Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


As soon as I heard that Hi-Point Firearms was making a 10mm carbine, I put in a request to review one. It was months before I finally got my hands on one.  Apparently they’re quite popular. In fact, I called a couple of retailers and they confirmed that yes indeed, the new carbine is a very strong selling firearm.

After spending a couple of weeks with the Hi-Point 1095TS Edge, a sub-$400 10mm Auto pistol caliber carbine, I can certainly see why.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine in bloom (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


I love me some 10mm, especially when launched from a longer barrel. Like most magnum pistol calibers, the 10mm steps up its velocity significantly when fired from a barrel longer than pistol-length.

From a 17.5-inch barrel like the 1095TS’s, we can expect 900 ft-lbs or more of energy at the muzzle from many commercial rounds. That’s plenty for home security as well as common deer- and pig-hunting applications.

Hi-Point makes their money on their affordably-priced firearms by not spending money on the fluff. This rifle comes in a plain cardboard box with a single 10-round magazine. The manual is a single page of paper, front and back. There are no photos or diagrams to aid in disassembly or highlight key features of the firearm.

The good news is that there’s a very large, robust Hi-Point community out there. That means you don’t have to figure out anything on your own. I’d highly recommend anyone buying one of these carbines to peruse the Hi-Point forums.

Hi-Point has earned their cult strong following for a few good reasons. First, they’re seriously inexpensive. Most Hi-Point guns are cheaper new than better known manufacturers’ firearms are when purchased used. Most people think that they must be made overseas to keep this cost down so low. I often hear people deride them as “cheap Chinese guns.”

While that’s true of something like a Type 56, Hi-Point makes its guns right here in the US of A. In fact Hi-Point makes true all-American-made guns, not only assembling their guns in the U.S., but sourcing their materials here in the Land of the Brave as well.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine not rails (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


As for aesthetics, let’s be honest; the 1095TS is a strange-looking gun. There are ridges on the sides of the forend that look like rails. They aren’t rails. The top of the gun has a plastic rail down it that extends beyond the receiver, for no obvious purpose. The whole thing is an odd mix of geometric shapes and angles.

None of the parts fit together very smoothly and there are gaps and lines where all of the major components come together. For this model, the entire gun is hydro-dipped in RealTree Edge camo.

One valid complaint you’ll hear about Hi-Point guns is that they’re heavy. My longtime readers know well that JDub prefers ’em with a little meat on their bones. And that goes for my guns too.

But at 7 pounds empty, the Hi-Point 10mm Carbine is a little less Thick Rihanna and a little more Ralphie May. Seven pounds puts the 1095TS about a pound heavier than most other pistol-cartridge carbines on the market.

Some of that additional weight is balanced out by having the gun load through the handle like a traditional semi-auto pistol. That allows the entire bolt and receiver to be moved back toward the shooter, giving the gun better balance and something of a bullpup feel.

The end result is a carbine with a 17 1/2-inch barrel but only 32 inches of overall length. The 1095TS is the rare case of a gun feeling heavier slung than it does when shouldered.

The other complaint I often hear about Hi-Points is that they’re awkward to handle. Even with a shorter overall length, comparing the 1095TS carbine to most other pistol-caliber carbines built in the AR or MP5 style, I’d have to agree.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine stock (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


First off, the stock, with its internal recoil buffer, is just weird.

The rear of the carbine’s stock has a strange recoil pad that’s set on springs. And that’s not a good strange. Those springs mean you have to pull back even harder to maintain a good cheek-stock weld. If you don’t, the carbine will bounce around as you fire.

If your goal is purely recoil reduction, with no thought to shooting accurately or quickly, that might be OK. But a stock needs to be rigid to help keep the firearm as still and on-target as possible. This spring setup actually accentuates movement and reduces your ability to maintain a consistent position on the weapon. Wrong answer.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine cheek piece (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


Unlike some previous models, the 1095TS Carbine sports a gel-like cheek pad on the stock. The choice of materials is an odd one, as the pad is grippy and tacky. It’s not really sticky, as it leaves no residue on what it touches. It does, however, rapidly collect dust and dirt, and holds it there firmly.

I’m not a fan of the raised soft rubber cheek piece at all. As is, combined with the sprung recoil pad, it feels like a light slap in the face every time I pull the trigger.

Those of you who have beards, take special note. One of the other folks shooting with me at The Range at Austin had a full beard and has less of it now. That rubber pad actually pulled out hairs during recoil every time he shot the gun.

That rubber cheek rest could have been smooth, and the stock-on-springs thing didn’t need to exist at all. I assume these features were included out of a concern about felt recoil. And for its weight, the recoil impulse on the 1095TS is a bit more than I expected. I’ve shot plenty of magnum power carbines in one form or another, and this one feels more like a 5.56NATO carbine than one that fires a 10mm cartridge.

Even so, the recoil-reducing features do very little to curb muzzle climb at the cost of making the rifle actually more uncomfortable to shoot. They need to go, or Hi-Point would do well to sell another version without them.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine safety (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


Feeding the Hi-Point carbine works in the same manner as most semi-automatic pistols; through the pistol grip. For those of you used to the AK, AR, MP5, UMP, FAL — just about all of the detachable magazine fed rifles out there — this will definitely take some getting used to.



After some trial and error, I found the simplest way to change magazines quickly was to hold the grip in my firing hand at high port and use my support hand to both release the magazine as well as to withdraw and insert a loaded magazine into the rifle.

Essentially, load this carbine as you would a pistol, but hit the magazine release with your support thumb. That’s because, even with my size large hands, I wasn’t able to reach the magazine release without shifting my grip. And I’m going to need all of that grip to keep a seven-pound carbine still at high port during the mag change.

Done in this manner, with a little practice, I was able to get the gun back into action quickly and reliably.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine rail (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


The 1095TS is festooned with rail space on top and bottom of the receiver, as well as under barrel. Note that these aren’t standard Picatinny rails, but plastic Weaver-style rails on which you can mount a scope or red-dot optic.

The nice thing about the rail set-up on the bottom of the rifle is that you could feasibly set up a bipod on the rail attached to the frame, as well as a flashlight in front of the bipod hanging from the barrel itself. That weight making contact with the barrel will certainly change your point of impact at longer ranges. As always, zero the rifle as you intend to use it.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine barrel rail (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


The barrel is threaded with a standard .45ACP threading of .578×28. As with all direct blowback guns, expect a good amount of gas blowback if you’re using a silencer. A sling, swivels and scope base are included with the carbine.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine trigger (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


The plastic trigger looks like it would pull straight back like a 1911. Try to pull it back like that, though, and you’ll certainly increase the trigger’s perceived pull weight. Instead, allow the trigger to operate a little more like a double-action revolver, and let it hinge down. You’ll find the trigger then vastly improves, although it’s still relatively heavy and gritty. I measured trigger pull at just over 8 pounds.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine safety (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


I’m not a fan of Hi-Point’s lever safety. The thumb safety is obvious and intuitive for the new shooter. But it’s also difficult to turn off and even more difficult to engage, especially while the rifle is shouldered.

The 1095TS Carbine will lock the bolt back on an empty magazine. Since there is no obvious bolt lock or release lever, I assumed that you couldn’t lock the bolt back without a magazine inserted.

Upon closer inspection, I found that there’s a slight round cut-out at the rear slot that the reciprocating bolt handle traverses. With a little difficulty and some care, I was able to push the charging handle knob (on the left side) down into that slot, keeping the bolt locked to the rear, even without a magazine in the chamber.

However, seeing as how that takes some time and some dexterity, that process may make clearing a double feed malfunction a more difficult and time consuming, as the inability to lock the bolt back quickly often makes it much harder to strip the magazine.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine bolt handle (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


As I found out, however, double-feeds aren’t likely.

I’ve heard complaints about Hi-Point reliability. I have heard them, but I’ve never seen it in practice. The same goes for the 1095TS Carbine. As always, I lubed the firearm prior to shooting, but I never cleaned or lubed it again during the entire review process.

I put a total of 500 rounds through the rifle without any problems. Most of these were the Freedom Munitions 180gr flat nosed rounds (use coupon code “TTAG” for 5% off) with rounds from Winchester and Hornady, too. Nothing gave the 1095TS anything it couldn’t handle. At least none that are directly related to the function of the gun.

It’s fairly easy to make the firearm fail to go into battery if you don’t completely pull the bolt to the rear prior to releasing it. If there’s an empty magazine in the gun and the bolt is locked to the rear on that empty magazine, you will have to insert a fresh magazine into the gun, pull the bolt back fully and release it.

The problem is that “fully” back is all of about ¼ of an inch. Then you need to fully release it. Not pulling it back that ¼ inch, or riding the bolt forward at all — even the tiniest little bit — will result in a bolt stoppage. I was able to clear those every time by just pressing the bolt slightly forward, and the spring did the rest.

Again, there’s no mechanical failure of the firearm here. But the firearm’s design makes it easy for the user to fail in properly releasing the bolt. It takes some practice and even then, it’s pretty easy to get wrong. Actually lengthening the travel the bolt pulls back would have fixed the problem.

Putting 500 rounds through this gun wasn’t particularly quick. That’s because it ships with only a single 10-round magazine. You can buy more on the Hi-Point website for about $20. Sadly, there are no other 10mm carbine magazines on the Hi-Point website that will hold more than 10 rounds. That’s disappointing, as a big selling point for the PCC concept in general is their ability to pour rounds out quickly. That’s not much fun when the round count ends at 10.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine rear sight(image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


Accuracy testing with the Hi Point 1095TS 10mm Carbine was yet another lesson in the importance of paying attention. My first groups with the factory iron sights were around four inches at 25 yards. I burned a lot of ammo trying that again and again, and 3¾” was the average.

I didn’t expect great groups, but I expected better than that. I figured maybe it was my eyes. So I put my Atibal Nomad scope on a Warne cantilever mount and tried again. Same results, and all while tucked into the Caldwell shooting rest. I was pretty happy with the inexpensive carbine up to that point, but the lack of accuracy made this a 25-yard hunting gun, at best.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine testing (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


As usual, before call a gun out in a review, I called the manufacturer. Hi-Point let me know that those are the groups I should expect at 100 yards, not 25. They asked me to send them the gun and they would fix it or I could have a new one under their lifetime warranty.

As this is a test and evaluation gun, I wanted them to fix it and send it back to me. I then set about taking the scope off. When I reached to unscrew the mount, the scope fell off. And here was the first part of my lesson for the day. Slow down, pay attention.

The top rail didn’t quite match up with the scope mount. It looked like the mount was on, but in fact, it wasn’t fully seated in the rail. Nor could it be, no matter how hard I tried. It wouldn’t fully seat down into the rails, nor would any of my QD mounts. When I tried regular rings, they mounted just fine. Slow down, pay attention.

With a scope mounted correctly this time, I shot 1¼” five-round groups at 25 yards off a rest using Freedom Munitions 180gr round point flat-nosed bullets. That’s more like it.

Putting the original rear sight back on gave me my final lesson for the day. The rear sight is attached with four screws into the top of the receiver, one of which is also the elevation adjustment. When I locked all of the screws back down onto the receiver, I realized the elevation screw wasn’t sitting in the same footprint of where it was originally. It was slightly cocked.  Now it was perpendicular to the receiver.  Whoever had this T&E gun before me apparently hadn’t fully seated it back in, causing the rear sight to be loose. It must have been moving a bit when I was shooting it. Yet again, slow down, pay attention.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine groups (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


The adjustable sights from the factory are fine for fast acquisition or low-light shooting. The front sight post stands out sharply and is protected by a classic ring. The rear peep sight is fully adjustable. It is also pretty big … too big for precision work. When improperly seated, it must have been moving a slight amount, and since the rear site is fairly large, I never noticed. When correctly mounted, the gun shot 1.5-inch groups at 25 yards with the factory irons. Mystery solved.

That means that instead of limiting shots on game to 25 yards, we have a realistic 100-yard whitetail deer and pig slayer, assuming good marksmanship on the part of the shooter.

Pay very close attention to where the marks on the rear sight were, because you’ll have to reset them to that spot in order to get anywhere close to your original zero if you remove the rear sight and then put it back on. You will still have to re-zero the rifle.

Reliable? Check.

Accurate enough? Check.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine front sight post(image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)


Here’s the really real ya’ll. For those of us familiar with most other platforms, this is an awkward gun. It has some strange features, some of which just shouldn’t be there. And it doesn’t feel like the guns we’re used to. It’s not fast, it’s not sleek.

It’s also not a $1,000 carbine. The bottom line is this a dirt cheap gun that’s good enough for the vast majority of things you’ll need a gun to do. It’s good enough to hunt deer and pigs out to the ranges most people hunt them, and black bears at 50 yards as well.

It’s good enough for home defense, and it’s plenty good as a truck gun. I found them online, exactly like this one, for under $400. For a whole lot of folks on a budget, the Hi-Point 1095TS Edge carbine is a semi-auto pistol-caliber carbine that checks the boxes for all the basics.

How does it compare to a Bretheren Arms MP5 10mm? Not so well. But if you want those looks, those ergonomics, that light weight, increased accuracy, customization, the name, and the speed and ease of use, get ready to shell out an additional $3,200 for one.

For some of us, that’s totally worth it. But for the vast majority of folks, $400 or less for a gun that reliably does what you need? That’s easy math.


Hi-Point 1095TS Carbine in the trees (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)

Specifications: Hi-Point 1095TS Edge Carbine

Caliber: 10mm
Barrel length: 17.5″ (threaded)
Overall length: 32″
Weight: 7 lbs.
Sights: Fully Adjustable Rear Peep and Post Front
Capacity: 10
Stock: Realtree Edge Camouflage hydro-dipped polymer stock
MSRP: $439 (black polymer version MSRP $389, less via Sportsman’s Guide)

Ratings (out of five stars):

Style and Appearance * *
The Hi-Point has a look all its own. The lines don’t particularly flow together, there are superfluous features, and it’s more bulky that it needs to be.

Customization * *
The multiple rails allow for the use of many different add-ons. But there are very few factory options, and the lack of larger capacity magazines is a big disappointment.

Reliability * * * * *
Don’t release the bolt too soon and the 1095TS carbine runs like a champ. The only issues in 500 rounds were user-caused.

Accuracy * * *
1 1/2-inch groups at 25 yards makes this gun very capable out to common hunting ranges.

Overall * * *
It’s awkward. It’s heavy. It’s not pretty. It’s also perfectly reliable and accurate enough to maximize the ballistic capability of the 10mm round. In short, in what matters most, the Hi-Point 1095TS Edge 10mm Carbine gets the job done and does it for cheap.

Freedom Munitions TTAG Banner

Ammo for this review provided by Freedom Munitions. Visit www.FreedomMunitions.com and use coupon code “TTAG” for 5% off site-wide on dozens of brands of ammunition, accessories, parts, optics, and more.


    • That’s my knock-around every day watch.
      Seriously, I would high recommend the Rolex Explorer II to anyone. I’ve worn it all over the world. Deserts, jungles, snow, sand, mountain climbing, scuba diving, you name it. It’s been on my wrist for almost all of my reviews. It has stood up to the harshest recoil, over and over again. It’s even survived my toddlers making a game of how hard they can throw it. It’s not the fanciest watch, but it’s been accurate and extremely durable over the years. Plus, I travel a whole lot and the dual time zone thing is a must for me.

        • I’ve been buying the same jeans, same cut, same size, for about 25 years. I buy one pair a year when they go on sale at Academy Outdoors. They cost $26.
          This year, I spent $90 on a pair of Mountain Khahi jeans, as they are sponsors of the Team 5 Medical Foundation.
          I had no idea what I was missing. Much more comfortable and durable, and they clean off easier.
          In short, my fancy pants are great!

        • If he wants to spend his $$$$$ on Rolex watches….it is his prerogative.

          At least his “fancy watch” sounds like it durable and he has used it as daily watch.

          Live like you wanna live….as long as you can.

        • Seriously? Making fun of a man’s watch?

          His money. His call. His freedom.

          Want a gun? Awesome. Want 20 guns? Awesome. Want a $60K bespoke gun? Awesome. Want a brodozer? Awesome. Want big house in the mountains, on the beach, or whereever is damn well pleases you? Awesome.

          Why? “Because we can”.

    • Says the me he’s willing to pick up and thoroughly review a HiPoint or the Bretheren Arms MP5 for us.

  1. Wow, the whole Hi Point series has slowly climbed up in price, eating away at their price/value equation.

    Still, the next best carbine, at least in 9mm, is probably the Ruger PC9 at $300 more ($260 VS $550.)

    • Hi-Points have been going up in price, while ARs have been going down in price. A $200-250 Hi-Point carbine makes a lot of sense when entry level ARs cost $800. A $350-400 Hi-Point makes less sense when many ARs can be purchased for $500 or less.

      Still, this carbine looks like fun. I use to have the 4095, and liked it fairly well. I bought it used for $200, and sold it for $225. Decent trunk and general plonker gun, when wanting to step up from a .22.

    • Found a deal from a major arms seller on the Ruger PC Carbine: $445 delivered. Ordered it; sometimes it pays to wait for a deal, but probably will not find that one again. Now the waiting for it to come.

  2. I’ve had a Hi-Point carbine in .40 for over a decade. This is basically the review I’d give that gun.

    I’m disappointed that even with a new stock they haven’t fixed the cheek-slap issue though. In fact it sounds like they’ve managed to make it worse. But hey, cheap yet reliable.

    Good review.

    • Duct tape and foam. May not solve the problem but it’ll make it tolerable.

      • No one ever mentioned removing the “recoil pad” and replacing it with something like a “Shooters Friend”, a polymer slip on that fits anything from an M-44 Nagant to an 870 shotgun. They run about $20.00 and are made in Evansville, Indiana by Rieken’s. Have had a 9mm carbine (with old style stock) and off a bench(no lead sled) we got 3 1/2″ results at 100 yards. I guess it was because we didn’t have the “beard flinch”…LOL

  3. Sounds quite similar to the 4595 review I posted on this site a few years back. I agree wholeheartedly with the rear spring-loaded recoil pad. I have to remind myself to lean a tad forward, or end up with cheek bite. Also on the truck gun, as it is where mine hangs out.

  4. I bought my original 9mm HighPoint carbine just before the prices started climbing, and happy I did. I later added the TS stock to the gun.
    This with some cheap 9mm JHP makes a great varmint gun.

  5. Interesting point of view on a high point, a low-cost “Volkswagen”, from a guy who drives a “Ferrari”, the most expensive AR-15s commercially available. I suggest people study up on a weapon that was once called “The Plains rifle”. Also check out the “Indian Trade Guns”. These things certainly were not as good as a Remington Rolling block. But these less expensive firearms got the job done 130 years ago.

    The second amendment was not written for rich white people. And I will say that people have a First Amendment right to write a firearms review on anything.

    One of my first gun purchases was a Hi Point 45 pistol several years ago. My last purchase was a Daniel Defense AR-15 rifle, this past Nov 2017. I’m keeping the high point 45 and looking forward to the new 20 round magazine that is coming out for it later this year from Red Ball.

    • I have a few different versions of Plains Rifles as well as a flintlock Indian Trade Gun. The flintlock I hunt with was made somewhere between 1790 and 1820.
      The Plains Rifles were made in a wide array of costs. Mostly they were relatively inexpensive rifles anyone could own as they headed to the frontier. That said, they were not cheap. If we look at pre-civil war rifles Hawken rifles, they would cost about three to four months worth of a calvary sergeant scout’s salary. Not chump change.
      The Indian Trade Guns and canoe guns were basically smaller, less embellished versions of common flinters. Again, they varied widely, but were still much more expensive, comparatively, than firearms today.

    • The Red Ball sports mags are out, and they work. Runs perfectly in my 45 Hi Point pistol and carbine

  6. Great review! Every review on the Hipoint 10mm has been positive. Gunblast and TFB like it a lot.Pretty sure it can be pushed over 1000muzzle energy with some hot Buffalo Bore. I may get one as a SHTF rifle but I ain’t paying 400bucks…yes Jeff Quinn shot 40cal without problems.

  7. I don’t have any comment on the quality/cost of the gun, but am I missing something, such as “why”?

    This gun is longer than an AR with 16″ barrel and collapsible stock, has ~40% less muzzle energy than even a 110gr bullet out of an 8.5″ .300BO barrel, and ammo that at best is the same price as 5.56 ammo.

    I’m totally on board with “because I want it” as a valid reason for something, but once I got past the “unique gun in 10MM” and looked at the numbers, I don’t see what niche this fills, other than reasons. Not an AR in those states that hate freedom?

    • We can’t have hi point carbines in CA either.

      It’s ben a couple of years since my last lgs visit but we could get hi point pistols here.

    • I can shoot it at any local range. Not so with an AR. 10mm out of a 17.5″ barrel is badazz. Probably escape any rifle ban…even in Illinois. Sorry but Cali is a lost cause😟

    • The niche that it fill is that it is a powerful, reliable, accurate enough gun that costs under 400. It is also the size of an AR with the stock collapsed, but not with the stock extended for use.

    • Well, it costs a lot less than an AR with a folding stock, so there’s that.

      I don’t get the 10mm fascination, myself. I guess if you already have pistols in 10mm, then you might want a cheap beater carbine that shares the same ammo. But I’m a 9mm guy, so what do I know?

    • Uhm … maybe purchase price? Seems to me he mentioned that a few times.
      Unfortunately *good* (hot) 10mm ammo is pricier than .223, noticeably so. On the other hand, one commenter said it would take .40 okay – that’d make it a bit better of a deal.

  8. Any chance you could use industry connections to learn and share with us whether or not the soon-to-be-released High Tower Armory bullpup stock will work with this model?

    • I have ZERO industry connections.
      But I called the number on the High Tower Armory website and talked to Andy. Nice guy. He said that the Hi-Point 10mm will probably fit the soon-to-be-released stock, but they haven’t tried it yet, they’ve done no testing, and they don’t know how well it will hold up under long term use. They are working with Hi-Point to get some models for testing, and if it goes well, they will make it available for their customers.

  9. Idea: Each of your gun reviews could include shooting at a ballistic vest wrapped loosely around a steel plate.

    Then report the results to your employer.

  10. I just bought a DPMS Panther AR-10 for $700.. some ARs can be had for $400. The DPMS weighs about the same as the pot-metal Hi-Point and fires a true rifle cartridge with three times the energy of the fastest 10mm pistol cartridge. The Hi-Point only makes sense at about $250. Metallurgy happens.

        • Search for UPC 884451002468 on guns (dot) deals and you’ll find it. 1 penny less than 700 from the lowest cost seller and free shipping with a listed code.

          Wow, this comment one wasn’t auto-nuked, or put into the awaiting moderation category. Miracles never cease.

      • I bought one for about that at Academy a couple years ago. It actually has a light strike thing going on currently that’s pretty annoying.

      • Lets try this one more time without links…

        Not quite $700, but it’s a GII: DPMS GII AP4-OR Semi Auto Rifle 308 Win 16″ Barrel 20 Rounds Collapsible Stock Black (UPC 884451602248) is $749.99 at deguns.net

        Per your request: DPMS 60560 LR-308 Oracle AR-10 RFLROC 308 Win 7.62 x 51 (UPC 884451002468) is $699.99 at deguns.net

        Shipping is free if you use coupon SHIP30

        • They list their normal price as 999, with a deal of the day at 699. That’s a great price, and I appreciate you posting the listing, because at that price I’ll probably buy one. But it is not fair to compare that to the MSRP of the Hi-Point.

        • JWT, I didn’t make any comparison. That was another commenter. I simply provided a source for the price he cited showing you and the readers that $700 is a real obtainable sale price for the DPMS.

        • I got my Oracle in 308 for under $625 last year and it wasn’t even black friday. I think after rebate it come out to around $550-575. It’s got a cheesy plastic front-end, a gas-block front sight that should be replaced with an adjustable gas block, and a standard crappy trigger, but it goes bang, and with the crap trigger, a crap 5x prism scope it can put down 5 round 2″ groups at 100 yards using quality ammo. It you just want a basic AR10 it’s been reliable for me thus far.

  11. The review would have been better if it were done by someone more familiar with a Hi-Point carbine. Most of the issues he mentioned were not issues at all but user error. I have a 995TS and I used it a couple of times before I learned it (it also helps to read the short instructions or spend a couple of minutes on YouTube to find simple things like bolt hold-open, how to open and close the bolt, etc.). It’s a simple gun that is simple to use if you pay attention. Mg 9mm has been great with no malfunctions and the accuracy is very good if you pay attention,

  12. I love my 10mm.I shoot Hornady 180gr. XTP reloades.I have no problem hitting any target out to 100 yards.I replaced the factory sights with a old 1.5-4 Bushnell post style scope.Also try Hornady 155gr. XTP I think you will give this gun a little more respect after seeing its full potential.A great gun for under 400 bucks……

  13. A stellar review of a mediocre gun. Real guns sometimes need screws tightened and kinks worked out. I’d rather have a 10mm Ruger PC, they just don’t exist. Not yet, anyways.

  14. Eh, I’d buy it. The price is right, it goes bang reliably, sends the lead in the right direction, I just don’t have any need or want for a carbine at the moment. I will admit to being a Hi Point fanboy, though.

  15. If you don’t like, Ok, just don’t buy one.
    Picked up a camo one to look at, tempted, but to me it would just be a range toy, and I have other wants.
    I think the 9mm is a great buy at $300, but in my perspective the 10mm at $400 I want something more useful (to me).
    Similar to Keltec, (or how KelTec used to be), cheap, not trying to be military gun. But a home use gun that can be used for defense. Now KelTec is trying to be High end. Hopefuly Hi Point will stay the way they are

  16. The Hi-Point carbines work well for their price point. They’re reliable and put rounds on target. I’ve met several guys who got them as presents from girlfriends/wives because their SO was shopping on a budget, but wanted something that could “do it all.” And so these can – you can hunt with them in some states, you can do home defense, and you can have fun with them.

    These carbines fulfill the #1 requirement of any firearm: It works. We can argue about aesthetics, grace, balance, etc, etc. I’m well equipped to argue all of these points, since I work on nicer guns most of the time, and I purchase nicer guns, most of the time. But whenever I meet someone at the range with a Hi Point carbine, I’m impressed how well they work, and I’m much more impressed at how well they work at their price point.

  17. I have discovered I am a gun snob. I didnt know it until this review. That thing is so fugly I wouldn’t be caught dead in public with one. The other guns in my safe would ostracize it and probably cause a discrimination case. Function it may but God is it ugly.

  18. If you can get through 500 rounds without a problem you’re doing great. I can’t even get through 10 rounds with my HP carbine without a problem. I’ve always defended Hi Points because over the years they’ve worked fine for me . . . until I bought one of the carbines. Completely unreliable.

  19. I love the fact that Hi-Point is making a carbine in an obscure caliber like 10mm. I also have heard great things about their support, and being an American company using American labor and putting out a reliable weapon for a low price seems like witchcraft to me.

    That being said, I’m just not sure I understand a Hi-Point in 10mm. If you’re shooting 10mm money probably isn’t as much of a concern, so why not get the Vector in 10mm and be compatible with the 10mm Glock you (probably) already own? I really, really wish they offered a double-stack magazine variant at a slightly higher cost, or that Hi Tower’s bullpup chassis was finally released for something like this.

    If you have to carry a different magazine anyways, why not carry a rifle round? A 9mm pcc is cheap to shoot… makes sense even with the hassle of different magazines. A 45 pcc can be a pretty nice suppressed option that’s cheaper to shoot than 300blk. Beyond those cases I’m not sure I understand why you’d want a proprietary magazine’d expensive supersonic pistol caliber that’s inferior to a rifle caliber available at a similar cost per round.

    I love that this thing exists though… just wish it could be adapted for different magazines. I might have to pick up one in 45AARP at some point though…

  20. i would get it in 40 s%w and shoot underwood and get mag performance from it and a 15 round mag. or i would spend a few more for a tnw asr if i just wanted a pistol caliber carbine and get it in 10mm 40 s%w 9mm 357sig or 45acp and use glock mags so i can get 30 rounds from it and cheap mags.

  21. First rule of Hi Point carbines: pull the slide all the way back to chamber it. And pull it back sharply since the spring is pretty stiff. After that, you shouldn’t have any issues

  22. I have two HiPoint Carbines and the first thing I tell people is (a) burn 300-600 rounds through before even trying to set up for accuracy. (b) don’t use copper plated or lead rounds when sighting for accuracy . You won’t get it. Hornady 185 is where you need to find the accuracy you want to hunt with.

  23. I have several things to comment on. First, I am a novest shooter. I just got the itch about a year ago. Started out with a new Sig P938. I love it, a bit bulky to carry but love it. Last week I purchased two Hi-point rifles. The 40 S&W 4095TS and the 10mm 1095TS. I shot them both today for the first time. All I can say is AMAZING! A-freeken-mazing!

    At 60 feet (max of the particular range I went to) the very first magazine in my 1095 hit all 10 shots dead center in a 1.5″ group. I screemed Yes!!! The rainge safety dude came over to see what I was using. Next I repeated with the 4095. I had the same results. I spent two hundred rounds in each gun with no issues. I hear Ugly, not to me, cheap, nope, inexpensive, built like a tank with a lifetime warranty. I rather it work like a nutron bomb than smell like a rose.
    They are heavy but I’m not used to shooting this type of gun anyway. Maybe by changing the folding grip position it will be more balanced. My left arm started to become fateged. I’m 5’5″ and 165 lbs. 49years old disabled so give me and the machine some credit. Is it more me or machine hitting the grouping?
    The magazine release is in the same position as my Sig. I had no issues with getting used to that or the safety. I used an inexpensive R-G-B Dot optic just in front of the factory rear sight. The factory sights are great without the optic on both models.
    Kick back…. What kick back? Not a problem at all. I was affrad I would get the crap beat out of me and most certainly on the 1095. Not the case at all. I have installed a Carbine Compensator on the 4095 and I can tell you it helps to keep the group even tighter it also suppresed movements. I am looking for one that will fit my 1095.
    I hope this adds to the article and takes away from the stupid watch distraction. For what I paid for both carbine rifles with lifetime warranty service from an all American made, manufacured and resorced guns; I could never of purchased one new rifle that is so accurate with all the perks. Keep God First in everything you do.
    God, Family, Country. Oh and Trump Rocks! I am not associated with Hi-point but wish I was.

  24. I don’t own an AR-anything.(GASP!!!) But I do own a Saiga .223 carbine. As with the Hi-Point, it’s a bunch heavier than an AR. And, maybe not as accurate, but if need be I could crank out 1,000 rounds without having to run pipe cleaners and other such nonsense through it. I bought mine back about 10 years ago, when they were under $300.00. Sold it to a guy and 6 years later bought it back for $400.00. They run well over $500.00 when you can find them. But, with a carbine/16″ barrel, they aren’t something you would take to a 1,000 yd. match. I want mine for home defense(31 rds. of 62 gr. penetrating rds.) and can still reach out and touch a coyote at 100+ yds. with 55 gr. hollow points. Whatever this had to do with the review got lost along the way! LOL

  25. I have had the 1095 since early in 2018. It is a great value. You’ll probably want to put a red dot or something on this the “AT3 tactical” 2moa is a good sight at a price that will match the gun. I was not a fan of the factory sights. It cycles like a glock rifle no issues in at least 500 rounds.

    I feel could it possibly have 2.5in (or maybe even 2 inch) groups with an average joe 1moa capable shooter – after break in with an optic and match ammo. I say this because I got a ~ rough 4 inch group at 100 shooting sellier & bellot 180 grain in a bit of a hurry to sight in for deer before the range closed (it was my last opportunity. I was time limited to get that red dot on paper and then zero at 100. It really is not bad accuracy – I would be shocked if an average joe 1moa shooter could not get to 2 or 2.5moa groups with a scope and quality ammo.

    Releasing the bolt from a locked back position is my largest complaint (aside from the sights which I ditched quickly) followed by that glue like cheek rest which is a bit unpleasant but would not make me hesitate to shoot a couple hundred rounds at a time. It shoots everything well including defense rounds.

    There is a company which makes 25 round mags for the other hi-point carbines, Red Ball if I am not mistaken. One hopes they will follow suit for the 10mm. With a reliable 25 round mag it would be a great defense weapon but with that bolt wanting to stay back you would not want to reload in any dangerous situation. Until then, If you do hunt bears or another predator with it you better drop ’em or send it packing before your mag empties.

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