corona virus gun sales
(AP Photo/Philip Kamrass)

We’ve all read reports of the long lines in grocery stores following the declaration of a national emergency with most Americans coming to the realization that the coronavirus is very real and isn’t going away any time soon. We’ve also noted the run on ammunition and reports from around the country of increased sales of guns.

Yesterday, however, was the first day most Americans were off of work in large numbers since the emergency declaration and a great number of them made tracks for their nearest firearms retailer.

JWT texted me yesterday from the Cabela’s store in Buda, Texas, 30 minutes south of Austin. There was a 2.5 hour wait to get to the gun counter at the time. We then talked to a retailer we know in Florida who reported a 4 hour wait at his store.

Meanwhile, in the gun-controlled utopia of California . . .

This store is in Burbank . . .

These scenes seem to have been replicated at most gun stores in urban areas around the country yesterday. Retailers we’ve talked to said that a majority of these customers are first-time buyers, people who either never considered buying a gun before or were on the fence about it.

That makes sense. You have to think that current gun owners who already have at least some means to protect themselves aren’t going to stand in line for hours in close proximity to a lot of other people given current conditions.

It also means that tens of thousands of people are becoming first-time gun owners. These are people who have decided that having the ability to defend themselves and their families during difficult times, when police may be less responsive than usual, makes all the sense in the world.

Some, naturally, are appalled by Americans who have chosen to arm themselves in an emergency. To the surprise of no one, self-professed gun owner Bill Maher is one of those expressing their derision and disdain.

From Fox News:

“You know what’s up? All the businesses are closed in America — except gun sales.

“So American,” he said. ” ‘I’ll shoot the virus!’… We don’t do smart stuff in this country.”

No one does smarm and condescension quite so well.

We’d guess that all of those people standing in line for hours in order to buy a firearm don’t have much time to care what Bill Maher thinks of how they’re preparing for an emergency.


P.S. Who could have possibly seen something like this coming when the Golden State enacted a background check requirement to buy ammunition?



  1. Unfortunately, not seeing this type reporting in the MSM. it would be good for politicians to see just how difficult confiscation will be. But, if it ain’t in the NYT/WaPo, it ain’t happening.

    • Hi Sam! Nice to see you!
      I think the Dems are buying up all the guns and ammo. Those who haven’t “seen the light” should put “No Guns” signs in their yards so the scumbags know where to shop for toilet paper, food and emergency supplies.

      • Sorry, the pen is mightier than the sword but, a sense of humor is a nuclear weapon. See “Liberty Doll”, “Bongino”, “Tucker Carlson”, “Gutfeld” and, of course “Hickok45” on Humor is like a ceramic stone on a blade!

        • Humor is NOT a nuclear weapon my friend. But, when I threaten to drop a nuclear weapon on your family and community, it is just me being humorous.

        • ” Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.” Gen. Douglas MacArthur.”

          • ” Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.” Gen. Douglas MacArthur.”

            There ya’ go.

        • @neiowa

          MacArthur was a brilliant strategist that among other things, pulled off a remarkable campaign at Inchon that few, if any other generals in the world could have even conceived, let alone attempted.

          You are ignorant, obnoxious and likely homosexual. Call your parents (assuming you even know who they are) and demand an apology from them for producing a loathsome individual like you.

          It’s your ilk that make me wish COVID 19 wasn’t just hype and would wipe out large swaths of humanity.

      • “Those who haven’t “seen the light” should put “No Guns” signs in their yards”

        Often considered putting two GFZ signs in my yard, each pointing to a next door neighbor (notably anti-gun folks). The Colonel said doing so would only identify the place where guns can be stolen. The lack of a GFZ sign would tell the tale.

        • BTW: I’ve got a “share the road with bicycles” sticker and “my rescue dog rescued me” sticker on my truck. No NRA, ISRA, GOA. No “Protected by S&W”, No “Ducks Unlimited”, “Pheasants Unlimited” or “Backyard f%#king Bunnies” stickers. Nothing on my house.
          I make sure nobody’s looking when I load guns in the truck.
          Nobody needs to know. I have been to the range with a neighbor so, he’s OK.
          and, concealed means CONCEALED!
          I live in a suburb of Chicago… it’s a gun hostile environment and a democrat pig wallow.

          • “I live in a suburb of Chicago”

            Had some consulting assignments in “Chicago”: Elmhurst, Aurora, Napierville, Downers Grove. One was with National Seasoning. At that job there was also an Israeli from our company. The guy loved jazz, and asked me to go with him to his favorite place….in Cicero. That seemed odd, but the name of the place had “Chop House” at the end. Told Ari that chop houses were where the mob usually whacked people, but Ari was determined the place was safe. When we interred, I cased the joint, and settled on a booth with direct view of the front door, and a quick jump to a side exit. The Maître d’ approved the choice with a knowing glance at location. When we got to the booth, Ari asked why the setup and I told him. The evening went well, but returning to the hotel in the dark was just uncomfortable (didn’t even like driving through Cicero to get to Midway Airport..which looks like a prison, with a guard tower at the center).

        • Sam,
          Cicero’s not a really bad neighborhood in Chicago… I used to go over and play keyboards at a kinda iffy blues club…. Buddy Guy, Toranzo Cannon, Pistol Pete …you play with whoever’s there. It was REALLY, REALLY LOUD and keyboard players are scarce. I never got out of there before 1:00AM. It’s mostly 2nd, 3rd generation Polish immigrants. We’re friends with many. Yes, it was where Al Capone hung out …and, the St. Valentines massacre but, it’s mostly OK. I don’t live there but, It’s not a neighborhood I avoid. You want REAL Polish food? Cicero’s good. Oak Park is just to the north …Frankie Wright, Ernie Hemmingway, etc.
          Watch yourself …you’ll be OK. Doan’ worry ’bout it! Drop by for a few “pops” (Cicero for beer) and a Perogi! Oh, BTW – the mayor DID get out of jail a couple of years ago…
          I can tell you where the BAD neighborhoods are!

          • “I can tell you where the BAD neighborhoods are!”

            Had all the adventures I needed as a consultant. It was fun, but air travel became too much to endure, for the pleasure of the adventure.

        • Hey, BTW, Cicero! These are the european craftsmen who INVENTED the Chicago Bungalow! Cruise around and look! The brickwork is stunning, the stained glass would rival the Vatican, hand carved woodwork in Oak, Walnut, Cherry… It’s not a suburban McMansion but, many are simply gorgous!

          • The old days, there was thought given to craft among craftsmen. Since WW2, utilitarianism and ersatz delight the eye.

        • Been there Sam! I write medical software. Some of my customers are hospitals in REALLY BAD neighborhoods. I went looking for food one night in N.Y. (not Manhatten) and had to settle for a convenience store sandwich a few blocks away from the hotel. No restaurants for miles. I walked back to my hotel (it wasn’t really a “hotel” …it was a dump) with my sandwich and my Swiss Army Knife open in my other hand to the tune of multiple gunshots 1/2 block away. Yes, I was rather uncomfortable.

          • “Been there Sam! I write medical software. Some of my customers are hospitals in REALLY BAD neighborhoods.”

            Medical software. Now there are some tales to tell. Did billing software for a year; doctors are a funny bunch.

            Having rested in a number of bare bones, nondescript lodgings in the military, my foray into the civilian world of road warrior was bumpy. I generally stayed is “worn, but clean” motels on consulting assignments, and ate at the cheapest places. Got re-calibrated a coupla times about how my receipts made those of the other team members look suspicious. I couldn’t see $100+ per night to rent higher grade digs that were just a bunk and a shower, because the other amenities were only useful for vacationers.

      • If it is Dem voters now buying guns and ammo, i think they are the slightly-left leaning folks and also moderate voters. There’s a lot of them here. Hopefully these folks, just now opening their eyes will start to realize, what’s going on with the CA gov and start voting Republican.

    • Sam,
      Scrolled through the comments. Everybody is freaking out! Aren’t any of us prepared? Are we the same pussies as the “Left”?

      I ordered 100 rounds of .223 from PSA the other day to break in my daughter’s new AR (sweet, I sold a CZ-75 to buy the parts). But, I’m not panic buying anything. I reload. I have ammo. I’ll never have all the guns I want but, I’ll (painfully) admit that I have all the guns I need.
      We have alarm systems, cameras, approach alarms, plenty of food and supplies for 30-60 days (in style, not “survival”), toilet paper, etc. We could last a year without doing anything…
      We’re NOT rich… we’re OK. We’re not “preppers”. I send $25-50/month to NRA, GOA and ISRA. I value my rights!
      We also have my 98 yr. old mother and my brother with stage 5 Parkinson’s that we care for. If they contract COVID-19, they’re probably dead. We never anticipated needing total isolation but, it’s not a big deal.
      Is our “2A Community” chasing after the latest $1000 red dot without stocking enough food, water, medical supplies? Are they buying the latest $6000 1911’s? Are they trained in First Aid, AED, CPR, traumatic injury, gunshot wounds? Are we all walking around with heads up our asses?
      I’m 67… I’ve been shot at more than a few times, blue water sailing, extreme skiing, cycling, caving where the “ice water” in my veins is the only thing that got my sorry ass out alive… many of my old friends are dead. I still cycle a few thousand miles a year and lift weights every other day. I weigh the same as I did in 8th grade (170) and my CCL gun tucks into the hollow where my beer belly should be. I know there’s a lot of ex military guys on the same page.

      So, I have …maybe 10,000 rounds of supplies at the loading bench, easily food for a couple of months, expensive “trauma packs” in both cars, the boat, the house and my daughter’s dorm room.

      One really nice 1911 would pay for everything. Is COVID a big deal or, do we need to rush out to Walmart for a couple of boxes of 9mm?

      Are we prepared? For what? Running out of toilet paper?

          • “Amen, I wouldn’t sell my CZ for anything.”

            CZ is owned and operated in a former client state of Russia. Giving money to the alleged Czech Republic is only laundering money for Putin. It is only a matter of time before Putin presents the Czechs an offer they can’t refuse. Red diaper doper babies never really change.(pun intended)

      • “Are we prepared? For what? Running out of toilet paper?”

        Rationally, I am suspicious of this “emergency”, especially because of the source of the outbreak, and the sources of information (who have been wrong about everything since 2015). But the “tell” was the Chines government declaring that somehow, the US Army successfully infiltrated, planted the virus, and invisibly exfiltrated China. Knowing communists, whatever they accuse other nations of doing, they have done, or are doing.

        The problem at hand is panic buying by the foolish will/does have an impact on the prepared. Excluding those who have stockpiled decades of necessities, the locust like damage the fearful can inflict can create real problems for the rationals. And because of that, the rationals, if the fear lasts long enough, will begin to weigh rationality with prudence. The fear may be completely unfounded, but the panic buying does impair the supply chain for everyone. How long to wait before prudently adding to your normal stocks of necessities, thus adding to the “panic”?

        • Unless you’re a moron you WONT need to buy anything other than perishables in the next 30-60+ days

    • always kind of funny…in a tragic sort of way…to see something like this happening….

  2. No ammo sales in Commifornia due to a computer “glitch”! Oh say it ain’t so.

    • “Glitch” I’ll assume, is the name of some anti-gun politician’s personal assistant.

    • The policy works exactly as planned. It would cause some raised eyebrows to ban all ammo sales in CA. But now all it takes is a little “ooops, the damn computer is down” to bring the same result. Genius!

  3. Ammo computers down in California…this is a feature, not a bug.

    It’s what happens when you vote in a rabid Progressive authoritarian.

    • So what would happen if all the ammo outlets in Californiastan told Newsom and his cronies to pound sand, and started selling ammo without all the background checks and hoopla? Does California have the resources to prosecute all the ammo dealers if they collectively told the state to FOAD?

      • My guess is that California would dedicate scarce resources to achieve their political ends…the dealers would be prosecuted and the State driven even deeper into insolvency as a result of poorly spent resources. After all, there’s always something they can tax to make up the shortfall (at least until it all collapses like a house of cards).

        Don’t underestimate the fervor and zeal with which Progressives (communists) pursue their goals.

  4. In CA, all those new purchases since 2014 (when registration for long guns and intrafamilial transfers was enacted, making universal registration complete for all new transactions) are subject to confiscation because now CADOJ knows about them. The only ones safe from Sacramento’s prying eyes are those that existed beforehand and remain unregistered.

    As some of you may recall me saying in the past, I myself was the victim (I hate using that word, but in this rare case it’s appropriate) of an instance where I legally purchased a gun from a licensed FFL in CA, had it properly registered at the point of sale, kept/enjoyed it for several years, then had a visit from CADOJ at my residence after Sacramento updated the law and retroactively re-classified my gun as an Assault Weapon. Came to my door and required me to surrender it for destruction without recompense because it was now deemed “contraband”.

    • This gets filed in the “never cooperate with registration” files. Any firearm registered is subject to confiscation and unless you are willing to shoot some “nice” policeman or are ready to start shooting the evil f’ing politicians that truly deserve it, better to just avoid the whole issue.

      • In Illinois all the 4473 in FFL’s bound books are registration in all but name. Private transactions require a ‘Mommy, may I?’ from the State Police.
        80% is way to go (enjoy it while it is still legal here).

      • Rusty- The entire point of the 2nd Amendment is so the Citizen can put hot lead into that unconstitutional order following policeman and its superiors. The cowardly subservice to corrupt authority, is why even the conservatives in California are liberals.

  5. A lot to be said for those of us you have cached for not just years But, decades. Now that investment may soon come fruition. Not that we are looking to price gouge. The market will set the price if need be. Let’s hope it doesn’t go that far. But as I have said here many times. You Can Never Have To Much Ammo…Period…Keep You and Yours Safe and as always Keep Your Powder Dry.

  6. I’m glad a lot of people are waking up to the usefulness of arms, maybe most these new gun owners will vote and contact politicians like their rights depend on it.

    I only hope that these new buyers are buying for defense and not the under prepared planning on using guns to take what they want from those that are prepared.

    • Criminals very rarely buy firearms at gun stores.

      These folks seem more like “sheeple” who are starting to wake up to reality.

      • “These folks seem more like “sheeple” who are starting to wake up to reality.”

        Being a leftist means never having to say you wrong or sorry.

        Do you really think if this subsides they won’t pretend this never happened, and go back to their grazing off the government and society?

        They don’t want to wake-up, when the fantasy world they created of calling themselves Kings and Queens on Twitter (follow the Jessica Michel like above), and making money by doing literately nothing constructive, is far more appealing to them.

        Reality is their feelings, that won’t change.

        • Dare to go to that video of the chick driving and being confused about 4 dudes standing in front of a gun store…read the comments. Not really a lot of folks who value a firearm for protection….lots of coddled millennials who’ve got little common sense.

    • I doubt it. If they have to fill out a bunch of paperwork, they’re not the type to attack and steal toilet paper from their neighbors.

  7. It’s past time to call BROKEN ARROW for California and strategically retreat to Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and reestablish an effective fighting perimeter.

    • ahhh now the ‘state’ is just fine…we need to do a 300 push of the shit people into the sea and be done with them

      Do remember that cali as a state asked for americans help in 1994 with prop 187 to keep if from being ruined and 49 other states just stood by and let it happens and now whine like little bitches that it finally did!

      • “…and 49 other states just stood by and let it happens”

        Specifics on how “49 other states” could have prevented the mental breakdown that is Californication today?

        • hum go read prop 187 and tell me it would not have worked to solve the ‘issues’ long before they happened?

          funny it took 25 years and Trump being elected for the nation to think cali’s great idea WAY back form 1994 is good?

          • “hum go read prop 187 and tell me it would not have worked to solve the ‘issues’ long before they happened?”

            The text of prop 187 is irrelevant to the matter raised: that somehow the other 49 states are responsible for not saving Californication from itself. I don’t care about the text, I just want to know which actions the 49 irresponsible states could have taken, actions that assuredly would have affected Californication (or prop 187).

        • Well Sam without Prop 187 being enforced the ‘lure’ for illegal aliens to come here for freehand outs never ended and if you know illegal aliens…they vote ‘freebees’ or DNC as most know it

          then add the Feds that the other 49 states are represented by did not control the border and ruined cali via that influx of new DNC voters and their 4 generations of kids (anchor babies) that the FED (the other 49 states) let into the nation when cali YELLED for help via prop 187 to close the damn door!

          so cali the state, that GAVE you all the GOP of Reagan was ruined by the other 49 states (the FED) leaving the door open

          Fact cali was DEEP GOP RED for a long time! then ruined by ILLEGAL immigration allowed by the FEDS (AKA the other 49 states)

          just take the blame…you know darn well if prop 187 as passed was upheld by the feds (the OTHER 49 states)…cali and the whole nation would be a FAR different place

          • “then add the Feds that the other 49 states are represented by did not control the border and ruined cali via that influx of new DNC voters and their 4 generations of kids (anchor babies) that the FED (the other 49 states) let into the nation when cali YELLED for help via prop 187 to close the damn door! ”

            Ok, now I understand. However…..

            Why would anyone expect such help from other states that aspire to emulate Californication? Those states can’t help themselves; not prudent to expect them to help one of their own not commit political suicide. Blaming kindred states for not “helping” Cali presumes the other states had the capability, but withheld it. Kinda illogical to hold the voting minority accountable.

        • sam california did not ‘aspire’ to be ruined by 50 years of unchecked Illegal aliens…if happened because the Feds the other 49 states left the door open….expl if Cuba was 200 million population and 20% left for the USA then Florida would have been ruined by the boat people that the FED forced on them

          sheees this is simple…the FED let a Tsunami of illegals wash over the state and the DNC saw that most if not near darn all of them voted DNC Lib so they helped! A RED GOP state turns blue…remember Reagan came from cali!

          Like I said if the US had imposed 187 and outlawed any new anchor babies in 1994 cali and the whole US would be a far different place with 25 million less illegal aliens…right?

    • ahhh now the ‘state’ is just fine…we need to do a 300 push of the shit people into the sea and be done with them

      Do remember that cali as a state asked for americans help in 1994 with prop 187 to keep if from being ruined and 49 other states just stood by and let it happens and now whine like little bi-tches that it finally did!

      • The Federal judges that quashed it were Californians. California also overwhelmingly voted for Bill Clinton who acted against it. Finally the Californians elected Gray Davis to put a stake through the effort’s heart.

  8. I got one true blue AR15 magazine for sale folks! It’s the last one left and things are disappearing faster then you can cough! For only $99.99 Plus S&H, you can a real MilSpec* 30 round magazine just like our military uses!

    Also for sale: 20 rounds of real “green tip” penetrator 5.56! This is the mean green MilSpec* round that has been used with extraordinary effect overseas. Now for the low price of only 20$, you too can have one box of Green Tip while supplies last. This is only $1 a round people, you won’t find prices like this anywhere else and they are going fast, so don’t delay, buy today!

    Get em before Corona does!

  9. Just got back from my LGS in illinoize. Crowded as hell but people coming in thinking they could buy without a FOID were shown the door. There’s a lot of pissed off people being denied their constitutional rights.

    • Now there’s a great wake up call for those folks who haven’t paid attention.
      Maybe now they’ll vote a bit differently?

      • By the end of this I have a feeling they will be swayed more by the complete incompetence of one party than the disregard of the 2nd Amendment by the other.

        What a ridiculous system we have.

        • Don’t worry. People have been voting Democrat for decades despite their incompetence. Why should now be any different?

        • “ during an unsually candid interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in 2004, he admitted that his party fell short in an area that has been central to his campaign—the economy.

          “I’ve been around long now and I think of myself as a young guy, but I’m not so young anymore, and I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn’t be that way but if you go back, I mean, it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats,” Trump told Blitzer.”

          D. Trump, 2005

        • “Miner49er says:
          March 16, 2020 at 07:56
          “ during an unsually candid interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in 2004, he admitted that his party fell short in an area that has been central to his campaign—the economy.

          “I’ve been around long now and I think of myself as a young guy, but I’m not so young anymore, and I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn’t be that way but if you go back, I mean, it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats,” Trump told Blitzer.”

          D. Trump, 2005”

          I see Whiner49er is sneaking back into old posts, and posting more sub-moronic, off topic drivel that needs to be clarified.
          Back in 2005 the China economy was less then 1/10th the economy of the US.
          Several world economic studies conducted in 2019 showed China has EXCEEDED the US in almost every economic measure.
          Trump is taking on the trade issue head on, and this has them hoping for the Biden/Killary/Kerry “Destroy America” policies/relationships that China enjoyed while they crushed the US economy.
          Go spew your “Dems are Awesome”/Trump Lies” BS elsewhere you idiot.

        • The quote is still accurate, real history doesn’t change, unlike Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh propaganda conspiracies.

          Even Trump recognizes that the Democrats are better at running a government.

          Coolidge and Hoover were both Republican presidents who ran this country into the greatest depression we’ve ever seen, it took FDR‘s socialist policies to rescue our society.

          And in recent history, Bill Clinton was amazingly effective at rescuing the economy from the depredations of Reagan’s trickle down fantasy and George the First’s mismanagement.

          Of course, Bill Clinton’s budget surplus didn’t last long under George the second‘s war of lies in Iraq. Even Donald Trump said the Iraqi war was the greatest mistake America has ever made, do you agree?

          In any case, Obama brought the Dow Jones from 8500 to over 18,000, let’s see how Trump does over the next nine months.

        • “The quote is still accurate, real history doesn’t change……” “…… Even Trump recognizes that the Democrats are better at running a government….”

          Your Trump quote is from a time (2005) where China had an economy 1/10th of ours, and the US still had significant manufacturing.
          Having a buggy whip factory used to be a successful business model a century ago, by your logic, that must still be true today.

          “Coolidge and Hoover were both Republican presidents who ran this country into the greatest depression we’ve ever seen, it took FDR‘s socialist policies to rescue our society.”

          Socialism kills citizens and DESTROYS society, PERIOD.
          Capatalisms has lifted more from poverty and cured more disease worldwide than ANY other form of government. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than any form of governance this world has ever seen.
          Keep up that regressive left logic, destroy the good, because it’s NOT perfect. News flash, humans are flawed, therefore perfection is unachievable.

          “Even Donald Trump said the Iraqi war was the greatest mistake America has ever made, do you agree?”
          Any way needs to be entered into with a CLEAR objective, let slip the dogs of war, achieve the goal and get the hell out. A solid thumping of an enemy of the US will go a long way toward sending a message to countries NOT to mess with the US.
          As it stands now, US boots on foreign soil is a successful long term move to having the US build your country infrastructure, then pump BILLIONS into your economy.

          “In any case, Obama brought the Dow Jones from 8500 to over 18,000, let’s see how Trump does over the next nine months.”

          Every dem leader and MSM outlet will do ALL they can to draw out the Kung Flu virus damage and crisis, just to keep the market depressed, all to keep the perspective of “orange man bad/TDS” going into the Nov election.
          So looking at what the “darling of the media Obama” did is not comparable.
          What part of China do you reside in 49er, is it bad with your governments produced virus?

        • The information quoted is accurate, and you make no effort to produce evidence to the contrary.

          “Coolidge and Hoover were both Republican presidents who ran this country into the greatest depression we’ve ever seen, it took FDR‘s socialist policies to rescue our society.”

          This is a historical fact. You may shout about socialism all you want but you have produced no information to challenge establish historical fact.

          And I am interested, were you in favor of Republican George Bush starting a war of lies in Iraq, spending in excess of $1 trillion?

          Or do you agree with Republican Donald Trump, who says the Iraqi war was the biggest mistake in the history of America?

        • There were no WMDs, so going in was a mistake.
          The “war hawks” had a hard on to go in because it’s good for business.

        • More to my initial point 49er, why the constant pivots all day, every day to “orange man bad”?
          The thread topic is gun buying driven by the China made Kung Flu.

      • I hope the friendly gun store staff informs each FOIDless would-be-buyer, to whom they should thank for this onerous infringement on their constitutionally protected human right.

        Surprise, buying a gun is NOT easier than buying a book or fresh fruit! This is one of many things about which Obama lied to you.

        And since gov. Pritzker(D) stole money for FOID cards applications processing, the panic will be most likely over before your little hall pass arrives from the Illinois State Police.

    • Hey knuckleheads, this is what happens when you NEED a permission slip from the government to exercise the 2nd Amendment.

      Perhaps if you survive you will vote differently? Perhaps not.

      Empty shelves at the grocery stores we had now “Woke” people up.

    • Bing: Hahahah now that’s funny! I love it when they realize the law applies to them.
      There was an anti-gun activist who was going to prove how easy it was to buy a gun. ( I think it was in Arizona.) When the store did a background check, it turned out that he had a domestic violence conviction against him. He left the store REALLY mad. I wonder if he’s still an “activist”…lol.

      • That was the former Astronaut cum politician Mark Kelly, husband of former Rep Gabby Giffords that was shot by a nutcase. Unfortunately, he has it in his head he can beat the remaining Republican Senator this election, Sen Martha McSally, who is a bit underwhelming but at least doesn’t try these anti-2a stunts for PR.

        • Mark Kelly wasn’t turned down for a DV conviction.

          He was turned down because he essentially admitted that what he was doing was a straw purchase.

          The journalist was Neil Steinberg of the Chicago Sun-Times. He was denied by Maxon Shooter’s Supply is Des Plaines, Illinois following the Pulse Nightclub shooting.

        • Hush up now, S9!

          You’uns is a-ruining this here narrative with yer dumb ol’ ‘facts’!

        • Oh, like your CNN poll result “facts” you spew Whiner49er?
          Still waiting to hear how CNN “framed” the question to the respondants.

  10. When will people learn!? Buy ammo when it is on sale, in whatever quantity you want and can afford. Build up your supply slowly when times are normal, not when there’s a panic.

    Thirty years ago I’d do a weekly visit to the local sporting goods store, “POPULAR OUTDOOR OUTFITTERS”. They would always have some ammo on sale, and I’d buy one box of some caliber or guage I own. If the sale was really good, maybe I’d buy a couple of boxes. But I had little excess cash in those years so I never bought a lot all at once.

    That practice built up a lot of ammo, I never ran low on anything. These recent years, I can afford to buy more at once, and shoot it more often too. But the same practice of buying on sale when there is no panic has kept me well stocked.

    You can be a working, hourly paid stiff like me and never have to worry about these crazy panics if you just plan ahead a little bit. Doesn’t take much money or effort, just buy on sale, a box now and then. It adds up.

    • “Doesn’t take much money or effort, just buy on sale, a box now and then. It adds up.”

      Bill Mahr, late nite television host (being a professional smart ass doesn’t equate to being a comedian), is disgusted because, “All the stores in America are closed, except gun stores.” So…there is a bit of an upside to panic buying of guns and ammo.

    • “When will people learn!? Buy ammo when it is on sale, in whatever quantity you want and can afford. Build up your supply slowly when times are normal, not when there’s a panic…”


      Learn it, know it, LIVE it. is your friend people. Just like regular visits to LGSs to pick up marked down ammo (as mentioned in the prior comment I quoted from)

    • Speaking of sale, Nosler has some great deals today (3/15) on case lots of quality ammo, up to 30% off. Like you said, buy it on sale! I do a fair amount of shooting, so I bought a few cases to rejuvenate my “active” cases.

    • I have never felt richer than when I finally decided to live like im not rich. I want for nothing these days. Frugality is a virtue.

    • Well, after 5 years of literally counting pennies to buy groceries and keep the lights on, that’s what I was STARTING to do again, a couple of paychecks ago.

      So I do have enough (probably) to repel invaders and hunt squirrels if I have to, but none to spare.

      Finally got to the point where I can afford to take a range trip every now and again — plus sock away a few extra rounds whenever I buy — and now this. Grumblegrumble… What burns my biscuit is that if the shelves are wiped out and the price goes up again, I won’t have enough ammo to go have fun with. AGAIN. Eh, that’s life, I guess.

      • I don’t think this panic will be as bad as the 2013 one. Unless it gets much worse, that is. I have a feeling buying ammo online will probably be back to normal in about a month, in stores probably about 3 months.

        The 2013 panic was absolutely insane. Remember it was also effected by the sudden, short lived, arbitrary green tip ban. Not only was green tip gone but everyone then started to horde literally everything else since it seemed like the future was going to hold similar, sudden unprecedented bans.

        Luckily the obama administration lost that fight.

        Yes that same Obama administration that is now worshipped by some here on ttag because “he didn’t do anything to gun rights.”

        Oh he tried to do plenty, but we stopped him. Remember that the next time some of you Obama worshippers load up a mag of green tip.

        • obama did plenty when it came to subverting gun rights…but he was much more subtle about it than trump…

        • Yes, during the Obama administration many gun control efforts were indeed stopped. In fact, gun rights were expanded to hundreds of thousands of acres of taxpayer owned federal lands across the United States.

          Unfortunately, for some strange reason, gun control efforts by Donald Trump haven’t been stopped. Isn’t it weird how reality sometimes bites?

    • Exactly. And this doesn’t just stop at ammo.
      Based on the types of emergencies you are planning for, see what you are low on and buy when it goes on sale. Items like freeze dried food (30 yr shelf life), power generation (gas-gen, power banks, Small solar panels), body armor, material and tools to fix the house (I.e. tarps, 2x4s, plywood sheets, long lag bolts), alcohol, etc.

  11. I took advantage of Cabelas 2A sale the other week. I’m OK for the 1st time ever. Just saw buzz online about closing New Jersey. And the obese gov of ILL was mighty pizzed when a bunch of drunk St. Pat’s fans were having a giant pub crawl last night in Wrigleyville. Ignoring his “edict”. Same for the bug-eyed miniature mayor of Chiraq. Fun times…if you waited until NOW you’re SOL.

    • You summed that up quite well, thanks. (I heard Sheepdog has some good prices, in Monee, IL) The Cabela’s in Hoffman Estates was out of 9mm, 45 and 38sp yesterday. The salesman said the run on ammo started on Thursday,(not sure why).

      • surprised one would part with a nickel per round for those calibers.
        had they built 100yds further west they would not have to charge the tax.
        any trip to cabela’s requires some form of ammo purchase.
        i never visit that one anymore. prickwrinkle can huff my batch.

        • I was on my way back from GAT Guns. I was hoping that some sales reps would be there, even tho they cancelled their big event this weekend. (The line to pick-up gun purchases was VERY long. Even the regular cashier line was long.) I looked at their used shotguns and left. Had some pretty cool old stuff.

      • Farm King in Kewanee …It’s a few hours from Chiraq but, family has a farm out there. I shoot and hunt out there. AmericInn has a pool, hot tub and free breakfast across the road. Get your ammo, flannel, camo, decoys, a cast iron skillet, nuts, candy, spices cheap!

        • Folks out there aren’t going home to 6 extra rounds for their micro .380. They’re not stupid.

  12. No matter what the item is, if you wait till yourself and others “need” it, you are too late.

  13. Anyone with two cents worth of common sense already have their guns and ammo stockpiled.
    These people are panic buyers who are likely gun rights “fence sitters” that aren’t involved in fighting against gun control.
    They’re piss and moan about waiting periods and ammo BG checks, yet March with “mad mommy Karen’s demand action” (giggity)
    Screw em’ #theculling

    • The sad part of it is, these fresh new gun owners think that a 10 day wait is normal, that the handgun-roster offers a wide variety to choose from, and a 10 rd mag holds plenty. They have no idea their gun rights have been infringed upon, because they are born into these CA gun laws.

      • Roster? You don’t need an AR …you need 2 or, 3 or … in my case …oh, never mind. 9mm …Ruger? S&W? Springfield?, CZ? This is too hard! Shotgun? 12ga.?, 20ga.? What about that little Taurus Judge.. you can fire 2 different rounds! Hey, isn’t a .308 a little more powerful? Oh, and I’ve heard nobody should be without a good .22 ..or 2 or 3. And, you wouldn’t want to go home without a good revolver …38?, .357? .44? 1911’s? Damn! they come in Officer, Commander, GI. You really need one (at least) in all 3 sizes!
        This makes gun buying easy! A couple of each!

  14. The is a good size gun show this weekend in STL. I am kinda curious how nutty it was. I haven’t heard yet, as none of my dealer friends cared enough to risk it, and even the last minute Charlies saw this coming by end of January so they topped off.

    • Well one guy shot himself in the foot.

      Otherwise this whole business is stupid – are you going to kill the virus with a gun? This is just as dumb as a run on TP.

      • I personally am more concerned with the panic than the virus. Amazing as it may seem to you. We understand we can’t shoot viruses. Wow did I really have to say that?

        • No. Not one of the buyers is intending to shoot a virus. Why would such an inane thought come to mind.

        • Lugnut: Consider that these are the same people who make a big thing out of gun owner penis size…

        • “We understand we can’t shoot viruses.”


          Got it? Get it? Good. Don’t be the only kid on the block who can’t defend against those nasty little germie things.

      • “…are you going to kill the virus with a gun? ”

        Thought we already established that the .9mm is the perfect round for killing virus germs.

  15. Dumb. If you are a gun owner, you should already have what you need. If you aren’t, you probably shouldn’t be in line

    • True, but as has been mentioned earlier above, this may serve to wake more of those Johnny-come-latelys up to the realities of gun ownership in CA (BGC, registration, waiting periods). They may change their voting habits in November.

      • That’s what I’m hoping for. Time will tell how bad and how long the panic will be. Now is great time for us long-time CA gun owners to lead these new gun owners to shoot straight and safe. Step by step, we can help them see the light and vote for gun rights.

  16. I bought enough ammo for a while. I have never bought something at Dicks until early February. I was letting my toddler run freely through the mall and saw the ammo prices. I did some math and found 22lr for .04/per round and 9mm for .16/round… in California! I bought more than I could carry. Remember, no online sales in CA

    And I’ll never make another purchase their again.

    (They dropped prices but didnt list it as clearance, I’m guessing they didnt want to admit defeat)

  17. Hopefully a lawsuit can be started in CA on the ammo background checks using this as a reason. In a potential emergency scenario, ammo was unavailable to the people due to government interference and failure. This is why the government should not sit in between the people and the exercise of their rights. It’s a violation of 2A rights and in a court system that worked, would be handily smacked down. Unfortunately we don’t live in that kind of environment and the courts will most likely think it is no problem to deny the people ammo when they want it. Rights are not unlimited you know, herp de derp.

    • Flashback Katrina morning after-
      Think it was the local Police Chief on video briefing his crew that the number one priority was get out there and get those guns away from the holdouts because he didn’t want people getting shot. Another video of a “home check” where officer did a torpedo take down of some skinny old lady because she had a revolver sitting on the counter. In an emergency, any constitutional right can evaporate overnight when the wrong people are in charge. Yes, you have the constitutional right to seek legal remedy to any infringement that you survive.

  18. I welcome any and all new responsible gun owners; Dems, Reps, Independents, Libertarian, Green, whatever! Once they are proud gun owners who can now defend their household, let’s see how they will vote when their candidates want to take their new purchase away.

  19. What I see here is some overreaction on the part of, what I term, casual gun owners. Those that may have a gun or two and suddenly realize they’re out of ammo, or want/need something they can keep w/ them bc their goose gun or deer rifle isn’t easily portable. What I also see is people, maybe libs, maybe not, that really don’t have as much faith in government as they THOUGHT they did when they were milling in the “big government is the solution” herd. I consider either circumstance a good thing because it’s the wake up call most followers of this site heard long ago.

  20. Those standing in line hopefully now realize how things could have been very different if the 2106 election had went the other way and there would not now be an opportunity to exercise their right to home defense.

  21. I bought enough to not be worried about three weeks ago but not enough to be able to practice indefinitely, unfortunately. Well, except with my handguns or my .22- learned my lesson on .22 some time ago.

  22. What in heck is the matter with most people??????
    Next to none have died from this virus compared to the 35-almost 80 thousand that die from the flu every year.
    Guezzus folks get a life and put things in perspective already.

      • “Regarding the swine flu, it’s true that more than 1,000 people had died and 20,000 had been hospitalized by the time Obama declared a national health emergency, the fact that those number occurred over the course of six months is telling. The spread of the disease was much slower and the mortality rate was much lower than it is today. At the current rate, the United States would hit 20,000 cases in a matter of weeks, not six months. What’s more, the swine flu had a mortality rate of 0.02 percent — about one-50th of the lowest rate health officials are citing for the coronavirus today (1 percent).

        The last point is that the idea that the Obama administration’s response was a disaster isn’t borne out, either in the data or in public opinion. While 12,000 Americans did die of swine flu, that’s less than the annual numbers for the seasonal flu that Trump is fond of citing. Whether that’s an applicable comparison is for people to decide, but it’s notable that while Trump uses it with the novel coronavirus, he doesn’t use it on the swine flu. The swine flu infected lots of people — 60 million Americans — but it didn’t post anywhere near the threat to life that the novel coronavirus does.

        And if Obama’s (or Biden’s) response was such a disaster, that certainly would have been news to the American people of 2009. At the start of the outbreak when Obama declared the public health emergency, 66 percent approved of the federal government’s handling of the situation, according to Gallup, while just 16 percent disapproved. Public reaction to the response was very seldom polled in the months that followed (which perhaps reflects the fact that there was really no such outcry). But around the time Obama declared the later national health emergency in October (when more than 1,000 people had died), a Washington Post-ABC News poll showed 69 percent remained confident in the federal government’s response, and a CNN/Opinion Research poll showed fully 57 percent approved of Obama’s handling of the response.”

        • More BS from 49er.
          Obama had the MSM in his pocket, they used words like “ENCHANTED” to describe his time in the Oval office.
          You state results of Opinion research polls done by CNN and others, HOW WAS THE QUESTION STATED TO THE POLL RESPONDERS??? Anyone with a brain stem knows that effects the response from the responders.
          Example, CNN poll finds 99% of respondants approve of curb stomping kittens with steel toe boots.
          The question? Would you rather a human baby OR kitten get curb stomped with a steel tow boot?

        • “Example, CNN poll finds 99% of respondants approve of curb stomping kittens with steel toe boots.”

          What a carefully crafted strawman argument you have posted, congratulations!

          My, you sure are one sharp conversationalist, well played, sir!

        • You state results of Opinion research polls done by CNN and others, HOW WAS THE QUESTION STATED TO THE POLL RESPONDERS???
          Well, still waiting for the answer.

        • Over 24 hours and still no reply?
          I guess you realized these MSM polls by CNN and others mean <zero.
          The Hillary landslide of 2016 (99% accuracy, remember) is a GREAT example of skewed polling to achieve desired results. The left NEVER learns from their stupidity. It's the same insanity OVER and OVER again.
          At least the MSM is predictable, wrong as always.

    • This is an oft repeat idiotic statement. Did they all die at the same time. Read up on exponential functions. Epidemics operate by e**-f(…)t

    • Estimates of 200,000 to one million dead in the US from this virus before it runs its course.

      Those estimate were from before the current interventions being applied. However, I think the 200,000 figure is likely worldwide, if not just in the US. But that depends on how stupid people will be in the US.

      I think we can count on a *lot* of stupid people here.

      Today there are 162,687 confirmed cases worldwide, with 6,065 deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins virus tracker. 3,000 of those deaths are in China. There are 40 in Washington state, which appears to be the epicenter in the US. Italy has had 1,441 deaths.

      The virus is now in 146 countries.

      And that tracker showed 3,244 confirmed cases in the US this afternoon. This *morning*, according to a news Web site, it was only 2,800 or so. 400+ new cases in just six or 8 hours…

  23. Just tossin’ this off’n mah hat, ya’ll…..

    Why are we not seeing hundreds of open carriers in line to buy stuff at stores? What a great opportunity to make a point, eh?

  24. I said this yesterday. Cops get sick. Crooks get sick. Crooks who aren’t sick will get bolder. If you were prepared before C19, you are prepared now. There is no need to get additional guns and ammo.

  25. Personally, I view this as a positive turn of events for the 2A community. 12 years ago I was your basic fudd, owned a hunting rifle and didn’t consider guns in a self defense sense. I trusted the mainstream media for my information so I leaned left of center politically and believed the government was working in our best interest. I hate to admit it but, I even voted for Obama in 2008(sorry, my bad). It took getting roughed up by a drunken, road raging, college kid to realize I was no longer able to defend myself in a physical confrontation. I knew I needed to get my carry permit and arm up. As soon as I had started to jump through the hoops necessary to be able to defend myself, It didn’t take long to discover the half truths, cherry picked statistic, manipulation and out right lies from the main stream media and gun control groups were feeding us. The shift in my politics was not slow, nor was it subtle. Many of the lies I had accepted as truths had been exposed, so I started questioning everything. I was awakened to fact the government was not working for us, but against us. It has been working hard to keep us uninformed and ignorant (especially our school children) so we have to rely on them. I don’t think I am unique and believe that many of these new gun owners will have a similar experience over the next few months.

  26. The biggest concern isn’t the present panic, but the panic that will take hold the longer this draws out. In a worst case scenario, when goods and services cease, the real panic will set in. Then the tree hugging bunny f*ckers will be cutting down the trees and eating their love interests. I’m not a prophet, but as the local and state governments will issue draconian measures in a vain attempt to assert control, the body count will rise.
    In the end, it’ll be predator v prey.

    • Just watched as the governor of Ohio ordered all restaurants and bars closed tomorrow.

      Stay frosty my friends.

    • Well, I’m old and have some medical issues so the bug just might get me. If it doesn’t, I can’t say I feel safe that the government won’t get me. However, at this point I am relatively confident that no one else will. I will have to say though, the virus has thrown a wrench in my plans to get the hell out of the immediate area.(communist held college town)

  27. So, legislators, voters, protesters, advocates, and people “voting with their feet and $” all anti- the anti-people.

    The anti-people can’t get another “assault weapons’ ban” through congress. It’s like they haven’t made their case. When they do get something moved, follow the cheese to scads of out-of-state money — mostly Bloom-bucks — buying elections and officials.

    It’s like people don’t agree with this nonsense. (A few hundred million guns among the US population, majority of households, 10’s of millioins openly funding issue advocacy…)

  28. Went to a Gun Show this weekend on the west coast of FL. The Sunday crowd was significantly bigger than the Saturday crowd. Ammo and gun sales were brisk on Sunday. People were also stocking up on magazines. Waiting for the crowds to increase over the next few weeks as the media pushes the Armageddon narrative.

  29. Even under all this duress, those irredeemable, deplorable, pieces of poo continue to bitterly cling to … what works for them.

    To the barricades!

  30. The Capital Gun Group in Albany, NY was reporting 100s of new customers on Saturday. As POTG we should welcome and educate these new tribe members – they’re a little late to the 2A but better late than never. Engage them and we may gain some permanent converts.

    • Helped the best I could when a new gun owner came to Dunhams looking for 12 guage buckshot. They had mini shells or birdshot. I told him without the adapter he could use the mini shells for the first round, and gave him an idea of another store where he could look.

  31. My parents supported the local gun control bills that included red flag laws and universal background checks. If things continue to decay I will be sorry to inform them that the transfer of firearms even within the family isn’t safe and we will have to go wait hours in line to find the nearest ffl that wants to make it official. If things get really bad, this will be nearly impossible if the computer system stays online.

  32. If Spock were alive today he would shake his head at the moronic antics of the penis envy gun owners. The buying of guns in this crisis is “illogical” and unacceptable in a civil society. Bullets instead of bread is the logic of the gun owning right. Well, buy it all up fools. Gun “czar” Beto will be in charge of your future come 2021. Biden’s wining November will put an end to your madness.

    • The people on the right that I know all have enough beans, bread, and bullets. Self sufficiency goes hand and hand with constitutional conservatism. Leftist group thinkers are the ones to be worried about in a panic. They will wait for the government to come save them and if that’s not soon enough they will riot like what happens in liberal $hitholes every time they don’t get their way. Oh well, you just can’t teach a lefty no matter how many times their Messiah big government and collectivism fails them.

      • This BS is not caused by dope smoking.
        It’s classic late stage TDS. Very similar to neurosyphilis dementia.
        The leftard brain will be smaller then a walnut after Trumps 2nd term.

    • Vlad, is that you under a new persona? Still the same old smug condescending glue sniffing twit.

  33. Haven’t seen Vlad comment in a while, someone forget to unlock the basement door again?

  34. Love the (unintended I’m sure) boost to gun sales. LMAO.

    HOWEVER – I went to the store yesterday (Saturday) to get cold cuts, eggs and butter. Only cold cuts were available. And there was zero TP, paper towels or water. Still plenty of wine and beer, guess the panicked sheeple sort of forget their kids will be home 24/7 for the next two weeks…

    Am still wondering why no butter. What are these people thinking about when the TP isn’t available? What were they doing before washing hands and wiping their butt was a thing?

    Guess I will go clean a couple of pistols. After my unsuccessful attempt at buying butter I went out and shot a little of my plentiful supply of 9mm.

    Anyone want to swap your firearm for a 72 pack of Charmin Ultra Strong? It’s the good stuff, and NIP (New In Plastic).

  35. Gun ownership in California is not a priority. Having grown up there I know. People would rather be able to get a quick approval of being able to masturbate in public or commit some other sex acts. This way they wont get arrested like everyone else does in the other 49 states.

    Also legal marijuana public intoxication is much more important than Firearms ownership in the state of California.

    I wish there were more supporters of civil rights in the state. Sadly there aren’t. And I was listening to a Libertarian podcaster whose guests stated that California was a lost cause.
    Check out the “death to tyrants” podcast. If you’re interested.

  36. I’ve got enough ammo. It’s just that what I have is maybe not the best it could be.

    I never anticipated having to ward off mobs of hungry urbanites foraging for nuts and berries, so I never stockpiled good quality defensive ammo. I’ve got maybe 50 or 60 rounds for each of my pistols. None for the rifles. What I do have is a shitload of cheap-o range ammo in all the relevant calibers. It’s good in that it feeds, it fires, and it’s reasonably accurate, so it will certainly do in a pinch.

    • Same here. I always figured in a pinch, range ammo will work for defensive. Good defensive ammo is at least twice the cost of range. I’d much rather have twice the quantity in range ammo vs half the amount in self defense. Realistically, I think plenty of people are in the same boat. At least I think I have enough ammo. That’s more than a lot of people can say.

    • “I never anticipated having to ward off mobs of hungry urbanites foraging for nuts and berries, so I never stockpiled good quality defensive ammo.”

      Didn’t we have a breakdown in society during Katrina? Did we see mobs of people robbing and stealing from homeowners and apartment dwellers? The people flooded out in NO didn’t have time to panic shop, but they had time to form gangs and devastate whole neighborhoods. There may be altercations at stores, but Zombie Apocalypse?

    • REALLY? You never anticipated ___________?

      Then I hope you at least know what the Kardashian are doing, the lasted scores from some kiddy sport for over paid “adults” or the similar “important” stuff 98% of Americans prioritize.

      FIFTY rounds? Really.

  37. ALL OF YOU – STOP calling with the BS UN (WHO) PC code names.

    It’s the chicom flu, china flu, Wuhan virus. Take your pick. That this is loose on the world is entirely the fault of the Chinese communists. Sue the hell out of the SOBs for every dime. The Feds need to start cancelling the US bonds held by the Chinese tomorrow. a TRILLION a month.

    • Please contact your Senators and Congressional Reps and demand that the US starting bringing home the pharmaceutical industry. We cannot afford to depend on a belligerent communist country to supply us with 95% of the anti-infective drugs and ingredients.

      We need this industry HERE, not over there.

  38. I knew this would happen one day in CA but I thought it would be post earthquake panic. Good thing that’s no longer my problem hope they don’t get a false positive on their ammo background checks too. HA!

  39. Palmetto State Armory has closed all their brick-and-mortar retail stores until further notice.

    They are at the present time continuing to do business online.

  40. sam california did not ‘aspire’ to be ruined by 50 years of unchecked Illegal aliens…if happened because the Feds the other 49 states left the door open….expl if Cuba was 200 million population and 20% left for the USA then Florida would have been ruined by the boat people that the FED forced on them

    sheees this is simple…the FED let a Tsunami of illegals wash over the state and the DNC saw that most if not near darn all of them voted DNC Lib so they helped! A RED GOP state turns blue…remember Reagan came from cali!

    Like I said if the US had imposed 187 and outlawed any new anchor babies in 1994 cali and the whole US would be a far different place with 25 million less illegal aliens…right?

    • “Like I said if the US had imposed 187 and outlawed any new anchor babies in 1994 cali and the whole US would be a far different place with 25 million less illegal aliens…right?”

      The Dims did not suddenly wake up and discover the migrant invasion represented future voters, the Dims intended it since 1985 (Immigration and Nationality Act ).

      If, if, if…..didn’t happen because the majority of voters wanted what happened. It is the way of the republic. But if you run your logic to the ultimate end, even if every non-Dim/Leftist had voted to stop the Dims, the Dims would have won. The nation as founded is beyond the tipping point. The future belongs to the selfish and simple minded; education will see to it.

  41. I was 1006 in the registry waiting for a background check on Oregon. After 8 hours in the store waiting. I was told my application was delayed. Nothing like wasting a managers time to make a sale for one gun. Tried to call the store today, and the phones are down. I guess I have to wait 3 days to see if it was approved or denied. If it’s still pending I will be able to get my gun. At least I hope so.

  42. All the smart people already stocked up on guns and ammo. After Trump’s election until recently the excess glut of product from the Obama days and the decreased demand meant fire sale prices and increases in quality for never before seen deals to attract new demand.

    I don’t know if it’s a good thing moving forward that all the city slickers with Bernie Sanders stickers on their cars are first time gun buyers or not. On the one hand, we have formerly lib-tarded fools coming to sense for the first time in their lives and represent new potential allies in the struggle against the powers that be to make us defenseless from communism and their hordes to disarm Americans against the onslaught of socialism.

    The current gun owners are fine, they live a lifestyle that will protect them, their families, neighborhoods and communities. We don’t have anything to worry about. On the other hand if lawlessness erupts the SHTF, these same hordes of newly armed lib-tards whose only skill in life is understanding and chuckling at the overly clever, hidden jokes in NY Times articles will then represent a much more formidable enemy to our families as they come to invade our houses and steal what’s in our pantries. Hopefully they won’t have to learn what good socialists they are, as using threat of force to steal from the ants for the grass-hoppers to take has been hard wired into their psyches. I don’t know if we want the grasshoppers to be armed!

    • “I don’t know if we want the grasshoppers to be armed!”

      15 more days of this mess (30Apr). Let’s see how big government control over their lives works out.

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