ashley auzenne murdered children suicide
Base Image (Ashley Auzenne) via Facebook

A Houston area gun control activist murdered her three children in cold blood last week. She callously shot them dead before shooting herself.

The mainstream media buried the story at first. And when they did report on it, they didn’t cast blame on the monster herself, but on her supposed health problems and anxiety over her recent divorce.

How many times have we heard arguments against gun ownership from so-called anti-“gun violence” types that sound like, well, psychological projection. And this projection doesn’t just happen in cinemas.

For those unfamiliar with that mental health disorder, here’s more about psychological projection from Everyday Health:

Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.

Here we have a case of a 39-year-old mother who demanded gun control for other people, no doubt because she thought firearms owners are only one bad day away from going berserk and killing someone. All that was missing was the red t-shirt.

The UK’s Daily Mail has the story. Note how they try to make excuses for this mental whack-job’s horrific crime:

The newly divorced mother who shot dead her three children then killed herself in a triple murder suicide was an anti-gun violence activist who battled depression, anxiety, arthritis and lupus.

Ashley Auzenne, 39, was found dead Tuesday morning along with her children, 11-year-old Parrish, 9-year-old Eleanor Auzenne and seven-year-old Lincoln after a relative phoned police asking for them to carry out a wellness check in their home in Deer Park, Texas.

Her split with the children’s father, Murvin Auzenne Jr., was finalized just last week and, according to her ex, she was ‘very upset’ about it.

It has since been revealed that the tormented mother was battling depression and anxiety in addition to physical ailments including arthritis and lupus.

#Enough indeed. Enough with the hypocritical monsters who promote stripping good people of their constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they don’t trust themselves with the responsibility of owning guns.

After all, self-defense is a human right.


  1. assuming it was her gun, it is what is always said—-gun control for everyone else, but not me—-prayers for her children—

    • Horrible event. Just horrible. She must have had a tortured psychological existence, and depraved conceptualization of existentialism.

      Him forsaking her in her greatest time of need looks to have pushed her over the edge. Probably shouldn’t have gotten a divorce. After all, it says “until death do us part.” So… bad move there. If your wife or husband is crappy, you need to change to accommodate them. After you change, they won’t be crappy anymore.

      • Nope, I had an Ex. Not all marriages can be saved. Crazy assed women tried to shoot me once but luckily did not know how to use a rifle. Came at me with a kitchen knife, a stick with nails sticking out of it and so on. And the constant screaming when she did not get her way. Divorced her, and after 5 or so years I remarried and we have been together 34 years. The Ex well she went through multiple husbands and partners. I had the first show up at my apartment one night wanting to know what the hell he married as she had changed personalities into a screaming hissy fit if she did not get her way . Last relationship for her was a live together and she was found dead in their pool. They did not charge the boyfriend even though she was found with multiple bruises and a cracked rib. She drank constantly, spent money like it was free and ran us into serious debt buying look at me furniture and such. Even though I had told her we could not afford it. I’d come home and there would be a new solid oak dining room set or whatever. I finally decided enough was enough and moved out.
        I spent a few years paying down all the credit cards I discovered she had , somehow she had ran up over $47,000 on various credit and store cards. This was before our state changed the rules. When I divorced her they gave me all the bills. Luckily no alimony though as I had set her up with a business that made more than I earned. Which she in a few short years destroyed by fighting with her employees and customers. ( I thank my Lawyer who told me she needed a job or I would pay alimony the rest of her life)

        Best part was my wife who probably did not believe the crazy ex stuff. It did not take her long to learn though.

        Say what you want, some humans can do a good job of masking their real selves and not all marriages are worth saving. After she had several DWI’s and a drug bust and several shoplifting arrest I was given custody of our daughter and she turned out fine. I spent quite a bit over a couple years fighting her in court before they decided I was the better parent.

        Also I as well as several other people she was in relations with had the same MO done to us. She called the sheriff and said I was threatening her and our daughter. So they came and made me leave. Several days later when I was able go back with a deputy I discovered all my clothes and papers and such had been tossed in the trash or given away. Lost a lot of family history. She did the same to 2 other hubbies. Now days I guess I would have had a red flag pulled on me too.

        • And yes this is real. Sorry for the word wall but thinking about it still brings back a lot of anger .
          We met at a military base She was in the USO and after about 6 months of dating decided to get married before I transferred .
          I of course was young, obviously stupid and in for a real learning experience.

        • @KenW Wow, you are lucky you got away when you did. $47K ain’t too bad… My Ex basically a nice person but I never kept a gun because, well I didn’t trust her. We divorced, I got the kids, the house and the bills, she got money and several visits to a mental ward. Best $640K I ever spent.

        • That was just credit cards. But it was worth it to get away from her.
          Just sorry it took a few more years to remove the daughter from the toxic mess that was her mom.
          I never spoke bad about her mom but did not need to. They had a distant relationship.

      • She might have made his life a living hell, you never know. Still doesn’t make it right for somebody preaching to take my gun away owning one theirselves. Kind of like a boss who says do as I say not as I do, sucks.

        • She might have made his life a living hell, you never know. …

          Yep. Or he made her life a living hell. I would guess her life was more a living hell than his was seeing that she manifested hell in her life by choosing, as if that was preferable to the life she was living.

      • Yeah, it could NEVER be about HER failure as a human being… She based her existence on trying to convince people that she was smarter than them and ultimately she failed (big shock, trying to push gun control in TEXAS).. Bottom line, it is a sad day because three innocent children will never get the opportunity to experience all that this life can offer all because this weak, pathetic individual could not control the monster that dwelt within her…. But of course it MUST be the ex-husbands fault, shame on him for not knowing she was a suicidal/homicidal nut case on the verge of exploding.

      • What kind of meds aren’t you taking anymore? Start taking them again. You never change for anyone. If your significant other can’t handle who you are from the beginning then you should not be together at all. Plain and simple

    • Ashley Green Auzenne, 39, of Groves, Texas passed away Tuesday, October 29, 2019.
      She was born on March 3, 1980 in Port Arthur, Texas to Raymond Craig Green and Lori Ann Marcantel Dockens.
      Ashley graduated from Monsignor Kelly High School in Beaumont and went on to earn her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Psychology from St. Edwards University in Austin. She was a teacher at St. Anne’s School in Houston before deciding to be a stay at home Mom to homeschool her son…

      Criminal Psychology????

    • This lady was in my aneurysm survivor group. My heart is breaking – – her divorce was final last week – over half the marriages of survivors implode…. Cindy Robinson

      Aneurysm ??? I guess she had an aneurysm???

      • Which no doubt left her with dain bramage. I wonder if all gun control nuts don’t have some form of the dain bramage, which may well extend to the entire left side of the country.

        I’m sure she justified this in her alleged mind as a form of late-late-late-term abortion.

        Pure evil.

  2. “Here we have a case of a 39-year-old mother who demanded gun control for other people, no doubt because she thought firearms owners are only one bad day away from going berserk and killing someone. All that was missing was the red shirt.”

    The Left doesn’t trust themselves because of the mental disease with in themselves and so the rest of Americans should suffer because of their disease,Brrr,doesn’t work that way Leftards.

    • Some people just shouldn’t have guns. Mentally ill, homicidal maniacs in particular.
      In a way, she was right all along, just not in the way that she thought.

      • Some people should be under lock and key and under constant supervision. Guns have nothing to do with this. What would stop her if she wanted to poison her kids or just cut their throats in their sleep?

    • Well they’ll probably not talk about how she was a member of their authoritarian little club, but the Bloomburg Bunch will certainly add her murder suicide to the list of ‘mass shootings this year’ total.

  3. I grieve for the three young lives ended by a sick and deranged woman. I will pray for their souls and for the brokenhearted survivors that evil woman left behind.

    I cannot find it in my heart to pray for that woman. I wrote that she was evil. Yes, I read the narrative that lists various psychological terms that – to me – read as irrelevant details about how the woman was evil. Parsing a bunch of Greek/English words does not make evil less evil.

    • What about another obvious question, this case isn’t strictly about hypocritical gun control activists….why if she had so many mental health problems, did she still have custody of the children?

      How much is the court to blame for this? When the automatic default position of the courts is to award custody of the children to the mother (short of her showing up in court high with needles hanging from her arms) exposes the courts real bias against fathers.

      In this case, it sounds readily apparent this woman suffered from mental illness that was well known, yet she STILL had custody… and now you have three murdered children. Another ‘victory’ for feminism.

      • The divorce was in Texas, and that means it was NOT an automatic “Mom gets to raise the kids” decision. I don’t know what the couple negotiated between themselves, what their attorneys negotiated, but I do know that the Judge was asking all parties, under oath, whether they agreed decisions were in the best interests of the children. The Judge in any Texas divorce is obligated to to consider the best interests of any minor children as a priority.

        I got a divorce in Texas over 35 years ago. The then “new” family laws of Texas supposedly did not favor the mother in custody cases. Turns out it didn’t! I raised the kids. It ain’t easy being a full time single parent, reestablishing a career, getting ahead, and convincing hard headed kids to do right. But raising the kids was easier than letting them become sad statistics!

        I don’t see a victory for feminism. What I see is pure evil. That woman was sane enough to argue for unconstitutional restrictions on gun rights – before using a gun to murder her own children. In that reality, it was probably easy for her to convince everyone that the children were better off with her than with their dad. Sick!!!!!!

        • “[That woman was sane enough to argue for unconstitutional restrictions on gun rights – before using a gun to murder her own children.]”
          You really don’t need to be SANE to argue with talking points that are written out for you, give her a Zanex and whatever her anti-depressant drug of choice might have been then just hand her the paper, wind her up and send her out to “change the world”.. This woman was WAY more pure evil than insane… The real takeaway from this is that it offers one more link in the chain of evidence that shows that whatever the left is accusing the right of you can bet they are guilty of it themselves as in this case of a woman attempting to project her own “monsters” on law abiding gun owners…

    • Her concept of existence is just speculation to us.

      Perhaps she thought she was taking the children with her. Perhaps she was selfish, and didn’t want to be alone in her departure from this world. Perhaps it was just out of vice, because she hated her husband so much due to his betrayal (divorce). There is a reason betrayal is at the core of dante’s 9 circles of h**l.

  4. Interesting how the depressed psychotic whamen was still granted access to her kids. Great job family court.

    • pwrserge,

      Great job family court.

      The very same government that civilian-disarmament advocates keep telling us will save us from the very evil, demented type of person that this woman was.

      Also the very same government that civilian-disarmament advocates keep telling us will be able to implement “Red Flag” orders successfully.

      What this event actually proves, for the umpteen thousandth time, is that government is woefully inept at, well, just about everything — and especially when it comes to saving us from attackers.

      • I’m pretty sure he was saying that the parents gave the children stupid names, not that the newspaper is stupid for having published those names in the story. Or maybe I completely mis-read his comment

  5. Mental illness is not the problem or monster, to use your term. I have suffered a loss of a loved one from that disease by suicide. He also used a gun which he kept for self-defense. He kept those demons out of his head. Mental illness can be a living hell and as a society we must provide better services. Especially for veterans and after divorces.

    • No , the problem is her mental state .

      Plenty of high profile maternal murders , with drowning , suffocating , staged car accidents , etc . No shortage of methods for a mother to use upon trusting children .

      On the flip side , when taking self control at debilitating end of life stage , my relative who was life long gun owner, shooter, hunter , used an idling vehicle in a closed garage

  6. Offing yourself is one thing. Taking your kids life is a different ballgame. That sick piece of excrement probably did it as a final F-you to her ex.

      • An entirely crass, evil thing to write. There is no excuse for your comment. What’s wrong with you?!

      • Hey dan w. delete yourself. The kids were innocent victims, don’t post garbage like that around here. F you

      • You just outed yourself as an immature 19-yr-old basement dweller, Dan. That wasn’t even good troll material. Your apathy for the violent deaths of three innocent lives – including children – isn’t going to get you any respect here.

      • Dan W, you are a horrible person for saying that about those kids. They didn’t ask for that and they sure didn’t want it. You need to take a look at yourself and put yourself in the father’s shoes and ask yourself how it would make you feel if someone said that about the kids, your kids, that you will never see again. Your comment is inexcusable. The mother, on the other hand, is free game and can rot in hell for what she did.

      • That is beyond the pale. You should be ashamed of yourself. We need fewer people like you on.our side.

        • Keyword Spam says: We need fewer people like you on.our side.

          Terrible assumption on your part. Many posters here are not pro 2A. Dan can very well be a Soros funded troll. What Dan said is a very leftist comment.

      • “Three fewer future activists.”

        It’s common for kids to rebel against their parents and have an opposite political viewpoint, as a way to say “fuck you, parents”…

        • My parents were old school politically liberal. They raised seven of us. All of us now in our 50’s and 60’s. Two are Obama liberals. The other five of us are gun totin’, 2nd Amendment, social and moral conservatives. Yep, sometimes kids rebel and can think critically.

    • Maybe.

      Or maybe she was selfish and didn’t want to be alone when leaving this world.
      Or maybe she thought she was sparing them from inevitable and intolerable suffering.

      But it’s horrible. Looks like a combination of hatred and depression and despair and torture. Only a tortured existence makes one like this.

  7. Without a gun, she couldn’t do this. Without a gun, she would have sought help from others. Without a gun she wouldn’t feel the pull to do harm.Without a gun, she would have had to take the time to find a different weapon, allowing her to re-think her solution. Without a gun she would have been a helpless woman crying out because she was incapable of solving problems on her own. Without a gun, none of this would have happened.

    The gun’s the thing.

    …..Wonder why the above wasn’t in the news report?

    • women have been known to do this sort of thing…and have employed a number of methods…from drowning them in a bathtub to driving the whole carload over a cliff…considering her beliefs it was odd she chose a gun….

      • The choosing of a gun was most likely the point. Even in her state of mind she had a mission. To prove her own belief that guns are evil. Only spiteful people take innocent victims with them when they commit suicide. I’ve known several people who have committed suicide. Using various methods for various reasons. Not one took someone else out in the process. This was more about getting even than anything else. In her EVIL mind.

    • without a gun she would have stabbed them while they slept or poisoned them, etc.

      She’s a nutcase but even without a gun she could have very easily killed them. That’s why anyone saying gun control can stop homicides is a moron. They’ll find some type of weapon or means to carry out their homicidal desires. We need to find the mentally ill and violent and get them help, not try to ban objects.

      • Buckle em up in the car and drive it into the lake. That’s that’s how they do it in New England.

        • Geoff “She’s up for parole in 4 years…”

          If you search ‘sentencing disparity’ nearly every result focuses on the racial disparities.

          However, the sentencing disparities between men and women is 6 times larger than the sentencing disparity between blacks and whites.

          Yet feminists argue FOR this sex based disparity because women should receive more lenient sentences based (solely and merely) on their status as women (and all the negatives that is automatically inherent in being a women).

          Therefore according to feminists, women hold simultaneously, both the role of criminal and victim.

          Even when they are the criminal, they are actually, the victim.

      • Read it again. This time, however, read it as if you knew something about the author.

        Now, consider reading the first part as if it had been written by a Disarmist–someone who believes that G*ns (!) are sentient beings with the power to cloud men’s (and women’s) minds, goading them into doing things that they would never do without the overwhelming ability of G*ns (!) to inspire evil.

        It’s the same with Disarmists claiming that the problems of Chicago with G*ns (!) have nothing to do with the residents thereof, but everything to do with the flow of G*ns (!) from Indiana or Iowa or Ohio or Oahu or one of those other nothing-but-vowels-in-their-names states that all look alike and only serve to fill in the blank spaces between New York and Los Angeles. Naturally, they are sure, if there were no G*ns (!), all of those InnerCityYutes would immediately eschew violence, turn their lives around, come to LOATHE Rap, attend college, become SJWs, tithe to the poor, build homes for the Homeless until their fingers bleed, and attend church every Sunday.


      • “Idiot self-identifies. Thank you, Sam – but we already knew that about you.”

        Be careful….you are demonstrating your lack of reading skills, right here for everyone to see.

    • There are other, better methods than a gun. And without a gun she could have pursued them. She could have parked the car in the garage and had her and kids in the car with the engine running.

      She could have bought a bottle of helium from the hobby store and got in a room with them and filled the room with the gas until they all went to sleep.

      So many things. The gun doesn’t change the incentive or the desire. Her incentive for that action rotted inside her until it manifested itself physically, literally, in reality. Her dreams of that horror she acted out. And the gun doesn’t change that.

      • “And the gun doesn’t change that.”

        The gun talks to people. The gun makes them do things they wouldn’t think of, otherwise. The gun can focus the mind on death and destruction. The gun causes otherwise normal people to think the unthinkable. Guns have bad juju.

        It’s settled science. You can read all about it on the internet.

    • Well Sam U B, that is not entirely accurate. When planning her “I’m unhappy, so nobody gets to be happy/ I’ll show you who’s in control here” murder/suicide, she could have gone with the ever popular “House Fire”, but her kid were old enough to figure out how to escape so I see why she may have decided against that one. Or she could have gone with the “Drive the family car into the lake”, But again the kids may have been capable of swimming to safety. The lack of Oceanside scenic overlooks to drive off of with the family strapped in to their seats preventing escape around East Texas left her with few options that wouldn’t require her to use physical force to subdue her 3 kids individually. A gun was just the most expeditious tool at hand.

      • “A gun was just the most expeditious tool at hand.”

        No, no, no. The gun made her do it. Without the gun, she wouldn’t have tried anything else; too time-consuming. It’s the gun, I tell you; the gun. Guns make you crazy. Nobody will admit it, but we would have fewer mental health problems, if not for guns. So many people would naturally improve, and so many people wouldn’t go nutzo if they weren’t in constant fear that guns will come after them. Government needs to stop suppressing the research that proves guns cause mental illness. Why are people not demanding the underground archives at Area 51 be opened, and this “guns cause mental illness” research be de-classified and published openly?

        It’s the gun. It’s the gun.

        • Well I have to admit, it seems you have a point there Sam.

          But doesn’t that make it hard to find an off the shelf hat that fits?

          • “Well I have to admit, it seems you have a point there Sam.
            But doesn’t that make it hard to find an off the shelf hat that fits?”

            Off-the-shelf hat? Really?

            No one who doesn’t make their own hats should be allowed to be a conspiracy researcher! We do have a sense of pride in our work.

            • That is precisely why I mentioned “Off the Shelf” hat. Being the conspiracy researcher we all know you to be it is just assumed that you make your own hats. But I do have a question for you. Does it need to be Tin, or will Reynolds aluminum foil work as well?

              • “Does it need to be Tin, or will Reynolds aluminum foil work as well?”

                The gubbmint banned production of tin foil years ago. But us serious researchers quickly moved to aluminum foil (but don’t spread that around).

                Unlike with tin foil, we can use discarded hat molds to achieve at a number of different styles and shapes.

                One key to recognizing a serious professional researcher, and wannabes: it is the dull side of the foil that actually deflects waves. If you see someone with the shiny side out (especially with pointed edges or brim) they are not to be taken seriously.

    • The guns have a miasma of evil that infects all who are in their presence. It takes control of you and makes you do evil things.

      • “The guns have a miasma of evil that infects all who are in their presence. It takes control of you and makes you do evil things.”

        Puhcisely. It’s why I always wear my lucky shoelace when going to the range.

      • “Eh”….if only the children were armed…”Eh”

        Nicht so viel. Gun grabbers would never say that. My comment was intended to be ridicule of the control mob.

  8. It’s never the gun’s fault until it is.
    This is tragic and what could have stopped it?
    Did this woman believe in red flag laws? If she did, she failed her own beliefs.
    She had depression and anxiety. Was she on any medicine?
    Better question is, if she was so against gun violence, why did she have a gun? Ex husband’s? Friends? Neighbor’s?
    Bad all around.

  9. Her irrational fear of guns should have been first clue she was nuts… Shame she killed the kids, absolutely horrible. At least her husband got out alive. This POS killed his children because she didn’t want him to have them, the worst kind of vindictive woman. Hope she enjoys eternity in hell. Mental illness in not an excuse for having no soul.

  10. I’m sure that in a secret place that they don’t talk about, some feminists will defend her right to retroactive abortion.

    • There is an actual term for that Ralph: post-birth abortion — which is a sanitized way of saying murdering children after birth as opposed to murdering children before birth.

      To be clear, I am not kidding. There is a real movement afoot to legalize “post-birth abortion” in “extreme cases”.

      That movement ranks right up there with the real, actual movement to legalize adult-child sexual relationships.

    • Would it be possible for the .gov agency that allowed her unsupervised visitation, or what ever it was, to be the RETARDED ones? Surely they knew what was going on with her.

      • We can hand our retard labels freely. So sure, the retarded government idiots can be included, you bet!

  11. I’m shocked! Shocked I tell ‘ya that this evil be-otch wasn’t “red flagged” prior to murdering her kids & herself😖There oughta’ be law…against lefturd murdering mom’s.

  12. I just keep thinking the whole time she was probably screaming at her kids that the gun was making her do it and it wasn’t her fault..

  13. The reason people want Gun control is because they can’t trust themselves with a gun. Perfect example in this story.

    • “The reason people want Gun control is because they can’t trust themselves with a gun.”

      Perhaps it is worse than that.

      A normal person would admit they don’t trust themselves with guns, and not buy or have them around. What kind of person needs government to remove guns from all of society such that one person will not succumb to temptation?

      • I listened to the mental midget Ben Aflack (on the Bill Maher overtime show) argue the government wasn’t taxing him enough because of the Bush tax cuts. But when it was mentioned the IRS takes donations and he could send more of his money, he became angry (like leftist do) and called it a lie.

        • “But when it was mentioned the IRS takes donations and he could send more of his money, he became angry (like leftist do) and called it a lie.”

          Is it just pure coincidence that when any of the uber-rich (of which I would like to be one) complain they are under-taxed, those people are never asked why they don’t just send in their “fair share” every year?

      • I listened to the mental midget Ben Aflack (on the Bill Maher overtime show) argue the government wasn’t taxing him enough because of the Bush tax cuts. But when it was mentioned the IRS takes donations and he could send more of his money, he became angry (like leftist do) and called it a lie..

  14. Her politics aside I feel bad for both her and the kids. She was obviously a tormented soul and the physical ailments she had made it where she lived a miserable existence and would have died early.

    What gets my hackles up is they will inevitably stand on her grave and pound their chest saying we need more gun control. It’s not the fact she had severe mental issues and as mentioned it’s likely family court totally ignored her issues and gave her the children anyways. I suspect that may come out as time progresses.

    As I’ve said before there’s a reason that mental health needs to be the issue. Taking care of suicidal people will likely take care of stuff like this in many cases.

  15. My former wife said to my former sister-in-law, both committed gun-grabbers:
    “If I had a gun I’d probably shoot somebody.”
    “Yeah, me too.”

    • I was talking with a co-worker about gun control recently, and he said the same thing. That on many days he has to struggle not to punch someone, and said it like it was something he thought I’d relate to. I won’t deny that I feel hostile toward people sometimes. But no, I don’t have to constantly talk myself out of punching people. Most times it wouldn’t even occur to me. I feel sorry for the guy if what he says it true.

    • Had a co-worker make that same argument in favor of gun control. I told him not to project his weaknesses on to me.

  16. Divorce laws and custody laws are biased against men. I wonder if someone will interview the judge or family case workers and get their perspective? Judges are almost never held accountable for their idiotic and absurd decisions. Graduating law school doesn’t make you a sage. Perhaps the older children could have spoken up about mom’s hidden illness. Perhaps the courts looked the other way because nut job mom was an “activist”. I’ve never met an activist who wasn’t borderline looney tunes. They seek “change”, sound familiar, by destructive methods and they are never content.

  17. Self defense is a natural right, not a human right. Even animals have the right to self defense. Even many plants have defenses (thorns, poisons, etc.). Hardly exclusive to humans.

  18. She was a great authority on saving children, just like the party of slavery and Jim Crow is the biggest authority on race relations.

  19. Speaking of projection… I see the same thing with these #MeToo male feminists, “See, I couldn’t possibly have rapists tendencies and stuff.”

    Me? I just own it.

  20. She wasn’t just battling anxiety, arthritis, depression and lupus. She was battling her ex-husband. Killing the kids was how she got back at him.

    • Probably, sadly. Imagine being so damaged that you think killing three innocent people is a good way to harm someone who hurt your feelings. Clearly, not a rational, healthy human being – and the gun control activists wonder why we won’t listen to them.

  21. This seems like an opportunity for the Pro-Rights side of the debate….. This makes a great example of how laws don’t prevent things. Laws don’t prevent stuff from happening and no amount of additional laws is suddenly got make them start preventing stuff from happening.

    We need to make it clear to those idiots that laws take effect after the crime. They don’t prevent crime, they simply define the action as criminal after the act has occurred.

  22. I can’t imagine what the father of those children is even thinking right now. I can only speculate he had enough of her antics and went through with the divorce. Surely deep down there must have been some feeling of unease since he had to leave his children with her knowing how unwell she was.

    This is terrible, what could possibly drive a person to do something like this, to their own children no less? May their souls rest in peace, her on the other hand… she will spend the rest of eternity repenting.

    • This is terrible, what could possibly drive a person to do something like this…

      Exactly. If this is the death she would purposely choose, what kind of life was she living???

  23. What about another obvious question, this case isn’t strictly about hypocritical gun control activists….why if she had so many mental health problems, did she still have custody of the children?

    How much is the court to blame for this? When the automatic default position of the courts is to award custody of the children to the mother (short of her showing up in court high with needles hanging from her arms) exposes the courts real bias against fathers.

    In this case, it sounds readily apparent this woman suffered from mental illness that was well known, yet she STILL had custody… and now you have three ded children. Another ‘victory’ for feminism.

    • That question exposes the nut of the family court issue in many cases. Family courts have a predisposition to award custody of children to their mother, and unless the mother is a strung-out crack whore who lives in a cardboard box, it is difficult for the father to contest this bias of the courts.

      More courts need to start looking at the mental health of the mother and rule in favor of placing the children with the most emotionally stable adult in the room, and in many cases, that will not be the mother.

  24. There should be a national PUBLIC registry upon which you can sign yourself up to be a prohibited person. That way all the gun control nuts can sign themselves up or have people wondering why they haven’t.

    • “There should be a national PUBLIC registry upon which you can sign yourself up to be a prohibited person.”

      Now, there’s a registry that might be effective. (although it could possibly lead to rounding up prohibited persons)

    • The problem with that is the “inalienable” right aspect.

      An “inalienable” right is one you cannot sign away. Constructing such a list would break a legal barrier we don’t want to break.

      • “An “inalienable” right is one you cannot sign away. Constructing such a list would break a legal barrier we don’t want to break.”

        And yet, people give up their 5th Amendment protection to seek plea bargain deals. Indeed, people can even be forced to give up that protection.

        So much for the reality of “inalienable” rights (the text actually reads, “unalienable”)

  25. 4 dead and I bet the cops hauled em off in their meat wagon to hide under a rock that even a grizzly bear cant dig up , either that or they burnt them to ashes trying to cook them

  26. Gotta “red flag” these psycho females. I know one I’d bet good money will take her kids for a drive into a lake. She’s militant vegan, constantly makes her kids watch those PETA slaughterhouse videos and begins and ends her toddler children’s days with tales of the impending climate change Apocalypse that makes The Road look like a good time buddy comedy. Yup, definitely driving into the lake. The only question is which lake and which vehicle.

    Estrogen must be a helluva drug.

    • “makes The Road look like a good time buddy comedy”

      Probably the most bleak, depressing movie I’ve ever seen. And I watch a lot of post apocalypse type movies. Never read the book but if that’s what Cormac McCarthy was going for the director nailed it. I thought it was good, but hard to say I enjoyed it.

      • One of the more faithful movies made from a book. The author, Cormac McCarthy, also wrote No Country For Old Men.

        The Road is actually fairly hopeful. After his father dies the boy joins up with a good family. Ironically this good family has been trying to catch up with him and his father and thus they have been running away from the very thing they were seeking the entire time.

        • “…they have been running away from the very thing they were seeking the entire tim

          “…if I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any farther than my own back yard because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.”
          – Dorothy

  27. I want to see more suicide-murders and less murder-suicides…
    this was one selfish biotch…

  28. As all of us who have been around the gun-controllers for a couple of decades can attest, there’s a lot of projection going on among gun control activists, especially among the females.

    For those of us connected with the healthcare sector, we see the breakdown of mental health among American women. Those of you who don’t interview people as to their list of current medication don’t know how many people, especially females, are driving two-ton missiles on the road next to you under the influence of medications that should be a red flag against being allowed to operate heavy machinery or vehicles.

    When these people get into an accident, it is quite remarkable to interview the them, then the bystanders and other parties in the accident – and realize that the one person, often female, who is on various anti-depression and anti-anxiety meds, has a recollection of the events leading up to and involving the accident that is in no way consistent with the physical evidence, witnesses, other people involved in the accident, etc. These people have their version of events, and that version is utterly unique.

    Allowing someone on some of these meds to have access to a firearm presents a real possibility of some serious harm to themselves or others.

    • Just imagine arriving at the scene of a fire when a woman trapped inside is experiencing that alternative reality, and is armed.

      More ‘fun’ for first responders…

  29. Hey, Sam u r will wrapping my pistol in aluminum foil make it stop talking to me? How about if I shove a really lot of it down the barrel?

    Now on a more serious note, stupid can not be fixed, pills won’t, surgery won’t, people who are in worse shape, charging mega bucks to listen and talk for 30 minutes a week won’t. So why take away the only thing that fixes stupid. Well not the only thing but better than beating yourself to death with a tack hammer. I do recommend the ice pick thru the eyeball tho. RIP kids… RIH WOMAN.

    • “Well not the only thing but better than beating yourself to death with a tack hammer.”

      Do we have any evidence to support the claim that there is anything better/more effective than beating yourself to death with a tack hammer? Hhhhmmm? Thought not.

      The ice pick in the eye is intriguing.

      Now, to the tacticool techniques regarding aluminum foil….

      You can buy your own foil, and wrap your gun in any manner you like. Just be sure the dull side is the exterior (even when folded and pushed down the barrel). Just to keep yu up to date, some of us brighter lamps are testing the relative effectiveness of flat foil vs. quilted foil. Some think the quilted foil is a form of stealth shielding.

  30. I read about this crime in our local paper, the Houston Chronicle (unaffectionately known to locals as the Houston Barnicle). However, they never printed the murderer’s name nor mentioned that she was an anti-gun activist. I learned of that angle just now, right here.

    F you, so-called mainstream press, and your selective, distorting reporting!

  31. This is an example, if not proof, that just as psychiatrists say, that gun control nuts really cannot control their violent impulses like average gun owners, and they use projection to suggest that gun owners can be more violent when armed.

  32. How dare you politicize this tragedy? This is not the time. Don’t use deaths as a platform for your agenda. (Sound familiar?)

  33. This has nothing to do with anything to do with projection or any other crap being spewed about only wanting YOU to not have a gun. Had she not had possession or been able to find a gun this wouldn’t have happened. It actually proves her point. The author of this is clearly trying to convince of an opinion. I suppose so am I. But at least mine makes sense.

    • “But at least mine makes sense.”

      Yes, if there were no guns anywhere, there could be no killings by use of guns.

      If there were no doctors, there would be no deaths due to mistakes of doctors.

      If there were no motor vehicles, there would be no deaths or injuries due to use of motor vehicles.

      Now what?

    • Allegedly, by now, we have experienced 1.3 million deaths due to combat since the first American Civil War (G.W. and the boys). Allegedly, we have also seen 1.5 million deaths due to privately held guns in the US. Both numbers are accumulative, and are supposed to impress that somehow, guns in the hands of individuals are more likely to end in deaths, than guns in the hands of soldiers. Until….

      WaPo asserts that there are 393 million guns in private hands, and a current population of 326 million people. Those numbers are supposed to prove that we have too many guns in private hands, because people own more than one gun each. However…

      1.5 million deaths from non-war/combat is precisely 0.0046% of the current population. That number cannot possibly be used to prove there is a crisis of “gun violence”. Or prove that somehow every person in the US is somehow seriously threatened with death by non-combat gunshot.

      In 2017, CDC recorded 47,000 deaths by suicide. Thus, 0.0001% of the population commit suicide. The organization Every Town for Gun Control insists there are 22,000 suicides annually where a firearm is used. That results in 0.000067% of the population that use guns to check out; 0.000067%.

      Gun control groups attempt to persuade that thousands upon thousands of suicides would be permanently prevented by draconian restrictions on gun ownership…yet, there is no proof of what might be (which would, in any event, be a vanishingly small number).

      Now, CDC also admits that there are at least 1.5 million defensive uses of guns each year. The implication is that 0.0046% of the population faced a situation where a gun was used in defense.

      For argument, let’s suppose that each one of those events represents only one person not killed by an attacker. That would mean that 1.5 million persons are alive because of having a gun in hand. 1.5 million persons who might well be dead except for possessing a firearm for defense. Here is your dilemma: without a gun, 1.5 million humans would be dead, yet gun control advocated justify every restriction on gun ownership by the slogan, “If it saves only one.”

      You choose (because you or your family could experience a deadly encounter): one life saved by essentially confiscating guns from law abiding people, or 1.5 million lives saved by law abiding people using a gun to defend themselves. 35,000 lives saved through gun control, or 1.5 million saved through legal defensive use of firearms?

  34. Are democrats even well balanced enough to have access to guns? Many seem to be two steps from going over the edge! Democrats seem to be the ones who commit these crimes as time has shown! Maybe liberalism runs parallel to being mentally unbalanced!

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