New Jersey Phil Murphy More Expensive Guns Tax Fees

Phil Murphy wants to make it a lot more expensive to buy a gun in N.J.

Of course he does. Never mind that it will make armed self defense for lower income people — some of those who need it most — harder or impossible to afford . . .

Gov. Phil Murphy is proposing to significantly hike fees for buying and selling firearms in New Jersey, a move that would raise the cost of gun permits and licenses for the first time in half a century and likely trigger a legal challenge from Second Amendment advocates.

Murphy, a Democrat who has already signed half a dozen gun control bills in his first few months in office, has publicly called for raising such fees.

“It’s hard to believe it’s actually cheaper to get a permit to purchase a handgun, which is $2, than it is to get a dog license in practically any town in our state,” Murphy said at a June 13 bill signing.

School Teachers Carry Guns New Jersey Concealed

Only teachers who carry guns should get hired, N.J. politician suggests

Wait…where? . . .

Editor’s note: Reiner called to clarify his position after the story was posted. He said that he would support requiring new hires to obtain gun carry permits, while exempting teachers and others already on the job.

A municipal elected official in Hunterdon County is drawing criticism from the state’s largest teachers union after asserting that only educators authorized to carry weapons should be allowed in N.J. schools.

Raritan Township Committee member Louis Carl Reiner argued that state lawmakers should approve legislation “making concealed carrying of a firearm mandatory as a condition of employment,” in a five-paragraph letter posted by TAP Into Flemington/Raritan.

Gun Control History Lesson

Time for a History Lesson About Gun Control

Please, don’t confuse them with facts . . .

Such experiences are as old as humanity. Tyrants, conquerors, and dictatorships of every breed disarm the subjects in order to dominate and exploit them.  Does that iron law of history mean anything today?

No such conditions exist in the United States, due in no small part to our rights protected by the First and Second Amendments.  But history should teach us to be careful of what we wish for.

Require registration of, or ban, guns arbitrarily called “assault weapons” or even all firearms?  Don’t bank on much compliance.  Impose felony penalties?  As the wartime French illustrated, many wouldn’t  comply even with the threat of the death penalty.

Maybe it’s time to pursue real solutions to criminal violence and forget about a war on law-abiding gun owners.

Joan Vennochi Boston Globe Gun Range

What I learned at the shooting range

A Boston Globe reporter ventures out among the deplorables and reports back from the wild . . .

My prejudices came with me. A firearm, loaded or not, is menacing. A “cold” shooting range, with flags flapping to signal it’s safe to walk across, is still scary. But I did learn something. I started off believing there’s no reason for a nonmilitary person to own a semiautomatic rifle. After firing one, case closed. …

Gun rights advocates believe semiautomatic rifles should be available for competitive shooting, where participants follow strict safety rules. Hunters use these weapons, too, and it’s easy to see why: A woodchuck wouldn’t stand a chance. Then there’s the NRA’s favorite argument: A good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.

Yet if someone like me can easily hit a target, it’s terrifying to imagine the same weapon in the hands of someone on a mission to kill. Actually, there’s no need to imagine it. Just watch the news.

Toronto Police 78 Illegal Guns Seized

Toronto police seize their largest single stash of guns in raids targeting street gang

It’s almost as if criminals don’t really pay attention to gun control laws . . .

Some of the seized guns displayed at the Friday news conference came in teal, gold and orange colours.

Toronto police Deputy Chief Jim Ramer said the different colours were a first for him, adding that it was “very concerning” how easily the guns could be mistaken for a toy.

Officers are being warned not to dismiss any potential gun threats because of their appearance, he said.

“I commented that the one in orange looked like a water pistol my granddaughter has,” Ramer told reporters.




  1. Geez you shot an AR and it freaked you out?!? Whut R U a female Gersh KUNTsman?!?

    • What freaked her out was how easy it was to shoot, and how accurate even an out and out novice can be. For her, they are TOO easy to shot (and therefore make it too easy to kill other people).

      • You know, cars, trucks and vans are just too easy to drive.

        It shouldn’t be so easy to murder people just walking on a sidewalk…

        • Or NICE…he he. Didja’ notice how little guns are mentioned with the crying Guatamalan child kerfuffle BS story?!?

        • You are right, we should outlaw power steering, power brakes and cruise control. And these fully automatic transmissions are definitely weapons of war.

        • Yes, any little old grannie (just like herself) could drive the wrong way on an interstate and take out a nasty Conservative who likely would keep a marxist prog from winning his rightful house seat. Must keep cars only in the trained hands of uber potheads.

      • Maybe firearms should be hard to shoot. Then only the physically advantaged could use them. [/sarc]

  2. Look what just popped up –

    “Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?”

    “David Hogg is a VIP now.

    The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

    Now he’s got a book deal, and publicists — and armed guards.

    Sean Di Somma snapped some pictures of Hogg strolling the streets of New York City recently with his new entourage in tow.

    Here’s @davidhogg111 in NYC today with armed guards and bunch of publicists. #neveragain #Hypocrites”

    • Hahahahahahahaha! What a joke! Did he get scared with words? Time to do something about the 1st amendment! Why wait for the 2nd to go?

      • It always ends this way with the Civil Disarmament Crowd.

        1. Wail about disarming everyone
        2. Hate on fellow citizens 2A rights
        3. Get armed security
        4. Defend hypocrisy as “necessary”

        • I wonder if Hogg was part of the Bully Culture at Parkland that drove Cruz to shoot the place up after he had already graduated. It must have been pretty brutal.

  3. Let’s introduce this dumbass to some of Nancy’s favorite MS 13 “children”.

  4. So Stephen King, author of the Dark Tower, wants to lecture us about firearms?

    I will just go ahead and give myself the *flame deleted* flag right now.

    • King is flat-out *vile* in his hatred of gun owners…

      • Yep. I never liked his writing, and everything I know about him makes me dislike him even more than I dislike his books. That guy is a nasty piece of work.

        • Steven King’s mental capabilities – to write such vividly scary stories – concerns me. Is he mentally stable? Who would willingly think this way. Is it normal to think such savaging thoughts?

          Has he had a psychiatrist validate his he is not a threat upon us? What if these books are signals of his impending acts of horror! How does this differ from a manifesto of pending doom? Oh the rabbit hole goes deep on this idea.

          Perhaps he is the kind of person we should be concerned with, not responsible gun ownership.

        • {Stephen King}

          “Has he had a psychiatrist validate his he is not a threat upon us?”

          King has been *personally* responsible for mass shootings. His book ‘Rage’ was cited by several mass killers as an inspiration for their murder…

        • Don’t forget his opinion of those who join the military. I have long considered him one of the most over rated authors around today. I have always seen the length of his books as an indicator that he doesn’t know how to write a tight storyline and just rambled on until he runs out of ideas.

        • Don’t worry about King, his marijuana habit makes him a prohibited person.

          And yes, some scary stuff runs through that freak’s head when he’s high.

    • You’d think he would save his hate and vitriol for minivan drivers, since one of those nearly killed him.

  5. “No such conditions exist in the United States, due in no small part to our rights protected by the First and Second Amendments. ”

    Make no mistake, there have been plenty of such. All them have been gun grabbers.

    FDR, who ran large-scale operations to purge homosexuals from the military, limited food production in the great depression and put American citizens in concentration camps? 1934 NFA and 1968 GCA.

    LBJ, who conducted illegal surveillance and attempted frame jobs of the civil rights movement (COINTELPRO)? 1968 GCA.

    WJC, who used his powers to rape multiple women (among other crimes)? The assault weapons ban, the NICS system (a defacto gun registry), the gun free school zones act.

    • FDR, who ran large-scale operations to purge homosexuals from the military, limited food production in the great depression
      Yeah, FDR really went after the farmers who produced to much. Fined my grandfather, threatened him, and poured the mild from his dairy cattle down the drain. The food shortages in the socialist utopias are caused by the socialists themselves.

  6. I just checked: Duracoat is imported into Canada. Plain old spraypaint is (at worst) a carding to make sure you’re over 18. I’m sure the Toronto police would have a seizure upon learning that.

    • He’s working on his next horror novel right now…. a man goes in to the woods with .308 rifle. He hears the unmistakable report of a 6.5CM rifle. The man is petrified knowing his
      .308 can’t save him.

  7. It’s heartbreaking to see what has happened to Stephen King. A bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome mixed with high levels of hoplophobia. I loved his books when I was younger, but I can’t stand to buy anything he writes anymore because the guy can’t shut the hell up. I suppose I’m not missing a whole lot, his earlier works were mostly his best. Maybe he should start drinking again? At the very least that might ease his neurosis.

  8. I never liked Steven King. I tried to get into his books. Read a few, put 11.22.63 down in disgust, and never returned. And I’m pretty tolerant when it comes to my entertainment material quality.

    I’m in the middle right now of reading “The Master and Margareta.” It’s a comedy (bear with me here) written and set in the 1930’s Soviet Union, where the Devil visits Moscow and wreaks havoc, but it’s what King would write if he could. The parallels in storytelling are spot on, and more creepy than anything I’ve read from king; I would like to know if he ever read it.

    Nothing to do with guns, but I thought I’d recommend the read…

    • “The Master and Margareta.” It’s a comedy (bear with me here) written and set in the 1930’s Soviet Union, where the Devil visits Moscow and wreaks havoc,
      Already happened, just known as Joseph Stalin and his purges

  9. My X wife had almost every book Stephen King wrote. When she left she also left a bunch of her shit here ” Until I can get a bigger apartment” I’ve been using them for penetration test for bullets. BTW vinal records stop bullets pretty good too and shoes and expensive dresses make nice fires.

  10. Stephen King…the guy that wrote the book the Columbine killers read and used as a guide for their mass school shooting?
    THAT Stephen King????

  11. $2 and all the bulls**t you have to go through to get them. State law says that they must be issued in 30 days if you qualify. Try three months if you’re lucky. The first step is the $5 FID card which actually cost $80 because you need to pay an outside firm $75 for fingerprints. Oh, don’t forget the $20 you pay the State Police for the NICs check for the permit(s). So in order to buy your first pistol in NJ you spend $102 before you even get to the LGS. Don’t forget another NICs when you buy the gun. My guy charges $15 so you’re at $117 before you get out the door on top of the cost of the gun. I think that’s quite a bit more than a dog license.

  12. You can’t use history as an example to those that have their own version or willfully disbelieve history because it does not support their narrative. Don’t forget that anyone who does not agree with leftists are criminals in their minds and should be dealt with as such. They have no problem making all dissenters felons worthy of imprisonment……for the greater good of course.

  13. I don’t know about requiring any new teacher to have a CC Permit (also known as a Unicorn in NJ) but I have no problem with a teacher wanting to carry in school. the antis make a lot of noise about “forcing” teachers to carry when that’s definitely not the case. My son teaches HS Chemistry in NJ and in his school there are 9 younger male teachers who are gun owners and would volunteer to carry if allowed. They’d also stop paying Union dues if allowed.

  14. A municipal elected official in Hunterdon County is drawing criticism from the state’s largest teachers union after asserting that only educators authorized to carry weapons should be allowed in N.J. schools.
    Well, worse ideas have been floated.
    This is a snowball’s chance in hell.

  15. Didn’t Stephen King write the book that all of the early School Shooters were motivated and inspired by, which in turn created these repeated Copy Cat killers?

    Just saying Mr. King, i think that school shooter have been in possession of YOUR book more frequently than they’ve been found in possession of an AR-15….

  16. ““It’s hard to believe it’s actually cheaper to get a permit to purchase a handgun, which is $2, than it is to get a dog license in practically any town in our state,” Murphy said at a June 13 bill signing.”
    I’d be willing to bet that in practically any town in NJ, dog bites outnumber shootings by a wide margin.

  17. “After firing one, case closed. …”

    It’s remarkable that an addle-pated postmenopausal twit (sic) could develop such a high level of expertise in such a surprisingly short time. I hope she next turns her attention to curing cancer so we will all be saved.

  18. This guy certainly has the courage of his confusions.

    So, owning your own gun in NJ is hard enough that nobody who got shot up at that arts fest was able to protect themselves. Not hard enough to stop the bangers from making it a free-fire zone. “Sad” doesn’t begin cover it. Now he wants to double-down or more. “Confusion” doesn’t begin to cover that.

    “It’s hard to believe it’s actually cheaper to get a permit to purchase a handgun, which is $2, than it is to get a dog license in practically any town in our state,” Murphy said at a June 13 bill signing.”

    Translation: “It’s hard to believe we only make a constitutionally-protected personal behavior (2A + Heller), a natural right (to self-defense), and a simple act of commerce (owning a thing that just sits there) *only a little* harder; specifically, uniquely, intentionally harder than the vast swaths of personal behavior, natural rights, and commerce we don’t set out to impede on the sly. But only a little. Sad.”

    There, FIFY.

  19. That’s a good catch for a pic of Murphy. He really does look that ugly and stupid, all the time. Also, about his comment about it being more expensive to get a dog permit than a gun permit: I’ve never even heard of a dog permit in NJ, in any township. Is he as disconnected from the real world as we know he is, or is he looking to make NJ the next UK, with permits for breathing? Probably both.

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