The Range at Austin

I’ve quit smoking cigars. So I don’t darken the doorway of my local cigar store any more — the site of our last TTAG meet-up. But enough about me. Now about you. You can join the TTAG Team at the next TTAG meet-up at The Range at Austin on December 18 from 7 to 9pm. You’ll have the run of The Range’s super-swank Patriot Club. Even better . . .

We’re giving away a ton of free swag to participants: holsters, hats, gun parts and yes, at least two guns. Well, not giving away, exactly. Once again, Nick will be running a firearms-related trivia contest. The guns (revealed in upcoming posts) will go to the winners of a shooting competition.

Please RSVP to [email protected]. Simply put “COUNT ME IN” in the subject bar and let us know how many folks will be joining you so we have a count. Meanwhile, thanks for reading.

[Note: we’ll also be streaming the event live on our Facebook page for those of you who can’t be there.]


  1. Do we get to bring our own ?, and (this close to the holidays . . .) would anyone like to do a corresponding “Smokey and the Bandit” run from there to CA, to drop off some nicer guns and ammo to the cold little boys and girls in commie land?

    /sarc, as far as you know

    • Your own what? Gun? Cigar? Yes and yes. (there’s a cigar lounge there, even if RF will be abstaining. I probably won’t haha. There will also be guns to shoot if you don’t bring your own. Likely including machine gun rentals)

      • Crossing state lines with ____X____ ?

        Gotta look at the States v. DOT v. ATF&E – National Lampoon’s Drug Mixing Chart of interstate transportation laws.

  2. Well I sure would like to go. Damn I’m happy, I don’t have a vehicle, but I got a ride to town today, been three weeks, supply’s was running low. I got coffee, n toilet paper, smokes,grub, and a box of 30-06. I’m pretty dog gone happy. Plus I seen around 40 whitetail on the way back to my place. LIFE IS GOOD,โ˜บ

    • Yes, but only those who can shoot well have any crack at the free guns.


      (Hopefully, TTAG will see to having a random drawing of the ‘Caption Contest’ entries X-Mass week for a free holiday gun for those who can’t travel to the get-together, and who aren’t ringer marksmen…)

      • I have it on good authority that one gun will be a prize for some sort of shooting contest and another gun will be a random giveaway via a drawing or something of the like. No worries. Though, you don’t have to shoot well, you only have to shoot better than the other people who come ๐Ÿ˜‰

        • “am I allowed to move?” “I’m better when I move” – Robert Redford as “The Sundance Kid” in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

        • So. . . it’s ‘shoot theirs’ for the contest?

          What weapon/class of competition?

          Just checkin’

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