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Richard S. Foreman supports gun control (courtesy

“Put me on a registration list or ban my AR-15,” Richmond, Texas attorney Michael Foreman (above) pleads at “Force me to wait three days before I pick up the next gun I buy, or conduct a more thorough background check. Tell me I can’t own a 20-round clip for my AR-15. I don’t care what you do. But please do something.” You may not be surprised to learn that . . .

Mr. Foreman is a self-professed “Texan by choice” who hails from Chicago. But don’t get to thinking Mr. Foreman’s the only gun owner in Texas, or elsewhere, who supports new gun control legislation. A post-Mandalay Bay mass shooting poll by Quinnipiac University discovered  that 60 percent of American voters now favor “stronger gun laws.”

Mr. Foreman declared above which gun control laws he’d like to see imposed on himself and the rest of the country. Here’s the breakdown from Quinnipiac:

79 percent support a mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases;
64 percent support a ban on the sale of assault weapons;
58 percent support stricter regulations on ammunition sales;
34 percent support a ban on high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

Good thing the right to keep and bear arms is a Constitutionally protected right; subject to neither the democratic process or arguments about social utility, right?

Mr. Foreman begs to differ. The Texas litigator believes Congress should be listening to “the people” rather than the NRA — or those fusty Founding Fathers.

You accept the National Rifle Association as the voice of gun owners. Listening solely to this outspoken organization’s rhetoric is to ignore the majority of us. In fact, only about 6 percent of gun owners are members of the NRA.

If you consider that NRA annual dues are only $40, it is hard to imagine this lack of support is due to financial limitations. It seems much more likely that 94 percent of gun owners are like me.

We enjoy exercising our Second Amendment rights, but we also recognize that the right to bear arms cannot become an absolute right. We know that there are times when an individual must trade his or her rights to ensure everyone’s security.

As a Second Amendment advocate, I ask that you listen to the majority of us, rather than be influenced by the money or power wielded by 6 percent of gun owners.

I reckon the Second Amendment advocate forgot to read the Second Amendment. That said, Mr. Foreman knows a thing or two about swords. Specifically, how to throw himself onto one.

As a gun owner, I am calling on you to do something. My limited happiness is not worth the lifetime of sadness experienced by the friends and families of the victims of Las Vegas, Pulse nightclub, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino and any other mass shooting.

I think Mr. Foreman meant to say his liberty isn’t worth the sadness of mass shooting survivors.

As the son of a Holocaust survivor, I have a warning for Mr. Forman and the voters supporting greater gun control: be careful what you wish for.

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  1. right now his girlfriend is telling him that they should both start seeing other men

    hes likely an anti bump stocker too

    take note all you anti bump stockers out there

    youre throwing down with the likes of paul ryan dianne feinstein johannes paulsen and THIS guy

    not good company to be in

    • How many times do I have to say it?…Texas is packed to the rafters with a-holes. If it not something like this, its some d-bag in a cowboy hat with a 10 gallon ego.

      • How many times is Farago going to throw down the Holocaust survivor card. Well you know what? My Jewish ancestors did not survive. They were killed by nazis. Does that make my opinion more valid? Or are you like trump and only like those Jews who were never captured?

    • Title should be: Ex-Chicago lawyer supports gun control.
      In other news water is wet and sundown causes night…..

  2. How do we know that this person is what he says he is?

    I call BS.

    I say he’s a Chicago liberal lawyer who has never owned a gun in his life and everything he says is a parcel of lies, except for his desire to destroy the Constitution. That is clearly true.

    Anyone who begs to be disarmed sounds like a mentally disturbed person begging for help one last time before he does something crazy.

    This individual needs looking into.

    • I did….google does wonders. A lawyer for one while year. Just graduated college in 2013. His Twitter feed us full of anti Trump and anti Replublican stuff. His girlfriends Twitter showed she went to Cuba on a trip. Says has a hunter in his law firm profile yet oddly no talk of it or pictures on his Twitter feed. He is also training to be a sommelier….so yeah…call pure B.S. on this beta male being a gun guy let alone owning an AR.

      Oh..lives in a 400k house him and wide just purchased….not bad for a 26 yr old just outta school.

      • Excellent work finding info that this idiot pretends to be one of the gun owners wanting socialist gun confiscation.

    • Yeah the part where he licks his lips and begs some overgrown, muscular blonde male orderly, in a black leather nazi costume, to spank him with a swastika shaped iron rod.

  3. He has a point.

    I would be ok with restricting lawyers from owning guns.

    Everyone else should exercise their liberty and buy a couple more.

  4. I’d regard those polls with a jaundiced eye. Don’t forget how, with supposedly 90% of Americans in favor, ballot initiatives for universal background checks have failed in several states and narrowly passed in others. Those darned voters just can’t seem to vote the way the pollsters say they should.

    • Hmmm, reminds me of the last election.
      There was a writer on Fox talking about his new book, who said that Bill told Hill, that according to his own polling, she was losing and needed to campaign in the rust belt states. She responded that all her people and their polling taken with “modern methods” said that she was well ahead, and that his was just an old fuddy duddy; needless to say, she rejected his advice, and the real polls told a very different story. She had plenty of votes, but not in the right places. (He also told her her book sucked, and you can imagine how that went over.)

      [As an aside, California is so chock-a-clock full of Democrats that neither one of the candidates bothered to campaign here.]

    • I suspect the “poll” is done by phone. First question: How many of us never waste time with cold calls like this? If the anonymous voice on the phone asks: “Are you a gun owner? Would you ever say “yes?” Then there is who the agency calls. The guy paying for the poll is for gun control. Do you call the names on the NRA list? American Legion? What about Evetytown for gun safety?

      • “I suspect the “poll” is done by phone. First question: How many of us never waste time with cold calls like this? If the anonymous voice on the phone asks: “Are you a gun owner? Would you ever say “yes?” Then there is who the agency calls. The guy paying for the poll is for gun control. Do you call the names on the NRA list? American Legion? What about Evetytown for gun safety?”

        Which then begs the question – if phone polls are so dodgy, how does this affect the calculation of defensive gun uses per year, also done using phone polls?

  5. He is so important that he rates two articles about him and his advocacy. I think I speak for everyone here, keep writing articles about this fellow and his grand gesture.

  6. Um, he’s a personal injury lawyer, among other so-called specialties. I don’t know about his girlfriend, but his wife and dogs might be upset. Click on his name, it gives you his specialties, his college, his hobbies, plus his company’s name….which might be rather upset, too.

    • He doesn’t have any specialties. A newly-minted attorney barely knows where the local courthouse is. As for the house, it’s either “thanks, dad,” else the wife helped him qualify for a huge mortgage. And then there’s Bloomberg.

  7. “Put me on a registration list or ban my AR-15 . . . . Force me to wait three days before I pick up the next gun I buy, or conduct a more thorough background check. Tell me I can’t own a 20-round clip for my AR-15.”

    And don’t forget, “Hit me, beat me, make me watch Mets games.”

      • I hate being ‘that’ spelling guy, but the word is CAPITAL. Spell check and voice recognition aside, proofreading is a thing. Words mean things.

        • Proofreading is a specific action or task, not a thing…

          A “thing” would be an nondescript item, object, or living entity.

          Also, I believe “words have meaning” is what you were intending to say.

  8. He is a friend of a friend. I commented on his Facebook status that he should lead by example and surrender all his guns to the police. He blocked me.

  9. Knock yourself out.

    Just leave me out of your fantasies of debauchery as the State’s gimp.

  10. Your all wrong….he knows that Dallas is becoming a lot like Austin…leftist…..He is setting himself up to run for some public office…….that’s how “regressives” roll………

    • He was going to write a rant about Trumps’ “they let you grab…” bit, but then Harvey exploded. What’s left? (NPI) Anti-gunnery, I suppose.

  11. Just because you live in Texas A-Hole, dosen’t mean a damn thing. You are more dangerous than ANY firearm. Move back to commie Chicago if you are in need of being controlled by some government hack.

  12. Lefties have already screwed up parts of Idaho, Boise. Most of the immigrant morons come from California and they are not illegal immigrants. This ass is from Illinois, an equal shit hole as Cali. Run him out on a rail before it is too late, Texas. I am a resident of Commifornia, soon to be getting out. I will not be dragging Commi filth with me in my slip stream.

    • Only Crook County/Chicago is a shithole. The rest of the state is fine but oppressed by the Crooks.

  13. This guy needs to be run out of town… I’m so sick of these f’n transplants coming here for the no income tax and then trying to change out state into the same hell hole he left.

    I think we ought to build a wall around Texas.

    • Agreed. I moved from California to a red state, but I moved here for a reason. And that reason certainly doesn’t involve turning my new home into another leftist hell hole.

      • You’re welcome here in TX anytime, and I hope I’d fit in, in AZ in case I ever decided to move.

  14. This guy and his comments are a great example of the “Please Do Something” argument that gun-control groups often use. And why that argument is so lame.

  15. “Put me on a registration list or ban my AR-15,” Richmond, Texas attorney Michael Foreman (above) pleads at I agree register all democrats and ban their AR-15s
    “Force me to wait three days before I pick up the next gun I buy, or conduct a more thorough background check. You can wait on your own time
    Tell me I can’t own a 20-round clip for my AR-15. You can’t stripper clips are 10 rounds.
    I don’t care what you do. But please do something.” You may not be surprised to learn that . . .
    79 percent support a mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases; 79% of people surveyed who need to be shot for subversion and Sedition for this infringement
    64 percent support a ban on the sale of assault weapons; 64% of people surveyed who need to be shot for subversion and Sedition for this infringement
    58 percent support stricter regulations on ammunition sales; 58% of people surveyed who need to be shot for subversion and Sedition for this infringement
    34 percent support a ban on high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. 34% of people surveyed who need to be shot for subversion and Sedition for this infringement
    I see a trend developing.
    And that carpetbagger Yankee can get everything he wants right now by moving back to chiraq.

  16. It strikes me that this is mostly stuff the guy could self-regulate.

    Don’t like 30+ round mags? Buy five, 10 or 20 round capacity mags.

    Want a waiting period? Pick your rifle, exercise some self-control and wait 72 hours. Or, ask your LGS to hold it for you after you pay for it.

    Just hate the AR? Don’t buy one. Hate the one you’ve got? Sell or Sawzall.

    Really, it’s all pretty simple if you’re not stupid.

  17. This is all such bushit. I remember returning to the USA with my foreign born wife, after being overseas for more than 10 years, and going to a large Wall Mart like store to show her all the firearms available for purchase. You pays da man and you takes your gun. I truly saw this as unimpeachable proof that America was a nation of the people, by the people, for the people. This was evidence we were not a nation of peons ruled from above by our masters. That was about 25 years ago. What the fuck happened?

    • No he passed with flying colors from the Barack Hussein Obama School of Constitutional Interpretation Chicago Campus.

  18. Since we have the NICS system in place, they should add a self-identify black list feature, for all the mr foremans and mr keeters and various celebrities and journalists to use. If you really don’t want guns you can just not buy them or shoot them. But if you are scared you might accidentally be unable to not buy a gun, sign up for the self ban. Then you can feel comforted knowing you aren’t allowed to buy one. Then leave the rest of us alone.

  19. “Force me to wait three days before I pick up the next gun I buy, “DADDY”, or conduct a more thorough background check, “DADDY”. Tell me I can’t own a 20-round clip for my AR-15 “DADDY”. I don’t care what you do. But please do something DADDY.”

    Do something? Here’s a thought. How’s a boot up your ass sound?

  20. This guy is 26. He sees a political career as a lifetime employment goal. He’s making his name known as an advocate for “sensible” gun control. There are many more like him around the country. These people have been indoctrinated by Alinskyite College Professors to gain political power to advance their Marxist/Socialist vision for a Globalist United States of America. The venal disease of these young Liberal, Progressive Socialists is spreading slowly, but surely.

    The admonition, “Be careful what you wish for.” has no terror for them because what they wish for is not at all what we wish to preserve and protect.

    I have doubts about this recent Quinnipiac University national poll, but I also think the Las Vegas Shooting scared the cr*p out of a lot of people because of the extreme carnage wrought in ten minutes with legally purchased firearms. Perhaps, the “fence-sitters” have been pushed off the fence.

  21. We should never have closed the psychiatric asylums that we once had in this country because this guy needs to be inside of one.

    Magical thinking is not your friend. Restricting your own rights is not going to restrict evil that someone else might do. That “logic” is simply ridiculous yet I am sure that throughout his scholastic career that this young man’s bedroom shelves were filled with participation trophies.

    Regardless, somebody needs to go to the loony bin. If not this young man, then surely his professors who taught him.

  22. “In fact, only about 6 percent of gun owners are members of the NRA.”

    Perhaps that is because the NRA isn’t aggressive enough in trying to restore our right to keep and bear arms?

  23. Barrister foreman is free to restrict his own grill-wrangling any way he wants, or enlist the Feebs to restrain him if he finds that more fun.(*) (Show me you badge, you big, strapping enforcer you. Ooooh, that’s good.)(*)

    To restrict others’ jollies, he needs to demonstrate the good the restriction does; good for others or society at large, not just scratching his particular itch. And he needs to demonstrate that his proffered restraint would do more good than it costs. Per other people. We get that the binding is good for The Foreman. But, sadly for him, no one is required to agree to something they are uncomfortable with. (“You’d do it if you loved me.” “Dude, don’t even love you to start with – are we confused about that?”)(*)

    Restricting others from amusing themselves with boom sticks costs them jollies foregone, even if that is not this Barrister’s peculiar satisfaction. People want what they want. No matter how much eeeeew might emerge from the rest of us, “…and it harm no one, it’s none of our business.” Just don’t do it in the street n scare the horses. Maybe pull the curtains if you’re feeling polite. We start to get involved if scaring the horses is your particular kink, because that’s imposing a cost on others. Maybe find a rodeo, or something?

    Just as I imagine roto-plooker licensing might inconvenience the Barrister. (Purely hypothetical, as an example. Also, not that there’s anything wrong with that.)(*) his proposed inspection, neglection, detection and selection would burden people who aren’t him. That a restriction bothers you not at all means nothing in a pluralistic society. Double-plus nothing in a pluralistic republic. The cost is the bother on people who aren’t like you. You need a big excuse for that, and “It makes me hot.” is insufficient.

    To be explicit, one gets a sense that there’s something more going on here … that with Mr. Bound to the Bar, it isn’t about guns, or roto-plookers, or even grills. Rather, the reasoning is so flaccid, the application so specific yet varied, one gets the impression that The Grill-meister’s fetish objects are laws themselves. Certainly, no one would be impressed by his proposals on their intrinsic merits. Yet, “Gimmie a restriction. Talk legal to me, baby. That’s it.”(*) I’s hot because it looks like a law, role plays into the fantasy.

    Sadly for the Barrister’s peculiar satisfaction, the objects of his extreme don’t share his kink. It happens.

    I realize Not-George’s-Baby is very proud (and out(*), one assumes) about letting his freak flag(*), or, indeed flags, fly. He’s still restricted to consent from willing partners. It seems the gunny folk he covets don’t much want to be law-tied with their guns. So, he should maybe busy himself finding a community of like-minded. Or learn the benefits of abstinence — good for the soul, they say. Or simply “To the Interwebz!”

    Forcing your particular kink on others is called a “Weinstein” these days. It’s a bad thing.

    (*) Because this is a political issue, it’s the interwebz, and this is not the 21st century I was promised, disclaimers are required. Anything remotely pro-gun will be inspected for opportunity to disparage the author, misinterpret what was said, gin up false issues, or whatever.

    So, I am not a bigot. I hate everybody.

    I don’t mean to pick on any particular preference or orientation. There’s just not enough space to get to everybody. Assume I zinged every topic heading and branch in the “alt” usenet hierarchy, or the corresponding chunk of Reddit.

    I do mean to satirize Barrister Foreman’s positions by casting his obsessions as self-indulgent kinks, and disparage his august self by casting his ill-mannered self-indulgence as, well, that. His willingness to impose on people who aren’t him, just to get his righteousness on is despicable. Not hot at all.

  24. To sit back and do nothing guarantees the Right Wing Neanderthals will end up losing everything. No society can tolerate mass shootings as a way of life so common people tune into the news to see how high the body count went today. Its insane to everyone but the Lunatics of the Far Right and their leader the NRA “Gun Father” who wants less control not more. Its about like pouring gasoline on a fire and hoping against all logic it will put the fire out.

    The real facts are that unless we pass some no nonsense laws now that you are going to lose everything and far sooner than you think. Herr Drumpf and the Republicans have made such a mess of things that the majority of voters are praying that at least the Government gets rid of Herr Drumpf before he destroys the country and starts by accident a nuclear holocaust. And the looming 2018 elections almost guarantee a Democratic landslide and they are going to take back at least the House and if they manage to take back the Senate as well its going to be tough on gun owners and if they manage to get a Democratic President 2 years later then it really is buy, buy to your guns and it will be a slam dunk.

    Lets face facts the corrupt Courts have already declared all the outrageous East Coast gun bans and restrictions Constitutional. California is now set to confiscate all assault rifles and you can be damn sure the corrupt courts will ok that to. California has already declared carrying a weapon concealed or unconcealed Constitutional as well despite the Scalia Decision that has already been swept under the rug and buried with Scalia’s rotting corpse.

    The NRA is to frightened to promote measures that would reduce crime without confiscating guns because they would lose too much revenue from their Far Right Fanatical followers who can not see the coming reality if reality walked up and shot them in the foot. And that is to do nothing means you will lose everything and fast.

    To reduce crime without confiscating firearms better vetting and more vetting, especially on second hand gun sales is a must as States with lax gun laws funnel thousands of guns into Cities and States with tough gun laws. Chicago being a prime dumping ground for them. Police tracings prove it beyond any doubt. We already have the Brady Bill and extending it to second hand gun sales cost absolutely nothing and it has already proven that it blocks tens of thousands of new gun purchase and would block 10 times as many second hand sales to nut cases and criminals.

    Stolen guns are another problem and just like second hand guns also get sent to big cities where they sell faster than hamburgers fresh off the grill at McDonald’s. The mandatory use of gun safes would cut way down on stolen guns as its proven that the average street punk is an unsophisticated smash and grab nincompoop that knows he can knock off gun stores and private homes at will. Gun safes would also prevent the 10,000 yearly deaths and crippling’s of so many innocent children because of loaded guns left lying around the house.

    Mandatory security alarms systems again go hand in hand with gun safes to prevent theft.

    A gun I.D. card proving you have passed a psychological test that determines you are not another Steven Paddock is another mandatory tool and one used by just about every civilized nation out there to make sure the nut cases are not given free reign to buy a gun anytime they want one as is true in the Wild West of the U.S. that still wants to live in the Dodge City or Tucson cites of yesteryear.

    As you can see none of the above laws have anything to do with confiscation but the Far Right is so dumb they cannot see what is coming when they refuse to act like responsible gun owners.

    Lets face cold hard facts the Courts rule and always have sided with public opinion whether it was incarcerating 100,000 innocent Japanese Americans during WWII or banning guns as has happened at the East and West Coasts in the U.S. And with only 35 per cent of the people owning guns these days and the younger generation abandoning the hobbies of hunting and target shooting in favor of the world of Computers the gun owners are a dying breed of soon to be extinct Neanderthals. All one has to do is go to the average gun show or shooting meet or shooting range and you see only old dying grey bearded men. At my own shooting club that has 1,200 members we have trained hundreds of “junior shooters” and we see absolutely “zero” I repeat “zero” of them ever take up the hobby of competition or even show up to plink at targets on a Saturday afternoon. We have already made the predication that in anther very short 10 years the club that has been there now for almost 100 years will be bulldozed over to create another shopping mall or bingo hall.

    • To sit back and do only the wrong thing, the left-wing Neanderthals will end up losing everything. Again. Still. More. No society can stop mass shootings with gun control and it’s actually insane to everyone but the lunatics of the far-left and their leader Shillary “Gun Grabber” who wants more control, not less. That’s about like pouring gasoline on a fire and hoping against all logic it will put the fire out.

      The actual facts are that unless we stop trying to punish innocent people for the acts of mad men, who again would not have ever been stopped by gun control laws, we are going to lose everything and far sooner than we think. Her Shillary and the Dumbass-o-KKKrats have made such a mess of things that an actual majority of voters are praying that at least the government never accepts Herr Shillary before she gets a chance to destroy the country and deliberately starts a nuclear war with Russia. Like she wanted to. And the looming 2018 elections almost guarantee a Dumbass-o-KKKrat purge and they are going to lose even more seats in the Senate. They also won’t even come close to getting a Dumbass-o-KKKrat President any time soon, either.

      Let’s face some actual facts while we’re at it. The appeals process for coastal gun control laws is still on-going, including a just and rightful capitulation on the part of D.C. to cease pursuing their “good reason” requirement for CCWs. Why, you ask? Well, I’ll be telling you why, because you don’t have any room, right, rhyme, or reason to be telling anyone anything about anything at all, whatsoever. They knew the SCoTUS would rule against them because Gorsuch is now on the bench. KKKommiefornia has only effectively banned carry in a handful of coastal countries — the rest of the state is effectively shall-issue.

      The NRA is not at all frightened to promote measures to actually reduce crime, it’s just that the measures you want them to promote don’t work at all. To do nothing but the wrong thing is what actually means that we’ll lose everything fast.

      To reduce crime means not confiscating guns and ditching the whole background check canard in its entirety, especially being that at least half or more guns found at crime scenes actually originate in the state where they are found. THAT is what trace data actually prove beyond all doubt. The Brady Bill has been an abject failure and extending it to private sales is impossible and downright unenforceable.

      Fully 93%+ of ALL denials are actually due to glitches and errors in the six databases comprising the NICS. Any and all efforts to actually fix it, let alone make it available to the public (fee-free), have in fact and continue to be shot down by shrill autistic screeching from gun-grabbing mongrels like you. That, and all actual evidence suggests that states that have mandated background checks for private sales have turned up a number of arrests — and still ZERO convictions — that one count on their fingers and toes. That’s assuming that you could even count that high in the first place, which you probably can’t. Also, private sales are not a major source of crime guns to begin with, according to the ONLY credible study on the matter conducted by the FBI.

      Stolen guns are another problem and just like second hand guns also get sent to big cities where they sell faster than hamburgers fresh off the grill at McDonald’s. The mandatory use of gun safes would cut way down on stolen guns as its proven that the average street punk is an unsophisticated smash and grab nincompoop that knows he can knock off gun stores and private homes at will. Gun safes would also prevent the 10,000 yearly deaths and crippling’s of so many innocent children because of loaded guns left lying around the house.

      Safe storage laws have never been shown to prevent either thefts or accidents and are, like all of the other hair-brained schemes you’ve suggested, totally unenforceable. THAT’S what is actually proven. Also, there haven’t been anywhere remotely close to “10,000” childhood deaths by accidental shootings. Not unless you want to count “children” up to 24 years old, a common tactic of gun-grabbing lunatics like you, which is the top of the age bracket at which gang participation spikes. GANG violence accounts for the overwhelming and vast majority of deaths that you’re alluding to.

      Psychological tests are nothing more than another poll tax, too, and sociopaths like the Mandalay Bay shooter can and have slipped through any and all bureaucratic red tape. And its a measure used by just about every uncivilized nation to actually make sure that the proletariat is disarmed. Oh, and Dodge City and Tuscon of the “Old West” were actually a whole lot less violent than ZOO York City or Paris or London of the same era. So, as you can actually see, all of the above laws will have something to do with confiscation, but the far left is so dumb that they cannot see that everyone else is already wise to their antics and refuse to be responsible gun owners themselves.

      Let’s face some actual cold, hard facts here: the appeals process for coastal gun control laws is still on-going — and can always and will be revisited later, regardless. Of special note is D.C.’s end of their pursuit to defend their “good reason” requirement for issuing CCWs. So, no, they’re generally not going to side with public opinion. And with more than 40% of the people owning guns these days and the younger generation getting into the shooting sports in record numbers, gun-grabbers like you are a dying breed of soon-to-be-extinct Neanderthals. All one has to do is to go to the average shooting range or gun show and you actually see an increasingly diverse mix of people of all races, creeds, and colors. You don’t belong to a shooting club so you wouldn’t know this. You also don’t get to make any predictions because you don’t — I repeat, DO NOT — know what you’re talking about.

      P.S.: Those links that I provide and you DON’T are what we ADULTS call citations. Try actually providing some, for once, when trying to lecture people that are as a matter of fact morally, ethically, and intellectually superior to you in every conceivable way.

      • to Excedrine Headache

        quote———————————-Safe storage laws have never been shown to prevent either thefts or accidents and are, like all of the other hair-brained schemes you’ve suggested, totally unenforceable. THAT’S what is actually proven. Also, there haven’t been anywhere remotely close to “10,000” childhood deaths by accidental shootings. Not unless you want to count “children” up to 24 years old, a common tactic of gun-grabbing lunatics like you, which is the top of the age bracket at which gang participation spikes. GANG violence accounts for the overwhelming and vast majority of deaths that you’re alluding to. ———————–quote———————–

        Please explain how 10,000 Children who were maimed and killed, many in home accidents would be shot if guns were locked up in safes in the home. Now is this way over your head or is it getting too complicated for you. What wild excuse , what squirming, what outrageous excuses will you use to worm your way out of the truth. I suppose you will say the guns will jump out of the safes all by themselves and gun down the children. Most of ranting’s are about as ridiculous as that scenario.

        Quote—————————To sit back and do only the wrong thing, the left-wing Neanderthals will end up losing everything. Again. Still. More. No society can stop mass shootings with gun control and it’s actually insane to everyone but the lunatics of the far-left and their leader Shillary “Gun Grabber” who wants more control, not less. That’s about like pouring gasoline on a fire and hoping against all logic it will put the fire out.—————quote—

        Sorry Genius but since you are a mental midget when it comes to History let me refresh your memory assuming you ever had one. Japan has eliminated mass murders by lunatics with guns and they did not eliminate gun ownership either. Australia said enough was enough in the 1990’s and has not had a mass murder since. Britian has eliminated mass murders by both pistol and rifle when they had one school shooting (not dozens like us) and one mass rifle killing. NOW GENIUS HOW DO YOU LIE YOUR WAY OUT OF THESE HISTORIC EXAMPLES.

        QUOTE——————–Fully 93%+ of ALL denials are actually due to glitches and errors in the six databases comprising the NICS————–QUOTE————-

        Every Government study and every professional credible news media investigation shows that several million denials not only prevented felons and nut cases from getting new guns but there was another surprise “The Gun Father” of the NRA has never dared mention and that was that it also prevented suicides as well. If the Brady Bill was extended to include all gun sales we would make huge dent in felons and nut cases getting guns.

        Quote—————-Psychological tests are nothing more than another poll tax, too, and sociopaths like the Mandalay Bay shooter can and have slipped through any and all bureaucratic red tape.————–Quote—-

        Again your talking out of your rectum as Germany, Japan, Britain just to name a few have vetted people for decades and if they can conduct sophisticated psychological testing so can we. Seven Paddock would have never passed such a test. Your knowledge of gun control history and all history is non-existent.

        Quote————– You don’t belong to a shooting club so you wouldn’t know this————-quote

        Put your money where your big mouth is Jethro , I would love to take all of it. Wanna bet I do not belong to one of the largest. 1,200 members. You really stepped into that one.

        Quote——————-shrill autistic screeching from gun-grabbing mongrels like you. —————Quote

        Reading comprehension Jethro, reading comprehension. I never stated I was in favor of confiscating guns and my proposals again had nothing to do with gun confiscation. Your paranoia proves you have lost your ability to comprehend anything I have posted because you allude to things I never said or advocated.

        quote————— Safe storage has never been proven to save lives—————Quote

        In the U.S. we do not have mandatory safe storage so how could we compare a “before and after”. But is it not interesting to note that when kids get killed in the home with guns the guns were not locked up. Of course this is too complicated for your small intellect to comprehend. That is elementary but I am sure that is way over your head. But what we do have is other countries that have done this and their studies do indeed prove it works but again what would you know about foreign countries except of course to invade them and kill their people.

        quote—————Oh, and Dodge City and Tuscon of the “Old West” were actually a whole lot less violent than ZOO York City or Paris or London of the same era————quote

        What in the world would an ignorant hill jack like you know about foreign people or their cities or their culture or ways of life, you live in your own myopic right wing fantasy world believing the U.S. is the nirvana of civilized life because you have never studied about or lived in any other civilized industrialized countries. We may be industrialized but to call the U.S. civilized would get you laughed out of a room of educated people providing you were ever in such a room and not just with your biker friends.

        I have been to foreign countries and was way safer at midnight than in most American cities at high noon. I immediately noticed that the women were not so fearful and panicky that they look over their shoulders every minute like they do in most American cities. I myself was never threatened or felt threatened either. In the U.S. if you look cross eyed at someone you often get a gun in your face or if you dare to use an ATM at night your taking your life in your hands. When I was in some of the East Block counties I used ATM machines and never had a problem at all.

  25. Just an out of touch Yankee lawyer, that needs to take his Carpet Bag back to Shitcago. I am sure, he can make it back home to Yankeedom, before Things start to really swing at the Necktie Party we should throw for him.

  26. First thing I see is him calling his magazine a clip so he isn’t really a gun person. If he truly owns an AR then it might have been purchased to impress someone and now just sits in a closet or safe and never shot.
    Second thing is the so called percentage of people listed as calling for more strict control. A true gun person will never use the term “assault rifle” or “weapon”. So I see that data as fake or pulled from a college poll.
    As someone once said, “fake news”!

  27. He isn’t listening to the people.
    They could do as they did in Chicago and pass state to state gun regulations, but the
    People of these states don’t want them. So they’re forced to beg for federal law, and when they fail at (because the people of the nation don’t actually want such laws) that they go to the UN.
    If the polling were accurate then they’d have long been able to undercut the constitution and ignore the founders principles. Anti-guns would have no compunctions doing so, and they’re only beseeching higher authorities in the hopes of forcing laws on a public that doesn’t want them.

  28. This reminds me of that British idiot living here that recently turned his guns into the local police perhaps his way of ‘atoning’ for the Vegas shooting. Heck, I supported the 2nd. Amendment, the NRA and thumbed my nose at the liberal progressives by going out and buying a new gun.

  29. Gun control worked well in Stalin’s USSR, Mao’s PRC, Hitler’s Germany, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, ….. , right?

    Kitty Genovese, Sharon Tate, the victims of Richard Speck… all advocates for gun control, right?

    “Most gun control arguments miss the point. If all control boils fundamentally to force, how can one resist aggression without equal force? How can a truly “free” state exist if the individual citizen is enslaved to the forceful will of individual or organized aggressors? It cannot.”
    ― Tiffany Madison

    “One man with a gun can control a hundred without one.”
    ― Vladimir Lenin

  30. He is no Texan. He is a Chicago liberal who wants to bring Chicago’s worthless gun control to Texas.

  31. I always have to shake my head at the “waiting period”. If I already have a firearm, what do I need to wait for? When I go to buy a new firearm, does my current firearm become unusable for several days, until the waiting period is over? How do they get the firearm to do that?

    And of course the rest of this idiot’s blathering….just more ridiculousness.

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