Chicago miracle mile riot looting
Courtesy Andy Ngo via Twitter
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From the AP:

Hundreds of people smashed windows, stole from stores and clashed with police early Monday in Chicago’s Magnificent Mile shopping district and other parts of the city’s downtown.

At one point, shots were fired at police and officers returned fire, police spokesman Tom Ahern said on Twitter. No officers were injured in the shooting.

It wasn’t immediately clear what led to the unrest, which began shortly after midnight, but anti-police graffiti was seen in the area. Hours earlier, dozens of people had faced off with police after officers shot and wounded a person Sunday in the city’s Englewood neighborhood.

Asked for updates on the situation, Ahern told The Associated Press in an email that police planned to hold a news conference Monday morning.

Along the Magnificent Mile, people were seen going in and out of stores carrying shopping bags full of merchandise as well as at a bank, the Chicago Tribune reported, and as the crowd grew vehicles dropped off more people in the area.

One officer was seen slumped against a building, several arrests were made and a rock was thrown at a police vehicle, the newspaper said. Police worked early Monday to disperse the crowds.

In the earlier shooting in Englewood, police said in a statement that they responded about 2:30 p.m. Sunday to a call about a person with a gun and tried to confront someone matching his description in an alley. He fled from officers on foot and shot at officers, police said.

Officers returned fire, wounding him, and a gun was recovered, police said. He was taken to a hospital for treatment and three officers involved also were taken to a hospital for observation, the statement said.

More than an hour after the shooting, police and witnesses said a crowd faced off with police after someone reportedly told people that police had shot and wounded a child. That crowd eventually dispersed.

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    • Hey! Don’t blame us for this!! If 45% of polled black voters weren’t going to vote for Donald Trump this election cycle, then we wouldn’t need to make OUR black voters to riot like this. Those people normally vote for us to the tune of 95% but a good chunk seem to be getting uppity and voting Republican this election cycle. Those Uncle Tom’s need to get back on the plantation and remember that the Democrat party are their masters! At least Lori Lightfoot remembers and our subjects…… people,… ya, our people… in Chicago will vote her back in to office.

      Eric Swalwell 2020

        • How dare you! I’m a Democrat! That means I’m totally 100% not racist at all in a million years! To prove to you I’m not racist, I will now yield the floor to any of my colleagues from across the aisle who will unequivocally say, “Black lives matter.”

          Eric Swalwell 2020

        • Yes, he’s racist. But, I appreciate his honesty. I think that is how most D’s see blacks. Lyndon B. Johnson said, “We’ll have those niggers voting for us for the next 200 years.” Dems deny that LBJ said it, they try to deny that they look down on blacks – but I call BS on all of it. Fact is, Dems continue to pass gun laws, which have historically been all about controlling the black population. Can’t have uppity blacks carrying guns, and feeling empowered to talk back to their betters!

        • edited out the “N-word” from Johnson’s quote to get past the filter

          Yes, he’s racist. But, I appreciate his honesty. I think that is how most D’s see blacks. Lyndon B. Johnson said, “We’ll have those “N-word” voting for us for the next 200 years.” Dems deny that LBJ said it, they try to deny that they look down on blacks – but I call BS on all of it. Fact is, Dems continue to pass gun laws, which have historically been all about controlling the black population. Can’t have uppity blacks carrying guns, and feeling empowered to talk back to their betters!

        • Unfortunately some people do not see the cowards behind the curtain. They see black, blame black, etc. That narrow mindedness is the intended result of the seen before tactics of the communist terrorist weather underground bill ayers et al. Get the blacks angry and turn them loose on the city in order to put fear in milquetoast America. If the carnage is to stop America must bow to fear and meet their demands.

          Rest assured the cowards behind the curtain are lily white marxists just like bill ayers. They need gullible Blacks to do their dirty work. Unfortunately far too many Blacks are politically inept history illiterates and that makes them easy pickins for cowards behind the curtain. Fill Blacks full of sugarcoated marxist poop and trinket promises and you obviously own them and you have an army to do your dog whistle dirty work.

          It’s about making America comply with their marxist demands. Lowly Blacks void of any Content of Character are being played again mostly by their lily white democRat slave masters and they are too ignorant to know it.

        • Hanging curtains is a lot of work Debbie! A lot of white Democrats slaved away for years to put those curtains up! Productive is the party that plants trees under whose shade they will never sit. Our great fore fathers: LBJ, Bill Clinton, FDR, Jefferson Davis, Nathan Bedford Forest, Nancy Pelosi; didn’t scrape, claw, and fight to make their world a better place. They put on those bed sheets…er…. hung those bla…. er… curtains,… ya,…. they hung those curtains to make the world a better place for all of us white Democrats who stand on their shoulders… The shoulders of giants.

          Eric Swalwell 2020

      • You guys are like that Jim Parsons figure on BBT- you don’t yet understand sarcasm…

        This site’s a scream.

        • If I took Swalwell”s posts seriously I would have replied with a RE: Swalwell. Therefore my post is for, to whom it may concern.

      • Eric, perhaps a few cross burnings will put those people back in their place.

        And don’t forget the white hoods to cover the signs of multi generation inbreeding.

        • Sounds like you’re talking from experience, you piece of gutter slum! You ain’t nothing but a Democratic puppet that is going to get a ignorant people killed, and I do hope you’re the one upfront leading the way. You’ll probably be hiding in granny’s basement masturbating to Biden and Pelosi tapes…. Sorry prick

        • @Southern Cross: You got spank tapes of Biden and Pelosi? You holding out on me bro?You selling? Cause I’m interested if you’re selling. PM me bro so I can bitcoin you the money. TN patriot, you want in on this too? You seem like a cool guy whose down to party.

          Eric Swalwell 2020

    • UPDATE: Black Looters Murder plan to ransack River Oaks Mall(what’s left of it!)at 3 pm. Per unsocial media. Expect 80/94 to be a mess!

    • It’s all about “people’s justice” where they are claiming what is rightfully theirs from the bourgeois capitalist running dog lackey imperialist exploiters of the oppressed proletariat. Says so right in the book “Communist Revolutions for dummies”.

  1. Burn, Loot, Murder, baby.
    I’d say this was a massive republican psyop, but they’re not that clever.

    • Nor are Republicans that ruthless.

      By the way that may be the ultimate reason that Republicans become irrelevant.

      Note: I am extremely saddened to think that Conservatives and Independents would have to become ruthless to prevail over Progressives.

    • See, if you help these people, they might (maybe…) stop looting the stores where the NBA players and their posses shop. I mean, a CVS or a Walgreens, who gives a crap. But they’re hitting the high-end shops now, and that just has to end.

      Show some humanity, dude. Take a knee for the $1200 handbag some poor NBA player’s wife is going to have to buy online now that the people from her old ‘hood that she won’t hang out with no more have looted her favorite upscale boutique.

  2. It wasn’t immediately clear what led to the unrest? They were all black and had an opportunity to steal. Can that be any clearer?
    How ironic it’s in the Magnificent Mile. There’s absolutely nothing magnificent about Chitcago.

    • Yes there is something magnificent about Chicago. It’s that little sign saying you are leaving Chicago

  3. More Violence, Looting,Robbery,Shootings and Murder in Chiraq, Illinois than in Kabul, Afghanistan Baghdad, Iraq Mogadishu, Somalia and Beirut, Lebanon combined and they qualify as 3rd World Cities.

    • I think Mr Trump has built the wall in the wrong place. Let these folks enjoy their city renewal project, but make them stay there.

    • And watch as businesses pack up and leave when they get their next insurance premium.

      With businesses gone, unemployment rises, and people the grumble about why they can’t buy anything local. So they have another riot to loot and burn remaining businesses to voice their disapproval.

  4. It’s all good their not Republican, conservative, nor do they align with any of the Christian ideologies that this country was founded on.

  5. I don’t understand why Oprah couldn’t have shown up and stopped it. She was already done explaining to viewers how even poor white people still had privilege because they were white.

    • I’m gonna leave Oprah alone. She’s spending a lot of money to bring justice for Breonna Taylor.

      • She can bring Justice to all people who have been Murdered. When She plays Her race card unjustly. She looses Her credibility and becomes just another Race Baiter. Looking to score popularity points with her Liberal cronies and the MSM. Like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have been famous for since the 60’s. I could care less the color of someone murdered. It doesn’t matter when you’re dead. What matters is holding people of all Colors responsible for their actions. Regardless of background and being honest about your intentions (sans) Race Creed Color or Nationality.

    • “White privilege made them do it?”

      Uh- it’s never been the caucasians who’ve had the privilege to loot, steal and kill with few repercussions. Weight those two options side-by-side and to a civilized society, the “white privelege”- which seems to mean they must pay for all the evil deeds of the others- looks pretty sane.

      And Oprah? If she doesn’t condemn all this tribal crap she’s just throwing in with them.

  6. It’s just more pointless nonsense that will never convince me of anything other than the thought that these people are destroying themselves.

    It’s an animated show of twisted self destruction.

    • These people are MAKING whites into racists, it’s no longer the content of their character that tells the tale, it’s their actions against authority without a reason.

  7. Being Chicago the next logical step is to ban guns because of the coordinated looting. Since it was a handgun that the police found we must ban ARs, certain shotguns and anything else that looks scary. And we need to impose border checks with Indiana since you can go to a gun show and buy duffle bags full of guns without background checks at all.

    We also need sensitivity training for the officer’s involved. Why would they harass a gang member who was on his way to church to feed the hungry?

    All the above is snark of course, but wait for the Mayor and others to suggest these points are valid.

  8. Time to nuke the Antifa, BLM, and black militia whorehouse that’s Chicago. Tell the innocent citizens to leave, after cordoning off all roads, then call in the B-52’s and lay waste to the shithouse. Make sure the dem/lib/communist adm, is held in the city before bombing, TAKE NO PRISONERS.

    • Arc Light followed by napalm. Because it is internal, no pesky UN mandates or treaties to bother about. Any spare cluster bombs to add to the mix?

    • Hahaha.. Republicans can’t get a straight wall built that doesn’t fall over.. how the hell could they build a curved one?

      • The geometry of a curved wall makes it self supporting so it won’t fall over. But why bother with a wall? If you create a bomb crater it will hold water just as well. In ground pools are much nicer than above ground pools.

  9. Who coordinates these lootings and riots? Do the looters receive a text? If so, from whom?

  10. The best thing for the looted businesses is to salvage what can still be sold, if anything, and abandon the location. Move out of Chicago to a location where rioting and looting isn’t tolerated. In time, when there’s no local shopping left and they have to drive 50 miles for a gallon of milk, even Chicago Democrats will get the message.

    • “In time, when there’s no local shopping left and they have to drive 50 miles for a gallon of milk, even Chicago Democrats will get the message.”

      No, you’re missing the main point of all these riots: These cities are already bankrupt wastelands for the most part except a small area of “high rise affluence”. The left is hoping that the red states will end up paying for the rebuilding of what they, the left, have knowingly ruined to increase their power and hold over the inner city folk. Planned from the start, and yes, as Debbie W states far above, the inner city people, on their own, could not coordinate and plan such well-placed looting and destruction without the socialist whites who are really running this show and calling the shots. They hide behind the blacks because anyone who might criticize the issues will be labled racist by the press regardless of the incident. I have relatives on the north side (Evanston) are who are paid anarchists, and they are far from destitute- old hippie has a doctorate, 2 kids have poly sci degrees with mom being a Methodist minister. Their travel, lodging and expenses to/from zones is paid for, they even meet up ahead of time to decide who gets arrested this time. Guys are in their 70s now and still living their dream…

      • Okay, so who is paying their expenses?

        As so many people are so fond of saying, “Follow the money.”

      • “I have relatives on the north side (Evanston) are who are paid anarchists, and they are far from destitute . . .”

        Exactly. Antifa and BLM are quite well financed (BLM reportedly has about 100 mil) and are actually directed by a well educated, well-funded, core of largely white revolutionaries. What we are seeing on America’s streets is not at the kind of spontaneous “protests” the media likes to describe. We are, instead, seeing the evolution of a well-planned full-scale revolution. Yes, it can happen here. And it’s happening in a country that is not only armed to the teeth but has a larger population of combat-experienced former soldiers than ever before in our history. And most of that well armed, experienced, population doesn’t much like Hard Left revolutionaries. Think about that.

        • It’s usual practice to disarm the people, wait 2 years to be sure no one has a gun, then off the population. See Armenia for an early example of what the Germans , Russians and Chinese did.
          These guys are doing it while we are still tooled up. I’m curious who is going to disarm 110 million people.

        • @ uncommon_sense No. This is the internet and I’m not your library. Look it up yourself.

      • This is what I’ve been saying.

        Defund the cops and get chaos while shifting the police funding to pet projects. Then cry about the damage and the lack of civil order in an attempt to blackmail the “law and order” types into what amounts to a bailout under the cover of “restoring order and rebuilding”.

        Monies be fungible. The city leaders probably often see this as their one shot at getting a massive federal cash injection to cover for the leadership’s decades of incompetence and fiscal insanity.

        Ultimately it’s just a bailout for the cities, public sector unions and pension funds.

      • I think all this is done for multiple reasons, one of which is to get liberals to move to free states and pollute the voting base and bring ruin.

  11. What I don’t want to hear from the Damned Democrats is how the federal government needs to pay for supporting what is left of these places. If you deliberately burn down your house, don’t expect me to give you materials and money for you to rebuild. They can live in the damned rubble with all their criminal friends.

    • That’s not how it works, Rusty. You DO_NOT give them materials to rebuild their homes. On the contrary, you are expected to bring your own materials, and to rebuild those houses for them. Please, have the job finishing in time for the next regularly scheduled riot.

  12. Authority must come from the consent of the governed, right? Well, I don’t consent to being arrested and held accountable for my actions. I’m gonna rip the tags off my mattress and swim right after I eat, too! Also, break windows and steal some electronics because… I’m a protester! I am morally obligated to assault police. Thugs doing thug $#/+ make it real hard for the real movement that IS necessary trying to create actual change. Good luck, Chicago. Enjoy your light sentences and early releases and misplaced blame for violence. Hopefully you’ll get some functional leadership soon.

  13. Karens and soccer moms see this and they get scared. They will vote law and order. Which is not democrats.

    The back lash is coming in November.

    • In Chicago? Lol. No.

      But yes, Dems are done for in the US. Cities and “popular vote” could win Dem for the next 20 years, still won’t be a Dem president.

      • Oh, and I can’t wait for the black woman Republican running next, lol. They’ll shit bricks.

      • Actually if you look at the swing in (mostly flawed, long post I’m not going to bother with) polling it’s now looking possible that the GOP takes the house and Trump wins both the popular vote and the electoral college.

        Cities themselves, outside a few places like NYC and LA, are not the big movers of votes. Suburbs are. Example; Denver. The city is about 220,000 people. The metro area is 2.9 million. The 2.7 million people in the burbs are not happy about the city and vastly outnumber the actual city dwellers. Evidence of this exists now in polling but also in residential and commercial real estate prices and other metric as well.

        Shit dude, the tards in Denver officially added $50K to the value of my house in the last three months. Probably more considering that two houses in my immediate area sold for $100K over asking in the last few weeks.

        • But consider what Stalin said, ” it’s not how the people vote it’s who counts the votes “. Voter fraud and mail in ballots.

        • I am unconcerned about vote fraud at this point.

          The way things are going you need fraud on a such a massive level that it would make Saddam blush. There’s a 0.000% chance that such an action remains hidden.

          Try that and you’ll find out what “civil unrest” really looks like. That’s where people really do get “put against the wall” and it’s not gonna be the Left controlling the firing squads at that point.

          The Left is crazy, but not that crazy. Just go watch the video of the Antifa “fight” (asskicking) in FoCo the other day. Those little twerps got fucked good and hard for attacking a pro-cop guy in a wheelchair. You can see absolute pure terror in their eyes when they realize the hornet’s nest they’ve kicked, that they might actually die in the next few seconds and that there is NOTHING they can do to stop it.

          The look on the one kid’s face when he gets wrapped up in an RNC is fucking priceless. Nap time antifag, resistance is futile. The look on another guy’s face is even better when he hears an older guy yell “No guns! Punch their faces all you want but don’t shoot them!”. Stupid little kid just then realized that he’s got a nightstick, well had one a minute or so before, and the other side has a dozen loaded pistols.

          • The way things are going you need fraud on a such a massive level that it would make Saddam blush. There’s a 0.000% chance that such an action remains hidden.

            If only that were true.. Trump won some KEY swing states by only a couple thousand votes so all they need do is keep the poll margins high enough (6/7%) then squeak Biden through with a two or three percent margin, who’s going to question it? They keep pointing to Hildabeasts BIG three million vote popular win BUT she beat Trump by over five million votes in Ca and NY, states that went to her anyway… Discount the excess votes in those two states and Trump won the rest of the country by more than two million popular votes…. I will be terribly disappointed if they don’t at least TRY to do something…

    • Would you were right JWM …the thugs saw EZ picking’s and picked. Chiraq has perhaps the most entrenched dumbocrat majority anywhere. Black run city-black looted city! And the scum is moving HERE😕😕

        • I know you did! tdin wisconsin will call me “raciss” but most ghetto folks just want free chit…the “edumacated”
          black folks like Oprah,Kim Foxx or Barry Soetoro just want $ and power. The # of black folks voting Trump may go up but it’s still vanishingly small. My Mexican neighbors are mucho more likely to vote R. My very large Baptist church has a huge % of Mexican member’s. Love them!

        • I think I can answer that. “tdiinva” has been his handle since I first started reading TTAG back in 2011, but at one point he moved from VA to WI and for a while incorporated that into his nick (“tdiinva now in Wisconsin” or some such). So that’s probably what FWW is referring to.

        • Because I moved from Virginia to Wisconsin 5 years ago.

          And yeah you are a racist. Ok, maybe just an angry, ignorant old man.

        • He he…aw is the old fart from the Southside of she-ca-go upset with me? I can cite some Chicago musing’s that aren’t 50 years ago. My chocolate bunny fell in love with me after seeing me hold tiny brown babies at Illinois Masonic Hospital. And seeing and praying for dying children. Teaching Sunday school to mainly 5&6 year old black kids. The colored folk called me “raciss” at LA Fitness when I said don’t vote for Barry Soetoro. Sorry you’re a fool…

        • @ing:

          Ah, yes now that you mention it I do seem to recall this.

          I was just curious if something happened recently.

    • Pretty sure we are way beyond meaningful traditional voting with ballots of one sort or another. Checking the box is giving way to checking your magazines.

    • jwm,

      I sincerely hope that you are right. Unfortunately, I have serious doubts. People in my neck of the woods despise Trump with a passion and will vote for Democrats no matter what — even if that means keeping Democrats in office who actively enable looting, rioting, violent crime, zero-bail, and early release from prisons.

      Look at it this way: while your average Democrat does not like the mayhem, it really doesn’t affect them in rural areas and suburbs. For that matter the mayhem does not affect 95% of Democrats who actually live in urban corridors. (Hint: how many Democrat voters actually LIVE along the Magnificent Mile in Chicago where this looting would rock them to their core? Answer: none.)

      Unless the mayhem hits a Democrat voter directly, he/she will NOT vote Republican and help Trump stay in office. That is my opinion. I really, really hope that I am wrong.

      • Democrats don’t really matter. It’s the 35 to 40 percent of Independents that matter.

        Even Democratic operatives and pollsters are quietly thinking Joe’s already lost, I personally know a few of these people. Polls have shifted massively towards Trump. Double what you’d expect up front and a month early to boot. They also know that traditionally it’s hard to properly sample Republicans or GOP leaning voters and every metric out there suggests that there’s a big “secret Trump” vote due to the current climate of fear.

      • It’s the suburbs that swing the election…and…largely because of all this civil unrest…that vote is teetering….especially among white females…

  14. Obviously Law Enforcement, Businesses and citizens trying to live in peace Don’t Matter…Until the clear message for Looters and Arsonists is they will be shot on sight this deranged democRat marxist America hating filth will continue.

  15. Why shouldn’t they at this point? It is abundantly clear that these cities won’t do anything to stop or punish the rioters. From the outside it looks as if they are actively encouraging the mayhem.

  16. Do not call them antifa, BLM, or ‘protesters’; call them what they really are.


  17. Many people here prattle on about going to war. Well you’re getting your wish. What are you going to do about it except talk?

    • Maybe discussion will shift to Trump deploying his ICE, palace guard, imperial bodyguard to “displace” 2A rights protesters so they can seize the militia’s guns justified by RED FLAG LAWS anonymous tips.
      Run keyboard commandos, run.

      • Who among you will resist when the defeated presidential incumbent declares martial law because of his determination of voting irregularities.
        Or will you enthusiastically join in to round up any of your neighbors that Trump has declared enemies.

        • Shit, I’ll help with the round up. At this point I’ve given up entirely on “live and let live” and wholeheartedly embrace “it’s us or them.” I’m tired of babysitting retards, cleaning up their messes and getting blamed for the messes they created.

          Not the way I wanted it. It’s the way they wanted it. I say give them what they want. Let them see if real, actual totalitarianism lives up the imaginary bullshit oppression they’ve been crying about all this time.

        • Who among you will resist when the defeated presidential incumbent declares martial law because of his determination of voting irregularities.

          YOU, have been watching WAY too much CNN…..

  18. 13 %ers doing what 13%ers do…
    & the public feels for them,,, live with the consequences… OR, man up & take your city back.
    ( which I doubt will ever happen)

  19. This BS has spread! Looting Sam’s Club in Calumet City,concrete barriers at Lansing Walmart,Torrence Ave shut down! May 31 all over.. and guns out!

  20. I could reference my habitual acerbic comments by suggesting that President Obama must have been extremely prolific in his youth to have so many bastard sons. However; the majority of Black people are not actually participating in the rioting, looting and burning. Many of the rioters in Portland are actually Lilly White. A few Blacks are even beginning to object to this bull shit.

  21. Burn, baby, burn! Burn that mother down. Burn Chicago, Portland, Seattle, all commie enclaves. Ba-da-ba-ba-ba, I’m loving it.

    • You know watching these Liberal cities being looted, burned and destroyed is more fun than watching all the kneeling in sports. Probably has better viewership numbers also.

    • We need a visual clue to distinguish Marxist Militias from 2A militias.
      When the unwashed cannibal hordes are descending on rural areas scavenging for food after short-sightedly burning food distribution centers in the liberal cities.
      It will be hard to tell them apart with both sides wearing U S cammo surplus, both packing heat that feeds on cheap ComBloc ammo, wearing cheap Chinese plate carriers.
      Carrying Moisins, Makarovs, AKMs,
      Because Patriots bought Spam cans of 7.62x 39 , 9×18, 7.62×54 cheap.
      Hard to tell apart without a scorecard, they are.
      Need a secret handshake or scarf color or maybe MAGA Hat identifier, don’t need any Blue on Blue fraticide.

      • “Hard to tell apart without a scorecard, they are.”

        That’s one reason civil wars are so untidy.

      • When the unwashed cannibal hordes are descending on rural areas scavenging for food after short-sightedly burning food distribution centers in the liberal cities.

        The 2A militias won’t be descending on rural areas scavenging for food, the 2A militias are ALREADY in rural areas and HAVE adequate food supplies…. That is the easy way to tell the difference… That being said it really doesn’t matter who (unwashed cannibal or 2A “believer”) comes to take your shit I would suggest the old tried and true “kill em all and let God sort em out” method…. And if they happen to have a decent gun and a supply of ammo that’s one in the plus column…

  22. Oh this hurts. I watched from my college balcony South Central LA burn their stores in 1992. Much didn’t recover until 2018 (ironic it took time and a Republican president).

    Retail was struggling. You get to loot once you morons.

  23. Trump has been put in place by The hand of God. He will continue to lead despite the machinations of demons and untruthful men.
    He will lead us back to the one true belief.
    He will gather us up in a cloud to crush those that blaspheme and oppose
    our one, true god. He will not lose.
    All the resources of the NSA, NRO, FBI and the ONE TRUE CHURCH will cut the false heads of the nom de plumes of the anonymous posters to determine who among you is a sincere believer.
    Praise God

    • “Trump has been put in place by The hand of God.”

      How did Carter, Clinton and Obama manage to slip by God?

      I understand your thinking, but If Trump was installed by God, it follows that all the presidents were installed by God. Something to contemplate.

      • “Powers that be” is a Baptist fundamentalist idea. GOD installs human “leader’s”.Obey those in authority they preach…whut do they do with Hitler,Mao,George III or China right now?!? Pick & choose Pauline theology.

        • “Hitler,Mao,George III or China right now?!? ”

          IIRC, Paul spoke to generations ruled by Roman tyrants (Greek word for “chief”) who were no better than Hitler, Mao, G3, or Little Rocket Man. If Paul was real, and he actually said what was written down, the concept is something to marvel at. Most instantly, a rebellion against authority launched by men who were certain they had a moral right/imperative to throw off a devinely established ruler.

          If life were simple, anyone could do it.

        • Discussing Paul is always a toughie.

          Mainly because Christians don’t want to admit the truth. Christians were deliberate fifth columnists in Rome. They were religious, sure, but they were also deeply and overtly political, heavy into psychedelics, and actively trying to tear down society, not just the emperor.

          The vast majority were executed because they chose to be for political reasons. They were despised not for their religious beliefs but for being, essentially, to Rome what Antifa is to us. Marcus Aurelius hated them on a religious level but went out of his way to promote tolerance towards them. A tolerance the “end timers” didn’t want because they believed, as 12er Muslims do today, that if they could tear apart society they would bring on the Apocalyse and get to heaven faster. Every one of them that demanded to be executed only fueled the propaganda fire of “we’re being persecuted!” which is exactly what the zealots wanted.

          Thankfully Christianity eventually grew up.

      • How did Carter, Clinton and Obama manage to slip by God?

        THAT, and “What is the meaning of life/why are we here? are top three that keeps God’s Q&A box FULL all the time….

        • Carter was/is a fraud. Antisemitic,couldn’t be bothered by baby murder and damaged America we’re still dealing with. I’m not aware slick Willy claimed born again status. Odumbo is a pseudo Muslim commie. I don’t subscribe to the Baptist theology. “Happy is the man who condemneth not himself in that thing he allows”. There’s a lot of interpretation un Pauline theology…

  24. It wasn’t immediately clear what led to the unrest

    Oh look, they thought they were immune, They thought as they let their gangbangers kill each other (and any kids that got in the way) that the stuff going on in damn near every major city in the country would just ignore them… Til the Marxists AND the (anti-fascist) Fascists ran out of shit to steal and destroy and now it’s Chiraqs turn… Twinkle toes was already meeting their demands before they even got to her which just made their job easier… “OOOOOHH, I CAN’T BELIEVE BLM ( a gang led by “true believers” in Karl Marx and brother Saul Alinsky) COULD POSSIBLY BE BEHIND THE RIOTS AND LOOTING IN CHICAGO.” Yeah, just like Minneapolis/St Paul, Milwaukee, NYC, L.A, Miami, Portland, Seattle etc. NO way they could have made it ALL the way to Chiraq… BUT it gets better as the schools system cuts funding for school security in HALF (what could possibly go wrong?).. Those dumb shits are sowing the seeds of their own destruction.. The END of the far left progressive Democrat (at least in the light of day) is close at hand… Most people just want to be able to live their lives in safety and be left the hell alone… Question, Why when White Supremacists endorsed Trump the MSM went berserk and made it THE main story/topic of discussion for days (hell some STILL bring it up regularly) YET when the HEAD of the Communist Party U.S.A. endorses Biden, not a sound?

    • It’s being reported that a BLM linked social media account started the whole thing by claiming, incorrectly, that CPD shot a 15 year old unarmed black kid.

      • It’s being reported that a BLM linked social media account started the whole thing by claiming, incorrectly, that CPD shot a 15 year old unarmed black kid.

        Sad to think that’s all it takes to unleash all this turmoil, destruction and stupidity, but that’s where we are in this history… and that’s just one reason you won’t find my presence on ANY social media….

        • Honestly, I grew up with this stuff and IMHO if one somehow needed further evidence then looking at CoV, BLM and Antifa shows that “the socials” are one of the worst inventions our species has ever come up with.

          They’re at least 75% of the reason that rational conversations on the above topics are impossible.

  25. Let all the liberal cities burn to the ground!
    It can only help Trump!!!!


    • “Let all the liberal cities burn to the ground!
      It can only help Trump!!!! ”

      You’re not keeping up.

      All the unrest is/was caused by Trump. And the maroons on the Left fully believe that. They also believe that the lockdowns were caused by Trump not ending the beer virus immediately. That the lockdown imposed by the Dimwitocrats saved the nation from destruction, and the lockdown necessitated destruction of the economy….all because Trump did not shutdown and destroy the economy earlier.

      See how that works?

    • essentially what happened in the sixties…violent acts met with a violent response…and a lot more people died….this time around they’ve avoided that…so far….

  26. Time to read LUCIFER’S HAMMER or THE BURNING CITY by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle.

  27. “It’s pretty frustrating to see this labeled “BLM.” I don’t think these people are “protesting” anything. I think they’re just “assholes.” -Some tweeter

    Ah yes, but no TRUE scotsman puts sugar on his porridge!

  28. They will continue if the law enforcement and the law bidding citizen’s don’t fight fire with fire, they must learn that justice will propell over unlawful doings, the city of Chicago must stand together and say enough is enough, and if we need to lay a few hundred in the ground to end this uncalled for volents then so be it, as long as cities support volents there will be.

  29. Let me tell you about Chicago – where I was born. My immigrant grandparents all lived on the South Side until the black criminals moved in. Then they moved, and had to move again. Chicago used to be at least a functioning city, even with all the corruption. No more.

    Chicago has been a corrupt Democrat-run city since the time of Al Capone. They just got away with it because they could grift money off of the all the businesses in the city, which were driven by a huge industrial base of factories, office parks, stockyards, railroads, etc. The Daley machine also got all the black votes by a deal with the black Aldermen to have cops mostly stay out of the black areas, except in the case of serious crime. And then the hammer came down and the cops would beat the crap out of the perps. Yes, sometimes they got the wrong guy, but not often. The cops were sons of immigrants – Irish, Polish, Italian, and didn’t take any crap. And the politicians backed them up.

    Then came the 1960s and Johnson’s “Great Society” legislation, that destroyed the black family. Telling women they could live off welfare with no husband, and children by as many men as they wanted. The liberals tore down the black neighborhoods and stacked everyone in high-rise “public housing.” Drugs started to flood in from Mexico and South American as the media, musicians, and hollywood portrayed drug use as “cool” (see Obama in his youth.) Result: the black areas went to crap. Crime went out of control, and the cops began to avoid the black areas, except for a few black cops that just kept things from blowing up completely. Some decent blacks moved to a few areas on the South Side that can be considered somewhat functional, run by some fairly honest black politicians.

    The city remained segregated, but blacks migrated to the West Side and even further South. White flight took people to the Southwest Side and the North Side and out to the suburbs. Hispanic people (many illegal) moved into their former homes, and now form a buffer zone between blacks and whites. The Mexican gangs don’t take any crap from the black criminals and effectively keep them out of their neighborhoods. But obviously they also victimize and extort their people. However, many Mexicans value family and so their neighborhoods aren’t complete crapholes like many black areas.

    The Democrat-run union schools went to crap as the teacher’s union simply demanded more and more money for less work. There was no longer any discipline in the schools. Once great schools in some Chicago neighborhoods all started to fall apart as gangs moved in. The average salary of a Chicago teacher is now over $70,000 per year (with three months off), and a pension that can start at age 55. This is the same situation for ALL public employees in Illinois – everyone from the garbage men to the $200,000 university administrators. And every Illinois university is full of left-wing radical morons. Think “professors” Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn (Obamas friends and both former terrorists).

    The Catholic Churches in Chicago, which once held neighborhoods together has gone to crap, with actual promotion of homosexuality by the cardinal and many priests. About half the priests are now homosexuals, and many have been convicted of molesting boys and young priests in the seminaries. Most of them are leftist pukes now, and the sermons are filled with Democrat talking points. Any decent person has fled the Catholic Church in Chicago.

    While all this is going on, businesses and industry fled. Factories closed down and moved out of state or to other countries (think Motorola, Zenith, Ford, and all their part supplilers). So the tax base (an opportunties for politican graft) start drying up. So property taxes and all sorts of fees are raised. This same thing happens throughout Illinois 1990s to today, so the state is bankrupt and has a huge unfunded public employee pension liability. Now they want to raise taxes even more. The state already has some of the highest property taxes in the country.

    Over the past several years the state has torn down the crappy public housing in Chicago and moved blacks to downstate Illinois, Iowa, and other surrounding areas. Many of these blacks are criminals and have destroyed once-nice towns such as Champaign-Urbana, Peoria, Kankakee, Mt. Vernon, Carbondale. The blacks love the “knock-out game” where they punch an elderly or middle aged white person as hard as they can. Young thugs drive around in their “hoopties”, blasting rap music, yelling at white people, wearing pants below their butts, and their hats on backwards. There are no fathers around to curb this behavior.

    So why is anyone surprised that things are now out of control with Lori Lightfoot in charge? Ram Emanuel barely kept the lid on. The criminal blacks and a smattering of Antifa is going to destroy Chicago and start attacking the still functioning neighborhoods after they have destroyed their own . The Mexicans will arm up, and there will be blood. Soon.

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