name as the homeowner, but the two resemble each other as well. The fugitive had also stolen the identity of the innocent homeowner. Additionally, the two Neils share the same bloodline as cousins. Complicated enough, yet?

Of course, the YouTube video shows what happened after the bail enforcement agent entered the house and took custody of Mr. S. (without incident). From there, the video paints a pretty unflattering portrayal of the bounty hunters’ handling of the confusing scene.

The Henshman head honcho said his people confirmed the warrant with Prince William County police before going out that night. At the house, homeowner Neil S. reportedly acted cooperatively, but the large number of animated people made the bail bondsmen uncomfortable.

So for their own safety, they took Mr. S. about ten minutes away, looked over his identification and confirmed they had the wrong guy. Prince William County law enforcement knew about the attempted fugitive apprehension detail the entire time.

Once they confirmed that they had the wrong Neil S., the agents drove Mr. S. back home and dropped him off with an explanation and an apology. The company’s owner said the bondsmen would have apologized to the family as well, but the man’s family didn’t want to hear any explanation.

Now, the video has started to go viral and the pitchforks and torches out. The Henchman Bail Enforcement Facebook is a reportedly a counterfeit. It certainly has garnered plenty of hate from folks nationwide. Let’s face it, Dog the Bounty Hunter didn’t do a lot to engender much love for bounty hunters or bounty hunting in the United States.

Time will tell what happens next. All I know is I’m glad we don’t have bounty hunters in Illinois. And wonder how more of these situations don’t end in gunfire.


  1. Assumption of risk for the mouth breathers.
    The victim should be awarded millions and bounty hunters should eat all applicable criminal charges including kidnapping.

    • Well, I certainly think the non-perp Mr. S has a bone to pick with his cousin who, by virtue of existing with several outstanding warrants as a wanted man, and who obviously knows that he resembles his cousin (whose identity he also stole), and who has not seen fit to resolve his misunderstandings with the criminal justice system and thus place his innocent cousin in jeopardy not only from bounty hunters but also random cops during traffic stops, etc., and so yeah, I surely see the possibility of gunfire here. What do you think Clint Eastwood’s attitude towards such a cousin would be, especially since this has now happened for real? I think I know, and I’d go snatch the arsehole myself. His days of being Desperado are long since over, and he’s long since worn out his welcome on that score, if for the non-perp’s kids and family if nothing else.

    • Absolutely correct. This man did NOT have an outstanding warrant, therefore this was out-and-out criminal assault with a deadly weapon, kidnapping, and a whole slew of other felonies(!!), where is actual LE?

      I would not have “cooperated”, either he or I would be dead. Somebody needs to stop this shit, the cops should be entering homes, not jackleg assholes looking for easy money.

    • just here for the comments, nothing to say about the situation. If TTAG had it’s way neither cops, bounty hunters, no anyone else would be able to go after fugitives.

      • If TTAG had it’s way neither cops, bounty hunters, no anyone else would be able to go after fugitives innocent citizens.


      • No, most people who visit here just have a problem with jack booted thugs raiding innocent peoples homes. Wether they be government sponsored, privately sponsored, or of the self employed type. Not only is this a good way to get sued or killed, it’s a fantastic way to build a dangerous rapport in the area and end up the target of retaliation.

        • Yada, yada, jack-booted thugs. You sound like Geo. H. W. Bush resigning his NRA membership after they accurately described the ATF’s conduct in invading the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX, which led to the deaths (whether the fires were started inside the compound or from shelling from outside, i.e., the Gummint, really doesn’t matter, once the Big Raid started, replete with armored vehicles and rammings into buildings, etc., the situation inside likely looked terminal thus unleashing whatever predictible group suicidal mentality is common among religious cults) of 76 Davidians, including women and children (4 others had already died in earlier small assaults, as had an equal number of ATF personnel). In this case, our noble Gummint looked indistinguishable from that of Vlad Putin’s later actions in the assault of the school and students captured by Chechen terrorists at Beslan in 2004 (maybe Putin learned the wrong lessons from Waco) where ~ 300 (more than 70% of whom were children) innocents also died. So, “jack-booted thugs” has resonance. This isn’t really that.

          It also begs the question why you don’t oppose “Nike-sneakered thugs”, who have a positive affinity for home invasions, to read the pages and gun reviews of TTAG.

        • They went after a criminal but, out of stupidity and half assed investigation, they kidnapped an innocent citizen.
          They committed crimes far worse than those committed by their target.

    • Should have been a DGU. Bounty hunters are no better than repo-men. Until they are forced to abide by the law and are held to the standards cops are supposed to be held to, they are extra judicial vigilantes.

      • If you don’t like repo men then I guess you don’t like banks making secured loans. Because if making payments becomes optional nobody is going to lend money. Just come up with a sad story and You Get A Car!

  2. Somewhere in this comment section there will be people who are upset about this but don’t mind that the NRA is pushing Red Flag Laws.

    • Sounds like you have lost touch with reality. I don’t care who is or is not supporting or opposing it, “red flag” laws, as described to me, are unconstitutional and should be refused by all courts, all LEOs, and every individual. If I have a disagreement which might rise to the level of a red flag law, I will be prepared to shoot the mofo, but would *NEVER* seek the violation of his constitutional rights.

      • Sounds like you didn’t comprehend what I was saying. How did you read that and think that you needed to explain Red flag laws to me?

        It was just a daily reminder that the NRA is pushing for a law that allows people to come and take you’re firearms.

        • You still don’t get it. Who CARES? Such laws are unconstitutional regardless of who supports them or who does not.

        • No, they are not. More than one brief google search is going to be needed to stop this irresponsible NRA bashing.

      • “You still don’t get it. Who CARES? Such laws are unconstitutional regardless of who supports them or who does not.”

        I understand your point completely. It’s irrelevant however. The NFA is unconstitutional along with every other gun law. And yet they exist, they’re enforced, and people are punished for not obeying them.

        You’re argument is flawed because it is not based in the reality we live in. In your fictional reality the constitution is the end all be all. In actual reality it is not, so it does matter. What doesn’t matter is whether you, I or anyone else likes that it matters.

  3. BAD May be time to do away with this archaic lazy ass way of doing law enforcement that is mostly practiced in the “old” south. I.E. slave hunters. And Dog chapman and his dog wife can ESAD. Go do something useful; go pick up road kill.

    • California has gone that route. It oulawed the bail system completely as “discriminatory” in that poor people who cannot afford bail remain locked up until trial while rich folks pay and scoot.

  4. “The actual fugitive, Neil S., has a federal warrant for a number of outstanding charges including theft and identity theft…”

    Truly the Al Capone of our generation. Thank god we have people pretending to be cops conducting raids to catch him. Well, maybe not him, but people with the same name. After all, how many guys named Neil ‘S’ can there be? Eventually they’ll get the right one.

  5. Just remembered, there are 2 of “us” in my county. Same basic looks slight difference in age different mid name. Closest we can “relate” is some time post Revolutionary war people from Ireland and Wales to the new world. Either that or one of our daddys daddy was a baby daddy.

    • Same here. There’s another Cory C(rest of last name) who shops at my same local gun store, uses the same barber, etc. Most of the places where they take reservations by name that I visit, this guy also visits. He has impeccable taste. 🙂

      But seriously, one could very easily conflate us. Scary stuff.

  6. Well, it’s not about what kind of criminal the person is. It’s simply about money. Someone fronted the bail/bond money, the guy didn’t show, and they want their money out of the deal. No one involved cares about the criminal charge or whether the guy faces justice. They just want their money. And if the guy stole his identity, it only makes sense it would lead them to the guy he stole it from.

    • All of which just reinforces that the main guy at fault here is the perp cousin, who knows he’s putting all these folks at risk for his personal desperado, and it ain’t going to stop until he’s stopped.

      • The main guy at fault is the LEO who fails to arrest and prosecute the jackass who enters someone else’s house and kidnaps him in front of his family without ANY justification beyond “OOoops!”. 5 Years in prison will not only break him of the habit, but every other Palladin wannabe in the state, maybe the country.

      • Gotta disagree there. The identity theft dude is guilty of the crimes he committed, sure, but he’s not guilty of home invasion, armed assault, kidnapping, or anything else that he didn’t do.

        • I guess we just have a different sense of the obligation one cousin may owe another in this circumstance. The main problem here is the felon perp cuz, not the bail bondsmen nor the cops. Re-read the article, the cops were informed, which as I understand it is a standard bail jumper bondsman requirement, apart from being most wise. Maybe there’s a legal case here against the “agents” but the main beef I see is nonperp cuz against his scumbag desperado cuz, which I would solve personally.

  7. its not just bounty hunters that make these mistakes many years ago had a brother stopped in traffic check they pulled him out of car on a warrant turned out it was another man same name different middle name lucky for brother a cousin worked for police dept. and saw him there and went in room to find out what was going on and verified his name and where he was from and his parents name needless to say they apologized and carried him to where his car was now this did happen before computers were everywhere

  8. How is this not unlawful abuction? Is that not a crime? Why wouldn’t Neil S. or his family call the police? “There are (armed) men at my front door attempting to take me(my husband, my dad, etc).” Curious.

    • The story says the police were informed and so likely would not respond thinking it was a home invasion.

      Aside from that, if you look at the costumes the bounty hunters were wearing, it’s pretty clear they try very hard to make it look like they ARE the police.

  9. So, now what Prince George County law enforcement? You have video evidence of two men abducting a citizen of your community. What are you going to do?

    • Short attention span, Sid? Read the article again. The local cops KNEW that these clowns were going to make the snatch and deliberately chose to stay out of the way.

      This incident highlights several issues…
      1. Most local PDs have no interest in warrants from any other jurisdiction
      2. Most local PDs have very little interest in warrants even from their own jurisdiction
      3. A large percentage of peaceful more-or-less upstanding citizens have an “outstanding warrant” for something – even if it is a many-years-old unpaid parking ticket issued when someone else drove their car
      4. The entire national computer system used to track warrants, will return a hit on any matching (or nearly-matching) name. It is supposed to be up to the police to compare the rest of the information, but often that won’t happen until after the person is ‘secured’, arrested, and taken to jail. If someone with a name similar to yours is wanted for a violent felony, YOU may find yourself kissing pavement (or worse) if you are the driver or passenger in a routine traffic stop.

      • I get the impression you have little idea what you’re talking about when it comes to what most local police departments care about (not like that ever stopped anyone from talking authoritatively on the internet). A warrant is an easy arrest (little paperwork, no court, etc) and pretty much any officer will go serve one if he or she knows the correct suspect’s whereabouts.

        The problem is jurisdiction. Many warrants can not be served out of county or state. This is often because the issuing jurisdiction does not want to pay transport costs for the defendant being driven, in custody, back there. So instead you get bounty hunters- they aren’t working off a warrant’s authority. They are working off the bail-bondsman agreement and a hodgepodge of written and unwritten laws. It’s a mess but I’m not sure how you fix it without nationalizing the criminal law system.

        • It seems either you are the one who is clueless, or perhaps you live somewhere that Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Fife actually care about clearing out all the papers that land in their inbox every day.

          Yes, a warrant is an “easy arrest” if the warrant is for someone who wants to be arrested, and it requires somewhat less paperwork, but what is even easier and quicker is not serving warrants at all. I can’t speak for your little slice of heaven, but in any city or large county there are hundreds (usually thousands) of outstanding warrants at all times, with dozens coming in each day. Around here each regular patrol officer is issued a thick packet of just the warrants for his or her beat and told to attempt to serve them ‘as time allows’ — of course on a normal 8+ hour shift the typical officer has less than one hour TOTAL that they aren’t on a dispatched call. That hour (a minute here, 10 minutes there, etc) is the time that the officer has to ‘patrol’ his beat, do any follow-ups, talk to people, and oh yes, serve warrants.

          The vast majority of warrants are for trivial crimes (most are actually bench warrants for ‘failure to appear’ on traffic or minor misdemeanor offenses).

          I can’t account for the logic in other departments but in two cities where I am intimately familiar with the process the upper level of the department has no interest in clearing the backlog of outstanding warrants because that backlog documents their need for more officers and more money; meanwhile at the patrol officer level there is even less interest in processing a warrant that is only going to result in the subject being re-released with yet another new court date [yes, THAT is what happens with those “easy” arrests you spoke of] meanwhile serving a warrant for anyone worth actually getting off the street is not an “easy” arrest and not a job for a single officer. Those warrants do get served, but by a team of officers when the department has solid information on a subject’s exact location. Bottom line, most warrants don’t get served unless an officer encounters the subject in the course of a traffic stop or other routine contact, or as a result of arrest for a new crime.

        • Serving a bench warrant for failure to appear, or any non-felony for that matter? You must be joking, or living in fantasy land.

          The jails would be permanently full, it would be weeks to get them in front of a judge for yet another hearing. They catch these guys on ped stops, or veh stops – that’s it. Even then, it’s 50/50 they’ll be taken in.

      • Xaun, I don’t think so, although I did have a similar question. I think what local LE did was to confirm there was a warrant for a person with that name. As in, the bounty hunter would not be giving them the address he was going to raid, just confirm he was still gonna get the big bucks. If LE promptly arrested and charged him, after his massive fuckup, I’d say they did their job. But I doubt it.

  10. The offer of an apology after the fact in no way makes anything about this scenario right or defensible. At all…

    • Yeah, but the problem is within the family, and no doubt it would have formerly been in bad form to assist the law in apprehending perp cousin, even tho’ he stole his identity, now that this has happened, with all the potentially negative consequences of night raids of the family hearth by, shall we say, lesser-trained men with guns, I think the bonds of family loyalty have been severed, at least as perp cousin is concerned, and non-perp cousin should do all he can to remove this monkey from his and his family’s back. And you may want to inquire re legal recourse against the bail company, sure why not, but solve your main problem first – perp cousin.

      • Boosht. I have a cousin who is around 65. I am 72, And I have been in his company maybe twice in our lives, the last time when we were teenagers. Excusing LE for not pursuing this crime because they were “family” is idiotic, like not arresting a husband who just murdered his wife.

      • no one stole my husbands identity at all im sure we would be informed. Also want to state that the said cousin is not family, the said cousin is like a 5th cousin never have spoke to them nor do they know anything about us. Reporter on this should also do his research before posting as well. I have personally went and collected the warrants for the bad neil and his address list nh and nj……. opps do your research people we where victimized by these people for no reason other than their incompetent work Also to the author of this post,always best to call and get both sides just saying!!!!!!

  11. So, if someone in a black tee-shirt with “AGENT” or some such sorta-maybe official sounding title shows up at your door how do you know they’re not criminals or worse? We’re just supposed to let the nice men handcuff us and take us away so they can “check us out”? Don’t think so. Once locked, by design my house is not easy enter. I’m staying put and calling the real cops.

  12. Cops do this kind of thing all the time. Doesn’t make it better if it’s cops doing it, because cops get away with more due to qualified immunity. I’m not at all sure I would rather deal with a mistaken cop than a mistaken bounty hunter.

    • Mistaken bounty hunters are easier.
      Shoot them when they break the door down and the cops will congratulate you.

      Shoot cops when they break the door down and other cops will want to burn you to death like Christopher Dorner.

      • Are you suggesting Christopher Dorner was some kind of hero? Are you mad? Did you read his manifesto? I would choose someone else as an example to make your point. You know someone who was innocent and also not batshit insane.

        • Where did you get the idea that I said one fucking word in support of Dorner?

          I’m suggesting that because Dorner was a cop killer, many LEOs in Los Angeles County wanted to murder him.

          In their zeal to murder big black Dorner, they tried very hard to murder a couple of old hispanic ladies for driving a Toyota (130+ rounds fired), and tried to murder a skinny white guy for driving a Honda, before they eventually deliberately Waco’d a building with Dorner in it.

  13. Just remembered, I too have a second cousin of the same name, but I don’t think he’s of the criminal class and doesn’t particularly resemble me.

    • But does ANYONE, ANYWHERE have a SIMILAR name??

      We have far too many systems that purport to track ‘dangerous’ or ‘wanted’ people where even a close match of a name will return a match. Some of those systems don’t even use sex or race as a factor because doing that might lead to “profiling”

  14. He should call the FBI. There are federal laws covering kidnapping. The next call would be to an aggressive lawyer, since they and the company that hired them needs to have some real financial consequences.

    • Said laws only concern interstate transport and the assumption that such transport is in play during a kidnapping. Here it is clear there was no such transport. He could try and make a claim for violation of civil rights, but since it’s not a government entity doing it I’m not sure if it would fly. Unfortunately civil court is probably where it would be settled unless the prosecutor wants to make a statement that he or she doesn’t want Dale Gribbles running around bodysnatching people.

      • Couldn’t it easily be false imprisonment? Obviously these guys don’t have any legal protections. Like with a citizens arrest. A private citizen can make an arrest but the “arrestee” damn well better be guilty if the “arrestor” doesn’t want to face charges.

      • Kidnapping (verb) the action of abducting someone and holding them captive.
        Still a crime, just not necessarily FBI as the AHJ.

  15. Idiot.
    Instead of saying ‘Our contractors tried to do it right, but they screwed the pooch here. We’ll be more careful in hiring contract labor in the future’, the owner basically said ‘We did everything right. Shut up and go away.’

    Sue his ass and don’t settle for less than his insurance limits.

  16. My takeaway? Don’t let the kid get the door unless you already know who’s there. Also, home carry.

    • It’s sad to say that but I’m not sure it’s a bad idea (kid answering the door). That said, it might be like saying you refuse to swim in the ocean because you heard there was a shark attack last year. I’m sure you take on more risk driving back and forth from work everyday over the course of a year than the likelihood of something like this happening in most places.

      I know I do. People are driving extra stupid around me lately. My pet theory is that getting rid of my POS car means people don’t think I’ll just ram them when they cut me off anymore.

      • It costs me nothing to take primary responsibility for answering the door as anyone there without our advance knowledge is going to be dealing with me anyway.

    • My wife and kids are on board (I think) with no response to door. ID the person without calling attention to yourself. Only respond and open for friends and family. You’re not even home for officer friendly UNLESS you called him.
      Sad state of affairs.

  17. I have a pet fantasy of reforming warrants. Basically, if you abuse a warrant, it rebounds on you — your target gets to do the same thing to you, or of course take money as a substitute. Shoot a harmless dog, for instance, the owner does not get to shoot your dog, but you’ll pay through the nose. Humiliating false arrest in front of neighbors or at work, they get to do the same to you. Flash bang in a crib, shoot a guy in the back, you’ll never be out of debt.

    It would make people think twice.

  18. how in the fuck is he not guilty of Impersonating an Officer???? that is a fucking DEA hat. someones about to get shut down, big time.

    • Yawn… Look again. Not “DEA” the hat says BEA, as in Bail Enforcement Agent. I can’t quite read the first word of the title on the vest but it will be a legitimate title with no official legal status.

      There is more money in manufacturing and selling “Bail Enforcement” and “Fugitive Recovery” accessories than in actual bounty hunting.

      Funny thing about this article is that John Boch actually thinks they “don’t have bounty hunters in Illinois”

      • If the standard for impersonating an officer isn’t “similar enough that a reasonable person at first glance can immediately discern” then it should be.

      • “Funny thing about this article is that John Boch actually thinks they “don’t have bounty hunters in Illinois””

        Really, Xaun?

        “Licensing requirements for Bail agents:

        There is no licensing for commercial bail bonds.

        Bail agent’s arrest authority.

        Only Peace Officers within the state have authority to arrest.

        Bounty hunter (fugitive apprehension) provisions:

        Illinois does not permit ‘bounty hunters” “

  19. Possums girlfiend,” An oil guy might be over to pick up Weasel( her son) for a job, if he’s asleep wake him up.” later n the day, knock knock,”Is Weasel D Weasel here.”,,”Hey Weasel some dudes here looking for you” Weasel ” I’m not here, don’t let him in,” me ” uhh he’s not here” oil guy” I’m a bondsman and I’ve got a warrant” me ” Your not coming in” ,, then the bondsman trys to push his way by me and must have tripped because he fell back out the door. Weasel trys escaping out the back door to no avail as another one was waiting. Girlfiend gets home ask where Weasel is and gets mad because I shouldn’t have answered the door??? Them bounty hunters are mighty pushy

    • Sounds like the bounty hunters, if they had full legal authority in Possum’s jurisdiction, were just doing what the law allows them to do.

      Also sounds like Possum was somewhat glad Weasel was gone.

  20. The Good Mr. Neil S. is very fortunate that bounty hunters were on the case and not cops. Five-0 would have knocked his door off its hinges, flash-banged the baby in his crib and shot the innocent man seventeen times.

    • No Ralph, they would have shot AT him 17 times, killing the dog, wounding 3 of 5 kids and busting the urn on the mantle holding Grandma’s ashes.

  21. Luckily I have a rare name. My distant cousin shares my name but is some 35 years younger(and lives 2000miles away). This is a chitstorm!

  22. 60 minutes did a story on the Bail Bonds industry a long time ago. Probably like 30 years ago. It is pretty much a thanks less job. Considering that majority of the fugitives that jump bail are low on the totem pole for the police to pursue. The Bail Bonds people have the powers to recapture the Bail jumpers which the numbers are surprising back then. It probably still has true today.

    In any place in the world, screw ups can happen and with the internet. It is faster to cry wolf instead of hearing two sides of the story.

  23. Nobody calls me “Lebowski” you got the wrong guy. I’m The Dude, man.

    Woo…..isn’t this guy supposed to be a millionaire?

  24. So I get it that bounty hunters can serve a useful purpose. But they should not have a free walk when they screw up. These guys committed crimes. An armed assault on an innocent family, kidnapping, threats of harm. Doesn’t matter what they intended to do, they did wrong and deserve arrest, trial and conviction for those wrongs.

  25. “The fugitive had also stolen the identity of the innocent homeowner. ”

    This one is the only thing that REMOTELY mitigates the misconduct. At least that would conflate records of the two.

    • No, it means they have NO excuse, because the bounty hunters already knew that the two Neils were two different people, if one Neil was charged with stealing the identity of the other Neil.

      • We actually don’t know the details of the case other than what the charge/s is/are that are on the bailpiece, and aside from the nature of the charges (violence), I personally DGAF about the charges. So the fact that Niel S. stole Niel S.’s identity wouldn’t be known to the agent, maybe not even the Bondsman who wrote the bond contract.

  26. The actual fugitive, Neil S., has a federal warrant for a number of outstanding charges including theft and identity theft.

    The identity theft included stealing the other Neil’s identity.
    Therefore the Henshman company knew damn well that Neil and Neil were two different people.

  27. I wonder if we’d have the same level of internet outrage if law enforcement had made the same mistake? Because we all know it’s happened before.

  28. “When someone came to the door, one of the kids opened it.”

    When I was a kid, I wasn’t allowed to open the door for anyone but my parents or grandparents. Aunties, uncles, cousins… Didn’t matter. A good home security plan should include training for the children as well.

  29. Wow. Top notch reporting on all sides. Bravo. And these comments from LEO-hating anarchist geniuses on TTAG :smooches:- just fantastic.

    Yeah. This is my first day reading TTAG in almost a year. It’s also my last. Ever. If y’all are this ridiculous and stupid to not be willing to hear these guys out or at least understand both sides of the story, then I’ve got no use for y’all. Deciding all bail bondsmen hired to serve a warrant are glorified kidnappers and we ought to dump the bail system and be more like California is suddenly a good idea? Y’all are outside your cotton-pickin’ minds.

  30. Well first of all if he would have been on bond then they would have had his finger prints on file and a picture a more clearer and updated mugshot if that would have been me there would have been shots fired period they may have had body armor on but there head is not protected

  31. Son arrested for git to go to court bench warrant issued that went to he’s college to get him college called police. Police checked computer for warrant it did not show up. So police made bounty Hunters stay there and took my son where he wonted to go. So I git him lawyer git the warrant dropped a month later bounty Hunters came on my property to get him. Son open door trying to pull him out did not ask permission from me. And yes that is the law. I told them warrant had been dropped. Grab paperwork from judge as he was being pulled off showed if to them. He read it . Ok ??????????? We are not informed when a warrant is dropped ???????? Well you have been informed. Get _____ off my property all I herd was sorry sorry . Jest saying not police are bad. And this southern state do not care for them. Me son will go to court if I take him myself. He will not forget again.

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