SIG SAUER P229 Legion (courtesy
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If you’ve never shot a SIG SAUER Legion, it’s hard to imagine what a difference a well-tuned trigger’s short-reset makes on a DA/SA pistol. And if you can’t afford a Legion . . .  Grayguns Perfection Action Package for SIG SAUER Pistols

 Combined with a Grayguns custom curved or straight trigger – in alloy steel or aluminum – the kit is carefully engineered to provide a dead smooth double action pull, clean single action break, positive tactile reset and minimum overtravel. The kit includes the exact components Grayguns installs when completing in-house action work. Installation yields a reduction in both actual and perceived double action pull weight, while maintaining an appropriate single action weight for competition or self defense, based on the kit selected.

“For our second generation kit, we redesigned components from the ground up to incorporate SIG’s Short Reset Trigger (SRT) Safety Lever,” continued Gray. “We’ve introduced two, tool-steel sears. Our Self Defense sear provides a single action pull weight appropriate for carry, and our Competition sear features a single action pull weight appropriate for competition or the range.”

As we reported earlier today, The Trace is focusing on gun theft to convince Americans not to buy them (a.k.a., victim shaming and blaming). Michael Bloomberg’s other house organ, Business Insider, got the memo (as well as the rest of the civilian disarmament media cabal)  . . . Criminals steal more than 237,000 guns from legal American gun owners every year

Criminals are stealing guns from legal owners in increasing numbers, fueling violent crime in America.

In 2016, more than 237,000 guns were reported stolen in the US, a more than 68% increase from 2005, an investigation from NBC and The Trace found.

In the last decade alone, 2 million guns were reported stolen, although that number is likely higher because many incidents of gun theft are never even reported. One estimate from the nonpartisan think-tank Center for American Progress puts the number of stolen guns per year at 380,000 . . .

The source of the problem, experts say, is negligence on the part of many gun owners. Criminals are able to rob legal owners of their guns in many cases because their weapons are simply not secured in safes or lock boxes.

Firearms turned in during UK amnesty (courtesy

Several. That’s more than one, right? . . . Guns handed into West Yorkshire Police over the last few days

Several guns have been handed in already during a weapons amnesty in West Yorkshire.

The amnesty is running until November 26 and police will also accept all weapons including knives, ammunition and other offensive weapons.

Bushmaster ad

“New scrutiny” because Connecticut still hasn’t completely tossed the court case against Bushmaster for “inspiring” the Newtown spree killer . . . Gun ads continue after mass shootings but with new scrutiny

The ad campaigns by major gun makers continue unabated after mass shootings at a Las Vegas country music concert and a Texas church, and the slick messages are big drivers of sales ahead of Black Friday, by far the heaviest shopping day each year for firearms.

But the marketing tactics for the semi-automatic weapons known as AR rifles are under new scrutiny following the recent attacks. Gun-control activists say the ads risk inspiring the next shooter, while gun-rights advocates insist the weapons are being blamed for the works of deranged individuals . . .

“The reason these guns have become so popular is because they’re like an iPhone 10,” [Adam] Winkler said. “They’re smooth, sleek, cool-looking.”

South Carolina AR-wielding cop (courtesy

Wither the police shotgun? SC Highway Patrol Wants to Give Troopers New Rifles

Mass shootings seem to occur more and more often. So agencies across the country are looking to beef up their response in case it happens in their town. And SCHP is one of those agencies. They’re asking lawmakers to approve more than half-a-million dollars for semi-automatic patrol rifles. . . .

“We won’t be able to protect ourselves or our citizens if we don’t have the proper equipment. and if you use the shotgun vs the rifle you may take out innocent bystanders who are just there,” said Colonel Williamson. “A shotgun fires multiple projectiles as it goes down the lane and if you think about the type of environments where mass violence or a terror attack occurs, it happens in a generally populated area,” explained Sgt. Pope.

 Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich (courtesy

From the state where gun rights go to die . . . North Jersey towns protest federal concealed carry gun bill

“If anyone is going to have a concealed weapon, it should be based on an application that should be made to the appropriate authority in New Jersey,” Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich said. “I’ll be damned if a state with liberality hands out concealed gun permits and I’ve got them in my town every day.”

Sokolich said Fort Lee, which passed a resolution opposing the bill on Nov. 9, is respectful of the Constitution and recognizes the Second Amendment, and he acknowledges that some people’s livelihoods require them to carry a concealed weapon. He sees that as a very small portion of the population, however.


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  1. “…In 2016, more than 237,000 guns were reported stolen in the US, a more than 68% increase from 2005, an investigation from NBC and The Trace found.”

    Hmmm….. the number of firearms owned by American Citizen’s is also increasing. I wonder if the ownership rate of firearms is increasing at a similar percentage rate as this reported theft rate?

  2. I like to see LE continue move away from such heavy shot gun use and continue more AR use. Shot guns are great, and have many roles in LE, they certainly have their place. But rifles are a far more effective weapon for responding to the majority of violent threats.

    • IMHO, a scoped bolt action would be more useful for most LEOs than a 12ga. The shotty makes some sense for home defe nse since it brings an extreme level of ‘stopping power’ yet has less long ra nge lethality than even handguns once the pellets pass through a wall or two. But cops already carry a short ran ge (<25 yards) weapon on their belts. If you're only going to be equipped with 2 weapons the other should be a long ran ge option. Perhaps an AR with a 2-7ish scope. Make them qualify by ringing a 12" gong at 200 yards with at least 20 of 30 rounds from an improvised (car hood) re st (not a major feat by any means).

      Considering that the distance between (in a typical suburban setting) your front door and the one directly across the street is ~25 yards, and that neither the shotty or a striker pi stol is much use past that…

      • The fact that you believe a pistol or a shotgun aren’t much use past 25 yards tells me we should discount pretty much all your advice.

        • The question shouldn’t be whether or not a pistol or shotgun can be effective beyond 25 yards. Instead the correct question is probably to ask whether or not your average law enforcement officer will be truly effective with either of those weapons beyond those ranges. I rather suspect that the answer is no, no they won’t be. While a lot of officers are gun guys that apply themselves to being very good marksman that can not be said about all officers. The advantage a rifle offers over a shot gun is that with relatively little training a department can give its officers the ability to engage a target at 25 yards, at 50 yards, at 75 yards, at 100 yards and beyond with a reasonable degree of reliability.

          Another thing to consider is ammo capacity. In a given volume of space you can carry more ammo for a rifle then you can for any shotgun. Tha argument seems to have won over most of the departments where I live. Though that may be driven by the fact that I live a very rural area and a officer can often times find himself / herself completely on their own for 20+ minutes when responding to a call. Under those conditions there is no such thing as having to much ammo. For example my local police chief carries at Glock 22 as his duty weapon, a Glock 27 as a back up gun, and an AR-15 in his vehicle. For ammo he has, on his person, loaded mags in both pistols plus two spares. He also stores the AR with a load mag. In a bag in his truck he has a bag with 5 extra Glock mags, and six additional AR mags giving him around 130ish rounds for his pistols and 210 for the rifle. He has told me that he figures that no matter how bad a situation gets that much ammo should see him through until he can be re-enforced by one of his officers or by officers from one or more of the other nearby departments, and that if things get so bad that it wouldn’t be enough he doesn’t expect to be alive long enough to use it all anyway.

        • Sorry, Jerry Miculek, but he’s right. The hard reality is that the typical cop sees maybe two required qualification sessions with their pistol a year, and many if not most barely qualify. They aren’t champion trap shooters. While YOU may be able to make a gong sing with a pistol at a hundred yards, you are not the typical cop.

        • I occasionally shoot my revolvers at 100 yards with some degree of success. Off a sandbag with no stress. Striker pis tols are considerably less accurate. I’d say the average cop would be lucky to hit a garage door across the street under duress.

          As far as the shotg un, assuming they’re using the standard 9 pellet 00, 25 yards is about the maximum ran ge where you can put all 9 pellets on a full size silhouette. Each pellet leaves the barrel with about the energy of a .380acp, but being lighter and less aerodynamic, downrange they’ll hit more like a .22LR. By 50 yards you’d be lucky to get more than 2 or 3 hits. Not that I wouldn’t take that shot if I were under fire myself, but it’s nowhere near as effective as an AR. Now with slugs that’s another story, but an AR rif le would still be much more effective at ranges over 100 yards. Even in a suburban setting 100 yards is not that far. If you’re responding to an active sh ooter situation I’d prefer all the distance I could put between myself and him and still effectively engage the shoo ter.

        • True. Probably the biggest argument against LE use of slugs is that an upright human body barely slows down a slug.

    • Meh, ARs are dangerous and cops are dangerouser, don’t combine the two. Just give them a couple 38 wheel guns to share across the department and if things start getting hairy, they can run back to the arms room and grab ’em. Y’know, for the children.

    • If cops are allowed the privilege of carrying weapons while they work for the citizens, then they should be limited to six shot revolvers and nothing else. Citizens should be always be able to outgun government employees.

  3. At least two of the guns in that picture from the weapons amnesty appear to be airguns. The semi-auto looking pistol is a Weihrauch HW40, a single-shot pneumatic pellet gun, or a Chinese copy.

    • I was gonna say, the only two guns that look real are the shotguns in the foreground. I don’t think the criminals are buying into the idea that the amnesty is going to get them anywhere. I mean, if the guns are traced to a crime they can still be charged. At that point why not just toss them in the drink?

  4. For context:
    There was a post with the question “what the hell is a DA/SA striker fired pistol?” But I’m guessing an editor removed it after noticing that Sigs generally have hammers and correcting the article.

    This guy with a CZ 75 would count.

  5. 237,000 is less than 0.001% of legally owned guns. Cars and trucks are stolen at a rate of 0.003%, motorcycles at 0.005% and smartphones at 0.023%. this means that guns have one of the lowest rates of theft of any high dollar items.

    Gun control has never been demonstrated to reduce homicide rates, and gun ownership has never been demonstrated to increase homicide rates. The fact is that homicides are at the lowest point in almost 70 years.

    • FYI, your math is off. You forgot to move the decimals over 2 positions when you converted to %. 237,000 is .068% of the firearms in the US (assuming 350M firearms). Similar to 1 is 1% of 100, not .01% of 100.

      • The math may (is) off, but if DrewD did all the calculations, his conclusion Is correct.
        I’ve seen reports of people stepping in front of cars while playing on or paying attention to their cellphones, I believe they need more regulations! Especially since more are stolen and not in the hands of their legal owners. Leave us alone and pass laws about irresponsible cellphone owners.

    • Our local organisation has a motto. “Secure your gun and secure your sport.” One of the things that really get anti-gun groups going is careless gun owners who let their guns get stolen by not locking them up when not in use. Don’t give them any cheap shots to use against us.

      A safe is cheap insurance, and probably less than the excess on your home owners insurance policy. Although they may not be worth much financially, how valuable to you are those heirlooms from elderly relatives? Even milsurps are gaining in value. Especially unmodified examples.

  6. Other than the specifications, does anyone actually pay any attention to gun ads? And this is to say nothing of the fact that Adam Loser stole his AR from his recently deceased mother; to show that /Remington’s advertising had anything to do with it, especially when the only two witnesses to what prompted the purchase of the Bushmaster (as opposed to any other AR), Loser and his mother, are dead, is a long long stretch.

  7. Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich said. “I’ll be damned if a state with liberality hands out concealed gun permits and I’ve got them in my town every day.”

    All Mayor Sokolich has to do is check out Pennsylvania next door to New Jersey. The good citizens of the Commonwealth have to pass both a state and federal background check and Pennsylvania doesn’t have any problems at all. End result? Roughly 1.2 million Pennsylvanians carry SHALL ISSUE licenses while maybe 1.6 thousand New Jerseyites carry MAY ISSUE permits.

    Pennsylvania trusts its citizens, New Jersey doesn’t.

    • “Pennsylvania trusts its citizens…”

      Requiring two background checks doesn’t suggest all that much trust.

      The only states that truly trust their citizens are the constitutional carry states.

      But back to the New Jersey example: given the utter hash New Jerseyans have made of their state, electing shitheads like Mayor Sokolich, I think they’ve proven they can’t be trusted.

  8. So I have seen only one comment on this but it’s the most glaring part of this article. Aside from the ridiculous implications that a gun ad has an effect on the mind of a mentally unsound dbag, are we ignoring how ignorant the “buy a gun, be a man” marketing appears to every person not so affectionate towards firearms. It makes us look bad as a whole. That’s how I feel and a lot would agree. This is intentionally going for a market segment that has issues with their masculinity. It’s exactly what the auto industry does but if we can’t hold ourselves to higher standards, we only create a steeper slope we have to climb. No politicians have considered banning cars after the attack in New York. I’m 25, fire the young guys you hired to handle your advertising. We shouldn’t be in charge of this. Generally speaking, we’re idiots

    • Hoooray! A millennial that is aware enough to realize his generation is a bunch of self-absorbed narcissists that don’t know shit. By that token I’ll say you’re the exception to the rule.

  9. “I’ll be damned if a state with liberality hands out concealed gun permits and I’ve got them in my town every day.”


    • I think he started to choke on the word “Liberty.” It is probably a common occurrence for someone that is unfamiliar with the concept. I am so glad I left NJ after high school and never looked back.

  10. This is a half truth. The majority of ‘stolen guns’ are actually the legal owner selling them on the black market for more than what they’re worth then reporting the gun stolen.
    Once again a case of the legal gun owner being the criminal.

    • There’s nothing legal about straw purchases or black market sales, and if the guns are getting in the hands of career criminals, we don’t defend that.
      I’d bet that a decent chunk of stolen guns are actually hidden away by prepper types though.

  11. I like the fact that the SCHP wants to replace shotguns with AR series rifles.
    It proves our (Pro-2A) point that, whenever some politician says “you don’t need an AR, just buy a shotgun”, is a load of shit.
    We can now point out that even cops don’t think that a shotgun is as good as an AR to defend yourself with.

  12. 226 Legions can be had for $1,200. A non-legion 226 retails for close to $1K and the GG kit is $250.
    I suppose if you got a real good deal on a used 226 or something.
    I’ve wanted a 226 for a long time but the price is just too great a mental hurdle to overcome for me.

  13. “Criminals are stealing guns from legal owners in increasing numbers [68% increase from 2005 to 2016], fueling violent crime in America.”
    Last time I checked, violent criminals are the ROOT CAUSE of violent crime in America.

    “The source of the problem, experts say, is negligence on the part of many gun owners. “
    Once again, the source of the problem is the criminals who steal someone else’s property.

    I own firearms. I will accept responsibility for the actions of criminals (stealing firearms and violent attacks) when Progressives vociferously demand that women accept responsibility for rape.

  14. Sometimes I dont get it… We have this… “A shotgun fires multiple projectiles..” as a reason to replace a shotgun with an AR style rifle, which will penetrate the bad guy and hit something/someone behind them. I could care less which tool one wants to use to do the job, its just that reason was lame. The thing that causes me to think is law enforcement tends not to be the better shooters out there. Several after action reports of larger events show at best LEO’s are about 40% accurate, spraying bullets everywhere.

  15. “The reason these guns have become so popular is because they’re like an iPhone 10,” [Adam] Winkler said. “They’re smooth, sleek, cool-looking.”

    Winkler is an idiot. The reasons ARs have become so popular are because they are nothing like the iPhone 10. ARs are popular because they’re the least-expensive option if you want a semi-auto rifle (even Kel-Tec’s plastic rifles are more expensive). They’re a commodity, with absolutely no exclusivity. They’re modular and upgradeable, so the rifle can change as your needs change. If anything, the AR-15 is an open-source Android phone.

    If you want a functional analogy to the iPhone, it would be something like the Mini-14: expensive, proprietary, and not very upgradeable by the end user.

  16. I don’t get why it is the gun owners responsibility to lock up his guns against criminals
    It is against the law to break into my locked house
    If my gun is inside a locked safe inside my house, the criminal has a little harder time time getting to it
    Often they will just take the entire safe
    The key point is that it is illegal to break into my house in the first place

  17. Instead of AR pattern rifles, why not equip police with pistol caliber semi auto carbines? Combine pistol caliber carbines with frangible ammo, and police (who do NOT practice at the range often) can respond to nut jobs with firearms and worry less about their own bullets downrange. In the real world, taking out a madman from long range is a job for a sniper with a long barrel, long range, rifle. Laying down suppressive fire at less than 100 yards, or spray and pray shooting, should be done with ammo that does not punch through walls and keep going for miles!

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