Man killed in Independence ammo plant explosion worked at factory for 36 years – “The man killed in an explosion at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant Tuesday had worked at the plant for 36 years, according to The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. Four others were also injured in the explosion, which occurred in the primer mixing cell. They were evaluated at the scene but refused further treatment, according to Joint Munitions Command.” R.I.P.

Bill would create high school gun education class – “North Carolina lawmakers are working on a bill to offer gun education to high school students. It’s likely to be a controversial topic, in the aftermath of the San Bernardino elementary school shooting and recent gun violence around the country. House Bill 612 would bring gun education into the classroom, but not the ammunition.” That’s OK, start with basic gun safety. Move on to shooting skills from there.

Trump slump be damned . . . Sturm Ruger & Company: Undervalued High-Yielder – “During my analysis of American Outdoor Brands (NASDAQ:AOBC), I found Sturm Ruger & Company Inc (NYSE:RGR) to also be an undervalued high-quality company and added it to my portfolio. Following the release of March NICS numbers, both companies have experienced strong rebounds in share price. At today’s closing share price ($58.9), RGR is fairly valued and warrants a hold. I wouldn’t recommend buying it however until more clarity is gained on near-term gun demand.”

Steyr Arms Introduces the AUG A3 M1 Long RailIn response to an overwhelming number of requests for a longer top rail for its legendary AUG A3 M1 bullpup platform, Steyr Arms announced today that it is now in full production of a Long Rail version of the rifle. Offering 25 numbered slots, the new Long Rail version provides a significant increase in surface area to use both optics and back-up iron sights. The top rail on this new Long Rail version of the AUG A3 M1 rifle boasts two more slots than the original flat-top AUG A3 SA but is still the same overall rail height over the stock comb, providing optimal cheekweld with a wide variety of optics and iron sights. The Long Rail extends a full 5.5 inches back from the receiver, placing its rearmost edge almost in line with the front of the ejection port for better placement of a rear iron sight.”

Never a good idea, especially in California . . . Ontario Police Shoot, Kill Suspect Armed with Shotgun at State Bros Store – “Ontario police were called to the store, located at 1949 E. 4th Street, at about 9:45 p.m. Sunday after they said the suspect walked into the market and up and down aisles while holding a shotgun. Authorities said store employees sent out a silent panic alarm after spotting the suspect, who was later identified by authorities as 36-year-old William Baker. After officers arrived to the scene, employees and customers were evacuated from the building, authorities said.”



  1. When I was in elementary school we had firearms safety education & live fire at a sportsman’s club. Also carried a knife everyday & some of the cars of the high school students had rifles in them. Nothing ever happened. Hope this NC bill makes it, about time we get some common sense back into the schools instead of all the horse shit.

    • When my Dad was a youth, they routinely took guns to school to shoot squirrels and rats on the way home (they had a dump along the road).

      Amazingly enough, at that same time, you could purchase new machine guns, there were more families with firearms across the US per capita, mail ordered firearms came directly to your house without background checks, and there were no school shootings. Bizarre.

      • Truly bizarre, almost like it’s the people that are the problem, not the guns. But surely that could cant be true….

      • Wow, a month before this story came out I started on a college paper that makes the case for bringing second amendment education back into the classroom. I believe you can find the second amendment in all areas of education.
        English grammar
        Physical education
        Simply having kids shoot guns does not educate them on the bill of rights. It would be great to have a field trip to a shooting club or range. But today’s insurance costs make that just about impossible for many districts. Integrating the second amendment into all aspects of education to me is a start to getting our rights back.

    • In another aerial photo, it looks like an enclosed corridor connected to several storage bunkers nearby.

  2. You need that disclaimer if you’re giving financial investment advice, TTAG 😉 (especially when the blurb says “don’t buy RGR”)

    • Not really advice, per se. Just passing along some news sourced from elsewhere. If buying Ruger stock makes you nervous, just buy a Ruger firearm instead – still a sound investment.

  3. IMO, Ruger is the most recession or Post-panic proof gun manufacturer. They have such a large diversity that they’ll never get hit hard like all the AR-15 only manufacturers.

  4. Peace LC
    and all your employees and families. Sorry for your loss. Keep up the good work and the long fight.

  5. I don’t trust a school board to teach a class on ‘gun safety’ that isn’t progressive statist brainwashing.

    Can we get real NRA sponsored safety classes into schools instead? Maybe as part of a comprehensive Bill of Rights education program.

  6. How sad it is that the freedom destroying Democrat party Gun haters have taken us far in their fear mongering! When I was 16 I walked into Sears Roebuck and purchased a brand new lever action .22, bought a gun case placed gun in case threw box away also added two boxes of ammo. zipped it shut, walked to bus stop caught first of 4 transfers nobody panicked when a 16 year got on a city bus (Seattle) and went home! Prior to this When I was 12 {Another State} we had gun and hunter safety and to qualify we had a gun range in the Basement of the school, which was used by .22 shooters twice a week!
    When 18 I moved to a rural area in another state, had to complete Senior year of school, wanted to hunt, put rifle and shells in a case hopped on school bus, put gun in locker hopped back on bus had bus driver drop off about a mile from the Homestead walked through woods during Hunting seasons, Feds had started ammo control then and had to sign for every box of cartridges or shells1 {lasted about 3 months} Could watch Red and Orange pumpkin walking around in store’s. no wailing of gnashing of teeth!

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