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If you’ve been reading TTAG for very long, you probably read the winning entries from Jessica J. and RyanĀ in our inaugural content contest earlier this year. Jessica and Ryan proved something we’ve known around here for a long time — Ā there’s all kinds of talent out there among the Armed Intelligentsia. And for submitting the best of a very good lot, they each took home a brand spanking new FNS-9 pistol courtesy FNH USA. So given the success of the first effort, we figured why not go back to the well again? The rules remain the same: send your original content (i.e. never published anywhere before) to us at [email protected]. The type is up to you: gun review, self-defense tip, feature – pretty much anything gun-related will work. Just be sure to paste the text into an email and put CONTEST SUBMISSION in the subject line and we’ll publish the best of the lot here. The contest starts now and runs through midnight on Sunday, November 24. We’ll announce the winner the following day. And like last time, the winning author will be required to have their local gun store (or similar) provide a copy of a valid FFL to FNH USA in order to ship their firearm. Good luck and start writing.

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  1. Is there any specific content? On anything gun related?
    Oh also do I get to participate lol šŸ˜‰

  2. FNP, FNP, FN HP….nope, no FNS on the California roster. Oh–14 rounds capacity. No wonder. Scratch that one. bummer.

  3. Damn. If I was a WEE bit older and could own a friggin’ handgun I’d be emailing Robert a Mini-14 review (REALLY surprised there isn’t one)

    Eh, I might do it anyway~

    • ok no one has mentioned it so i will at the risk of stating the obvious. As at least one commenter noted, for various reasons (live in the State of Tyranny, too young, or already own this particular gun) I’d suggest that there are people holding back great content because they cannot accept the gun, probably because they do not live in America.

      • I’m one of those lucky ones that lives in a state where i would have to get a permit before i can even touch a pistol, doesn’t matter that i have a C&R, if it’s a pistol and operable i can’t touch it, current wait time for that permit in my county, about 9-12 months – oh and i cannot have more than 7 rounds in the magazine and it can’t be able to hold more than 10….

        I live 25 miles from VT, if my family wasn’t in the other direction and i didn’t love the city i’m in, i would have moved already

    • Best question this month.

      I have my own question: my deductive capabilities are suggesting the February contest prize will be a 10mm; true or false?

    • send your original content (i.e. never published anywhere before) to us at [email protected]. The type is up to you: gun review, self-defense tip, feature ā€“ pretty much anything gun-related will work. Just be sure to paste the text into an email and put CONTEST SUBMISSION in the subject lineĀ 

  4. Dear Mr. Farago,
    Iā€™m not sure if it just building your hubris about gun rights, but, please stop bragging about (if not bragging, then, making to light) the fact that people don’t want to interview you. To them you are the Alex Jones, they want to tear you down, except you aren’t irrational. There is no market appeal in that. I believe that the old rope-a-dope technique would serve your chances at getting some air time. Talk to them, say that you will make some concessions and kiss ass until you are on live TV where people will hear your voice; and then rail into them with all the vitriol I know is in your heart. Those people that come to TTAG mostly just want to hear what they already know, if you want to effect a change, there are plenty of young people watching talk shows and spending hours reading the news. These are the influential, open minded people that you need to reach to; not through the fervent keywords that the republicans use, but the kind of explanation you would give someone generally interested in guns. Kids donā€™t Google Caligula just to see the entire massacre, but they want to know the history behind the man. Much the same can be said about the ā€œdangerousā€ guns, you know, all of them.

    Jon Stewart, Bill Maher & Steven Colbert are all examples of people that were previously leprous interviewsā€¦ so many have changed. The reason is that these people actually mange to go and talk to the people that they dislike and hold a discourse that is beyond cutting each other off and name calling. You know how they do it? They do it with false pretenses; they let the guests know that there will be a lively banter and the liberal jab before the real issues are debated. Can we as POTG not abide this? There has to be a discourse between two dissenting ideas before a compromise can be made.
    People today are much better informed and willing to make their beliefs on fact that they can get in installments on lien rather than listen to stories told to them by people who A) Have absolutely no concrete evidence B) Are known to be on the air 24/7 to create news (why else is it on 24/7). Young men and women do not give a shit about what all these old people see as correct we are just waiting our turn. In 20 years the United States will go the way of the empire that the sun never sets on. We have no capital but we have trillions in military equipment. It is very hard to convince someone such as myself to believe that Iran having nuclear weapons is a bigger problem to me than the fact that I hold a 2009 Fisher College of Business degree that has gotten me exactly nothing. What is the real concern for Americans under 28? I know that the stock market tanked just as I was getting my undergrad and I was pretty bummed out about that. Was I awestruck beyond words when I witnessed South Tower explode when I was in 2nd period of my sophomore year? – Yes
    The difference here lies within the same reasoning- there is a clear and set way for me to set my career path straight ā€“ get my CPA. What millions of young Americans do not see an easy way out of is more war. We have been involved in an ongoing conflict in 2 (3 if you count Pakistan) foreign countries while doing any damn bit of good in the region except making a lot more holes. When we leave, we leave with damn-as-near-it the same problems we had when we came, except Pakistan is not so very happy with us.

    The millions of vets that are coming home will need to be re-assimilated into the real world, and, they will need millions of jobs to do it- Money to come from where?
    I come from Lima, OH where all the M1 Abrahams are retrofitted and where most of the Strykers are built. Iā€™m sorry to say that we have so many goddamn tanks parked in a lot doing nothing that it is sickening to think that we can have such a debt, and yet not want to yard sale a couple of hundred million dollars of equipment that we have, as well as, the very expensive repair parts that we have to repair this parked equipment.
    You know, If we get a flat.

    • By the way Faargo, come down to Corpus Christi… I don’t know how you feel about shooting comps every weekend and fishing by oil rigs, but I be glad to show you. I’m from Ohio, it takes some time to get adjusted to all these Cowboys fans

    • “Jon Stewart, Bill Maher & Steven Colbert are all examples of people that were previously leprous interviewsā€¦ so many have changed. The reason is that these people actually mange to go and talk to the people that they dislike and hold a discourse that is beyond cutting each other off and name calling.”

      Marlin, not a single one of the people you named above have any interest whatsoever in talking to people they “dislike” for any reason other than to inflate their own ratings with their Progressive/socialist base by ganging up on them in so-called discussion groups and doing their utmost to make them look stupid, ignorant, greedy, or just plain evil. They have no serious interest in discussion of issues, they are propagandists of the first order.

      As we are here, we just don’t pretend otherwise. Our entire focus and mission is to get our Second Amendment message out to as many people as we possibly can. People who come here frequently know that they will learn about the 2A and how to discuss it and spread the word. This is not a place where people who disagree with us come to be re-educated.

      RF is becoming recognized in the Brown Stream Media as a major player in the pro-2A debate and as such he can and will be interviewed by media that has a valid interest in disseminating the Truth About Guns. Those that do not have that interest and only want an opponent they can kick around for awhile will either learn he is NOT the man to call, or they have bitten off more than they can chew. Either way, I think RF is in a much better position to decide his interview schedule than an overeducated fence-sitter like yourself. Man up, buddy. Take a stand.

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